Difference between revisions of "Category:Aukari"

Line 7: Line 7:
| Weight: || 110-180 lbs.  
| Weight: || 110-180 lbs.  
|Life Span: || Up to 40 arcs<span style="color: white">.........</span>
|Life Span: || Usually burn up around 40 arcs, otherwise 70<span style="color: white">.........</span>
|Creator || [[:Category: Faldrun |Faldrun]]
|Creator || [[:Category: Faldrun |Faldrun]]

Latest revision as of 17:38, 15 December 2022

Fast Facts
Height: ..................................... 5'6"-6'3
Weight: 110-180 lbs.
Life Span: Usually burn up around 40 arcs, otherwise 70.........
Creator Faldrun
Notable Features Red Hair
Leader Zatkai
Mostly Live In Sirothelle, Northern Idalos
Racial Ability Eruption Resistance
Racial Bonus One non-arcana skill +25
Fast Track Skills Player choice of one non-arcana skill
Notable NPCs Aukari NPCs
Player Characters Aukari PCs


A group of humans once lived in solitude within a mountainous region that was home to an active volcano. They had no need to worry as they lived out their days building structures, watering crops, and hunting for food. It was a perfect paradise for these humans until the day came when the forests and fields around them were set ablaze. As the shattering of the seven original beings roused the anger and suspicion of the Immortals, Faldrun- the Immortal of fire, lashed out in a fiery rage toward the humans. He knew not why they existed nor how they came to be, but all he could see was filth, chaos, and the reason for his fear and suffering. Faldrun had burned alive most of the humans in the mountainous region that day. Taking no notice of the now crumbling land, Faldrun returned to his brother and sisters, the loss of his creators still a sharp pain in his heart. When he returned, word spread to him that some of his siblings were discussing keeping the humans alive. There was rumor that mankind was making the world better and balanced. He was there when the events leading up to the war occur and most importantly, he was one of the reasons it started. In his mind, Faldrun saw the mortals as an impurity to be erased from the face of Idalos. White fire blazed from his eyes as he looked upon his brethren, arguing their stupidity and finally, threatening them with death if they did not succumb to his will. They did not and continued to protect the humans existence.

When it was discovered humans could kill Immortals, Faldrun took into consideration using the humans to oppress any that stood against him. He killed mortals before and if they did not succumb to him, he would do it again. So he went back to the barren wasteland that use to be a beautiful, quiet mountain region and resurrected the humans he had burned alive. Some of them came back completely normal, though most that returned to life did it in a blaze of fire and smoke. Faldrun had never seen such a human before, burning bright with fire wrapped around them, like a burning torch. Unknowingly, he had brought into existence the Aukari.


Common Attitudes

Aukarians are not to be trusted. They are known across Idalos not only for their spy craft and espionage, but also, for killing numerous innocents whether by accident or on purpose. When it comes down to the nature of an Aukari, they are just as human as the next person though, the fire in them and the oppression from their deity only serves to numb their emotions. If someone comes across a city ran by Aukarians, they will find the inhabitants closed off, strict, and otherwise unfriendly. The common attitude of an Aukarian is being introverted and distant while being curious and adaptive. The most common emotion every Aukari shares is fear, whether they show it or not. From the moment they are born, they have little control over the fire that burns within their body. Every Aukari has a fear of catching fire, especially in dry climates for it can cause massive destruction. That is why most Aukarians are committed to serving Faldrun- the god of fire, for he is able to bless them with the ability to control their fire. These are the common attitudes of the Aukarian people, however, they may vary depending on region and upbringing.

Outsider's Perspective

Those in Idalos avoid an encounter with an Aukari at all costs. To most people, the Aukari are seen as walking destruction and mayhem. Often times, it's very hard to figure out that someone is an Aukari as red hair is a normal color among many races. However, if someone discovers that an individual is an Aukarian, they most likely will not hesitate to deny business to that Aukari, potentially harass and harm them, or even kill them. Many people see this race as the reason for chaos in the war going on between the Immortals. They see the Aukari as the wood helping to build the fire. However, there are some citizens who are curious about the Aukari and will befriend them when given the opportunity. Those who choose to have an Aukari as a companion may either regret this decision or realize it was the best choice they could have made.

Perception of the World

Contrary to popular belief, most Aukari crave for the world beyond Sirothelle, not for its destruction but for the wonders that await discovery. It is a dark craving each Aukari hides within their hearts, finding that duty and self preservation mean more than childlike curiosity. For this, the Aukari engrave objective into the minds of the youthful, training children to be wary, focused, quick in their movements, and deadly. They are taught not to want what is beyond the walls of the city or to even think about the ideas of relaxation and luxury. To most, the world is considered temptation given by Vri, the Immortal of Death. The Zatkai teaches that the cities, in all their riches and glory, seek to destroy the Aukari by making them lose control over the flames inside. With this, fear, anger, and loathing are molded into the simple minded while those less inclined to care find doubt in the words of their ruler. To survive, the Aukari work as hired mercenaries for other cities and contracted only to slay Immortals. Otherwise, one does not see much from a traveling Aukari. They are not the kind of race to make their presence known when traveling. The warnings hounded into their minds while growing up prevents an Aukari from truly opening up to people and much less, seeing and appreciating the beauty of the world. Those that seek to break away from the Zatkai and embrace a liberating lifestyle are viewed as a danger to the people, hunted down, and slain.

General Society and Culture


The Aukarians tend to eat a lot of beef, pork, and venison. Often times, due to their location,their schooling and combat training, this race tends to eat more protein than anyone else. They don't use a lot of spices, so most of their food tends to taste very bland, however, when it comes to cooking meals so that they are juicy, the Aukarian have that almost perfected. They don't tend to eat a lot of fruit simply because fruit doesn't seem to grow well where they live. Most of the time, when an Aukarian is by themselves in a city not rule by their kind, they are eating a lot of fruits, sweets, and seasoned foods because chances are, they've never tasted such things before. An Aukari always has a favorite kind of food and talking about it is one way to befriend them.

Alcohol is a forbidden substance within the Aukari race as well as any drugs that might affect their judgement of certain situations. Ingesting alcohol or any substance that would affect their cognitive abilities could result in severe punishment.


From the age of 5, Aukarians are trained as lethal weapons to be used by the Immortal Faldrun. They must go through many tests, physical examinations, mental stress tests, and ability tests. If it appears that an Aukari is not fit to be used for Faldrun's tasks, then they are released from all schooling, education, and training classes and assigned a duty working among the Aukari citizens. These Aukarians are not treated any differently and may actually receive a warm welcome into the work force. An Aukari who doesn't pass these tests will find it very hard to control their fire and live outside of their race's city. However, those that continue their education will graduate at the age of 18. Once they've graduated from training, they are instated as official members to the Aukarian Occult and assigned missions they must complete.

Barer of Flames
This is a ritual done once a year for the graduating Aukari who have completed their training. This ceremony is held at night and involved the use of fire to seal the Mark of Faldrun into their wrists to instate them into the Occult. This is a quiet ceremony, one that involves prayer afterwards.
This ceremony is held individually without too many people to witness the event. Marriage is look at as a duty to the people of Aukari. If one marries, they are promising to the Immortal to bare Aukari offspring for Faldrun to use against the other Immortals in the war. It is only acceptable for an Aukarian to marry other Aukarians. Anything else is considered treason.

Literature & Schooling

Surprisingly, the Aukarians are well versed in the ways of the world, rhetoric, politics, and education. They have an extensive knowledge of certain major cities, their rulers, the Immortals that may reside there, and the laws of that city. Their libraries are filled, wall to wall, with different kinds of text, journals, and literature collected from different sources throughout the world of Idalos. They are never lacking in information, especially when it comes to information on their enemies.

Schooling is a major part of an Aukarian's life as it dictates the direction and control they have over their fate. School starts from the age of 5 and lasts till an Aukari completes their training which is usually at the age of 18. Those that complete their training receive extra skills, abilities, and have better control over their fire.

Cities Occupied

Currently, the Aukari control Sirothelle, a city that resides in the Northern Region of Idalos next to the Heart of the World. Most know not to venture near Sirothelle and any who dare do it for trade purposes. The Aukari have built the city into a massive, stone fortress where all buildings and land are covered in stone. This helps to preserve Sirothelle though most outsiders look at this city as a giant prison of sorts.

The Aukari can be found in small numbers wandering other cities, though they are not welcomed in most. They are forbidden from entering Ivorian due to the attempted murder of the city's deity, Ethelynda.

Clothing and Grooming


One distinguishing feature each Aukari shares is the color of their hair which appears as a red-ish, soft orange hue. Most outsiders associate this color with the appearance of fire and often use it as justification for abusing anyone who has this color hair. Though they have tried a number of ways to dye their hair in order to hide the color, the Aukari have yet to find a solution to this noticeable problem. All Aukarians are toned, built, and muscular in body shape while the males stand noticeably taller than the females. The Average height of an Aukari female is 5'6" while a male Aukari's average height is 6'0".

An Aukarian is expected to dress modestly in the presences of their race. They are expected to wear fitted clothes they can easily maneuver in while maintaining a proper demeanor. Aukarians are also expected to be armed with a weapon they can easily access, typically a dagger of some sort. On their own, Aukarians look like everyday travelers, adorning leather that can leave little to the imagination. Dressing properly is seen as respectful but is not required.

The Mark of Flames This is the mark of the Aukari Occult. It is only visible by fire light and appears as a rune on the inside of the occultist's right wrist. The Mark of Flames is given to the Occultist once they've completed their training as an assassin for the Immortal. The mark also stands as another connection to the Aukari race and it's people. If it is seen that an adult Aukari doesn't bare the Mark of Flames, or they've somehow removed the mark, the Aukarian is automatically targeted as a traitor of the race.

Arts and Crafts

The Aukari are best known for their work with metal, poisons, and elixirs. From childhood, each Aukari is taught to specialize in a craft, whether that is metalworking, medicine, potions, brewery, or tending to livestock. This is to ensure that each citizen has a purpose in the Aukari society if they aren't able to graduate as a solider. More often than not, only certain Aukari will make it as spies while the rest are ranked as leaders in certain crafts. This all depends on their experience during school, how much they focused on a particular craft, and if they worked hard enough to deserve the rank.

Fine Arts are almost completely extinct within the Aukari society. So much focus is put on combat and spy craft that hardly any attention is put on performing, crafted, or written art. Those Aukari that feel the need to express themselves creatively do so alone, where they cannot be seen or heard. Art is viewed as a means to unraveling an Aukari's control over the fire within them. It is debatable that the only art practiced in the Aukari society are the preforming arts.


The Aukari are highly religious in the aspect of gaining Faldrun's favor. Through rituals, prayer, and their connection of fire are the Aukarians able to communicate to the Immortal. Though Faldrun hardly ever speaks to them, he does make a yearly appearance to judge the race on whether or not they deserve his blessing to control the fire they are born with. The fire element is used in rituals whether it is through burning offerings, candles, a circle of fire, etc. Saun season is the most active time of year for daily mass and religious practices. The Aukarian Occult is another form of religious practice to Faldrun. Anyone as young as 5 years can join in the Occult and begin practicing and training to one day serve as an assassin for Faldrun. This is one of the more well known Occults though most of the people of Idalos look at any member of the Aukarian Occult as untrustworthy and dangerous. Thus is the reason why Aukarians are not taken very well in cities since there is no telling who many be involved in the occult.

Dance of Flame and Ember
This dance is often done by the older generation of Aukari for it requires the use of ones fire ability to preform the ritual safely. The Flame and Ember dance is usually done on the last day of Saun when the sun finally falls below the horizon.
Aukari Prayer
"Flame and heat inviting, build me strong with light ablaze. White fire in my eyes to keep you in my gaze. Let my enemies burn in turmoil, their ashes beneath my feet and pray another day that I am yours to keep. O Immortal Faldrun, my prayer to you is this..."

Reproduction, Aging, and Death

Aukarians are able to procreate with others outside of their own species, though it isn't seen often. Due to their harsh rules and practices, many Aukarians chose to marry with someone of their own race and reproduce that way. This race is different than the other being that there is a 25% chance that two Aukarians will produce a human child. In the city of Sirothelle, where most of this race resides, there is a small population of humans there as well. It is dangerous for an Aukari mother to carry a human child because of the fire her race possess. If she were to erupt into flames, the baby would be burnt within her as apposed to an Aukarian child where they will only ignite with her. There is much debate within the Aukarian race of whether the practice of purposely igniting an Aukarian mother is wrong or not. Many followers in the Occult that governs their race enforce this practice on themselves and their family members to ensure a pure race of warriors for their Immortal, Fauldran. However, igniting a pregnant Aukarian is very dangerous and can be extremely painful for the mother. Any time someone erupts into flames, they risk the possibility of death. This is no exception.

Aukarians age just like regular humans, though they do not have a long life span. Most of the people of this race do not grow up because they end up burning themselves up and dying because of it before they even start to gray. It is unheard of for an Aukari to live past the age of 50 and very rarely will you see an Aukari with gray anywhere on their features.

Language, Script, and Names

The Aukari speak a unique language that can be difficult for an outsider to pick up without a proper teacher. There are two forms of languages they use and they sometimes intertwine both languages as a way to fool anyone listening to them or reading their messages. Their language, on parchment, appears runic with dashes and crisp, sharp edges. Almost always will their words connect to one another, similar to Cursive script.

Their spoken languages are Vauni and Sau'ei. Pronouns, pronunciation, and other forms of grammar will be edited and expanded upon as the roleplay progresses.

Aukari names almost always involve some kind of 'au' 'eey' 'ky' 'ar' combination. Their last names are taken from their father's surname upon graduating. The Zatkai may choose to honor or discipline an Aukari by deciding their last name, however, all Aukari do not have last names until they graduate from school or it is appointed onto them by the ruling Zatkai.

[Vauni Translator]


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