The Effigy of Deabrutoa
Deabruto does not grant his effigy based on personality or goals. As far as he is concerned the only worthwhile trait in a mortal is that they show him the proper respect and deferrence he deserves. One would have to grovel in his presence and flatter him, acknowledging him as the most superior being in existence, before he would even consider granting them his effigy. If one such mortal expresses an interest in bearing his effigy he then treats it as he would a commidity: offering it in trade for a rare prize or difficult service.
Initial Effigy Manifestation
When the Bearer is first granted Deabrutoa's effigy, their upper canine teeth fall out and are replaced by snake-like fangs. Their tongue and nails become pitch black, as do the whites of their eyes, and the natural colour of their iris glows with a faint light that become brighter as the bearer unlocks additional powers. Any surgeon who operates on them will notice that their bones have turned charred black in colour.
Breath Power
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Breath Power
Breath of the Underworld
The starting power of the Effigy of Deabrutoa, this ability allows the Bearer to breathe out a cloud of noxious miasma. In high concentrations, such as directly after it is first breathed out, this miasma is thick enough to choke living beings it surrounds, and will eventually suffocate them if they cannot escape from the cloud quickly. This miasma saps the energy away from those who breathe it, meaning that if the bearer spreads it around the room they are in they can siginificantly drain everyone's else's energy: not enough to incapacitate them, but enough to make their movements sluggish and lethargic.
The Branches
The Effigy of Deabrutoa is divided into the following branches: The Death Branch, The Bonds Branch, The Gluttony Branch and The Slavery Branch. The Death and Bonds Branch are divided further into two sub-branches each.
The Death Branch
The Death branch represents Deabrutoa's understanding of the proces by which life is extinguished, both in the bodily and spiritual sense. Death is an inescapable, eternal fact that dominates Idalos, and as such is split into two sub-branches: the Body and the Soul.
The Body Sub-Branch
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
Summon Harbinger
This power allows the bearer to summon one special, powerful undead servant to act as their bodyguard and loyal retainer: a Harbinger. To do this the bearer must aquire an intact corpse (excluding that of a Yludih, Tunawa or Cadouri) and use their own blood to paint markings across the entireity of its body for two hours without interuption. When they are finished all excesses flesh with be turn to ash, and the skeleton will arise as an undead servant under the bearer's complete control.
A harbinger does not possess any of the racial abilities of its former race, and can act as if it possesses 40 points each in the strength, endurance, stealth and disguise skills, as well as a combat skill of the bearer's choice (as a Harbinger is an NPC character, this would be 40/100 xp, not 40/250). A harbinger can only increase these skill points through abilities granted later in this branch, not through regular means, and does not possess a developed enough consciousness to communicate in any way but is fully capable of understanding the bearer's commands. Unlike a necromancy thrall, a harbinger cannot rebel against its master in any way or disobey their commands, and will act to assist and defend the bearer without being instructed to if it percieves it as the appropriate time. It does not require the bearer to constantly focus on providing it with power, and so can stay permanently animated without causing the bearer any harmful effects. The harbinger will follow any verbal instructions the bearer gives it so long as they make sense and are physically possible for it to do, though must be able to recieve these verbal commands in order to do so and does not share any kind of psychic bond with the bearer allowing it to recieve commands from afar, know where they are or when they are in danger. If left alone and without instructions, the harbinger will do whatever it can to return to the bearer's side. If the harbinger is destoryed or incapacitated the bearer can perform the marking ritual again on another corpse, at which point the previous one becomes inanimate. Even if the bearer dies the harbinger will remain active, and will continue to carry out the last order it was given and then return to guard the bearer's corpse.
Tier 2
Dark Guardian
The harbinger can now act as if it possesses 75 points each in the strength and endurance skills.
Tier 2
Shadow Agent
The harbinger can now act as if it possesses 75 points each in the stealth and disguise skills.
Tier 3
Fallen Angel
The harbinger is now able to quickly grow a set of skeletal dragon wings from its back, and is able to fly as if it possesses 75 points in the flying skill.
Tier 4
Dread Knight
The bearer can now identify a second combat skill that their harbinger to learn. Also the harbinger can now act as if it possesses 75 points each in both of these chosen combat skills.
Tier 4
Fourth Horseman
The harbinger can now act as if it possesses 75 points each in the mount and running skills.
Tier 5
Silent Ferryman
The harbinger can breathe noxious miasma from its mouth just like the bearer can by using the Breath of the Underworld ability.
The Soul Sub-Branch
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
With this ability the bearer is able to cross the boundary between comporeality and incorporeality at will, allowing them to transform into a ghost and back. This transformation is instantaneous and can be done repeatedly without issue, but requires the bearer to consciously decide to do so every time. The bearer is an echo class ghost, however they do not have any anchors nor do they require them to remain on Idalos. They also cannot use any ghost skills or abilities until they have unlocked them by reaching higher stages of this sub-branch. If the bearer was already a ghost they cannot use this ability until they become a Risen by possessing a corpse, at which point they can shift that corpse body between corporal and incorporal states.
Tier 2
The bearer can now use the possession skill while in ghost form. They can use this skill as if they have 75 points of experience invested in it already, the highest level of competent, unless they choose to invest more that 75 points of their own earned experience in the skill already, in which case they can use it to a higher level.
Tier 2
The bearer can now use the syphon skill while in ghost form. They can use this skill as if they have 75 points of experience invested in it already, the highest level of competent, unless they choose to invest more that 75 points of their own earned experience in the skill already, in which case they can use it to a higher level.
Tier 3
The bearer can now use the phantasm ability while in ghost form.
Tier 4
The bearer can now use the hex skill while in ghost form. They can use this skill as if they have 75 points of experience invested in it already, the highest level of competent, unless they choose to invest more that 75 points of their own earned experience in the skill already, in which case they can use it to a higher level.
Tier 4
The bearer can now use the materialization skill while in ghost form. They can use this skill as if they have 75 points of experience invested in it already, the highest level of competent, unless they choose to invest more that 75 points of their own earned experience in the skill already, in which case they can use it to a higher level.
Tier 5
The bearer can now use the tendril ability while in ghost form.
1 Branch Mastery Power
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 6
Endless Life
The final power in the Death Branch. With this power the bearer is able to nominate an item of great sentimental value to them as their "anchor." As long as this anchor remains intact the bearer will never truly die. When they are killed their soul will not pass on, but will instead be transported to and stored within this anchor. A new clone body will then slowly begin to grown from the anchor over the course of 100 trials, and upon completion the soul will enter this new body. From the bearer's perspective they will feel like they are trapped within a deep, dreamless sleep until this new body is ready, at which point the awaken. This clone body will be an exact replica of the body the bearer possessed at the moment they were first granted Deabrutoa's effigy, and can even allow the bearer to return from death via old age with a fresh, youthful body. If the anchor is destroy the bearer can designate another suitable item as their new anchor, however they cannot do this while they are still regenerating froma previous death. Therefor the only times a bearer is capable of being permanently killed is when they are either not aware that their achor has been destroyed, or if it is destroyed during the 100 trial regeneration period. This ability cannot be used by a lich.
The Bonds Branch
Deabrutoa understands better than most that all life is connected, but not always in a good way. Some build mutual bonds of trust and affection between each other, while others bind people to them through manipulation or force in order to exploit them. As such is split into two sub-branches: the Forced and the Given.
The Forced Sub-Branch
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
Bound by Sweat
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. While bonded, both the bearer and the target pool their reserves of energy and sleep. They will both become exhausted together even if only one of them does any work, and will both fall unconscious from exhaustion at exactly the same time. if one of them eats, they will both gain sustainence from it.
Tier 1
The bearer cannot be restrained by and kind of phsyical item, such as handcuffs, straightjackets, nets, or even simple rope. The item in question will simply unfasten itself from around them the moment the bearer wills it to be so. However this only applies to items focused on binding a part of the bearer's body, and does not affect places like jail cells or locked doors that prevent the bearer from accessing or leaving an area.
Tier 2
Bound by Health
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. While bonded, both the bearer and the target will share the syptoms of any sicknesses, diseases, alcohol, drugs or poisons that the other exhibits, excluding death. This does not apply to magical effects.
Tier 3
Bound by Flesh
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. This bond can only be applied to a target by physically touching them. While bonded, both the bearer and the target's are forced to remain physically touching each other at all times and cannot be seperated without severing parts of their own body. Both the bearer and marked are able to change which parts of their body are connected by sliding the points of connection between themselves: as if they are being magnetically pulled together rather than as if their flesh was fused together.
Tier 3
Bound by Tears
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. While bonded, both the bearer and the target will feel any sensation of pain that the other feels, with the exact same intensity, in the both relevantly corresponding part of their body. This body only shares the sense of pain however, not the actual damage inflicted that caused it.
Tier 4
Bound by Blood
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. This bond can only be applied to a target who is either a direct ancestor or descendant of the bearer by blood; to any direct siblings the bearer has who share both of the same birth parents; or to anyone who has had the bearer's blood transfused into them. Through this bond the bearer is able to create a strong psychic connection, allowing them to speak directly into the target's mind, hear their thoughts, locate them no matter where they are in the word and enter into their dreams.
Tier 5
Bound by Honour
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time, and the bond is only broken when the bearer wills it to be. Once a bond is broken this ability cannot be used again for a full trial. This bond can only be applied to a target whom the bearer has saved the life of: such as by sparing them at a moment they could have killed them; helping them escape from or avoid a situation that would have otherwise killed them; or even by protecting their life in a broader sense by preventing something from coming to pass which would have caused the target to lose a large deal of wealth, respect, power or other important concept in the target's life. When the target is bound by honour to repay their debt to the bearer, the bearer can use this ability to enforce that debt upon the target. Until it is repayed, the target is incapable of deliberately causing harm to the bearer, and will automatically act to protect them from harm so long as doing so would not be assuredly fatal for them. This bond will continue until either the bearer releases the target, or until the target is also able to undoubtedly save the bearer's life.
Tier 5
Bound by Promise
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time. This power can only be used when both the target gives some form of verbal promise, oath or other manner of assurance to the bearer that they will complete some form of task, usually in exchange for something of the bearer's. As long as the bearer lives up to their end of the agreement, this power will enforce the verbal bond the target swore and make it almost impossible for them to break. Seemingly chance events continuously draw them into situations by which the target must honour their side of the deal, and on eveny occassion they refuse they are overcome with torturous pain. The bond will only be broken once the target fulfills their end of the bargain, either by word or by the spirit of the agreement depending on circumstance. If the thing they swore to do is absolutely impossible to achieve through any means then this power will not take effect.
The Given Sub-Branch
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
Bond of Trust
The bearer can forge a spiritual bond between themself and up to six other people they can see. This bond last for a full hour, after which another full hour must pass before it can be used again. The bearer can only form this bond with someone that they trust, and will find that the stronger their trust in that person is, the stronger this bond becomes. The bonded are able to move together with a level of instictive synchronisation that would normal take years to master. The more they trust each other the more synchronised their movements become. Those who'd completely trust their lives to each other become so refined that they can dodge each other's weapons by a hair's bredth in the middle of combat, or dance together so naturally they almost appear to be one entity.
Tier 1
Working Together
The bearer can forge a spiritual bond between themself and up to six other people they can see. This bond last for a full hour, after which another full hour must pass before it can be used again. The bearer can only form this bond with someone that who is also working towards the same common goal as them. The bonded will always be aware of where all other bonded are, and will instictively know if anyone is in danger.
Tier 2
Telepathic Bond
Upon unlocking this power, all other abilities in this sub-branch that allow the bearer to form a bond with someone also allow the bearer and those they are bonded with to hear each others thoughts. This bond does not allow them to see their thoughts or feel their emotions, only hear any sounds that the other thinks of. This power does not translate the language of these thoughts.
Tier 3
Bond of Friendship
The bearer can forge a spiritual bond between themself and up to six other people they can see. This bond last for a full hour, after which another full hour must pass before it can be used again. The bearer can only form this bond with someone that they consider to be a friend, and will find that the closer their friendship with this person is, the stronger this bond becomes. The bonded are able to sense each other's emotions through this bond and become intuitively aware of the other's needs. The deeper the friendship they share, the more precisely they can identify these emotions. If anything attempts to influence one of the bonded's minds, that bonded may act as if their discipline and meditation skill are the same as the combined total of all the bonded's discipline and meditation skills added together.
Tier 3
My Enemy's Enemy
The bearer can forge a spiritual bond between themself and up to six other people they can see. This bond last for a full hour, after which another full hour must pass before it can be used again. The bearer can only form this bond with someone that who is also actively attempting to work against the same person as the bearer is. While this bond is acive, the bonded are able to temporarily pass their skill points in the strength skill between each other. Those who relinquish their skill point are temporarily weakened, while those who gain these skill point instantly gain muscles mass and exceed their previous physical limits. However by sharing their strength points the bonded also pass along their negative feelings, such as rage or bitterness into the one recieving them, who will go ballistic unles their skill in discipline is higher that their newfound strength skill. One the bond is ended the strength skill points return to their original players.
Tier 4
Clairvoyant Bond
Upon unlocking this power, all other abilities in this sub-branch that allow the bearer to form a bond with someone also allow the bearer and those they are bonded with to project visual images of things they can remember or imagine directly into each other's minds.
Tier 5
Bond of Family
The bearer can forge a spiritual bond between themself and one other person they can see. This bond last for a full hour, after which another full hour must pass before it can be used again, and only one of this type of bond can be used at once. The bearer can only form this bond with someone that they consider to be a part of their family, either literally or the sense of an intensely close friendship. The bearer is able to temporarily transfer all points they have in one skill of their choosing over to a person of their choosing, including magic skills. These points are temporarily added to that character's point in that skill to allow them to act beyond their usual limits. If the chosne skill is a magic skill, the bearer will suffer any overstepping penalities that the target should gain by improperly weilding their magic. The bearer can withdraw these points at any time, at which point the bond is broken.
Tier 5
Timeless Bond
Upon unlocking this power, all other abilities in this sub-branch that would normally cease after one hour can now be maintained for as long as the bearer wishes, and can be reused again immediately.
2 Branch Mastery Power
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 6
Bound by Destiny
The bearer can create a bond between themselves and one other living target they can see. Only one of this kind of bond can be made at a time. With this power, the bearer binds themself to another person so closely that their very fates themselves intertwine. If one of them dies, so too will the other, unless the other person is incapable of perishing as a result of that form of death, in which case the first will not die from it either. If one is fireproof and the other is set aflame then they both will be fine, but if not then both will be burnt to ashes. The only exception to this if one of them deliberately tries to kill themself in an attempt to kill the other, in which case this bond will automatically break upon the first's demise. This also means that if either the bearer or target are immortal, the other will be immortal too until their counterpart is destroyed. Additionally the bearer and target will find that even if they try to avoid each other they will constantly cross paths with each other again eventually, as if fate itself is drawing them together.
The Gluttony Branch
Deabrutoa represents the inevitable truth that, in order to preserve your own life, one must consume the lives of others. This branch grants the marked abilities to help them devour and draw strength from the world around them.
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
With this power the inside of the bearer's stomach becomes an infinitely expanding space, allowing it to hold as much food and water as the bearer consumes without outwardly growing. This means that the bearer can eat and drink as much as they want without ever getting full, and can use this store of nutrition to go for days, weeks or even years without eating so long as they stored up enough food beforehand. This magical stomach continues to break down food with its acid but only releases it to the bearer's body when needed, meaning that ironically the bearer will quickly loose weight and become perfectly fit soon after unlocking this power. If the bearer is ever made to throw up all food stored within their stomache will be expelled at once, which means that it is ill-advised to swallow another living being whole as they can induce said vomiting by attacking the stomache lining. Finally since the bearer's stomache now has infinite capacity they never feel truly full, and are thus never completely satisfied no matter how much they eat.
Tier 1
With this ability the bearer can give certain parts of their jaw, throat and gullet rubber-like properties, allowing them to unhinge and expand like a snake. Although this process is quite slow, requiring at least ten seconds to fully activate, it allows the bearer to swallow an onject up to their own size and body weight whole (though to do so would be ill-advised without first unlocking the Bottomless Stomach ability.)
Tier 2
The bearer is able to consume any organic material, from flesh and bone to hair and wood, and digest it without issue. No matter what state of decay it is in the bearer will not gain any illnesses, poisoning, or suffering from any non-magical adverse effects.
Tier 3
With this power the bearer is able to manipulate their own teeth. They can change the shape and size of them (but cannot change their density) and can fire them out of their own mouth with the speed of a crossbow bolt, though will still need skill at ranged combat to be accurate in this. Once a tooth has left their mouth they can no longer manipulate it unless they insert it back into their own mouth again. They can also grow new teeth at a rapid rate as many times as they wish, or even grow entirely new sets of teeth within their mouth.
Tier 4
The bearer is now able to give their teeth the density and properties of steel, and in addition are able to eat, digest and gain substainance from all non-magical forms of metal. the muscles and bones of their jaw gain enhance strength, allowing them to bite clean through metal bars if they try hard enough.
Tier 5
The bearer is able to rapidly increase of decrease the amount of body fat in their body, as well as increase their amount of skin and internal organs to accomidate their newfound size. In the span of a few seconds they can go from being all skin and bones to the size of a sumo wrestler, or even larger. This body fat must expand evenly across the body rather than be focused into one particular area. The bearer also cannot expand if there is not enough room for them to do so in whatever space they are currently in.
Tier 5
The bearer is able to grow additional mouths on any spot of their body. These mouths all lead directly to the bearer's infinite stomach, and can benefit from the abilities previous gained in this branch just as the bearer's original mouth can. It takes five seconds to grow a new mouth, but the bearer can return these mouths back to regular parts of their body within the span of a single second.
3 Branch Mastery Power
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 6
Spirit Eater
With this power the bearers teeth, mouth, stomach and all flesh inbetween is capable of physically interacting with ephemera: the incorporeal substance spirits are made of. Because of this the bearer is now able to literally each spirits. By consuming a spirit, the bearer can temporarily use whatever powers if possesses for approximately a trial. The spirit itself will return to the outside world at this time as well so long as whatever concept it is the spirit of is not destroyed.
The Slavery Branch
The Slavery branch represents Deabrutoa's understanding of how to exploit those enslaved to you for personal gain. This branch is only useful to those who are in ownership of slaves, and serves to enhance the abilities of those slaves in order to make them more useful. For the purposes of this mark a "slave" is considered someone who is bound in some way that forces them to obey the bearer's will, and includes but is not limited to: literal chains or collars and the threat of punishment; addiction to drugs or other substances only the bearer can provide; prolonged exposure to magical effects such as Empathy; or even extreme emotion such as fear, or loyalty to a promise or debt. As long as the target subconsciously believes that they no longer have a choice in obeying the bearer they are considered a slave. A slave may harbour rebellious thoughts and still be considered a slave, but the moment they act on those thoughts and actively defy the bearer's commands they are no longer considered a slave and all brands applied to them will be instantly dispelled.
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 1
Brand of the Labourer Slave
The bearer may draw a unique symbol on the forehead of a PC or NPC slave they own with their own blood; the brand of a slave tasked for hard labour. If this brand is applied to a slave already possessing a brand granted by this effigy the old brand is dispelled. Even when the blood is washed away the brand will remain marked on the slave's forehead as a faint red line. The slave may numb away their innate senses of fatigue and pain (excluding pain the bearer wished for them to feel,) allowing them to work themselves to their absolutely physical limit before needing to rest.
Tier 1
Brand of the Pleasure Slave
The bearer may draw a unique symbol on the forehead of a PC or NPC slave they own with their own blood; the brand of a slave tasked for pleasure. If this brand is applied to a slave already possessing a brand granted by this effigy the old brand is dispelled. Even when the blood is washed away the brand will remain marked on the slave's forehead as a faint blue line. By making skin-to-skin contact with someone the slave will be able to sense that person's negative emotions and the points of tension and stress around their body, and will instictively know the best way to soothe said stress and emotions.
Tier 2
The Master's Eyes
The bearer can enter a meditative state and connect their senses to that of a slave they own, allowing them to see, hear, taste, smell and feel whatever the slave does. This does not however apply to supernatural senses such as those granted by magic sparks. While in this state the bearer is unable to sense the world around their real body.
Tier 3
Brand of the Warrior Slave
The bearer may draw a unique symbol on the forehead of a PC or NPC slave they own with their own blood; the brand of a slave tasked to fight in their master's name. If this brand is applied to a slave already possessing a brand granted by this effigy the old brand is dispelled. Even when the blood is washed away the brand will remain marked on the slave's forehead as a faint black line. As long as the bearer is nearby, the slave can give their skin the colour and durability of cheap metal, making it far more resistant to being lacerated but not completely invulnerable. However should the bearer strike them this power is inverted, making their skin softer and far more sensitive to pain.
Tier 3
Brand of the Scholar Slave
The bearer may draw a unique symbol on the forehead of a PC or NPC slave they own with their own blood; the brand of a slave tasked to organise other slaves or complete taks that require more intelligence. If this brand is applied to a slave already possessing a brand granted by this effigy the old brand is dispelled. Even when the blood is washed away the brand will remain marked on the slave's forehead as a faint white line. The slave is able to simply turn off all of their emotions at will and hyper-focus on the task before them, allowing them to think with perfect logical clarity and work on tasks far more efficiently. However when in this state no thoughts of ever questioning or betraying the bearer will ever enter their mind. This power will automatically turn off when the slave completes all tasks assigned to them or falls asleep.
Tier 4
The Master's Pet
Every bearer is assigned a Styx to accompany them upon recieving their effigy, however this dragonling is a creature that still possesses its own free will and can act in its own self interests. Upon unlocking this power however this is no longer the case. The Styx assigned to the bearer becomes their perfect slave; bound to follow their every command without hesitation or exception, even if it causes them great pain or endangers their life.
Tier 5
The Master's Will
When the bearer connects their senses to that of a slave they own through The Master's Vision ability, the bearer can now establish a minor physic bond with the slave that allows them to project their thoughts into their slave's mind, but does not allow them to read their slave's thoughts. Through this bond the bearer is also able to puppet their slave's body so long as the slave does not resist, allowing them to move it and speak through it as if it were their own. However the slave is still conscious while this puppeteering takes place, and any intense physical movement or shock such as combat or sudden loud noises will cause them to immediately take control of their body back as their instincts demands that they move to react.
4 Branch Mastery Power
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Tier 6
Brand of the Eternal Slave
The bearer may draw a unique symbol on the forehead of a PC or NPC slave they own with their own blood; the brand of a slave tasked to serve them even in death. Only one slave the bearer owns can hold this brand. If this brand is applied to a slave already possessing a brand granted by this effigy the old brand is dispelled. Even when the blood is washed away the brand will remain marked on the slave's forehead as a faint golden line. This slave gains the abilities of a slave marked with the labour, pleasure, warrior and scholar brand combined. Additionally as long as the bearer lives, so too will the slave bearing this brand. If they are killed by anyone other than the bearer their body will ender a torporous state, and will slowly regenerate from even the smallest scrap of flesh or hair. This process might take a few days or an entire cycle depending on how badly damaged the body was. The only way to prevent this power is if literally no trace of the body remains, such as by completely incinerating it.
The Transformation Power
The apex of all the powers in Deabrutoa's effigy, this power signifies that the bearer has become so in tune with the concepts Deabrutoa represent that they can literally take the form of Deabrutoa himself.
Power Tier
Power Number
Power Name
Power Cost
Power Description
Transformation Power
Form of Deabrutoa
The apex all the powers at the Bearer's disposal, this power allows the Bearer to taken on the form of the Inevitable One himself. When this power is used, the Bearer becomes a dragon that is identical to Deabrutoa in appearance, including his massive size. In addition the Bearer also gets the monumental strength and endurance that Deabrutoa wields, making them an incredibly powerful physical opponent. Finally, 4 powers are unique to this form and can be activated at will while the Bearer is transformed.
- By eating any form of biological material, the bearer will imediately regenerate any wound or injury of an equal or lower mass that that which was consumed.
- The bearer can reanimate and and all dead bodies within 500 feet of itself, excluding those already reanimated by other means. These bodies act like husk-type necromancy thralls under the bearer's command, but cost no ether to maintain and run no risk of rebelling against the bearer.
- The bearer is immune to all supernatural abilities that would seek to influence their mind unless they allow it to.
- The bearer can "roar" a single, word one command. Anyone besides the ebarer who hears this command is overwhelmed by the compulsion to follow this command, unless doing so would undoubtedly kill them. This effect lasts for 250 seconds minus the target's discipline or meditiation skill (whichever is higher.)
This category has only the following subcategory.