Eastern Fauna

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These creatures can be found in the Eastern region. Broken up into large claims of land, beasts wander Yaralon, Nashaki, Scalvoris, and the Eternal Empire. Unless specified, these animals and monsters can be self moderated.

Aye Aye Mouse


Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: Not sold.

Habitat: Anywhere on Scalvoris, no matter where you are ~ this large vermin is likely to be found. There is an urban legend that, no matter where you are on the island, you are never more than five foot away from an Aye-Aye. Whether that is true or not though is a matter for some debate.

Diet: Anything and everything.

Lifespan and Development: Born in litters of 12 - 14, the Aye-Aye breed almost constantly so, the ones which are seen are only half the story. Some people genuinely feel concern that one trial they will take over the island. They are babies for about ten trials, during which time the mother usually eats four or five of them. Once they reach adulthood, they live for another five arcs, approximately. Often caled a "Scalvoris Mouse" these creatures can, if given sufficient food, grow to the size of a large dog. Rows of sharp teeth mean that they can (and will) eat almost anything.

Temperament: Intelligent and cunning, these creatures survive where no others would. They are territorial and vicious when attacked but will not instigate a combat.

Abilities: The raw ability to survive in almost every habitat.

Notes: Individually weak and easy to kill. They are considered vermin.

Bumble Bear


Created By: Qit'ria

Location: Sweetwine Woods, Scalvoris
Height: 5 ft shoulder height
Width: 3 ft shoulder width
Length: 8 ft length
Weight: Females (500-600 lbs) Males (700-900 lbs)
Native to: Sweetwine Woods, Scalvoris

Quick Facts: The Bumble Bear is very much like a grizzly bear in size and appearance. But it has three significant differences. The first is that it displays a higher intelligence than other bears, seemingly on par with sentient races. The second is they form a single, massive family that lives around the Golden Cliffs with duties and a basic societal structure. The third is that they are able to levitate as adults.

Appearance: A massive bear, ranging in hues from blonde to brown to nearly black, is an imposing figure. Large, muscular, with loose fur and flesh, massive claws and teeth.

Habitat: These bears prefer temperate forests, and are only found in and around the Sweetwine Woods, particularly around the Golden Cliffs.

Diet: These bears are omnivorous, eating nearly anything they can find from small game, to roots, berries, mushrooms. But their preferred food is the honey from the hives, and the honey sweetened fish of the Golden Cliffs Lake.

Lifespan and Development: Mothers give birth to 1-4 cubs every couple of years. They mate during, and have a gestation period of 180-250 days based on when they were impregnated. They delay the gestation in order to give birth during hibernation in the seasons. The mothers will raise the cubs for up to two years, being fiercely protective of them, able to fend off larger predators. She does not mate while raising her cubs. The cubs reach mating age after 5 years.

Temperament: The bears are very protective and defensive of their territory, chasing off or killing any infiltrators. When with cubs, the mothers isolate themselves from the males, running them off if they come around. There are few things more aggressive and dangerous as a mother bear. The females will allow other females to spend time with them and their young, and often allow cubs to play with one another.

Abilities: The bears have incredibly tough skin, particularly strong against punctures and pierces, a natural defense against the Grizzly Bees they protect. Their hides also do not hold scent, even when forcibly thrust upon them. It does not neutralize scent, rather no scent can cling to it. This is believed to help make the bears deemed a non-threat to the bees. Upon maturity they are able to levitate a couple feet from the ground. They older they get, the higher they can float. The eldest bears can reach the caves entirely without climbing, and it is rumored some even live in there permanently. As with other bears, they maintain massive biting teeth, huge swiping claws, incredible strength, and surprising sprinting speeds. They also have the ability to organize themselves into a loose society with roles such as defensive patrols, food gathering, child rearing.

Chrythiam Fish


Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris Waters
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 10 GN for 3

Habitat: Bottom of the ocean.

Diet: Algae and sea moss found on the ocean floor.

Lifespan and Development: These strange creatures lives for 3 arcs. Their lifespan is split into three sections, lasting approximately an arc each. The first arc sees them exploring the ocean and sea floor, moving around the island and seeking a place to make their home. During this arc they are small yellow bullet-shaped creatures (see image above). It is not clear how they make that decision, thusfar it seems completely random. The second arc is one where they reproduce. They do not mate, they are able to reproduce alone, both laying and then fertilising their own eggs however, in order to do so they 'open up', revealing that they are actually a tiny midsection with literally hundreds of fronds growing from this. In their third arc, they stop reproducing and slowly wither until their fronds are but distant memories and they are tiny solid husks which Scalvoris islanders often use in their jewellery as they glimmer and shine beautifully and reflect in every colour of the rainbow.

Temperament: Isolationist, but cute.

Notes: No abilities but, in the right hands, these things are a delicacy. They can only be eaten if caught during the second arc of their life and must be cooked in a specific way in order to ensure that they are not tough and stringy. This involves careful preparation and full removal of their alimentary canal which runs through each of the tiny "fronds" which their body is made up of. Missing just one makes it taste bad.



Created By: Amaris

Location: Scaltoth Jungle
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 300 GN minimum for pelt

Diet: Carnivores

Lifespan and Development: Constellions are not much larger than regular lions. The only distinguishing features are the pale colorings of both their pelt and hair, as well as the faint constellation like markings on them. These markings do not appear until maturity, which is achieved after two arcs. The species is said to live anywhere from 15 to 45 arcs. As pack animals, they maintain the same family dynamics as their brother species of lions. Each group is headed by an alpha male that will chase off all competing males, or if defeated will leave the pack and search for a new one.

Constellions maintain the same mating pair for all of their life, and are said to reproduce once every five arcs. Their young remain with them, mostly the females, until they reach maturity and find their place in the pack dynamics. Male offspring are left on the fringes until their first challenge for dominance. Should they lose, they are promptly chased off and left to find another pack to integrate themselves into. These challenges are most often done in Ymiden or Saun, and can take up to 10 arcs before the first attempt is made.

Upon death, Constellions are said to produce a soft glow until their body fully decays. Afterwards, the imprint of their markings are noted to be left behind in the ground, glowing every night as a beacon for several cycles. The pack will remain around the spot until it fades and move on to another territory if the deceased were the patriarch or matriarch.

Temperament: Despite solemn appearances, Constellions are playful and sociable. They, however, are not gentle and as such are considered dangerous. They would not hesitate to treat a stray explorer as a chew toy, though it would seem more like friendly play to them. Serious threats are treated with equal amounts of hostility. Should one of their pack be downed, the surviving members will go as far as hunting down the perpetrator outside the reaches of the Scaltoth Jungles.

Abilities: Constellions glow at night, reflecting constellations into the night. This is used as beacon to direct members of the pack to them, but is also a beautiful sight.

Couriers of Lisirra


Created By: Rey'na

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare
Native to: Scalvoris


Details: Once decaying corpses, Lissira disturbed their peace and stopped their decaying process through fungus and disease. These creatures came to life and were then placed on Scalvoris, sent to spread disease to any who encounter them. They spread the Burning Stomach disease, scientifically known as Ignis Ventri. Anybody that dies of the disease is destined to suffer the same fate as the flesh-hungry Couriers.

Diet: Flesh, humanoid in particular. However, due to being undead, they don't need food to survive. They eat for the pure bloodlust, and as a way to spread their disease.

Lifespan and Development: Due to being raised dead, their lifespan and development is at a stand still. If they died a child, they stay a child. Whatever they looked like when they died will remain, the only difference being the fungus growing around them. One notable feature, however, is a hand mark gripped around their throat. This is believed to be part of a curse that these creatures spread, Lissira's way of marking her creations - but nobody knows for sure.

Temperament: Aggressive. The smell of a creature nearby will cause them to attack, be it a small animal or a humanoid or even something that out-powers them entirely. This is a rare occurrence, however, because of the rotting smell that surrounds them - making most creatures avoid being anywhere near them.

Abilities: Apart from spreading the disease, none.

Notes: The illness that turned these creatures destroyed their stomach, meaning that under the layers of infection is a hole. If stabbed, the creature will return to being a normal corpse - with the exception of the fungus still being inside it.



Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Common
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 50 GN (untrained), 100 GN (trained)

Habitat: Anywhere on Scalvoris, Dinili are about. They are herd / pack animals and are often farmed, especially on the lands outside of Almund. They are also a firm favourite in Darbyton.

Diet: Herbivores

Lifespan and Development: Born in litters of up to 10, the Dinili are very small when born, ludicrously so when compared to the size they grow. For the first 40 trials of their life they grow at an enormous rate, soon becoming the size of a pony. They are generally docile and easy to train. They are ideal mounts on Scalvoris in one way, because they live for approximately 20 arcs and remain strong for at least 19 of these, only starting to slow down in their final arc. Also, their docile nature and good temperament means that they make good family mounts. Their hard armoured back makes a pretty natural saddle for bipedal species and races such as the Ithecal, for example, simply drill through their armoured back to make a customised saddle. The Dinili really don't seem to mind this at all.

Temperament: Docile, easily trained and unlikely to lose their tempers, Dinili are excellent family animals for this reason and are a favourite with farmers.

Abilities: Armoured back.

Notes: Placid temper means they are likely to just die in a fight.

Dragon Weed


Created By: Nightshade Eld

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 100 GN

Habitat: Typically they live in the shallow waters around Scalvoris. They usually live in small numbers and are hard to find.

Diet: The diet of a Dragon Weed typically consists of seaweed and any creatures that are smaller than them such as plankton. Since the Dragon Weed is very tiny they often become prey for bigger fish if they aren't careful. Depending on what the Dragon Weed eats their bodies can change pigment to better hide in their environment. Some variations of Dragon weed have been known to eat things like coral, though this is rare and usually only an urban myth. In captivity sometimes exotic plants and materials will be crushed up for the supplemental consumption of Dragon Weeds to give them extra luster and color. A Dragon Weed seems almost to have a cast iron stomach, meaning if they can force it down their throat their bodies consider it edible. Whether they still get nutrition from it or just pigmentation is up for debate.

Lifespan and Development: The Dragon Weed, named for it's appearance bordering on a dragon made out of seaweed, are small and rare creatures. Varying in color and pattern they are rare and beautiful, often sought after as pets but rarely found. The Dragon Weed starts its life like a baby sea horse would, hatching from eggs in its father's pouch. The first thing a Dragon Weed learns to do is hide, blending in with its surrounds. A Dragon Weed will change in color depending on exactly where it lives so it can better blend in. This is done by the body replicating the pigmentation of the seaweed that it eats, this ability to change color though often leaves the skin weak and easily broken, making the Dragon Weed fragile. A Dragon Weed will stay with it's father learning how to feet and camouflage until it is roughly three arcs (years) old. A Dragon Weed will never meet with its mother.

Once it reaches age three the Dragon Weed will go off to live on its own or with a small group of other Dragon Weeds who recently left home. Dragon Weeds when not mating or raising young will often stay in small group of the same age and gender. These group are usually any size from 3-5. When a Dragon Weed reaches 5 arcs of age it will finally be old enough to breed. On the 100th of Ashan, Dragon Weeds from all over gather together together to pick mates. This is one of the only chances that people get to catch wild Dragon Weeds, most pet Dragon Weeds being bred in captivity. Even then it is rare to be able to catch a dragon weed because their size, speed, and ability to quickly camouflage makes the use of nets hard.

Once a Dragon Weed pair has bred they will stay together until the beginning of Ymiden. At that point the mother will lay her eggs in the father's pouch and leave. The father will take care of the eggs until they hatch at the start of Saun. From there the father will take care of his children for 3 arcs before going off to breed again. Female Dragon Weeds only stay fertile until the age of 12, at which point they can no longer breed. Male Dragon Weeds however always have the ability to breed as well as carry young. Sometimes if a female loses her mate a Dragon Weed who was unable to get a mate might carry the eggs for the female. Dragon Weeds usually live for 20 arc, the oldest recorded Dragon Weed had lived up to 25 arcs in captivity. That Dragon Weed was a male who continued to breed and carry eggs until his death. It is sometimes dangerous for older Male Dragon Weeds to breed as they might die while still caring for their young, in which case if the young isn't old enough and another male or group isn't willing to take them they will die.

Temperament: The Dragon Weed is often considered to be a very calm and kind creature, making beautiful additions to any aquarium as long as nothing in there will eat them. Dragon Weeds have never been known to show the slightest signs of aggression. Quite the opposite in fact, they flee at even the slightest inkling of danger

Abilities: The ability to change pigment based on what they take into their bodies, leading to superior camouflage abilities. Great agility. A special stomach acid that allows them to break apart just about anything and use it's pigmentation. This stomach acid also burns away anything that could be potentially dangerous. Caution while feeding strange objects is still advised.



Created By: Nightshade Eld

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 100 GN

Description: Drowners are often considered to be a plague on sailors, especially those just starting out who don't know any better. Drowners focus on human prey, tricking someone into grabbing the "hand" that extends from their head and pulling them under. Once a Drowner has effectively caught it's prey in the water they often enjoy messing around, making the death slow and agonizing by either crushing all the bones in the body with their powerful teeth and jaws, or slowly letting their victims die to their poisons while they try desperately to escape back to their boat or land. A Drowner can came in many sizes, though the hand is always the same. Some larger Drowners have been known to cut to the chase and tip a boat that gets to close. Drowners are often hunted with an almost religious fervor for the threat they pose to sailors as well as those that are actually drowning.

Diet: Drowners eat humans, Biqaj, Sev'ryn and the mortal races, although typically they prefer to eat humans and eat whenever they can catch one. Drowners have extremely efficient bodily energy use, allowing them to store more energy then the average creature. This comes in handy because the can go anywhere from trials to seasons without feeding depending on how bad things get. If the situation truly gets out of hand they will start to attack other aquatic creatures, rely on what strength they have to survive a fight. Some might even try to crawl up onto land. Both these endeavors usually don't end well.

Lifespan and Development: A Drowner is born live after an entire arc of being carried by it's mother. During this time the mother will try and gather as much food as possible to care from the growing child. This usually means a mother will start to take risks she usually wouldn't. These include but are not limited to, stealing the prey of other Drowners, trying to hunt dangerous humans such as hunters or experienced sailors, coming close to land to try and attack animals, killing anything within her radius, and much more. When the new Drowner is born the mother will burrow into the sea or lake floor (they come in both ocean and fresh water variants) and she stays there anywhere from 30-100 trials feeding herself and her child with the food she has begun to stock pile. The mother is usually able to inject nutrition into her child the same way one might inject poison, however since some poison also goes along with it a mother will only give small doses until the child builds up a resistance. This is why most if not all Drowners can survive powerful and lethal doses of many toxins.

A child will stay with its mother up to 20 arcs just learning how hunt and survive on its own. Once the child has been sufficiently trained it disappears in the middle of the night, never to be seen by the mother again. Most Drowners (besides pregnant females) will die in their first 3 arcs of living on their own, often getting snagged by hunters or larger aquatic predators. If they survive these 3 arcs then most Drowners will survive to their maximum life span as Drowners don't usually attack each other unless there's prey stealing going on.

A Drowner can live anywhere from 100-200 arcs, often breeding at 70 arc of age. With a life span like that one might believe the population would be high, however a Drowner will only ever breed once in their life and only 30% of all offspring survive, easily putting the Drowners on the list of endangered animals.

Temperament: All Drowners are of a sour and highly aggressive temperament. They don't necessarily have territories, but they won't tolerate others stealing their prey. Meaning that Drowners do not get along with Siren Lights. If a Drowner comes across a pack of Siren Lights their first response is to try and kill them, their second response is to try and steal whatever prey they have, their third response is to eat the Siren Lights themselves simply out of spite. Any other creatures found eating humans will often suffer the wrath of the Drowner. However if a creature does kill the Drowner, they'll often die themselves thanks to the toxins the Drowner's body produces.

Abilities: Highly venomous, highly poison resistant, powerful teeth and jaws, deception.

Notes: Like Siren Lights knowing to ignore them is a good way to avoid these beasts. Besides that they have terrible eye sight, making them easier to avoid if you do get in a fight with one. An easy way to tell if it's a Drowner is to look and see if the hand is moving or not. If it isn't then it's most likely a Drowner trying to lure you in. However some Drowners have learned to wave the hand back and fourth, meaning you should usually check to see if any other hands or body parts come up. Drowners also have large, squishy, fatty bodies which are good for storing energy but are terrible for combat. Whack it with a sharp metal stick enough and it won't last for long. Though you might not either.



Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 100 GN

Habitat: High mountains, wooded areas, dark caves.

Diet: The enormowl will eat almost anything, in truth. They enjoy meat and they need a certain amount of it in order to maintain their strength, but the varied plant life around Scalvoris is also food to them

Lifespan and Development: The enormowl live for approximately 60 arcs. They hatch during the warmth of Saun but they prefer the colder and thinner air of high mountains. Their numbers are quite small and the Elements (Scalvoris Military) send out expeditions to collect their eggs. They have also set up a breeding programme so that there will be many more of the Enormowl in the future. This breeding programme is set high up in the Scalvoris Mountains as this is where the eggs and newborns have to be in order to survive most easily.

Temperament: These enormous creatures can be tamed and trained, but only from birth. If left in the wild, they will prey on animals and devour crops, but only so much as they need to in order to live.

Abilities: With an enormous wingspan of 7 meters, the Enormowl is in proportion and so it's beak and talons are very useful weapons. It can fly for a full trial before needing to rest, but then it will need to both rest and feed and it has a voracious appetite at this point. These creatures can fly in the day or night, but prefer the dark of the night as their night vision is excellent. Training the Enormowl is a definite commitment, it must be noted, as they must be trained by the person who cares for them and this is, especially for the first four or five arcs, a job which takes a number of breaks per trial.Once trained, however, they are loyal and easy to handle.

Fat Bob


Created By: Qit'ria

Location: Ol' Tuck's Run
Native to: Ol' Tuck's Run
Height: 3 - 5 feet
Width: 3 - 5 feet
Length: 6 - 10 feet
Weight: 500+ pounds
Quick Facts: Great pets, soft and cuddly, lay a ton of eggs, long life, female counterpart to Fat Bobs

Appearance: Fat Bobs appear to be a large tortoise that is in a shell 3 sizes too small. They are very fat and have lots of meat upon their bones. They come in all shades of greens, browns, greys, and blacks, their skin being darker than their shells. Only the males of this species are called Fat Bobs. The females are Old Bettys.

Habitat: As a tortoise, Fat Bobs live on the banks of Ol' Tuck's Run. They are known to roam all around the lands, the second most traveled of the local turtles and tortoises after the Tiny Tucks. If there are plants around, odds are, a Fat Bob will eventually show up. They are the occasional sight to farms as well.

Diet: Anything plant based. Fat Bobs truly can and will eat all plants. Their particular metabolic systems allow them to extract the most nutrients from what the eat, which is what allows them to grow so unusually fat.

Lifespan and Development: Fat Bobs are quite long living, up to 80-90 arcs or so. They continue to grow bigger, fatter with age. They mate with Old Bettys after about 20 arcs of age. It takes about a half arc for the eggs to hatch, and another 3 arcs to reach full maturity.

Temperament: Fat Bobs are extremely docile. If attacked, they disappear into their shells. They are not particularly curious unless its toward a new source of food. They don't fear people, and typically don't protest if moved, which can be done with great difficulty. This has led to them being one of the easiest creatures for hunters to kill being able to walk right up to them.

Abilities: Long life span, able to eat all plant life.

Notes: Provides tasty, fatty, marbled meat.



Created By: Amaris

Location: Immortal's Tongue
Rarity: Rare
Native to: Eastern Idalos
Price: 45 GN

Habitat: High mountains, wooded areas, dark caves.

Diet: Plants and some insects

Lifespan and Development: Flunnies are, plainly speaking, flying bunnies. They appear to be no different from other rabbits, other than the fact that their ears also function as wings. Feathers line the outer ear, large and strong enough to carry the creatures, which tend to be no more than five pounds, into the air. Several more feathers line their legs to aid in flight. They tend to be brightly colored, making them quite easy to spot.

Their development for most of their bodies follows the same patterns as regular rabbits. They are capable of flight around 100 trials, though they will prefer land until they 250 to 300 trials old. At this point, they may easily leave the mating pair they were born to. Some Flunny have been known to migrate back to their parents every two arcs, or at least once in the 7 arcs they are known to live.

Temperament: Playful, finicky. Good luck catching one without enjoying yourself.

Abilities: Flight

Gasping Skitterer


Created By: Qit'ria

Location: Ol' Tuck's Run
Native to: Ol' Tuck's Run
Height: 1 - 3 feet
Width: 0.5 - 1.5 feet
Length: 2 - 4 feet
Weight: 40 - 50 pounds
Quick Facts: Poisonous Spines, Fast moving, Fast Swimmer, Aggressive
Appearance: The Gasping Skitterer is an imposing figure, primarily to the spines that cover its entire body. Its shell has several long spikes up the center that connect to its spine, and several smaller ones jutting from both its shell and skin. It is of medium/small size, the size of a cat or small dog typically. It comes in a wide variety of earthy tones, often with a reddish sheen. Typically the spikes start off lighter in color and transition into darker. The females have eyes in various crimsons, whereas the males' eyes are more indigo and lighter purples.

Habitat: The Gasping Skitterer is a turtle, so much of its time is spent in and around Ol' Tuck's Run. It can often be seen swimming in the clear waters or burrowing itself in the mud along the banks. Occasionally it will be found in the woods near the river, usually while hunting. When winter comes and the river freezes, these creatures tend to migrate east toward the coast. They are able to survive in salt water as well as fresh, so they are just as comfortable there.

Diet: The Gasping Skitter is both a carnivore and a carrion eater. It will often hunt fish, rodents, birds, and any other creature about the same size as it or smaller. It uses its speed to surprise attack and overtake its prey. If they prey fights back, all it takes is a couple punctures from the poison filled spines to end up as a meal for the skitterer. It also has a tendency to go after other creature's kills, willing to take an easy meal. If attacked by a larger predator, or a creature it stole its meal from, often times the poisoned spines get the best of the creature, providing food for several days to the turtle.

Lifespan and Development: The Gasping Skitterer has one of the shortest lifespans for the unique species found here. They tend to live about 6-8 arcs at most, and usually die from wounds sustained while hunting. Skitterers are able to mate at about 2 arcs of age. The eggs, once lain, will take about 90 trials to hatch. Skitterers grow very rapidly, and they do not care for their young. Once born, the skitterers are on their own, and able to hunt smaller prey.

Temperament: The Gasping Skitterer is a hyper aggressive creature. It will attack and chase any creature that moves around it. With its mediocre eyesight and other senses, it really only chases that which moves. They are not intelligent creatures either, and are nearly impossible to train or make docile. The aggression also extends to their own kind, and the only reason they don't kill their kind off is due to the immunity they have to their own poison.

Abilities: The Gasping Poison is stored in the Skitterer's spines. The poison causes the victims lungs to slowly fill with liquid until they suffocate to death. However, it takes a fair bit of this to kill creatures larger than the Skitterer. Typically a full grown Skitterer would need to puncture a full grown man 5-6 times to inject enough poison to kill him. The smaller the skitterer, the more punctures it would require. The poison is stored in a bladder that is roughly a third of the skitterer's body mass (not counting the shell), kept right along the spine. The spines quickly loose their poisonous nature if removed from the skitterer, or if it is dead.

This turtle is also able to run and swim at incredibly shocking speeds, but only over short distances. It is a sprinter, and relies on surprise more often than not.

Notes: Resources include Gasping Poison and spikes from shell

Giant Spider


Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare


Details: Really, the major detail is that this is an enormous spider. There are various reports of them, ranging from a six foot body to a twenty foot one, but by the time you add in the legs, the lots of eyes and the very very evident fangs and teeth, you've got as much information as you need.

Habitat: Scalvoris Giant Spiders live in the caves and catacombs underneath Scalvoris and the Scaltoth jungle. They prefer warmth so are more likely to be found underneath Faldrass especially, but also Scalvoris Town and the parts of the island where the volcano runs beneath. They are only seen above ground in the Scaltoth jungles.

Diet: They crave meat, especially if the kill is alive. However they can live on the fungus and so on that grows in caves.

Lifespan and Development: They live for up to 5 arcs during which time they lay eggs 7 times. They are territorial and they develop very quickly. From hatching to adult is a matter of about 40 trials (no one has stood still and lived long enough to find out) and then they spend the next 5 arcs making webs and terrorising anything they can prey on. For reasons no one knows, when they die of old age, they crack open and fall to dust. This does not happen if they are killed.

Temperament: Vicious killing machines with eight legs. They can't be trained. They can't be reasoned with.

Abilities: Venomous fangs which deliver a paralysing venom. Lots of very sharp teeth in their strangely shaped mouths. Incredible strength and agility. They can also spin a truly wonderful silken strand which is light and very strong. If you could collect enough of it then you could use it to stitch wounds, make beautiful gowns and many, many other uses. It's sticky, too. Their preferred method of killing is to paralyse, wrap you in their webbing and slowly drink your blood then devour you.

Oh, also? Their bodies are covered in chitinous armour which is flexible but solid and is very difficult to pierce with a sword etc.

Notes: They are afraid of fire and bright light. Their eyes (all of them) are vulnerable to attack and very painful if attacked. Be aware, though, if you don't kill it when you poke it in the eye with your sword, you're going to really really annoy it.

Discovered Secrets:

Padraig discovered that there is a spot, right in the middle of the spider's head which, when struck, stuns them. Handy to know!
Padraig and Faith discovered that the giant spider venom can cause a long term reaction which leads to eventual loss of sight.

Grizzly Beas


Created By: Qit'ria

Location: Sweetwine Woods, Scalvoris
Height: Outside of Sweetwine: 0.5 inch. Inside Sweetwine: 1-3in. Around the lake: 4-5in. And within the hives: 9-12in.
Width: Outside of Sweetwine: 0.5 inch. Inside Sweetwine: 1-3in. Around the lake: 4-5in. And within the hives: 9-12in.
Length: Outside of Sweetwine: 1-2 inches in length. Inside Sweetwine: 6 inches in 9 inches in length. Around the lake: 2 feet in length. And within the hives: 5-6 feet in length.
Weight: A few ounces to a few pounds
Native to: Sweetwine Woods, Scalvoris

Quick Facts: The Grizzly Bee is much like any other bee with two major differences. The first is that if not killed by disease or injury, they will live indefinitely. The second, because of their aging, is that they can grow much, much larger than normal bees. They live in a single, massive hive in Sweetwine Woods, and the closer one gets to the hive, the more aggressive they become.

Appearance: A standard, fuzzy bee, often fat in appearance. They range in size based on distance they are found from the hive, with the smallest being furthest out, and largest being close to home. They are yellow and black, with loose stripes and translucent wings.

Habitat: Temperate and tropical climates, though this particular type of bee is only found naturally on Scalvoris. But it is theorized that if a queen were transplanted elsewhere, a new hive could be formed in a climate with enough flowering plants.

Diet: Pollen, from all flowering sources on Scalvoris. They are responsible for 99% of the islands pollination.

Lifespan and Development: Queens mate with drones and produce eggs on a nearly constant basis. However, a queen will not reproduce with a drone from her own brood, but rather from a different queen's brood within the hive. Despite queens being massive due to their longevity and safe lifespan, they always produce the same sized eggs, tiny, of a standard bee. The older queens simply produce more of them than younger ones. Depending on the type of bee within the egg, hatching can take from 3-5 days. Larva stage is typically 6-8 days. Pupa stage is typically an additional 6-8 days after which they are mature. New queens are fertile by day 25 or so, with drones taking an additional 10-15 days.

Temperament: The bees are incredibly protective of their hive and will attack any intruders, with the exception of Bumble Bears. Away from the hive they are fairly docile unless provoked.

Abilities: Indefinite lifespan unless injured or diseased. This also allows for them to reach incredible sizes as they age.

Hafrein Deer


Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Common
Price: 20 GN (Untrained); 50GN (Trained)
Native to: Scalvoris

Quick Facts: The Grizzly Bee is much like any other bee with two major differences. The first is that if not killed by disease or injury, they will live indefinitely. The second, because of their aging, is that they can grow much, much larger than normal bees. They live in a single, massive hive in Sweetwine Woods, and the closer one gets to the hive, the more aggressive they become.

Appearance: A standard, fuzzy bee, often fat in appearance. They range in size based on distance they are found from the hive, with the smallest being furthest out, and largest being close to home. They are yellow and black, with loose stripes and translucent wings.

Habitat: Hafrein are found throughout Scalvoris. This hardy creature is as able to survive on the side of Scalvoris Mountains, in the volcanic heat of Faldrass or on the islet of Immortals' Tongue.

Diet: Grass, grain, some meat

Lifespan and Development: Hafrein live for about twenty arcs, depending on their lifestyle. They are born in litters of three or four and they are children for the season of Ashan, when they are born.

Temperament: Intelligent and easy going the Hafrein looks somewhat like a reindeer / goat mix. They are much more akin to the temperament of a well trained horse, though.

Abilities: A sturdy, strong and reliable mount which is able to navigate difficult landscapes easily. The Hafrein is a very common sight around Scalvoris, they grow to the same height as horses and are usually used as mounts as they are much more able to survive the place.

Notes: They are prone to infections and diseases in their feet, especially if a stone gets stuck in there, etc.



Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Common
Price: 200 GN (Untrained); 500 GN (Trained)
Native to: Scalvoris

Appearance: A standard, fuzzy bee, often fat in appearance. They range in size based on distance they are found from the hive, with the smallest being furthest out, and largest being close to home. They are yellow and black, with loose stripes and translucent wings.

Habitat: The Irrawaddie are common around the island of Scalvoris and are likely to be seen from any point of the coast.

Diet: Fish. Just fish. Lots of fish.

Lifespan and Development: Irrawaddie live for roughly ten arcs. They breed once per arc with the female laying between seven and eleven eggs, only half of which survive. The first arc, the babies stay with their mother but then at roughly an arc old they might leave the safe waters of their family. However, most Irrawaddie actually travel in family groups, choosing to stay together. Whilst this is true in the wild, it is important for those who train them also as they perform better if they are working with a family member.

Temperament: Loyal and family focused, the Irrawaddie are generally pacifists but, if attacked, they will react aggressively. They are affectionate towards each other and they will often "hug" by wrapping around each other.

Abilities: Very fast swimmers and very strong. Irrawaddie are between fifteen and twenty foot long and are strong swimmers as well as being well co-ordinated and physically strong. It is for this reason that enterprising Sclavorians developed the Irrawaddie harness and use trained Irrawaddie as "Sea Huskies". They pull cargo and goods which have been secured on to a strange raft like craft with one rider. This is an incredibly efficient way of moving goods and has had a major impact on Scalvoris economy. It is also possible to place an individual saddle on an Irrawaddie and use them as a water mount.

Notes: Although physically strong, the Irrawaddie do not have good armour and are not able to sustain much damage. They are not natural predators, their strength lies in numbers.



Created By: Tio Silver

Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Scalvoris


Details: It was around Zi'da 712 that reports first came in of strange happenings around the Scalvoris Mountains. The remains of prey started to pop up with wounds suggesting that they'd been attacked by a Videnese Aurora Glider, however unlike normal the size of the wounds suggested that the Glider that'd attacked them had been way larger than normal. More shockingly though was that a lot of these remains were usually only half eaten, suggesting that these kills had not been made for survival but for the sheer sport of it. Though trackers were sent out to find this creature none were successful, and so the Elements were grudgingly forced to ignore the problem.

It was only an arc later that they finally found out what was really happening. After the Land Troop launched a successful raid on an illegal animal smuggling operation in Almund they found records that in 712 an unnamed poisoner had contacted them in order to purchase animals for testing an experimental poison with mutagenic properties, and among the list of animal subjects was an illegally captured Aurora Glider smuggled to Almund. The smaller animals that'd been experimented on before it had all died in the tests, however the Aurora Glider apparently survived the experiments and escaped soon after. It was around then that trackers finally spotted an enormous black winged creature flying around the mountains at night that from a distance resembled a monstrous bird.

Sadly one of these trackers was also a keen painter, and when he returned to Scalvoris Town he created a painting of a nightmarish creature called the Ishkahl based on what he'd seen. When news of the creature went public the painting fueled people's imaginations into believing that the real creature, now also named the Ishkahl, was exactly the same as the painting portrayed it, and since then the many rumors surrounding it have made it impossible to tell what the Ishkahl is truly capable of. In all the rumors though one thing remains the same; that the Ishkahl is evil incarnate, and will kill everything it sees.

Diet: It seems that the Ishkahl eats anything made of meat; wolves, horses, and even Scal Sohr Kahl. So far there have been two reported human deaths that it is thought to be responsible for, however they seem to have been killed for sport rather than food and so whether or not it actually eats humans is unknown.

Lifespan and Development: Due to being illegally captured there are no records on how old the Aurora Glider that was experiment on was, and therefor no way to know the age of the Ishkahl. What is known from the wounds of its prey however is that since the experiment the Ishkahl has grown to triple its natural size, and has yet to show any signs of stopping. It has an estimated 50 foot wingspan, and witnesses have reported it to be a blackish-grey colour, however none have ever gotten close enough to give details on what it actually looks like.

Temperament: The Ishkahl is incredibly aggressive, as evidenced by the large number of creatures it has attacked, and is generally believed to attack whatever it sees. Despite this however it seems incredibly intelligent, is able to hunt down its prey with ruthless cunning and recognise and avoid human traps. Scholars at Viden Academy speculate that the transformation has put the poor creature in a constant state of pain, which in turn may have driven it mad and would explain its aggressive behavior.

Abilities: The Ishkahl is larger, stronger and faster than a regular Aurora Glider, which already makes it deserving of its fearsome reputation and extremely high danger level. So far it has only ever been spotted at night, which means that the mutagenic must have made it nocturnal and given it a method to hunt in the dark, but what that method is exactly is still unknown.

Notes: Presumably damage to its wings or tail will hinder the Ishkahl's ability to properly fly, however whether this is true or not is still unclear.



Created By: Pegasus

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Uncommon
Native to: Scalvoris


Appearance: Ranging in size from having a body equivalent to a small pony all the way to a large horse, these large creatures are most odd looking. They appear almost sad in their facial expressions and they swim by a strange undulating of their body. At night, however, when they come to the surface of the water, they float on their back and their underside / stomach glows with literally thousands of tiny pinprick-sized lights, rather like they are reflecting the stars they seem to be watching.

Habitat: The waters around Scalvoris ~ they prefer deep water during the day but at night they come to the surface.

Diet: Small fish.

Lifespan and Development: Born individually, they live approximately 18 - 22 arcs. For the first two arcs, they stay with their parents, then they swim out alone. When Manatee mate, they mate for life and each couple will have two or three children.

Temperament: They don't bother anyone, no one bothers them. They float along on their backs at night and starlight shines out of their tummy. Yet they look sad. Really, they don't hurt anyone, they don't attack. But other than that, they keep to themselves.

Abilities: Their stomach sparkles and glows under starlight only.

Notes: Their non-aggressive nature means that they are relatively easy to kill.



Created By: Incubus

Location: Scalvoris and Ne'haer
Native to: Ne'haer
Price: 300 gn in Ne'haer, 400 gn in Scalvoris, 500 gn outside these location is available

Habitat: The Merquestrians can live on both land and beneath the sea, and tend to prefer coastal areas, tropics, grasslands or underwater areas. They are known to get along well with Mer and Biqaj, and so can be found living among large groups of the underwater peoples, or accompanying the human-like navigators on both land and out in the ocean. Generally however they prefer to live above ground as their physiology makes it different for them to fend off large predators such as sharks.

There are an estimated 6,000 wild Equestors living in the grassy plains and coastline surrounding Ne'haer, with several thousand domesticated by breeding farms and explorers. They are a popular mount for pirates, sailors and even the military, as they can get you from a ship to land in a very short period of time. As a result, there is a large following of them growing outside of Ne'haer and so their habitat is expanding consistently.

Diet: As a strange hybrid of seahorse, actual horse, and lionfish, the Merquestrians have a very diverse diet that can consist of seaweed, grass, general vegetation, plankton and other things that underwater and land-walking herbivores live off of.

Lifespan and Development: The Merquestrians live to about 35 years old, slightly longer than regular horses. They reach full maturity at the age of three and remain at nearly peak condition until death.

Similarly to seahorses, the Merquestrians have their babies carried by the males of the species, eggs laying dormant in a pouch kept in the tail evident on the Merquestrian's backside. During this period they tend to be very passive and evasive of heavy duty or riding. This period is significantly shorter than the horse pregnancy duration of eleven months, generally lasting about four and a half months.

Temperament: Like horses in general, the Merquestrians are docile and tend to avoid conflict. When in the wild, they act much as any wild horses and can be broken in similarly, as well as trained similarly. They are very sensitive and fearful of predators, and will often bolt if they feel their life is in danger. The Equestors are also often known to grow very angry and frustrated at things being shoved forcefully into their cylindrical snout, and are no strangers to kicking veterinarians during procedures.

Abilities: The Merquestrians are about as fast on land as other horses, and can swim exceptionally quickly. Their speed underwater rivals that of dolphins, giving them vast commercial usage as ferries and companions in water sports. They are slightly more durable than other horses, and slightly larger than your average horse as well. They possess no unique ability other than their biological dualism.

Note: The Merquestrians are very fast water mounts. Travel times on water with them are half that of a boat, though they must stop and rest and will likely do so on the coast. As such, their nautical travel MUST be alongside a coast, and so they cannot do travel between large bodies of water without consistent land stops in-between. This means they are essentially completely unable to travel between oceans.



Created By: Amaris

Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Scalvoris


Habitat: The waters around Scalvoris

Diet: Microorganisms within the water, algae.

Lifespan and Development: Mergantis are seen as part fish, part habitat. They tend to differ depending on location, though it is most common to see the coral variations. In the first 100 trials of life, they appear as any other fish. The variation of aquatic habitat ( for example, coral or sea anemone ) does not appear on their tails until after this period, where they are considered guppies. Mergantis are said to be constantly growing, though incrementally. Their only constraint in the number of others of their kind that live in the waters with them. The largest is said to be about 20 ft across and 15 feet long. Smaller fish make their homes in their tails. This has a tendency to attract large predators, though they are evaded by the Mergantis burrowing into the sea floor or hiding among rocks.

They are said to be able to reproduce asexually, though it is more likely that they mate once or twice within their lifespan. The eggs per reproduction period tend to range from 100-150. It is likely that a third of these eggs are eaten by predators or slip from the aquatic plants they are lain on. From the point of the eggs being laid, the Mergantis will move on to avoid drawing further attention to their spawn. The average Mergantis is said to live for 20-35 arcs. It is more common for them to die due to predation, if they die of old age it is said that the fish part of their body solidifies and they are left to fall to the ocean floor.

Temperament: Docile creatures, Mergantis are not known for being aggressive.

Abilities: Growth of aquatic habitats on their tails.



Created By: Pegasus

Rarity: Uncommon
Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Scalvoris
Price: Untrained: 30gn, Trained: 60gn

Habitat: The NightPup is a Scalvoris-specific breed of dog which is bred in Scalvoris Town, Almund and Darbyton. They are most available in these locations, although they can be bought throughout the island. There are not examples of the NightPup in the wild, they are all the domestic variety.

Diet: Meat & Vegetables, as per dogs.

Lifespan and Development: Approximately 16 arcs. Their development is much the same as the dog which they look like, with the same gestation, birth and time as a puppy.

Appearance: Growing to roughly the size and shape of a Collie Dog, the NightPup looks a lot bigger because it is a very fluffy beast. They range in colouring from pure white through to pure black and with many shades and patterns in between. In their colouring they are unlike other canines as there are a range of colours, including deep purples, blues and green. Their eyes are always a solid colour, which is always different to their coat. They have strange bushy tails and long rabbit-like ears. The tail and ears are usually the same colour. They also have a second pair of very small eyes above their main ones. These are fully functional.

Temperament: The NightPup is a friendly creature which craves attention and love. If it is homed somewhere where it is given sufficient attention it will become a loyal family member who will die to defend the household. They are naturally playful and will tend to identify most strongly with one member of the house they live in, although they will defend all of them. They make excellent family pets due to their placid temperament and loyal nature.

Abilities: If defending their owners, the NightPup will use their sharp teeth to their fullest. They are heavy for their size and will defend without consideration for their own safety. Their only other ability is that they glow in the dark, emitting a soft and very comforting glow.

Notes: They eat a lot. Need to trust their owner and bond / develop a relationship before they will defend you. Need to be well trained or they become furniture-chewing machines. Cute, furry ones, but still.

Northern Sea Wolf


Created By: Pash Vy'ryn

Location: Scalvoris
Native to: Scalvoris

Habitat: Deep, frigid waters are their hunting grounds, though once every two arcs, they migrate to areas with pebbled shores and ice flows in order to breed.

Diet: Strict carnivores, sea wolves eat any and all marine life they can catch, including whales and fishermen if they can capsize and destroy their boat through their hunting strategies.

Lifespan and Development: Northern sea wolves live between 40-80 arcs, though these are approximate ages. While they are born small, pale-furred pups, they begin to mature around the age of 10 arcs, though most do not begin to reproduce until between 15-20 arcs of age. Males tend to be larger than females, and their sizes range from 6 to 8 meters (20 to 26 ft) long and weigh in excess of 6 tonnes (6.6 short tons) for males and 5 to 7 meters (16 to 23 ft) and weighing about 3 to 4 tonnes (4.4 short tons) for females. The sea wolf more or less possesses a physiology similar to a seal, with weight-bearing forelimbs that are flippers and a powerful tail for swimming, but their head and jaws are even more canine-like with bony ridges sweeping over the eyes and over minimal earflaps to almost look like horns. These ridges are longer and more prominent in males, who use them when sparring for alpha position. Their mouths are noticeably larger than a seal’s and their teeth regrow on a regular basis much like a shark’s. Sea wolves travel in packs of 10-12 individuals with a definite but as-yet unstudied hierarchy, with an alpha male and female usually being the only breeding pair.

Temperament: Calculating, intelligent, aggressive, hierarchical.

Abilities: They are known for being agile swimmers and terrifying hunters that can take on much larger prey than a single animal. Attempts have been made to tame pups, but they are always far too aggressive once they reach maturity. They have excellent vision and hearing, make a variety of vocalizations to communicate with each other and defend their territory from barks, clicks, and deep howls that can travel for fathoms in the cold, dark waters of the north. They can come on land as well as swim, requiring a rocky beach or packed ice during their every other arc breeding cycle. They have been known to ambush seals and other creatures on land, bursting out of the water and dragging prey short distances back in to the sea. They enjoy playing with their food and often maim and wound and toss their prey around before consuming it.

They are edible, but the younger the sea wolf, the better. Both pup pelts and adult pelts have unique properties and are very valuable. Sea wolf pup pelts are some of the softest pelts in all Idalos, ranging in color from pure white to cream to a light grey with occasional spots—the less blemished, the more valuable. These pelts are more soft than they are warm, luxurious and valued by nobles everywhere. Adult pelts are much more coarse but smooth, and the hide is thick enough to be amazingly warm.

Scalvoris folklore, especially around Halvardr, says that wearing the skin of a sea wolf or possessing pieces of its body is believed to grant the owner supernatural fishing abilities.

Old Betty


Created By: Qit'ria

Location: Ol' Tuck's Run
Native to: Ol' Tuck's Run
Height: 1.5 - 3 feet
Width: 1.5 - 3 feet
Length: 3 - 5 feet
Weight: 200 - 300 pounds
Quick Facts: Great pets, soft and cuddly, lay a ton of eggs, long life, female counterpart to Fat Bobs

Appearance: Old Bettys appear to be the "granny" of tortoises. They are always a shade of grey, and due to their softer nature, are incredibly wrinkly. They are about half the size of Fat Bobs, their male counterparts. Their shells are not hard, but rather a soft, cool leathery feel. Every part of them to the touch is soft.

Habitat: Old Bettys can be found in a wide range around Ol' Tuck's Run, with large concentrations near to where people live. They connect well with people, and actively seek them out. As a tortoise, they don't live in water, so they are always found on land with suitable vegetation.

Diet: Any form of vegetation, but seem to particularly enjoy fruits and vegetables, especially if hand fed by their partner.

Lifespan and Development: Old Betty's can live for up to 50 arcs when unbound to a person. However, if they pair with a person, they will live for as long as that person does. Once their partner dies, they die too, even if its before their normal lifespan. Because of this, parents often give them to children as pets at a young age, to have a life long companion. They can mate after 10 arcs of age. It takes about a half arc for the eggs to hatch, and another arc to reach full maturity. Old Betty's also lay eggs once ever 2 tenday, typically 20 or so at a time.

Temperament: Old Bettys are incredibly docile and curious of people, and will actively seek them out for companionship. They love small children, and don't mind being played with, cuddled with, or even used as pillows. They even seem to enjoy being decorated and dressed up as small children are often want to do.

Abilities: Long lifespan when paired with a person. Lay a lot of eggs.

Powerful Owl

Powerful Owl.png

Credit: Sintih

Quick Facts: One of the only few owl species where the male is larger than the female. They have the longest interval between the laying of the first and second egg among all owl species. Carries the most prey during flight. Only owl to hibernate.

Height: Between 45 and 65 cm in height (18-26 in)

Width: Spans between 112 and 135 cm across the wings (44-53 in)

Weight: Male: 1 to 2.2 kg (2.2-4.9 lb), female: 1 to 1.6 kg (2.3-3.5 lb)

Native to: Western coasts of the Eastern Continent

Locations: Central Idalos, specifically the eastern Central Region, Rynmere and the western coast of the Eastern region

Appearance: The powerful owl is one of the hawk-like species of owl, often mistaken for the other. It has a long tail with a small head. This is the main reason for the confusion. The bill and ridges on the brows enhance the hawk like features even more. It's most often made up of dark grey or dark grey-brown colors mixed with dirty white. The species has large yellow eyes with greyish feathers to its toes and feet of a dull yellow color. Their name comes from the size and strength of their claws.

Habitat: The habitat of the powerful owl is tall, humid forests in general but they have been spotted in semi-arid woodlands and in mountainous gullies or ravines with varying forms of forestry growing in and around them. They also nest in coastal and sub-coastal woodlands during their time in Rynmere. They are most often spotted in Rynmere as they settle down for a season here while they live wild and widespread in all other areas where they've been spotted, often away from civilization.

Lifespan and Development: The powerful owl breeds during Ymiden in Rynmere, using the lands more northern location to help survive the hot seasons of Ymiden and Saun. During the season of Saun, the powerful owl will stay put near their nest, going in a sort of hibernation to conserve their strength for when their eggs hatch. The eggs are a dull white color, much like the parents feathers and come in clutches of two eggs. For about forty to fifty trials, the female will remain with the eggs at all times. The male will be most active during this time, providing food and protection for his mate. When the young owls are born they come in an off-white color with a grey-brown mask and grey on their wings, distinct from the adults. After forty to sixty trials, the young fledge but they remain with their parents for several season, up to an entire arc. Powerful owls have large breeding territories, between 800 and a 1000 hectares. depending on the scarcity of food. On average, Powerful owl families live about 15 km (9.3 mi) from their closest neighbors.

Diet: About 75% of the powerful owl's diet consists of mammals living within the forest they nest in. Their prey are usually around the size of large rats, rabbits or bats. The powerful owl will catch prey up to twelve kg (26.5 lb) in weight but can only carry up to 2 kg (4.4 lb) while flying. The powerful owl carries up to 100% of its own weight in prey, in comparison to other owls and raptors this is an increase of almost 500%. The specific species of prey depend on the region the owl currently resides in. The prey available during their nesting period in Rynmere is vastly different from the species it can find around Athart.

Temperament: The powerful owl is not an aggressor as long as you stay away from his nest. The male of a couple will actively defend his nest by attacking, and often, killing anything that tries to get near it. Between its own species, the powerful owl is also an active killer, defending its territory from other powerful owls with vigor. The powerful owl suffers the most deaths not from predators but from territorial and breeding skirmishes. Outside of those, the powerful owl seems to have no interest in whatever happens below it and many have been trained when born in captivity. Rynmere has an active trade in the trained animal as it is one of the better night time hunters available on the island. Smart for a bird, the powerful owl quickly learns and can be trained to hunt within half an arc.

Abilities: Most of the abilities of the powerful owl are extension from being part of the owl species, rather than particular or magical abilities. Their hibernation is the only thing that sets them apart from other owls on an ability level. Night vision: The powerful owl is capable of seeing in the dark as if it were low light. In combination with the zoomed vision, this is the powerful owl's main weapon to hunt. Zoomed vision: The powerful owl can see movement from a rat sized creature from about a kilometer up in the sky. In combination with the night vision, this is the powerful owl's main weapon to hunt. Hibernation: The powerful owl can hibernate for up to fifty trials without requiring any food or water. It lives off of the fat it gathered before the trip to Rynmere. This ability seems to be more profound in females than in males.



Credit: Vluharqih

Quick Facts: Large, docile beasts that can be harvested for their meat.

Height: 3’

Length: 4’

Weight: 100lbs

Native to: Forests of the Eternal Empire

Locations: Only found in the Empire

Appearance: Skoda are waist high, dark brown beetles similar to the woodlouse. Their back is composed of multiple, overlapping segments that move as the Skoda shuffles around. It has several dozen feet that propel it along, and will curl up into a ball should it feel threatened. The segments on its back are tougher than one would think, but can be cut through with some effort. Often in smaller villages the shells are stolen away by the children to make play armour out of after the animals are slaughtered.

The meat of the Skoda is a dark brown colour, and extremely nutty in flavour. While it is seen as a ‘poor man’s food’, it is highly nutritious and easy to obtain: there are no bones, and the few organs that are inside are easy to clean out. They can be easily killed by a club to their lightly-shelled head, provided they are not curled up.

Habitat: The Skoda prefer lightly wooded fields with lots of water. Temperature doesn’t both them too much, provided it doesn’t reach extremes of either direction.

Lifespan and Development: They reach fully grown in less than a season, and reproduce quickly. They are among the calmest creatures ever found, most of their actions seeming half hearted. Even their mating process is painfully slow and apathetic.

Diet: They eat roots, low leaves, smaller bugs, and are not opposed to scavenging should they find something dead. They are relatively easy to raise, however due to their docile nature, they often fall prey to scavengers.

Temperament: The Skoda are large beetles that are incredibly docile and slow moving. These beetles used to be connected to Lisirra, however a new species was recently developed through selective breeding and alchemical manipulation. They were much more hostile, exuding a stink that would leave their prey paralyzed. This trait has been eradicated without fail, and all the beetles of the old strain were wiped out.

Abilities: Their meat is commonly eaten in smaller villages, and their shells burn well. They are raised and grown in small herds by many for this purpose.

Sea Stalkers


Created By: Rey'na

Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Rare and unknown to rest of Idalos
Native to: Scalvoris


Details: The Sea-Stalker, as it's known by the locals, is a territorial creature that is often found patrolling the depths of Scalvoris' ocean. Occasionally, they find themselves in the more shallow waters, where they can attack and even ruin unprepared boats. Even boats fully armed dread being caught unaware by one of these creatures, with fear of losing their entire boat and their lives.

Diet: Predatory creatures, the Sea Stalkers lurk in caves or caverns under the water, then pounce creatures of any size. Their pincers can tear through flesh with ease, but suffer when faced with shells or chitin. People are easy prey, as their pure power is enough to break the wood of a ship. Their mouth is like that of a conveyor belt, food being sucked in and shredded in the throat before used for energy.

Lifespan and Development: Sea-Stalkers grow from small eggs that latch onto the side of rocks under the water, left to grow by their parents who never see them again. When hatched, they are around the size of a medium-sized dog. They grow gradually until they reach three Arcs old, when they reach their full size - comparable to an elephant.

Temperament: The creatures, being raised without parents, are incredibly territorial. However, if a creature were to be raised by a parent figure they would develop as close a bond with them as they would with the place had they not met their parent replacement. This means that any fortunate enough to find an unborn Sea-Stalker will be able to train it and, with the right training, ride it.

Abilities: The Sea-Stalker, apart from it's pure brutality and size, has one ability. Tendrils on the back of it's neck allow for it to inhale oxygen. This ability is useful for two reasons. Firstly, it can breathe with it's head out of the water, meaning the potential of being used as a mount is there. Alternatively, it can store two breaks worth of oxygen. If a rider under the water places their mouth on a tendril then the Sea-Stalker can provide them with two breaks of oxygen, allowing them to travel under the water - so long as the pressure doesn't kill them.

Notes: Despite the chitin back, the Sea-Stalker has a soft and delicate underbelly - where almost all of it's vital organs are. This means that a single hit to the underbelly can result in the death of a Sea-Stalker, and is almost impossible to recover from without the help of a master veterinarian.


Created By: Noth
Location: Scalvoris Coast
Size: Similar to average mortals
Quick Facts: Skeletal, underwater, covered in shells
Native to: Scalvoris Coast


Appearance: Shelletons are essentially skeletal mortals, usually completely lacking in flesh, though occasionally a newer Shelleton may still possess some minor scraps and pieces. What gives Shelletons apart and sets their name is the presence of large colonies of mollusk-like creatures around their bodies, with odd vine-like tentacles wrapping around their limbs and acting almost as joints. These tiny mollusks seldom move, and will almost completely cover the body of a Shelleton, bursting from bones like growths, or simply latching on where they can.

Habitat: Shelletons being quite reminiscent of undead marrows require absolutely no rest, nor protection from the elements, and therefore do not particularly bother with creating habitats or homes for themselves. That said, they are known to gather in large clusters on the ocean floor, where they will stare directly upwards, and wait for a passing ship to awaken them from their slumber.

Diet: Technically, a Shelleton being ‘Undead’ doesn’t require anything to eat. That said, the mollusks upon their bodies are scavengers, and will only consume dead matter, though they do not mind if it is recently dead, or long-dead. If these mollusks do not eat for several trials, they will begin to cannibalize themselves, and will effectively render the Shelleton unable to properly move large portions of its body.

Lifespan and Development: When a Mommy Sailor and a Daddy Shelleton like each other very much, the Daddy Shelleton pulls the Mommy Sailor off of her boat, and then drowns her under the ocean. The mollusks on the bodies of the Shelletons promptly feed on their flesh, wiping them almost completely clean in a matter of a trial or two, and proceed to lay new eggs in the empty skeleton. The skeleton then acts as a ‘shell’ and a home for the newborn mollusks, who promptly spread over its body and begin the cycle anew.

These mollusks are entirely the reason why the skeleton is capable of movement. They recognize boats and ships as methods of reproduction, and are entirely bestial in their desire to drown sailors, consume them, and then reproduce in their skeleton. The mollusks accomplish locomotion through a distinct and complex network of tendrils which snake throughout the body, typically forming a mass at the center of the Shelleton where a ‘heart’ might have been present. Mollusks zap gentle electrical signals through these tendrils and into the heart wherein it is transferred to other mollusks. Fascinating enough, these mollusks typically follow a somewhat ‘democratic’ structure wherein the requests of the majority are followed through by the remainder of mollusks. It is for this reason that the mollusks are rather slow in their movements, because it takes a couple of moments to properly determine movement.

Temperament: Shelletons could probably be defined as aggressively territorial. It is a rare instance where a Shelleton hive decides to actually leave from its fellows, and most prefer simply to wait for another passing boat to jar them into motion. Once a boat is spotted, however, they stir into action, swimming up towards the surface of the boat wherein they will attempt to yank down unsuspecting sailors into the sea so that they may drown them. Shelletons are not very talented at actual combat, and will almost always prefer simply to shove and push and pull on a person to get them in the water where they have the advantage.


1. Ability to live underwater without air.
2. Ability to sense the passing of ships without use of eyes, likely some form of electromagnetic sensation from the mollusks.
3. Ability to be surprisingly resilient as the only way to properly ‘kill’ a Shelleton is to remove the mollusks covering its body, and the mollusks are legion. Removing an area of mollusks will disable it from use, however.
4. Ability to swim surprisingly well for being essentially a shell covered in strange parasites.



Created By: Fridgar

Formal Name: Ganditlip
Location: Scalvoris
Rarity: Common
Price: 75 GN (Untrained); 200 GN(Trained)
Native to: Scalvoris

Habitat: The Ganditlip makes its home in the icy waters of Ishallr, though have been known to stray into warmer waters when bored.

Diet: Small fish and plant life found on ocean and reef floors.

Lifespan and Development: Ganditlips usually lay between twelve and sixteen eggs per mating season, only half of the eggs will ever hatch however, and even fewer still make it to adulthood. They mature into adults at the age of one arc old and live for a further nineteen arcs on average. They will not leave the water for at least another two seasons after maturing, and even then, they can only traverse on wet sand and ice by dragging their bodies with their clawed front flippers, similar to sea lions.

Temperament: Friendly and playful, the Ganditlip (or Shimfin as known by the locals) will often spend its trials playing in the shallow waters with its brothers and sisters. When they're bored, they go exploring searching for things to do and will sometimes stray into more inhabitable waters near civilisation. While seemingly innocent and adorable, these creatures are loathed by sailors for their mischievous natures. They cut holes in fishing nets with their sword-like appendages, poke holes in the bottoms of ships and even capsize smaller vessels when in groups - all in good fun. Should the Ganditlip ever see the need to fight, as unlikely as it is, their sword-like noses are very strong and sharp being mostly made of bone and will use these to fight off larger predators, usually in groups. If someone were to tame a Ganditlip, it would need to be done with love, care and plenty of games - while it may seem a hassle to spend long hours of the day submerged, chasing a seemingly untiring aquatic reptile, the reward for having befriended a Ganditlip is a friend to the end and a very caring guardian.

Abilities: Very fast swimmers with a sword for a nose. A Ganditlip's call draws the attention of all surrounding Ganditlips within a 500-meter radius while submerged and a 100 meter radius while on land. Ganditlips stick together and will never ignore a call for help from one of their own.

Notes: The Ganditlip's greatest weapon is also it's weakest point. Striking the Ganditlip's Sword will incur an immediate concussion if not killing it instantly. This is due to the nerves in the bone lining up directly to the Ganditlip's brain. Of course, striking to point of the sword will have no effect on the creature, but striking the flat of the blade from the side will be more than enough to stop a Ganditlip in its tracks.