- PC full name: Lorogh Lerake
- CS link: [1]
- Notable Events: here
- Race: Cadouri
- Date of Birth: 53rd of Vhalar 698
CS Approval Rewards
CS Approved by: Basilisk
- Skill Points
- Combat: Shield - 5 points
- Combat: Blades - 5 points
- Endurance - 5 points
- Knowledge
- Combat: Blades - 2
- Endurance - 2
- Combat: Shield - 2
- Starting Renown: #
1: Imperial Army infantry combat uniform: Arming sword, medium round shield, chainmail shirt, helmet, grieves and gauntlets. The armor is black, though the sword blade is not. 1: Imperial Army Dress uniform: Black trench coat with silver trim that buckles across the chest, a black button up vest, a black undershirt, black trousers with silver piping down the sides, black gloves, and black knee high boots, and a black tricorn hat with silver lining.
Starter Quest
Starting Quest Story