Quacia Culture

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Given the stressful situation of Quacia, there are several activities permitted for the sake of recreation. Vicemen; state-mandated sinners, are allowed to sell a variety of intoxicating drugs, alcohols, and courtesan services to whomever enters their Lair.

Games are also commonly found within the confines of Shanty and the Lair, and it is not uncommon to find foreigners sharing their different rule systems, much to the appreciation of the locals. A pair of fighting pits can also be found in the city, one of which is located within the Shanty and is notably voluntary, and the other which exists almost solely for the cruel pleasure of the Nobility, and which relies on prisoners and desperate migrants.


Celebration of The King’s Coronation – Vhalar 23

This has been a time-honored festival for each and every King who has served as leader of Quacia. The exact date of the festival changes depending on the actual date of the current king’s coronation, though the current iteration of the holiday falls on Vhalar 23. It is one of the few events wherein the Quacian people dispatch emissaries to foreign countries to observe the relative peace and glory of the holiday, and is a time for the Quacian nobility to snobbishly show-off their heritage.

The Heap’s Rebellion Remembrance – Saun 2

An unofficial holiday comprising of a celebration by the lower classes of the city over their victory over the oppressive policies under the Corpse King. The Theocratum and the nobility both look down upon the celebrations herein with extreme disdain, but the number of persons who inexplicably begin to celebrate is so great that there is little they can do to stop it beyond ensuring that the behavior does not become too reckless or rebellious in nature. This is a time of drinking and partying unseen at any other time throughout the city-state, and raucous individuals can be found aplenty filling the streets.


There is very little which can be grown upon the surface of Quacia due to the ever-present Creep. Therefore, any vegetation and plants are grown beneath the city in a section of the Underway which has been cordoned off from others. Mushrooms and other fungi typically make their appearance in the diet, along with whatever fish can be captured from Mirage.

Wild game is rare given the constant encroachment of Creep, and flesh must not come into contact with the substance to be considered clean enough for consumption. Swine and poultry are raised in the dark confines of the city, and are typically the most common sources of meat. Spices and other food additives are typically considered a luxury, and are almost exclusively imported with a few exceptions.

List of Common Quacian Foodstuffs

  • Mushrooms (Varying sizes and types, some with psychedelic or herbal properties)
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Rat (For the especially poor)
  • Cave Wheat
  • Bloodlights
  • Ales and Beers
  • Cave Grapes
  • Fish and Seafood
  • Potatoes

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