Astral Diffusion
A Dreamwalking Capstone of Woe this capstone does the following:
Astral Diffusion
The dreamwalker has evolved their ability to manipulate their dreamscape, to the point where they can extend their control to other dreamscapes or even Emea itself. This manifests in the ability to form a structure the size of a tier 5 house within Emea or another Dreamscape, the reality of which is made persistent by an anchor to the shared Mindscapes. For example, the dreamwalker could create a moving vessel or ship that travels Emea, or a fixed fortress that can withstand attacks from Emeyan beings. It takes at least a dozen bits to transform this astral diffusion, so changes can't be made immediately to its form. Preparation for that reason is paramount, and also possibly moot since the chaotic realm of Emea defies preparation. In any event, only one structure of this kind can be maintained at any one time. Further capstones may improve upon the size of the structure.
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