Category:Brent Maps

Revision as of 01:17, 1 October 2020 by Brent (talk | contribs) (World Map)

World Map

Image of 2 world maps, simplified
- Land and sea routes
- Flying routes

Template for City Travel Times

Melrath Cold Cycle 720

Western Continent

More detailed western continent map showing land features (e.g. mountains and forests), plus land/sea routes (flying would be too messy for appearance)

Travel Times by City (with links): Ne'haer Etzos Melrath Uthaldria Argos Sirothelle Hiladrith Rhakros Valaris Strosdyn

Eastern Continent

More detailed eastern continent map showing land features (e.g. mountains and forests)

Travel Times by City (with links): Athart Ivorian Nashaki Yaralon Volanta Cahryst Rharne Andaris Viden Korlasir Avaern Nekhet Scalvoris

Southern Continent

More detailed southern continent map showing land features (e.g. mountains and forests)

Travel Times by City (with links): Doliene Quacia Desnind Niomyr Augiery Port Treidhart Solaero

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