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The Blessing of Elindria

The blessing of Edasha, Elindria, grants the blessed individual grand beauty, the ability to inspire scathing jealousy, incredible sight, and an adulterous spirit. Those who’ve impressed the Immortal and gained favor through devotion and interactions with her will find her blessing truly breathtaking. When an Elindria is blessed, the individual is transformed into the epitome of what he or she believes to be perfection. His or her physical form is changed and molded within a flash of light, granting him or her lush hair, smooth, soft skin, and curves or toned muscle that any being would want to caress. The individual holds a constant aura of allure which draws the eyes of all who walk in the presence of the Elindria. Some may even develop obsession over such beauty.


Ability Name Ability Description
Pygmalion A physical representation of Edasha’s blessing, the Pygmalion is a golden statuette of the Elindria’s likeness, fashioned to an otherworldly degree. This statuette is immensely important to the Elindria, and just being in its very presence inspires envy in others, even if they don’t know why. Often, this is the target of many heists and elaborate schemes, because those who are in possession of the Pygmalion are immune to the Elindria's abilities for the length of their possession of the statuette.

However, while the Elindria is in possession of the Pygmalion and are in the same city, they are conferred a significant bonus to their resistance to Empathy magic and abilities that affect their emotions, especially when it comes to trying to manipulate their jealousy or physical attraction. This level is equal to Competent and below at Favored, Expert and below at Adored, Master at Exalted and Revealed at Champion. Also, by laying hands on the statuette once per trial, the Elindria is granted perfect hygiene for the entire trial.

Divine Opulence (Minor) The ability to permanently beautify the Elindria’s possessions, allowing Edasha’s Blessed to truly live a life filled with beauty, regardless of their income. Use of this ability improves the aesthetics of any item that the Elindria owns - clothing, furniture, pots and pans, etc. The only exception at this stage is buildings. Living beings (ie. animals, plants, and mortals) are not affected by this ability. In order to channel this ability, the Elindria must have the object within his or her line of sight and focus on it. While the object that is affected is selected by the Elindria, the outcome of the aesthetic change is dependent on the Elindria’s individual personality, as well as their mood when using the ability. He or she is unable to predict what will occur from the change, though the changes will always be aesthetically pleasing to the Elindria’s eyes. When changed, the object will always keep its original function (ie. a vase will only ever turn into a more beautiful vase). For example, a simple, homespun dress may be turned into a flowing silk ball gown with a delicate strap made of fabric flowers and a straw mattress may be turned into a soft bed filled with high-quality goose feathers. The ability may be used once per trial. It is important to note that the item memorizes its owner and will always revert back to its original aesthetic once it leaves the Elindria's ownership through sale, gift, theft, or other means.
The Beautician's Skills I The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Disguise, Seduction or Design. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Far Eyes (Minor) Governing the Domain of Sight, Edasha and her followers see more clearly than those not blessed by the Immortal. With this ability, the Elindria can mark an individual or an object with touch and can, for one whole trial, see the person or object with perfect clarity in their mind any time they choose. This ability extends to up to six feet around the marked individual or object, giving the Elindria a better sense of where the person or object is. Anything beyond this radius is blurry and difficult to make out, like looking through opaque glass. This ability can only be used once every two trials, and the countdown to reset the mark does not begin until the prior marked can no longer be seen. There is no physical manifestation of the mark. If the Elindria is observing a person, the person may feel an eerie sensation of being watched without quite knowing where it's coming from.
The Best Little Secret The Elindria may mark any one person that they have committed adultery with, and make it impossible for that person to reveal the adultery. Though it does not completely silence them, whenever they attempt to speak about the deed, they find their words caught in their throats and their comprehension of language to fail them. This is accomplished by an Elindria laying hands on the person's throat and channeling this ability. Only one person at a time may be affected by this ability. Either the Elindria or their lover must be in a separate romantic relationship for this ability to be effective, since adultery involves cheating on one's partner.
Brand of Jealousy Once per season, the Elindria can brand someone she truly despises. This brand can be done without making any contact, but requires the Elindria to sacrifice something of personal value. Taking the form of an angry red tear-drop on the branded’s shoulder, this ability amplifies the bearer’s jealousy as the trials pass. They grow more manic, erratic, and obsessive over the Elindria, which in turn, is siphoned into the statuette the marked possesses. If the brand lasts for three trials, the Pygmalion becomes aware of any attempt made by an Empathy mage to change the Elindria’s emotions if the mage’s skill level meets the Elindria’s corresponding mark level. At Favored, the Pygmalion becomes aware of Novice/Competent Empaths. At Adored, it becomes aware of Expert Empaths, at Exalted, it becomes aware of Master Empaths, and at Champion it becomes aware of Revealed Empaths. So long as the Pygmalion is absorbing emotions from the Elindria’s target, the Pygmalion can rebound any Empathic or emotional attack back onto their attacked once it is aware. This may occur once per trial. The brand can only be removed by the Elindria or an Immortal. Only one such brand may be active at once.
Shared Sight The Elindria is granted the ability to see through the eyes of another person. This ability can be activated if the Elindria has secured uninterrupted eye contact with the individual for at least five trills, and may be used any time within that same trial. Using this ability incapacitates the Elindria as they move into a trance-like state where they are unable to see their surroundings - only what their target is seeing. This makes using the ability when in the presence of others somewhat risky. The target does not lose their own sight when the ability is activated. Should the Elindria keep the ability activated for longer than one break, they will experience a migraine and bloodshot eyes for the next twenty-four breaks after its use. Severity of the migraine depends on the length of time the ability remains active. This ability may be used once per trial.
Through the Veil The Elindria finds that their sight is unable to be hindered through magical or physical means. If blinded, their sight will return to normal within a season, and they can automatically see through any material placed over their eyes. They are also able to see through both smoke and darkness without requiring any additional light, though they do not have the ability to see through walls and doors. This ability will also counter the vision aspect of the Naerikk’s Gift of Shadows.
Green-Eyed Monster Upon receiving this ability, the Spirit of Jealousy will immediately appear at the Blessed’s side. This Spirit may come and go as it pleases, and typically takes the form of a black shadow with piercing, emerald green eyes and a glowing green crown. The Spirit emits an aura of superiority around the Elindria and can heighten existing jealousy in those in the immediate vicinity through whispered words and vindictive phrases. Once per trial, the spirit may learn the jealousies of others and whisper those secrets to the marked. In addition, the spirit can transfer light to moderate wounds from the Elindria to someone else. This may also only occur once per trial.


Ability Name Ability Description
The Scarlet Letter When this ability is activated, the Elindria sees a small scarlet ‘A’ on the forehead of all individuals who have physically or emotionally cheated on their current significant other. Upon its appearance, ‘A’ glows bright for a moment before fading into the individual’s forehead like a fresh scar. Only the Elindria can see the ‘A’ – it is not visible or apparent in any way to those who are not marked.

Upon physically touching the individual, the Elindria can see within their mind all the partners the individual has been with and their names. This ability may be used once per season.

Divine Opulence (Moderate) At this stage, the ability may be used to permanently beautify any object within the Elindria’s immediate environment. The Elindria may use this ability on any object within five feet, regardless of ownership. The only exception at this stage is buildings. Living beings (ie. animals, plants, and mortals) are not affected by this ability. In order to channel this ability, the Elindria must have the object within his or her line of sight and focus on it. While the object that is affected is selected by the Elindria, the outcome of the aesthetic change is dependent on the Elindria’s individual personality, as well as their mood when using the ability. He or she is unable to predict what will occur from the change, though the changes will always be aesthetically pleasing to the Elindria’s eyes. When changed, the object will always keep its original function (ie. a vase will only ever turn into a more beautiful vase). For example, a simple black cloak may be turned into a brocade, fur-lined cloak lined with silk and a wooden chair may become a golden throne. The ability may be used once per trial. It is important to note that while the Elindria may change items belonging to others, the item memorizes its owner and will always revert back to its original aesthetic once it leaves said owner's possession (whether it be the Elindria or someone else) through sale, gift, theft, or other means.
The Beautician's Skills II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Disguise, Seduction or Design. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Far Eyes (Moderate) Governing the Domain of Sight, Edasha and her followers see more clearly than those not blessed by the Immortal. With this ability, the Elindria can mark an individual or an object with touch and can, for one whole trial, see the person or object with perfect clarity in their mind any time they choose. This ability extends to up to twenty feet around the marked individual or object, giving the Elindria a better sense of where the person or object is. Anything beyond this radius is blurry and difficult to make out, like looking through opaque glass. This ability can only be used once every two trials, and the countdown to reset the mark does not begin until the prior marked can no longer be seen.
Natural Allure At will, the Elindria can absorb the beauty and vitality from creatures and objects around them. This makes flowers seem duller, colours more faded, and everything more dreary. The Elindria can then use that stolen beauty to enhance his or her own form, gaining the radiant colours of the flower petals in his or her hair and making the colours of his or her own clothing more vibrant and deeper. The stolen vitality gives the Elindria more youthful energy and causes faster aging of the plant, animal, or object that the vitality is stolen from. This ability lasts for one break when used, and the Elindria can only absorb the beauty and vitality from one plant, creature or object at a time. It make take longer periods of time to drain some sources than others. For example, a single flower might be drained immediately whereas a waterfall might take fifteen breaks of focus. This is not effective on people. Using it again before the previous use expires will override the previous use.
A Secret Named Desire Upon making extended eye contact with a mortal or mortalborn individual for at least ten trills, the Elindria can see that person's deepest desire. The desire that is reflected is the individual's desire at the point in time when the Elindria uses this ability. The Elindria may only see one desire per person, unless that individual has committed adultery at some point during their lifetime. If they have committed adultery, the Elindria is able to see one additional desire for that specific person.
See No Evil The Elindria is no stranger to leading men and women astray, but there is not always a good place to do so. Rather than curb their desires, the Elindria is granted the ability to create a protective illusion around two people, one of which may or may not be themselves. The illusion stops everyone else from recognizing any actions that might be interpreted as adultery - for example, kissing, petting, affectionate words, and sex. Instead, these indiscretions are immediately forgotten and the time lapse is filled with imagined memories of banal conversation. This ability may only be used once per trial and is only effective if both targets are willing participants and one of the selected targets has a romantic partner.
The Emerald Athame By focusing Edasha’s domain of Jealousy, the Elindria can manifest a dagger made of pure envy. Emerald in colour and with a surface rippling with energy, the Athame is dangerous as a weapon, but is more dangerous for the secondary effect of its bite. The smallest scratch from the Athame can infect the target with an extremely intense but short-lived envious rage. The target focuses on every merit and item those around them have, and it drives their envious fervor to violent result. This causes the victim to be wanton and reckless in their actions, but only lasts ten bits. Still, that’s usually enough time to cause serious damage. This dagger cannot infect the Elindria.
Haven The Elindria may mark the doorway of a single room as their Haven. Upon being marked, the room becomes filled with lavish furniture, ornamentation, bedding, and cushions in the style of the city that the Elindria is in. While nothing can be removed from the room and nothing can be left in the room, everything in the room is at the disposal of the Elindria while they are within it. On the walls of the room hang five portraits. Four of these portraits contain pictures of the four most important locations within the city (must be determined by the city’s Prophet). The fifth portrait is blank until the Elindria chooses a location within the city for it to show (the Elindria must have the location lore).

If an Elindria looks closely at each portrait, he or she will see that it’s moving. In addition to showing a location, the portrait shows a general idea of what might be happening in that location. Additionally, if the Elindria touches a portrait, a door will open up in the wall leading to that location. Stepping through the doorway will place the Elindria in the location displayed by the portrait, though they cannot backtrack and must return to the Haven through its regular entrance.

The Haven is typically only accessible to the Elindria, who may enter the Haven once per trial and leave the Haven (through a portrait or the room’s entrance) once per trial. The only exception to this is that the Elindria may bring in a lover, as long as both the Elindria and the lover are each in relationships with someone else. The same entrance and exit rules apply to the lover. Only one Haven may be active at any given time within a city, and the city locations in the paintings - once decided by the Prophet and the Elindria (for the fifth) - may not be changed. When an Elindria moves to a new city, they may mark a doorway in that city for a new Haven and five new location portraits will appear within.


Ability Name Ability Description
Portraitseeing Upon acquiring this ability, the Elindria can sit for a painting of him or herself. This is only available once, but the painting, regardless of the level of the painter, will be a masterpiece. From the time the portrait is completed, the Elindria will be able to see through the eyes of the portrait whenever he or she wishes. This does not allow her to see in a circular area around where the painting is hung, but can see their normal field of view in front of them. This gives them 180 degree awareness of the surroundings of the painting. They cannot hear through the portrait, only see. The portrait will also take the damage of the Elindria in place of the Elindria herself, though it will not prevent fatal attacks or accidents from immediately taking the Elindria's life. If the painting is ever destroyed, all damage held within will be unleashed on the Elindria at once.
The Beautician's Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Disguise, Seduction or Design. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Divine Opulence (Major) Towns or cities that are lucky enough to have an Exalted Elindria living within will often find that they are made far more beautiful for this individual’s existence – though, of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The Exalted Elindria is highly sought after, because they have the ability to permanently beautify any object within five feet of the Elindria, including buildings. Living beings (ie. animals, plants, and mortals) are not affected by this ability. In order to channel this ability, the Elindria must have the object within his or her line of sight and focus on it. While the object that is affected is selected by the Elindria, the outcome of the aesthetic change is dependent on the Elindria’s individual personality, as well as their mood when using the ability. He or she is unable to predict what will occur from the change, though the changes will always be aesthetically pleasing to the Elindria’s eyes. When changed, the object will always keep its original function (ie. a vase will only ever turn into a more beautiful vase). For example, a pair of worn black boots may become thigh-high and purple suede, and a run-down wood-walled home may be turned into a well-structured stone-walled home with a vaulted ceiling and gold cornices. The ability may be used once per trial. It is important to note that while the Elindria may change items belonging to others, the item memorizes its owner and will always revert back to its original aesthetic once it leaves said owner's possession (whether it be the Elindria or someone else) through sale, gift, theft, or other means.
Far Eyes (Major) Governing the Domain of Sight, Edasha and her followers see more clearly than those not blessed by the Immortal. With this ability, the Elindria can mark an individual or an object with touch and can, for one whole trial, see the person or object with perfect clarity in their mind any time they choose. This ability extends to up to fifty feet around the marked individual or object, giving the Elindria a better sense of where the person or object is. Anything beyond this radius is blurry and difficult to make out, like looking through opaque glass. This ability can only be used once every two trials, and the countdown to reset the mark does not begin until the prior marked can no longer be seen.
Amazing Grace Once per cycle, the Elindria can permanently cure one person of his or her blindness by placing a hand on the target's forehead and focusing their intent. The process typically takes two consecutive breaks. The Elindria may reclaim the gift of sight that they gave at any point after the individual is cured. This reclamation must be intentional and occurs through touch, reverting the individual back to their original state of blindness. The gift of sight can be reclaimed or bestowed again on that same individual up to a total of four time per cycle.
Envious Acquisition The Elindria, at this level, can pray to Edasha for her favour, and be heard. Setting aside an entire evening, the Elindria must present a ritual to the Immortal of Jealousy, and upon its completion, be visited by an Envoy of Edasha. This Envoy hears the Elindria's plea, and does its best to acquire for the Elindria whatever is they ask. The caveat, however, is that whatever is asked for must have been observed before in a thread. If the Elindria find the masterworked sword of a rival the target of their envy, he or she may ask for it. If it's a million gold nels, they need to have laid eyes on this sum. This ability may only happen one time, and is subject to a Prophet Support Forum ticket to ensure that the item(s) being asked for are within a realm of believability. A link to the thread in which the item(s) was/were observed must also be provided in that ticket. Because Edasha herself does not answer, the ritual and acquisition itself need not be moderated.
Khallisti Once per season, the Elindria can turn an ordinary piece of fruit into a piece of solid gold, with the word "Fairest" written on it. By giving this golden fruit to someone, the Elindria makes that person the target of envy in a city-wide radius. Those who come in contact with the target have their jealousy magnified, and they are apt to attack the recipient and their property and belongings. This ability reduces the jealousy felt around the Elindria immensely, allowing the Elindria to essentially mask his or her presence in the vicinity of the Khallisti. If the fruit is ever stolen from the target, the effects of this ability are passed on to the thief. The target can willingly discard the golden item, but it will return back to them the next trial unless it is stolen. It will appear in their possessions again and again, regardless of what they try to do to get rid of it.
Tryst Activated by the Ancient Language, this ability allows the Champion Elindria to choose a person who is already involved with someone else. Once per cycle, the Elindria can mark this person by whispering the Ancient words into the ear of their target. Upon hearing these words (words which can be heard whether the person is deaf or not), the mark causes an intense and obsessive jealousy to overtake the target. They immediately stop what they are doing and are drawn to the Elindria with a dangerous desire to do anything to gain the Elindria's favour. The Elindria is able to continue to keep this up for as long as they wish, though they must keep whispering the Ancient words into the target’s ear once every six trials or lose the person they have marked.

This ability also causes the person to behave against what they may consider their normal personality, with an intense jealousy causing them to act in ways they may have never considered. Although they cannot explain their emotions, the emotions feel natural and powerful and are sustained by the magic of the mark. The strength of the target's emotions, along with their desire to gain the Elindria's favour, leaves them open to suggestions coming from the Elindria, who may then exploit this opening to achieve his or her own goals. In some cases, the target of this ability may even kill their romantic partner, or any other suitors that he or she perceives are vying for the Elindria's attention. The target is, however, not entirely lost to their jealousy

Ageless Beauty Upon becoming Edasha's champion, the Elindria is ferried away to Edasha's personal domain in Emea. Once there, the Immortal of Beauty teaches her Champion the necessary phrase in the Ancient Language to truly bind the Elindria to his or her Pygmalion. At this point, should the Elindria choose to gift the Pygmalion, the Pygmalion’s new owner will find themselves inexplicably drawn and compelled to the item – so much so that they will do anything to keep it. Once the Pygmalion is in its new owner’s possession, it slowly begins to feed off that person’s youth and beauty and siphons it to the Elindria. Every arc of the target’s life gives an additional arc to the Elindria, aging the target at twice the normal rate. As long as the new owner is in possession of the Pygmalion and as long as they are alive, the Elindria will never grow older, and his or her beauty will remain as exquisite as the trial they spoke the words. This allows the Elindria to, feasibly, live forever - though this is not usually the case. The Pygmalion stores the spent arcs, holding them for as long as the target is in possession of the statuette. Should the target pass away, the Elindria must recover the Pygmalion and find a new owner within one cycle, otherwise they are at risk of the Pygmalion releasing the stored arcs on the Elindria all at once.

When the Pygmalion is given to a new owner, its pull becomes supernaturally strong. Within the city where the Pygmalion’s owner lives, subtle insinuations cause occasional thoughts to float into the minds of people, compelling them to steal the Pygmalion. Though it is not a strong urge, it does plant the seeds of jealousy, and they can be grown into a full-blown obsession. Those who are aware that the Elindria is marked are even more drawn to the Pygmalion's location, and aspiring thieves can sense its location down to a city block radius.

If stolen from its owner, the arcs stored in the Pygmalion immediately return to the Elindria, feasibly killing him or her. His or her body will take on the signs of aging it would have if his or her body had progressed naturally, and his or her health will deteriorate to the level someone his or her age would have. Conversely, for the thief who steals the Pygmalion, they find that the numbers of arcs stored in the Pygmalion will halt their natural aging for the same amount of a time. For example, if the Elindria had stored 22 arcs in the Pygmalion, the thief would not begin to age again until the end of those 22 arcs, as long as he is in possession of the Pygmalion for that amount of time

The Curse of Elindria

Edasha’s curse manifests as a thin, tattoed bracelet of black thorns. When the bracelet wraps around the target’s wrist, they will feel a mild throbbing in that area for as long as the curse lasts. The bracelet cannot be removed and will only disappear when the curse is lifted.

The targets of Edasha’s curse are somewhat unpredictable. They may be someone who has accidentally insulted Edasha’s looks, allies, or dearest values, or they may be someone whose very existence inspires jealousy within the Immortal on a particularly unlucky trial.

Edasha would much prefer to curse someone than to smite them, as she believes stealing one’s beauty is a far worse punishment than death. She tends to be liberal with her curses, but she is also fairly forgiving of those who appeal to her in an attempt to lift the curse. If the Cursed catches her on a good trial or puts in enough effort, they are likely to find themselves absolved of Edasha’s ire… for now.


The poor soul who finds themselves Hated by Edasha will lose all natural beauty that they were born with. Physical flaws are amplified - for example, pockmarked skin becomes craters, features become bigger or smaller depending on the individual’s insecurities, and hair is never clean no matter how much it’s washed. Boils and rashes may appear, and a peculiar body odour often lingers around the individual. This is a slow process that is dragged out over the period of the season in which they were cursed in order to wreak the most psychological damage. Each morning, the Hated wakes up to find a new flaw or the loss of a beloved feature until, on the last morning, there is nothing positive that can be said about their appearance. Most of those who are cursed at this level were once very attractive people who did nothing more than accidentally make Edasha jealous of them and, once cursed, have found themselves developing a whole new perspective on life.


What could be worse than being ugly? Not being seen by the ones you care most about. This level of Edasha's curse does not have much effect the cursed one themselves, but rather all the people they are emotionally attached to, particularly lovers, girlfriends and spouses. These people find themselves developing an overwhelming desire to seek out whatever the cursed once provided them with, such as love, friendship or pleasure, from someone else. The cursed slowly finds themselves feeling more invisible and becoming alone as friends start to hang out with other people, spouses disappear to other houses at night, and even their children look to other people to act as their parental figure. Those affected do not believe that the cursed no longer exists; instead, their existence becomes less and less important and those affected can’t seem to remember why they would have cared in the first place. As the cursed notices these changes, they will find it harder and harder to dispel thoughts and feelings of jealousy towards these people from their mind. [Credit: Tio Silver]


Pity the poor individual who earns Edasha's ire so much as to receive the full power of her curse, for they alone know the true meaning of ugliness. Upon being cursed, the victim is transformed into a hideous monster, utterly inhuman and disgusting. They become no more physically dangerous, but all living creatures are so repulsed by their presence that conversation becomes intolerable, and most not seeking to kill them flee at their very sight. Not only that, but the eyes of the cursed turn a sickly green colour, and from that moment on all that the cursed can see is the ugliness of the word, both in the physical sense and in the character of others. Their own soul grows twisted as they become disgusted at the sight of absolutely everything, especially themselves. The few who survive with this curse for a long time will grow overwhelmingly jealous of those who can still perceive the beauty of the world and become monsters in mind and soul, as well as body. Even if this curse is lifted, the individual will often find that they are never again the same. [Credit: Tio Silver]

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