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The Blessing of Miirduz


Miirduz, the mark of Belaera, is easy to see. Manifesting as a red, burn-like scar along the Marked's left arm in the shape of a chain, wrapping around up to the shoulder. Causing no pain, but growing redder and more agitated as the mark progresses, the Marked of Belaera masters the forces of Duality, Imprisonment and Sacrifices. While Miirduz appears, at first glance, to be more limited than other Blessings, this is due to the dual nature of Belaera, as most of the abilities are in fact two abilities in one.

OOC Note When awarding abilities for this Blessing, barring Dualism, Shifting Balance, and One Become Two, the player has the option to choose which form of the ability they take first, as each form of an ability is considered a separate awarded "power". They would then receive the second form of the ability as the next rewarded "power".


Ability Name Ability Description
Dualism The building block for Miirduz, Dualism grants the Favored a basis from which all of Miirduz's abilities stem. Dualism splits the Marked into two distinct personalities: Uirdek and Duirkek. Both of these personas change the details of the abilities used, and depending on which persona the Marked is in, the abilities will change accordingly. The Marked may switch between the two personas only twice per trial at this level, and must actively concentrate for six full bits without interruption to switch. Meditation may decrease this time. Competent Meditation decreases the time by 1 bit, Expert by 3, Master or Grandmaster by 5.

Uirdek Persona: This persona interacts with the material world in a multitude of ways. When in this persona, the Marked behaves identically to their normal selves, and it is impossible to tell this persona apart from their standard selves. For the most part, this becomes their state of being. This persona allows the abilities to affect the material world in specific ways.

Duirkek Persona: Also called 'Emean Persona', though that is a bit of a misnomer. Not actually using Emea, the Duirkek Persona of Miirduz allows the Marked to affect the world in more subtle and ethereal ways. When in this persona, their irises turn a violet purple, and if they have no irises, like the Eidisi, their entire eye turns a violet purple. Also, their skin lightens, becoming extremely pale, no matter their previous complexion. In this persona, the Miirduz does not feel emotion fully, instead viewing them logically as if looking through opaque glass.

Imprison Uirdek Persona: Seemingly from nowhere, the Miirduz can call forth bars to rise around the target and imprison them. These bars are made out of whatever material is most handy, but the imprisoned will find that the composition of the bars makes no difference as to their strength, as the bars are empowered by the Blessing. Meeting at the top to form a sealed cage, the Uirdek Imprison is used to restrain victims in a physical area. They are held fast as long as the Miirduz maintains concentration, and at this level, it takes Competent Meditation to hold it longer than ten bits, no matter what. Expert Strength will allow the victim to bend the metal of the bars to escape.

Duirkek Persona: Upon using this ability in the Duirkek persona, the Miirduz can use thoughts of the victim's mortality and frailty to create mental bars, causing the victim's thoughts to become sluggish and slow. The mental prison can be held for up to ten bits, though Discipline will allow the Miirduz to maintain the ability for longer. While this does not stop a victim from moving or thinking, it does make it much more difficult for them to make logical connections, and thus makes it harder for them to use language or abilities to their full potential. Expert Discipline allows the imprisoned to break the mental prison at this level.

Sacrificial Altar Uirdek Persona: The Miirduz can sacrifice something of material value for a boost in physical ability. That which is sacrificed must be destroyed utterly, and it must be something of material value to the Miirduz, something they themselves lay claim too. However, in return for this sacrifice, they receive a boost to strength, endurance, and agility in accordance with that which is sacrificed. While this ability cannot push them beyond the peak physical condition, with the sacrifice of something with enough value, it can push them to that peak. This affect lasts up to a full break, depending on the value of that which is sacrificed.

Duirkek Persona: The Miirduz can sacrifice something of emotional value for a boost in mental ability. That which is sacrificed must be destroyed utterly, and it must be something of emotional value to the Miirduz, something that they themselves lay claim too. However, in return for this sacrifice, they receive a boost to their concentration, ability to resist powers that affect ones mental state, and intelligence. Since the mind has no limits, there is no ability to how far this can be pushed. They do not receive knowledge of any sort from this ability. This affect lasts up to a full break, depending on the value of that which is sacrificed.

Local Imprisonment Uirdek Persona: Not all imprisonment locks the imprisoned in place. With this ability, the Miirduz creates glowing red chains that connect the victim to a specific location. The chains are 10 feet long, preventing the imprisoned from going to far from the base of the chains. The ability lasts up to 10 bits, but can be pushed to last longer depending on the Miirduz’s meditation. The chains can be broken by destroying the anchor point of the chains, as well.

Duirkek Persona: Thoughts can be a catchy thing, and the wrong thought can be hard to dislodge. In this persona, the Miirduz chains the victim to a specific thought. The imprisoned will have a hard time moving away from that thought, only able to go into avenues of thought connected to the anchor idea, and even then the anchor idea will keep coming back across their mind. This ability lasts up to 10 bits, but can be lengthened by the discipline of the Miirduz. The Imprisoned can break fully away from the anchor thought if they have at least Expert meditation, and their own discipline can help them resist the effect somewhat.

Self Sacrifice Uirdek Persona: Those with Miirduz are chosen to bring balance to the world, and sometimes this comes at a cost to the Miirduz. By sacrificing their own physical prowess for a time, the Miirduz can empower someone else. However much they sacrifice will be transferred to their target of choice, boosting them by the sacrificed amount. This ability lasts 10 bits and cannot push the recipient past their physical limitations.

Duirkek Persona: Fittingly, using this ability in the Duirkek Persona comes at a cost to the Miirduz’s mental prowess rather than their physical prowess. By sacrificing some of their own mental prowess for a time, the Miirduz can boost the mental abilities of someone else. However much they sacrifice will be transferred to their target of choice, boosting them by the sacrificed amount. This ability lasts 10 bits, cannot push the recipient past their mental limitations and does not bestow knowledge.


Ability Name Ability Desciption
Shifting Balance The essence of Miirduz is it’s two personas, and the differing strengths and weaknesses of the two personas. As such, it greatly benefits the Miirduz to be able to capitalize on the strengths of each persona. Shifting Balance allows them to do this, but at a risk. Using this ability, the Miirduz can sacrifice their own physical prowess to boost their mental prowess or vice versa.

These shifts can be either mild or extreme, and at the extreme end, the Miirduz can be a moronic, but incredibly powerful brute in Uirdek Persona or a barely physically functioning, but incredibly intelligent husk in Duirkek Persona. This switch can be done and reverted at will, but will revert automatically back to the Miirduz’s natural state after 30 bits, so as to prevent the Miirduz being permanently locked in one persona.

Imprisonment of the Weak Uirdek Persona: In many ways, those Blessed by an Immortal are above and beyond their kind. This ability punishes those who are physically less adept than the Miirduz, trapping them in a small cage for the duration of the ability. This ability lasts for 10 bits by default, but can be boosted by the Miirduz’s meditation, and has a range of 50 feet. The prison can be resisted by those with expert discipline and broken by those with expert meditation.

Duirkek Persona: In this persona, the ability is instead predicated based on Mental Prowess, as the Duirkek Persona represents the power of mind over matter. Those who are mentally less adept than the Miirduz find their thoughts restrained to a blank white void for the duration of the ability. This ability lasts for 10 bits by default, but can be boosted by the Miirduz’s discipline, and has a range of 50 feet. The prison can be broken by those with expert strength.

Sacrificial Broker Uirdek Persona: Those blessed by an Immortal are their agents on , meant to both accomplish their goals and spread their ideals. For the Miirduz, this means helping those that would offer a sacrifice that they might gain a reward. In this persona, the Miirduz may accept a sacrifice from someone seeking aid in a task, destroying it in Belaera’s name. In doing so, the Miirduz is empowered in whatever way is needed to accomplish the task, in accordance with the value physical or emotional value of the sacrifice.

Duirkek Persona: In this persona, the Miirduz may accept a sacrifice from someone seeking their aid in a task, destroying it in Belaera’s name. In doing so, the one who sought the Miirduz’s aid will find their task easier, whether the seeker is empowered in some way, or the world arranges itself to aid their task. The degree to which the seeker is aided is in accordance with the physical or emotional value of the sacrifice. This commonly manifests as things going in the recipients favor, such as an opponents foot finding that one unsteady bit of ground, or a political rival having his darkest secret exposed. However, the greater the need, the greater the sacrifice needed to make that need a reality.

Warden Uirdek Persona: While many associate the Miirduz with putting people in cages or chains themselves, the Miirduz also have the ability to analyze and undo the imprisonment of other beings. While the ability to analyze a prison depends only on the Miirduz’s ability to understand the nature of an imprisonment, in this persona, the Miirduz can undo any physical imprisonment so long as they have the strength and endurance to withstand the energy drain caused by undoing the imprisonment. The more complex a prison, the more it drains the Miirduz to undo it.

Duirkek Persona: Not all forms of imprisonment are physical in nature. al and mental prisons are just as effective in imprisoning a being as putting it behind bars or in chains. In this persona, the Miirduz can undo these ethereal seals, but they have to be able to resist the mental strain. The more complex and supernatural an ethereal prison, the more meditation and discipline is required to undo the imprisonment.

Sacrificial Spirit Uirdek Persona: When one sacrifices something, that leaves a mark on them forever. Whether for the greater good, personal gain, or other ends, they are forever marked by that sacrifice. Spirits of Sacrifice tend to gather around such people. The Miirduz can call upon Anak sacrifice spirits to work their will. In this persona, the Miirduz can call forth these spirits into the physical world, to work and fight alongside them, dealing with physical problems.

Duirkek Persona: In this persona, the Miirduz can call upon Anak Spirits of Sacrifice to work their powers in more ethereal ways, frequently acting as ghostly aids or disrupting or divine powers in the area. More than this, the Miirduz will find that many of these spirits will give their existence to absorb powerful spells and divine abilities, though the more powerful these spells and abilities, the more sacrifice spirits will have to give their lives to nullify it.


Ability Name Ability Description
Sacrificial Pathos Uirdek Persona: Sacrifice can be an inspiring thing, and it can lead to deeds both great and terrible. This is achieved through the pathos and symbolism of sacrifice. In this persona, the Miirduz can sacrifice some part of their physical self to empower and inspire those who ally with them. The strength and length of this empowerment and inspiration depends on what is sacrificed, the more severe the loss, the stronger the empowerment.

Duirkek Persona: Sacrifice can also be a damning and threatening thing to ones enemies, for the pathos and symbolism can be a fearful thing to go up against. In this persona, the Miirduz can take advantage, sacrificing some part of their mental or spiritual self in order to weaken and demoralize those who stand against them. The strength and length of this depowerment and inspiration depends on what is sacrificed, the more severe the loss, the stronger the empowerment.

Imprisonment of Ability Uirdek Persona: Not all imprisonment is of a person’s whole being or nature. In fact, it can frequently be more effective to chain away a single aspect of a person where possible. In this persona, the Miirduz can use this ability to seal away one of an opponents physical abilities. This ability lasts for 10 bits, but can be broken if the imprisoned has master meditation.

Duirkek Persona: There are also times when it is the mental or supernatural abilities of an opponent that is the cause for concern. In this persona, the Miirduz can seal away one of an opponents mental or supernatural abilities. This ability lasts for 10 bits, but can be broken if the imprisoned has master discipline.

Sacrificial Lamb Uirdek Persona: As in all aspects of Miirduz, Sacrifice is dual natured. One the one hand, sacrifice of self can empower others. On the other, sacrifice of others can empower ones self. This is a dark power, and feeding off the sacrifice of others is a privilege reserved for only those who have risen to be among the ranks of Belaera’s most trusted servants. In this persona, if the Miirduz can convince others to make a willing sacrifice of their physical self in their name, the Miirduz can feed of their sacrifice to boost their own physical prowess. The strength and length of this boost is dependent on what was sacrificed, though it can be additionally boosted if more than one person makes the sacrifice.

Duirkek Persona: In this persona, the Miirduz can feed off the willing mental or supernatural sacrifice of others, using their powers in this persona to enable such a sacrifice. The sacrifice must be knowingly and willingly made for the ability to work, but if it is made, the Miirduz can feed off the sacrifice to boost their own mental and supernatural prowess. The strength and length of this boost is dependent on what was sacrificed, though it can be additionally boosted if more than one person makes the sacrifice.

Imprisonment of the Strong Uirdek Persona: It is not only the weak that earn the wrath of Belaera's blessed, for she was created to imprison the strongest of Anox's enemies. In this persona, the Miirduz can imprison any foe physically more able than them for a period of 10 bits. However, there is no way to extend this ability, and doing so is physically draining on the Miirduz, as mortal and mortalborn bodies were not meant to withstand the strain this ability imparts upon them. The wider the gap in physical prowess, the greater and more debilitating the drain.

Duirkek Persona: In this persona, the Miirduz can instead imprison those that are smarter or more supernaturally empowered than them, though at this stage the latter is incredibly rare. This ability lasts for a period of 10 bits, and there is no way to extend this ability. Using this ability puts a significant mental strain on the Miirduz, due to the mortal and mortalborn mind not being meant to use such a technique. The wider the gap in mental or spiritual prowess, the greater and more debilitating the strain.

One Become Two Granted only to Belaera’s Champions, this ability is deceptively simple. When invoked, this ability splits the Miirduz in two, one body for both of the Miirduz’s twin personas. Any injuries and thoughts are shared between the personas, but it allows the Miirduz to be in two places at once. However, more significantly, it also allows the Miirduz to wield the powers of both personas at once. This ability lasts for 1 break and can only be used once a trial.

The Curse of Miirduz

Appearing as black chains on the back and shoulders of the cursed, the Curse of Miirduz is designed to make life a living dual hell for the cursed, who are no longer in full control of themselves as the curse switches between it's draining effects.


Those who merit Belaera's scorn will find that at, for a quarter of each trial, their mind will to shift. During these shifts, their mentality becomes the opposite of what it normally is. The virtuous will become malicious, the chaste will become promiscuous, the cowardly will become courageous, and devious will become honest. At this phase, these shifts are of mild severity, and the cursed is able to resist acting on these new impulses, though only with the help of another who is able to keep them from acting on them. In addition to the mental changes, their physical appearance will also invert, changing to appear the opposite of what they normally are. The only constant in this shift is that the gender of the cursed inverts, as the rest of the appearance is not changed on a consistent line.


Those who merit Belaera's anger to this degree will find that the mental shifts last for half of each trial. The shifts in personality are all but total as well. With this curse, heroes have been made villains, nobles have been made slaves, and doctors made into murderers. The cursed will no longer be able to resist the impulses of the shifted personality even with outside assistance, though they will recognize that something is wrong and retain their awareness of the curse.


At this point, the altered personality has completely taken over the body and is unlikely to seek the removal of the Curse. However, the original personality is still intact within their mind, able to fully understand and comprehend the actions of the altered personality, but unable to do anything to change these actions, or influence the world at all. However, perhaps as an act of minor mercy to mirror the severity of the curse, any who can hear the voices of ghosts or spirits can hear the voice of the original personality, and these are their only contact with the outside world. As such, the altered personality tends to avoid any such people as much as they possibly can.

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