
Revision as of 13:53, 6 October 2021 by Basilisk (talk | contribs)

Fast Facts
Speed Subtract 50% from travel time.
Size 7 - 8 feet long, 4 - 5 feet high, 120 - 140 pounds.
Carrying Capacity Can carry their own body weight plus a single rider, but no more.
Mount Type Dragonling
Associated Dragon Deabrutoa


Like their master Deabrutoa, the Styx possess a set of fine black scales. Unlike their master however the Styx's scales are a duller black, almost grey. Their necks are long and serpentine, and at points possess the same icy blue colour as their eyes. Most of their bodies are sleek and spikey, and they move in an almost snake-life manner.

Lifespan and Development

Styx are one of the longest lived of the lesser dragons, with an average lifespan of 800 years. They hatch from eggs born in nests of rotting flesh, and grow to maturity in about five years. During the last five years of their life a Styx's body begins to decompose, stealing away their powers of flight and drastically weakening them, but making them perfect nurses for unhatched eggs. It should be noted that Styx can feed on any kind of organic material, no matter how rotten or strange it is, without becoming ill or gaining any adverse effects.


Styx strike fast and precisely. They are made for short, sharp bursts of action and can do a lot of damage with their razor sharp talons, but are quick to tire and so unsuitable for long periods of combat. Styx are reasonably intelligent, possessing a sly cunning that makes them natural ambush predators, but are bred with an instinctive desire to serve Deabrutoa's every whim, and by extension anyone who holds his effigy.


Perhaps the best words to describe these dragonlings is sly. While they are one of the more aggressive species, it is the kind of aggression that leads them to slink back from an immediate threat and wait for an opening to strike rather than be directly confrontational.


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