Category:Oakleigh Destrier

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Oakleigh Destrier.png


Name: Oakleigh Destrier

Fauna Type: Domestic Land

Mod Status: Self

Height: 156cm - 172cm (To the Shoulder)

Length: 182.88cm - 213cm

Weight: Average 550kg

Native to: The Eastern Settlements, specifically the Oakleigh foothills.

Locations: Specifically Rynmere and the Eastern Settlements, but used as war horses throughout Idalos

Created By: Murphy Clyde


The Oakleigh Destrier is a powerfully built warhorse and working horse, compact but elegant. The head is of a medium length and straight in profile, the nose broad and proud. The neck is long and thick, running to defined withers and a massive chest. The back is short and broad, leading to a strong hindquarters and a well-rounded croup. The mane and tails grow thick and long and must either be trimmed or braided back. The breed is commonly found to carry grey and black coats, often with a dapple patterning over the haunch and back. However, most colorations can be found and none are discouraged or selectively bred out. Bluer toned coast are prized and encouraged, as they often fetch a higher price.


The Destriers are a hardy horse that thrives well in all weathers found throughout Rynmere and the Eastern Settlements. However, extreme temperatures that are not usually experienced in these regions can stress the horse and potentially harm the horse's health.

Lifespan and Development:

A Destrier, if cared for well, can live a natural life of 25-30 years. They reach sexual and physical maturity at five years and begin training under harness and saddle at two years of age. Typical pregnancies last for 5.5 seasons, with the foal being able to stand and run within hours of birth. They are generally weaned around 2.5 to 3 seasons of age.


Requires a minimum of 2% of body weight in forage per day. Suitable foods include hay, grains, and fresh grasses.


The Destrier is an intelligent horse, with a sensitive and docile personality. When treated with respect they are quick to learn, are responsive and cooperative. They do particularly well as battle horses due to their calm and resolute nature. They are difficult to spook and are extremely loyal to their rider.


Historically a wild horse native to the Eastern Settlements, the Oakleigh Destrier was domesticated and used for labor and as a battle steed for many generations. They have been selectively bred with various other species of horse in order to obtain the now recognized standard of horse, and are well known for their robust health and incredible strength.


It is well known throughout the Eastern Settlements and Rynmere that Oakleigh Destriers are one of the best breeds of warhorses available. These horses are so perfectly suited to battle that they have been steadily gaining a reputation abroad over the last century. They are the preferred mounts to knights and sellswords alike and are even well loved by farmers, as their hardy nature and calm disposition lends them well to hard work of all types.


  • Pack Mount: Can carry 20% of body weight (Ave 110kg), and pull up to 1.5x of its weight (Ave 825kg).

See Also

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