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{{#pagetitle: The Shoppe}}
Please note that the items you are able to access per [[Wealth Tiers|Wealth Tier]] in the Shoppe are intended for the use of your PC only. You do not need to supply food, clothing, weapons, armor, or *any* items for your [[:Category: NPCs|NPCs]]. NPCs can be assumed to have their own Wealth Tier (as per the [[Wealth & NPCs]] page in the wiki), which means that they have access to the food, clothing, and equipment they need without you needing to provide it.
If you have questions about this or any section of the Shoppe, please direct them to the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=16543 Shoppe Q&A]. Thank you.
There are four common coins called '''nels''' used as currency across the regions of Idalos: onyx nels (ON), gold nels (GN), silver nels (SN), and copper nels (CN). An onyx nel is worth 500 gold nels; a gold nel is worth 10 silver nels; and a silver nel is worth 10 copper nels.
Although these coins are accepted throughout every region in Idalos, some regions might also have their own currencies. The Iulure Isles, for example, use a different form of coin. These coins are imprinted with the seal of eight, the eight celestial beings who gave rise to the Immortals. As such, currency in the Iulure Isles serves as a reminder for why the races fight to survive.
'''OOC Note:''' Although your PC will be using nels (or perhaps a city-specific currency) while in character, it is not necessary for you to keep a record of every onyx, gold, silver, and copper. Instead, Standing Trials has an independent [[:Category: The Wealth System|Wealth System]], comprised of [[Wealth Tiers]] which rely on a measurement of wealth called [[Wealth Points]]. Each PC will belong to one of ten Wealth Tiers, each of which represents the amount of wealth a PC has. Tier 1 PCs are the least wealthy, for example, while Tier 10 PCs are the most. Each Wealth Tier allows access to different items and materials listed on the site Shoppe, with the lower Tiers having easy access to poorer-quality or average-quality goods, and the higher Tiers having easy access to higher-quality and luxury goods.
Every item listed on the Shoppe will have a Wealth Tier associated with it. This is the Tier at which the item becomes commonplace. If your PC's Wealth Tier matches that of the item (or is higher than that of the item), it means that you can afford the item on a trial by trial basis. If your PC's Wealth Tier is lower than that of the item, it means that to have access to the item, you must purchase it with your Wealth Points (or WP).
Please note the specific rules per section of the Shoppe before purchasing anything. Thanks!</p>
=General Rules=
==Availability of Resources==
Anyone purchasing items made with / using Tier 8 or above base resources, or the resources themselves (eg: metal, wood, gems) which are also described or categorised as rare, very rare, etc, must always get that purchase approved by your city mod. It will usually require a thread to acquire (although this may be a purchase / haggling thread, not a going out mining one), although the mod may approve acquisition without a thread if there is an existing IC reason which has been written.
A Craft Skill is a [[:Category: Skills|Skill]] related to hand-crafting items, such as Smithing, Glassblowing, or Jewelry Crafting. Due to how the Shoppe and the Wealth System work, a PC with a Craft Skill may be able to make items of a higher quality than those usually available to them at their [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. Whether or not your PC is able to do this depends on your Skill Level in your Craft Skill. Because higher-quality items are usually crafted with higher-Tier materials, the Crafting Materials available to you also depend on the level of your Craft Skill. These Crafting Materials are the tools, equipment, and other materials that your PC might use when crafting an item. They are located in the '''Crafting Materials Section of the Shoppe.''' [Coming soon!]
When purchasing materials for crafting, depending on your proficiency in your Craft Skill, you may be able to make purchases at a reduced rate. Thus, having a Craft Skill, especially one at a high proficiency, is of direct benefit to your PC.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! style="width:20%;" | Craft Skill Level
! style="width:30%;" | Quality of Crafted Items
! Resources Available
| style="height:40px;" | Unskilled || poor and poor+ quality || n/a
| style="height:40px;" | Novice || basic and basic+ quality || n/a
| style="height:40px;" | Competent || average and average+ quality || access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own Wealth Tier
| style="height:40px;" | Expert || good and  good+ quality || access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own Wealth Tier
| style="height:40px;" | Master || masterwork quality || access to Crafting Materials 2 Tiers above your own Wealth Tier
| style="height:40px;" | Grandmaster || masterwork+ quality || access to Crafting Materials 2 Tiers above your own Wealth Tier
|colspan="3"|<br>Please note that this refers only to situations in which PCs are purchasing materials. If, in character, you have an oak tree and are a Master of Woodworking, you are allowed to craft a masterwork oak table regardless of your Wealth Tier. However, the crafting of large items should always be RP'd. It is not ok to assume that you built yourself a masterwork table, or any large or expensive item, without devoting IC time to it. Please use this rule sensibly; it's there to give players creative freedom.<br><br>
===PC Businesses===
If you are patronizing a PC business, then you, as a customer, may access items from that business as if you were '''one''' [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]] higher in the Tier System. This is to encourage players to interact with PC businesses.
Please, however, see the [[PC Business Guide]] for information as to how purchasing might work. For example, you may make purchases at a PC business through its Transaction Thread, or by threading directly with the business owner.
And remember that any items accessed at a PC business must be recorded in your Character Sheet.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Edibles Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of food per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier. Per Tier, assume that you have access to enough food on a trial by trial basis to feed one person.
For alcohol, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Drugs_.26_Medicine Drugs & Medicine.]
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Edibles</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 40 trials' worth of food || poor quality
| 1 WP || 35 trials' worth of food || poor+ quality
| 1 WP || 30 trials' worth of food || basic quality
| 1 WP || 25 trials' worth of food || basic+ quality
| 1 WP || 20 trials' worth of food || average quality
| 1 WP || 15 trials' worth of food || average+ quality
| 1 WP || 10 trials' worth of food || luxury quality
| 1 WP || 5 trials' worth of food || luxury+ quality
<div id="Edibles Items Available Per Tier."></div>
Players can buy most food items from their city's marketplace. It is up to each individual player as to whether or not their PC is hunting for or cooking their own food or purchasing it at markets or restaurants. It is important that you consider your regional variations when thinking about what your PC eats / cooks / buys. Seasons and availability will make a massive difference. Please note that the examples included in the '''Edibles Section of the Shoppe''' are real-world examples and are meant to give you, the player, an idea of what is available. However, as Idalos is a fantasy setting, please check your city resources and be aware of the more unusual ingredients you may utilize.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
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'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional edibles using their Wealth Points.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Diet Quality !! Notes
| Tier 1 || Poor || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Edibles available are incredibly plain and limited unless they have been begged for, donated, or gathered in the wild. Most edibles are likely to be of poor quality and are completely unseasoned.
| Tier 2 || Poor+ || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Edibles at this level are plain, unprocessed, and long-lasting (e.g. grains, beans, root vegetables). Most edibles are likely to be of poor or basic quality. There is no access to seasoning unless it has been gathered in the wild. Sweet treats are not available.
| Tier 3 || Basic || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Edibles at this level are simple, with low-effort processing (e.g. flour, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruit and nuts). Most edibles are likely to be of basic quality. There is minimal access to seasoning unless it has been gathered in the wild. Sweet treats are limited to fruit and honey.
| Tier 4 || Basic+ || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Edibles at this level are simple, with low-effort processing (e.g. flour, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruit and nuts). Most edibles are likely to be of basic or average quality. There is access to basic seasoning. Sweet treats are limited to fruit, unrefined sugars (e.g. beet sugars), and honey.
| Tier 5 || Average || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Edibles at this level are likely to be of average quality, with some processing and variety (e.g. bread, butter, cheese, fish, salted meat, all kinds of fruit and veg). There is more access to a better variety and quality of seasoning. Sweet treats of honey, unrefined sugars, and simple candies are available. Expensive or rare items are very limited.
| Tier 6 || Average+ || Edibles available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality, with some processing and variety (e.g. bread, butter, cheese, fish, salted meat, all kinds of fruit and veg). There is access to a good variety and quality of seasoning. Sweet treats of honey, unrefined sugars, and more candies are available. Expensive or rare items are limited.
| Tier 7 || Luxury || Edibles available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good or luxurious quality, with plenty of variety (e.g. fresh meat, refined sugars, imported spices, pressed oils, preserves). All edibles are well-seasoned. Sweet treats are widely available. Expensive or rare items are also available.
| Tier 8+ || Luxury+ || Edibles available at Tier 8 and above are of the best quality, with excellent variety and decoration (e.g. rare meats, imported luxuries, complex dishes, fancy desserts). Seasoning of all kinds is widely available. Sweet treats of all kinds are commonplace. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.
Please note that these are the levels at which certain edibles can be easily bought from the market. Lower-Tier ingredients may be processed into higher-Tier foods as long as it is done in thread (e.g. flour into bread). Please also note that each Tier's access to sweet treats is a good indicator of whether or not other non-essential edibles are available.
When determining your PC's diet, always ensure to take regional variations in cuisine into account.
Finally, while the higher Tiers have access to more and better food, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather eat fancy cakes and champagne or mutton and potatoes. Each player, regardless of Tier, is able to access the type and/or quality of edibles at their Wealth Tier and below.
=Drugs & Medicine=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Medicine Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of medicine and alcohol per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For examples of drugs and medicines, see your City Lore, the Standing Trials wiki, the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=337 Medicine, Poison, Drugs & Reagents] section of the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=4c99ff7aa8c6fff23e7b261ddb466913 Creating the World Forum], or submit your own drug or medicine (also in the Creating the World forum).
For the purposes of this section, contraceptives are considered to be a medicine.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Drugs or Medicine</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
Please note that when making purchases in this section, you are purchasing either drugs '''or''' medicine for 1 season / cycle / arc. If you would like to purchase both drugs '''and''' medicine for 1 season / cycle / arc, you must make your purchase twice.
Also, please note that 1 season's / cycle's / arc's worth of drugs or medicine may include '''more than 1 specific type of drug or medicine.''' This is a general purchase. When purchasing drugs, alcohol is included.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! style="width:25%;" | Cost
! style="width:50%;" | Purchase
! style="width:25%;" | Quality of Purchase
| colspan="3;" | <center>'''Season'''</center>
| 1 WP || 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine || poor quality
| 2 WP || 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine || basic quality
| 3 WP || 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine || average quality
| 4 WP || 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine || good quality
| 5 WP || 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine || luxury quality
| colspan="3;" | <center>'''Cycle'''</center>
| 2 WP || 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine || poor quality
| 4 WP || 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine || basic quality
| 6 WP || 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine || average quality
| 8 WP || 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine || good quality
| 10 WP || 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine || luxury quality
| colspan="3;" | <center>'''Arc'''</center>
| 6 WP || 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine || poor quality
| 12 WP || 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine || basic quality
| 18 WP || 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine || average quality
| 24 WP || 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine || good quality
| 30 WP || 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine || luxury quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Drugs & Medicine Quality</div>
*Poor-quality drugs and medicine:
** Will be made out of cheap ingredients by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in crafting drugs and medicine.''' Drugs and medicines are generally unprocessed (e.g. left in their roughest forms), and have a significant chance of negative side effects.
*Basic-quality drugs and medicine:
** Will be made out of basic-quality ingredients by someone with '''Novice-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine.''' Drugs and medicines are generally unprocessed though may have some processing, and have a good chance of negative side effects.
*Average-quality drugs and medicine:
** Will be made out of average-quality ingredients by someone with '''Competent-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine.''' Drugs and medicines have some processing, and have an even chance of negative side effects.
*Good-quality drugs and medicine: <div id="Medicine Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of good-quality ingredients by someone with '''Expert-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine.''' Drugs and medicines are well-processed and double-checked for quality, which means that they will likely not have many negative side effects. However, the side effects inherent to each individual drug or medicine still apply when overused (e.g. hangovers when having consumed too much alcohol, etc.).
*Luxury-quality drugs and medicine:
** Will be made out of high-quality ingredients by someone with '''Master-''' or '''Grandmaster-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine.''' Drugs and medicines are very well-processed and are of the highest quality, which means that they will almost never have any negative side effects. However, the side effects inherent to each individual drug or medicine still apply when overused.
Examples of skills related to drug- and medicine-crafting are [[:Category: Chemistry | Chemistry]], [[:Category: Gardening | Gardening]], [[:Category: Brewing | Brewing]], and [[:Category: Vinting | Vinting]].
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
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'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional drugs and medicine using their Wealth Points.
Please also note that alcohol is considered a drug and is a part of the '''Drugs & Medicine Section of the Shoppe.''' Because alcohol is commonplace in Idalos, your PC has some access to alcohol without having to use your Wealth Points. However, any additional alcohol and all other drugs you want your PC to use must be purchased with WP.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px;"
! style="width:15%;" | Wealth Tier
! style="width:85%;" | Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Medicines and alcohol available are incredibly limited unless they have been begged for, donated, or gathered in the wild. Medicines and alcohol are likely to be of poor quality.<br><br>If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Medicines and alcohol are still very limited, and are likely to be of poor or basic quality.<br><br>If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Medicines and alcohol at this level are limited, and are likely to be of basic quality.<br><br>If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Medicines and alcohol at this level are more commonplace, and are likely to be of basic or average quality.<br><br>If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Medicines and alcohol are commonplace, and are likely to be of average quality. Expensive or rare items are very limited.<br><br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
| Tier 6 || Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality. Expensive or rare items are limited.<br><br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
| Tier 7 || Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good quality. Expensive or rare items are available.<br><br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
| Tier 8 || Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 8 are likely to be of good or luxury quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.<br><br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
| Tier 9 - Tier 10 || Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 9 and Tier 10 are of luxurious quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are commonplace.<br><br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better medicines and alcohol, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather drink the finest wines or cheap piss-poor beer.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Clothing Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of clothing per [[Wealth Tiers| Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, an '''outfit''' is either a full set of everyday clothes (including undergarments), a full set of nightwear, or a full outdoor ensemble (coat / cloak, gloves / mittens, scarf, etc.).
Accessories and cosmetics may be assumed (belts, bags, etc.; powders, lip stains, etc.), but their make and quality must be consistent with the Wealth Tier described (see [[#Clothing Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]).
Please note that accessories do not include jewelry (for jewelry, see the [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Jewelry Jewelry Section of the Shoppe.])
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Clothing</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 6 outfits || poor quality
| 1 WP || 5 outfits || basic quality
| 1 WP || 4 outfits || average quality
| 1 WP || 3 outfits || good quality
| 1 WP || 2 outfits || masterwork quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Clothing Quality</div>
*Poor-quality clothing:
** Will be made out of a poor variety of cheap fabrics, including jute and hemp, by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Clothing is plain, unadorned, and not dyed.
*Basic-quality clothing:
** Will be made out of a basic variety of fabrics, including cotton, linen, and hide, by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Clothing is plain, unadorned, and not dyed.
*Average-quality clothing:
** Will be made out of an average variety of fabrics, including leather, fur, and wool, by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Clothing is usually plain with minimal adornments, and with a limited range of basic dyes available (including beige, brown, and black).
*Good-quality clothing: <div id="Clothing Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of a good variety of well-made fabrics, including organza, chiffon, and taffeta, by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Clothing has some detail and adornments, with a range of dyes available (including blue, green, yellow, and orange).
*Masterwork-quality clothing:
** Will be made out of an excellent variety of high-quality fabrics, including brocade, silk, satin, and velvet, by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Clothing has as many details, adornments, and dyes (including red, gold, and custom dyes) as are wanted.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include lace, braid work or cords, fringing, buckles or buttons, linings, embroidery, beading, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional outfits using their Wealth Points.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px; margin: auto;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 outfits of poor quality. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add two new poor-quality outfits. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They do not have accessories and have no cosmetics.
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 3 outfits of poor quality, or 2 outfits, one of poor quality and one of basic quality. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add either two new poor-quality outfits or one new basic outfit. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have poor accessories and no cosmetics.
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 3 outfits of basic quality. Their level allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add two new basic-quality outfits. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have basic accessories and poor cosmetics.
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 4 outfits of basic quality, or 3 outfits, two of basic quality and one of average quality. Their level allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add either two new basic-quality outfits or one new average outfit. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have basic accessories and have basic cosmetics.
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 4 outfits of average quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary, and to add two new average-quality outfits per cycle. They have average accessories and basic cosmetics.
| Tier 6 || Starting Tier 6, a PC is allowed to choose 5 outfits of average quality, or 4 outfits, three of average quality and one of good quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary, and to add either two new average-quality outfits or one good outfit per cycle. They have average accessories and average cosmetics.
| Tier 7 || Starting Tier 7, a PC is allowed to choose 5 outfits of good quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add two new good outfits per cycle. They have good accessories and average cosmetics.
| Tier 8 || Starting Tier 8, a PC is allowed to choose 6 outfits of good quality, or 5 outfits, four of good quality and one of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add either two new good-quality outfits or one new masterwork outfit per cycle. They have good accessories and good cosmetics.
| Tier 9 || Starting Tier 9, a PC is allowed to choose 6 outfits of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add a new masterwork outfit two times per cycle. They have masterwork accessories and good cosmetics.
| Tier 10 || Starting Tier 10, a PC is allowed to choose 7 outfits of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add a new masterwork outfit four times per cycle. They have masterwork accessories and masterwork cosmetics.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Access</div>
Due to the items available, different Tiers have access to more and higher-quality clothing (Tier 1 clothing is of poor quality, Tier 2 clothing is of poor or basic quality, Tier 3 clothing is of basic quality, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access outfits that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.
You may choose to have lower-Tier clothing *instead* of the clothing offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many outfits you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 7 outfits, for example.
So, at Tier 6:
Poor and basic clothing is available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option (average or good quality).
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* clothing that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* clothing at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better clothing, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear silk and furs or cotton and wool.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Jewelry Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of jewelry per [[Wealth Tiers| Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, a '''set of jewelry''' is one of these options:
*A necklace, earrings, and bracelet.
*A necklace, earrings, and ring.
*A necklace, bracelet, and ring.
*Earrings, a ring, and bracelet.
*Three necklaces.
*Three bracelets (for either the wrist or ankle).
*Three pairs of earrings.
*Three piercings other than ear piercings.
*Three rings.
*Two brooches.
*One crown, circlet, body chain, neck ring, collar, or torc.
Note that a '''necklace''' includes most styles of necklace, including those with pendants.
<p>Note that '''earrings''' include any style of earring, whether it be traditional, ear cuff, gauges, etc.</p>
<p>Note that a '''bracelet''' includes any style of bracelet, including arm cuffs.</p>
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Jewelry</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 6 sets of jewelry || poor quality
| 2 WP || 5 sets of jewelry || poor+ quality
| 3 WP || 5 sets of jewelry || basic quality
| 4 WP || 4 sets of jewelry || basic+ quality
| 5 WP || 4 sets of jewelry || average quality
| 6 WP || 3 sets of jewelry || average+ quality
| 7 WP || 3 set of jewelry || good quality
| 8 WP || 2 set of jewelry || good+ quality
| 9 WP || 2 set of jewelry || masterwork quality
| 10 WP || 1 set of jewelry || masterwork+ quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Jewelry Quality</div>
*Poor-quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of poor materials, such as Tier 1 metals, as well as scavenged or handmade materials such as twine, feathers, bone, and wood, by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.'''
*Poor+ quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of poor+ materials, such as Tier 2 metals, as well as scavenged or handmade materials such as leather or hide string, beads, shells, and glass, by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.'''
*Basic-quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of basic materials, such as Tier 3 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Novice craft skills.'''
*Basic+ quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of basic+ materials, such as Tier 4 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Novice craft skills.'''
*Average-quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of average materials, such as Tier 5 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Jewelry is usually plain with minimal adornments, though can have more than one stone.
*Average+ quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of average+ materials, such as Tier 6 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Jewelry is usually plain with minimal adornments, though can have more than one stone.
*Good-quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of good materials, such as Tier 7 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Jewelry has some detail and adornments, and usually has more than one stone.
*Good+ quality jewelry: <div id="Jewelry Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of good+ materials, such as Tier 8 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Jewelry has some detail and adornments, and usually has more than one stone.
*Masterwork-quality jewelry:
** Will be made out of masterwork materials, such as Tier 9 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Master craft skills.''' Jewelry is very fancy and has as many adornments and stones as are wanted.
*Masterwork+ quality jewelry
** Will be made out of masterwork+ materials, such as Tier 10 metals and gemstones, by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Jewelry is very fancy and has as many adornments and stones as are wanted.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include engravings or carvings, filigree of precious or high-quality metals, different styles of setting or polish, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
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Please note that PCs may purchase additional jewelry sets using their Wealth Points.
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! Wealth Tier !! Jewelry Quality !! Notes
| Tier 1 || Poor || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. They don't have access to jewelry, unless they have made it themselves.<br><br>'''Tier 1 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 1 metals and has no gemstones.'''
|Tier 2 || Poor+ || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 set of poor+ quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of poor+ jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.<br><br>'''Tier 2 jewelry or poor+ jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 2 metals and has no gemstones.'''
| Tier 3 || Basic || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 set of basic-quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of basic jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.<br><br>'''Tier 3 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 3 metals and has 1 Tier 3 gemstone.'''
| Tier 4 || Basic+ || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 sets of basic+ quality jewelry, or 1 set of average-quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of basic+ jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.<br><br>'''Tier 4 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 4 metals and has 1 Tier 4 gemstone.'''
| Tier 5 || Average  || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 sets of average-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of average jewelry per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 5 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 5 metals and has 2 Tier 5 gemstones.'''
| Tier 6 || Average+ || Starting Tier 6, a PC is allowed to choose 3 sets of average+ quality jewelry, or 2 sets of good-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of average+ jewelry per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 6 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 6 metals and has 2 Tier 6 gemstones.'''
| Tier 7 || Good ||  Starting Tier 7, a PC is allowed to choose 3 sets of good-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of good jewelry per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 7 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 7 metals and has 3 Tier 7 gemstones.'''
| Tier 8 || Good+ || Starting Tier 8, a PC is allowed to choose 4 sets of good+ quality jewelry, or 3 sets of masterwork-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of good+ jewelry per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 8 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 8 metals and has 3 Tier 8 gemstones.'''
| Tier 9 || Masterwork || Starting Tier 9, a PC is allowed to choose 4 sets of masterwork-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of masterwork jewelry two times per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 9 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 9 metals and has 4 Tier 9 gemstones.'''
| Tier 10 || Masterwork+ || Starting Tier 10, a PC is allowed to choose 5 sets of masterwork+ quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of masterwork+ jewelry four times per cycle.<br><br>'''Tier 10 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 10 metals and has 4 Tier 10 gemstones.'''<br><br>Please note that to attain certain Tier 10 metals, a PC must apply for the metal via the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 PSF].
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Access</div> 
Due to the items available, different Tiers have access to more and higher-quality jewelry (Tier 1 jewelry is of poor quality, Tier 2 jewelry is of poor+ quality, Tier 3 jewelry is of basic quality, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access jewelry that is worse in quality than that which is offered to you, if you so please.
You may choose to have lower-Tier jewelry *instead* of the jewelry offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many sets of jewelry you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 5 sets of jewelry, for example.
So, at Tier 6:
Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 jewelry is available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option.
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* jewelry that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* jewelry at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better jewelry, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear onyx and gold or simple beaded jewelry from Tier 1.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Common Materials Used in Jewelry</div>
** Iron jewelry is very inexpensive and is a common choice for the common folk. Studier than both copper and bronze jewelry though less pretty, it is usually used to make jewelry which the wearer does not want to lose or break.
** Bronze jewelry is another common choice for the majority of the population. Despite its popularity, bronze is not the best metal for making jewelry and because of this, it is very likely to break. Bronze chains don't hold well for a long period of time, and any stones or beads used as decoration tend to chip off. This means that unless the jewelry is well-tended, it will fall apart and need replacing.
** Copper jewelry is much like bronze jewelry in that it is very likely to bend, scratch, and break. Copper jewelry is also very likely to stain the skin. Despite that, it has a very pretty, reddish hue.
** Jewelry made from silver is often sought after because it gives the wearer a certain noble air. Silver jewelry can withstand a lot of wear and tear as well as hold onto the stones and beads set into it. Silver doesn't stain the skin like bronze or copper, but it does tend to show a lot of scratches over time and also has the tendency to lose its luster.
** Gold jewelry is a way of signifying one's status. Though it can still be scratched, gold doesn't lose its luster the same way that silver does. It doesn't stain the skin like bronze or copper, and isn't known for losing its beads and stones like some of the other metals. Most consider gold the best type of metal for jewelry, which is why gold is standard when it comes to the mid-to-high Wealth Tiers.
** Onyx jewelry is typically worn by the champions of the Immortals, royalty, and the political powerhouses of the world. Owning onyx jewelry defines one's station the moment the person steps into the room. Onyx is a prized, rare stone that is sought after by most. Unlike gold jewelry, onyx jewelry hardly ever receives scratches, and to have a piece of jewelry comprised entirely of onyx is exceedingly rare.
'''Other Metals & Gemstones'''
For descriptions of other metals and their Tiers, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Metals Metals]. Likewise, for descriptions of gemstones and their Tiers, see '''Gemstones''' below.
'''Rules For This Section.'''
<p>Please refer to the tables below (see '''Items Available Per Tier.''') for the availability of gemstones per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.</p>
For the purchase of gemstones as a crafting material, see '''Crafting Materials.''' [Coming soon!]
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
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'''Gemstones by Tier'''
<p>Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Check the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=4c99ff7aa8c6fff23e7b261ddb466913 Creating the World Forum], the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own gemstone (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of gem.</p>
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! Wealth Tier !! Gemstone !! Notes
| Tier 3 || Aventurine || Aventurine is a type of green, sparkly Quartz often used for carvings. It is also used to make very cheap, though fetching, decorative jewelry.
| Tier 3 || Cristobalite || Cristobalite usually occurs in small clear or white crystals which typically show up as inclusions in other types of stone. When isolated, these little crystals are perfect for cheap but pretty jewelry, especially when set into rings.
| Tier 3 || Dendritic Agate || Dendritic Agate is a whitish-gray stone. Though sometimes mistaken for everyday rocks, some specimens of Dendritic Agate have a lovely black or brown pattern which runs through the stone similar to the branches of a plant or tree. These gemstones are quite common but hardly ever used.
| Tier 3 || Fuchsite || Fuchsite is a green to teal stone which can have sections of eggshell white. In its uncut form, it has a dimpled surface and a unique way of catching the light which makes it seem to sparkle, though it has no true iridescence.
| Tier 3 || Grossularite Garnet || Grossularite Garnet is a common gemstone found in the Southern Region of Idalos. It is typically a pale green-grey in color with specks of black, and is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
| Tier 3 || Mali Garnet || Mali Garnet is a common gemstone found across all of the regions of Idalos. Its color ranges from pale yellow to gold to yellow-orange to light copper-brown.
| Tier 3 || Mica || Mica is an odd, crumbly stone made of fine layers of silver-reflective material that is easily flaked away. It has no practical uses for jewelry or decorating weapons or armor, but can be easily ground into a fine dust used to brighten pigments.
| Tier 3 || Zoisite || Though a normally dull and unlustrous stone of green and black used mostly for carving, Zoisite can take form in many grades of luster and color, including glasslike yellow, green, blue, and even violet. 
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| Tier 4 || Agate || Agates are considered a fairly common gemstone found across Idalos, known for their multi-colorful, generally-concentric patterns of lines and shapes. Agates are one of the more popular stones favored by adventurers.
| Tier 4 || Almandine Garnet || Almandine Garnet is a matte gemstone, colored dark red-brown or dark purple-red. Garnets in general are very popular for their excellent hardness and brilliance.
| Tier 4 || Amber || Amber is considered a fairly common gemstone found across Idalos. It is a pure, almost see-through yellow-orange, and can sometimes contain pieces of plants or full insects that have become stuck, perpetually, in its center.
| Tier 4 || Andalusite || Andalusite is a strongly pleochroic gem, which means that it can display different colors when viewed from different angles. Its color ranges from pale amber to brown to green to red. Some specimens are as clear as any gem, and some are not gemlike at all, seeming more rocklike in their shape and composition.
| Tier 4 || Andesine Labradorite || Andesine Labradorite is a mineral found in a range of colors, including pale-to-vibrant red, yellow, champagne, and green.
| Tier 4 || Aquamarine || Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of ocean-blue colors. This is a common gemstone found throughout most of the regions of Idalos.
| Tier 4 || Axinite || Axinite is a group of brown to violet-brown or reddish-brown minerals that sometimes occur in gem quality. Axinite is known for its unique, dark luster.
| Tier 4 || Beryl || Beryl in its purest form is completely colorless; however, the mixture of other minerals and impurities can give it many different shades of coloration, ranging through pink to blue to yellow to green.
| Tier 4 || Cat's Eye Scapolite || Cat's Eye Scapolite is most commonly a red-brown color, though it can be as dark as black or as light as pale red. Due to its striking Cat's Eye shimmer, it is among the most frequently-used gemstones in jewelry.
| Tier 4 || Chalcedony || Chalcedony is a fine-grained variety of Quartz. It has a waxy luster and appears in a great variety of colors, including periwinkle, turquoise blue, lavender, white, and black.
| Tier 4 || Chrysocolla || Chrysocolla is often confused with Turquoise. It can be found in unusual multicolor combinations, with blots and speckles of lighter or darker hue, or speckles of blue or pale, turquoise-like green.
| Tier 4 || Chrysoprase || Chrysoprase is a gemstone found mostly in Central Idalos. Its color varies from apple-green to pale shades that are almost luminescent, to deep green or deep green-blue.
| Tier 4 || Danburite || Danburite is prized for its durability and its clear white, almost glasslike appearance. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos and is frequently used in jewelry.
| Tier 4 || Geode || Geodes appear to be plain, somewhat spherical rocks on the outside, unspecial in any way. Crack one open, however, and the inside will dazzle, full of Geode crystals which range from large purple crystals to small white crystals so numerous and fine they appear to be a fuzz. Geodes come in all colors and many crystal types. They are typically used as collector's items, for display, or on jewelry. When used for display, it is common to cut the gem into flat layers, each unique, like miniature stained-glass windows. Indeed, some glassmakers use slices of Geode in place of stained glass.
| Tier 4 || Goshenite || Goshenite is a colorless gemstone that is common across all of the regions of Idalos. In its cut form, it looks remarkably like white diamond.
| Tier 4 || Hackmanite || Hackmanite is a gemstone which changes colors from pale purple, pink, or white to brilliant shining pink or purple under sunlight, due to the composition of minerals within the gem.
| Tier 4 || Iolite || Iolite is seen as three different color shades in the same stone: violet, with undertones of yellow-gray and violet-blue.
| Tier 4 || Lepidolite || Lepidolite is a red-violet, lilac-gray, or rose-colored gemstone found in Eastern Idalos.
| Tier 4 || Morganite || Morganite is a beautiful, light pink gem with a pretty, vitreous luster. It is a very good gem for rings.
| Tier 4 || Opal Doublet || The Opal Doublet consists of a slice of natural Opal glued to a black backing, which causes the color of the Opal to become more vibrant.
| Tier 4 || Orthoclase || Orthoclase is a transparent yellow Feldspar resembling yellow Beryl.
| Tier 4 || Rainbow Pyrite || Rainbow Pyrite is one of the most unique minerals in Idalos, with its rainbow coloration and strange, gritty texture.
| Tier 4 || Rose Quartz || Rose Quartz tends to be cloudy, which deepens and softens its color. The soft pink color of Rose Quartz is thought to be derived from tiny traces of titanium, which, when visble, often show up as an ethereal whitish marbling.
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| Tier 5 || Ametrine || Ametrine has a natural bicolor combination of violet and yellow to dark purple and golden brown.
| Tier 5 || Bloodstone || Bloodstone is a green-grey gemstone blotted through with bright red spots. It is most common in the Western Region of Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Calcite || Calcite is typically colorless and cloudy with a slight, almost silver tint, though when impure it can take on other pretty, pale colors.
| Tier 5 || Cat's Eye Apatite || Cat's Eye Apatite is best known for its breathtaking range of bright yellow and greenish colors, complimented by the typical Cat's Eye stripe which runs down its middle. At its darkest green, it is often mistaken for an Emerald.
| Tier 5 || Cat's Eye Diaspore || Cat's Eye Diaspore can be yellow, gleaming tan, or green, though it can have tints of orange and its Cat's Eye sheen can sometimes be an orange-red. It is an uncommon gemstone to find in Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Cat's Eye Tourmaline || Cat's Eye Tourmaline displays a strong Cat's Eye effect when polished effectively. It is often a bicolored stone, half of blue or blue-green and half of watermelon or bright red-pink. This gemstone is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
| Tier 5 || Charoite || Charoite is known for its swirling shades of lavender and violet, quite unique to the world of Idalos. This gemstone is uncommon across most regions.
| Tier 5 || Chrome Diopside || Chrome Diopside is known for its rich forest green color and for its clarity, which is clear like glass. This gemstone is often found in Central Idalos with a high demand for it across all of the regions, but especially in the South.
| Tier 5 || Chrome Tourmaline || Chrome Tourmaline is colored much like Chrome Diopside, with a rich forest green that is sought after by many in Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Chrysoberyl || Chrysoberyl is a beautiful gem found in shades of yellow, blue, and green. Apart from its excellent durability, it has a wonderful luster.
| Tier 5 || Citrine || Citrine is a yellow, gold, or orange-brown transparent Quartz found across the regions of Idalos. It is used most often in jewelry.
| Tier 5 || Coral || Coral exhibits a wide range of colors, textures, and shapes, and needs salt water and warm temperatures to grow.
| Tier 5 || Dumortierite Quartz || Dumortierite Quartz is an unusual Quartz that is found in the Western Region of Idalos. Its mineral mixture is the reason for its deep but soft blue shade.
| Tier 5 || Fire Agate || Fire Agate is a common gemstone found in the Eastern Region of Idalos. It has a distinctive magma-like coloration, appearing to be formed of liquid lava turned into a colorful red and green and orange stone. It is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
| Tier 5 || Fire Opal || Fire Opal is an unusual variety of Opal which can have a whitish, yellow, orange, or orange-red base. Like all Opals, its coloration is cut through with a variety of prismatic colors, like a rainbow caught in stone. Fire Opals are favored on jewelry.
| Tier 5 || Fluorite || Fluorite is a mineral with a veritable plethora of brilliant colors intertwined together. This plethora of colors commonly includes purple, blue, green, white, brown, and pink.
| Tier 5 || Hambergite || Hambergite is a lesser-known gemstone. It is usually colorless, with the vitreous luster of glass when cut.
| Tier 5 || Hawk's Eye || Hawk's Eye is a blue-grey gemstone with multiple Cat's-Eye stripes running along the stone in parellel lines.
| Tier 5 || Hematite || Hematite is a blackish-gray gemstone. When highly polished, it looks like metal.
| Tier 5 || Hemimorphite || Hemimorphite is usually found in aggregate form with soft blue and white bands, or as a pretty pale blue stone with just-visible whitish specks.
| Tier 5 || Hessonite Garnet || Hessonite Garnet is a yellow-orange to orange-red gemstone which is uncommon throughout most of Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Hiddenite || Hiddenite has a crystalline green color which varies from a soft yellow-green to a light bluish-green. It is an incredibly delicate-looking stone, with gentle colors.
| Tier 5 || Howlite || Howlite is an interesting grayish-white mineral that is sometimes referred to as White Turquoise because of its distinctive marble-like grey or black veining.
| Tier 5 || Imperial Topaz || Imperial Topaz is the most sought-after of all of the natural Topaz. It varies in color from pale yellow to rich gold to red to red-pink.
| Tier 5 || Jadeite || Jadeite is found in most colors, including pure white, pink, brown, red, orange, violet, blue, black, and a range of greens. The most common colorations of Jadeite are jade green and moss green, and often the green of the stone is blended through with white.
| Tier 5 || Jasper || Jasper has a grainy texture to its surface unless properly polished down. It is often brick red, tan, grey, or white in color with white or tan veins running through it.
| Tier 5 || Kunzite || Kunzite is a pale pink-violet to light-violet gemstone found in Central Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Kyanite || Kyanite is a layered crystal with a vitreous-to-almost-pearly luster that is usually found in a Sapphire-like or pale, modest blue.
| Tier 5 || Lapis Lazuli || Lapis Lazuli has been used for years in jewelry and in ornamental objects. Its unique deep blue color has never lost popularity.
| Tier 5 || Malachite || Malachite is best known for its concentric patterns of dark and light green.
| Tier 5 || Moldavite || Moldavite is a bottle-green to moss-green gemstone that is uncommon in most of Idalos. It is known for its very peculiar rough, ridged texture, and is often used in pendants.
| Tier 5 || Moonstone || Moonstone is a unique stone that reflects light in a distinctive shimmering phenomenon known as adularescence. It is most often colored a pearl-like or almost opalescent blue, though it does come in other colors like peach and white.
| Tier 5 || Moss Opal || Moss Opal is a clear to milky-white to clear-yellow Opal with unique inclusions of green Hornblende in moss-like patterns.
| Tier 5 || Mystic Quartz || Mystic Quartz is prized for its durability and for its spectacular array of dazzling colors. Mystic Quartz seems to contain every color of the rainbow in its most saturated form. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos and is very frequently used in jewelry.
| Tier 5 || Mystic Topaz || Mystic Topaz, like Mystic Quartz, is known for its multicolored splendor. Though its colors tend to be less dramatic than Mystic Quartz', for jewelry meant to be more understated but still spectacular in its own way, this gemstone is the better choice. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Nuummite || Nuummite is an opaque metamorphic rock with an iridescent play of color. It is typically black or brown at base with dashes of bright silver or gold.
| Tier 5 || Opal || Opal is a gemstone that has no one color or appearance; each stone is unique in its own way. Opals range from cloudy and almost clear to pale white to black to all of the colors in between. Each Opal has, apart from its base color, a brilliant rainbow iridescence. For all of their unique beauty, Opals are also the most delicate gemstones commonly worn.
| Tier 5 || Opal Triplet || The Opal Triplet consists of a slice of natural Opal glued to a black backing and capped with clear glass or crystal, which causes the color of the Opal to become more vibrant while also protecting it from the elements.
| Tier 5 || Peanut Wood || Peanut Wood is a variety of petrified wood, formed when the original wood was buried, its shape preserved by other organic materials, and then slowly eroded and replaced over time with Quartz. Peanut Wood has a very dark brown stone base with roundish splotches or deposits of bright white.
| Tier 5 || Pearl || Pearls are found within mollusks and are a prized stone for jewelry. They are formed irregularly on the surface of the inside of the mollusk's shell, and are rarely perfectly round or uniform in shape. Pearls can be almost any color, from white to multicolored to pink to brown.
| Tier 5 || Peridot || Peridot's color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself, rather than from impurities. Peridot is pale mossy to lime green.
| Tier 5 || Pietersite || Pietersite is a breccia aggregate of Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye, with swirling colors of blue, rusty red, gold, and brown.
| Tier 5 || Prehnite || Prehnite has a mother-of-pearl luster, and a light greenish or teal base coloration, which can be marked by splotches and speckles of darker green or black. Affordably priced for its size, Prehnite makes distinctive and interesting jewelry.
| Tier 5 || Pyrope Garnet || Pyrope Garnet is the most famous of the red Garnets. Its dark, maroon red color often resembles the color of Ruby.
| Tier 5 || Quartz || Quartz is one of the most common minerals in Idalos, and is well-known in the gemstone world for its many forms and colors.
| Tier 5 || Quartz Cat's Eye || Quartz Cat's Eye is usually found in white, green, yellow, grey, or brown, with the typical Cat's Eye band down the center. It is found in Central Idalos.
| Tier 5 || Rhodochrosite || Rhodochrosite is usually found in an aggregate form with alternating bubblegum pink and darker- or lighter-pink stripes in parallel bands.
| Tier 5 || Rhodolite Garnet || Rhodolite Garnet looks a lot like Pyrope Garnet, though tends to be lighter and pinker in color than most other kinds of red Garnet.
| Tier 5 || Rhodonite || Rhodonite is a middle-pink gemstone most often mixed through with varying patterns of brown or black.
| Tier 5 || Rubellite Tourmaline || Rubellite Tourmaline is one of the most valuable Tourmaline colors, with a vivid pink to red range, often with a violet tinge.
| Tier 5 || Ruby-Zoisite || Ruby-Zoisite is the natural combination of Ruby and Zoisite crystal in a single specimen. It has a mottled pale-to-true green and black base of Zoisite scattered through with the purple-red of Ruby. It is often used for carvings.
| Tier 5 || Rutile || Rutile by itself is a geometric, almost woody-looking stone with sharp edges, usually in shades of black, red-black, or gold. It makes for an aggressive style of jewelry, a true statement piece.
| Tier 5 || Rutile Quartz || Rutile Quartz is a clear white or Smoky Quartz struck through with inclusions of gold, black, white, or red Rutile crystals.
| Tier 5 || Rutile Topaz || Rutile Topaz is colorless Topaz with inclusions of golden or silver-white Rutile crystals. Especially paired with silver-white Rutile, Rutile Topaz is a beautiful and elegent understated gem.
| Tier 5 || Scapolite || Scapolite is not well-known, but it can be a very attractive stone. Its color, which is usually a muted yellow, bronze, white, rose, or violet, is its best feature.
| Tier 5 || Seraphinite || Seraphinite's dark-green color is enhanced by a silvery and feathery shimmer caused by Mica inclusions.
| Tier 5 || Serpentine || Serpentine, in its gem form, ranges from a pure, dark jade green to white or grey to moss green, speckled through with white or veined with black or grey.
| Tier 5 || Sillimanite Cat's Eye || Sillimanite Cat's Eye is a lovely Cat's Eye gemstone. It is typically a rich, dark red-brown color with the usual Cat's Eye shimmer down the middle, though in some forms it takes on a clear, pearlescent white.
| Tier 5 || Smithsonite || Smithsonite, while usually a light teal blue, can come in colors of white, yellow, green, blue, grey, purple, and pink. In its uncut form, it has an interesting appearance, formed as if from bunches of near-perfect spheres.
| Tier 5 || Snowflake Obsidian || Snowflake Obsidian's inclusion of white crystals of Cristobalite produce a blotchy, snowflake pattern across the smooth black of the Obsidian stone.
| Tier 5 || Sodalite || Sodalite is a gemstone that is usually deep blue, sometimes with a violet tint, which frequently contains white veins of Calcite.
| Tier 5 || Sphene || Sphene is a brilliant yellow-green, green, or yellow-brown gemstone of high luster. Sphene has unique color shades, and has, with the right cut, an intense dispersion, or fire.
| Tier 5 || Spinel || Spinel is an excellent gemstone for all types of jewelry. Ranging in color from dark teal blue to pink to deep purple-black, it is an attractive stone with a manageable price.
| Tier 5 || Spodumene || Spodumene is one of the most common minerals in Idalos. It has many forms and colors though it tends to come in pale shades, including champagne, champagne-pink, clear white, clear pink, baby blue, and pale, sea green. 
| Tier 5 || Star Diopside || Star Diopside is a beautiful, unique form of Diopside. It is dark black, metallic bronze, or copper in color, with a four-rayed star pattern across its face.
| Tier 5 || Star Lemon Quartz || Star Lemon Quartz is a lemon yellow variety of Quartz which displays a four-rayed star pattern, otherwise known as asterism.
| Tier 5 || Star Moonstone || Star Moonstone ranges in color from nacreous blue to purple to white to champagne to orange. Like other Star gemstones, it has a four-rayed star pattern across its face.
| Tier 5 || Star Rose Quartz || To find Rose Quartz displaying the Star effect is rare. Unlike other Star gemstones, Star Rose Quartz can show either a four-rayed or six-rayed star.
| Tier 5 || Star Sunstone || Star Sunstone, like other Star gemstones, displays a four-rayed star across its pearlescent orange surface. Unlike other Star gems, however, Star Sunstone's star pattern tends to be not as overt.
| Tier 5 || Strawberry Quartz || Strawberry Quartz is one of many unique types of Quartz. Strawberry Quartz earns its name from its strawberry color, as well as the speckles of dark pink, red, or white stone within, which can be reminiscent of strawberry seeds. 
| Tier 5 || Sunstone || Sunstone, though named oppositely of Moonstone, is not much like Moonstone at all. While Moonstone tends to have a pearly shine, Sunstone is typically clear like glass, and though it can come in cloudy variations, it always contains tiny flecks of orange-red which sparkle like glitter.
| Tier 5 || Tashmarine Diopside || Tashmarine Diopside is a brilliant yellow-green to lime green gemstone found in Central Idalos. It is famous for its brilliant concave cut, designed by a particular gemcutter in the region. The concave cut is a masterful stone cut which is extremely difficult to achieve. This cut is easiest to apply to Tashmarine Diopside due to the makeup of the gem.
| Tier 5 || Tiger's Eye || Tiger's Eye is a form of Hawk's Eye gemstone. But while Hawk's Eye is usually blue-grey in color, Tiger's Eye has a golden base. Tiger's Eye can have lengthwise stripes of darker gold, caramel, and rich brown running through it. Like Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye can display muliple bands of chatoyancy, the type of iridescence found in Cat's Eye gems.
| Tier 5 || Tiger's Eye Matrix || Tiger's Eye Matrix is Tiger's Eye that has been cut and finished with some of its host rock intact. Rather than a predominant gold or caramel coloration, Tiger's Eye Matrix usually leans towards stripes of caramel-red, brown-red, and even black.
| Tier 5 || Topaz || Topaz is an important gem due to its hardness and high refractive index. Topaz comes in many colors, from pinks to reds to oranges, though blue Topaz is especially popular.
| Tier 5 || Tourmaline || Tourmaline is found in every color. It can show every tone from pastel to dark, and usually displays two or three separate colors within the same stone.
| Tier 5 || Tsavorite Garnet || Tsavorite Garnet is unique among the Garnets for its emerald green color.
| Tier 5 || Turquoise || Turquoise is a well-known and common gem for jewelry, famed for its classic turquoise color, which often shows veins of dark brown, tan, or black. A Turquiose stone without its distinctive veined pattern is unusual.
| Tier 5 || Verdite || Verdite is light to dark-green Serpentine rock that is often spotted or variegated with lighter shades of green. Verdite is often used for carving.
| Tier 5 || Zircon || Zircon has a great brilliance and an intensive fire, due to its high refractive index and strong dispersion. It comes in most colors pale and bright, and is often used as a cheaper replacement for Diamond.
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| Tier 6 || Actinolite Cat's Eye || Actinolite Cat's Eye is a rare, greenish, translucent gemstone found in Central Idalos.
| Tier 6 || Amethyst || Amethyst is lavender to dark purple in color, and is one of the most precious gemstones within Idalos. It is highly demanded amongst noblemen.
| Tier 6 || Azotic Topaz || Azotic Topaz is a rare fire-colored gemstone found in the Eastern Region of Idalos, with facets of dashing red, orange, pink, and even flame blue.
| Tier 6 || Carnelian || Carnelian is a brownish-red to bright-orange variety of Quartz, colored in rings by trace amounts of iron. It is commonly found in the Northern and Central Regions of Idalos.
| Tier 6 || Cassiterite || Cassiterite is known for its ability to withstand scratches and the elements. It is a lovely dark brown in color, though it can be metallic silver or black. It is one of the more common gemstones used to decorate armor.
| Tier 6 || Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye || Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is one of the most famous and valuable Cat's Eye gemstones. Mostly found in varying shades of yellow and green and marked with the typical Cat's Eye gleam, it is valued for its excellent hardness which makes it well-suited for decorating weapons and armor.
| Tier 6 || Enstatite || Enstatite is a rare gemstone that in found in the Central Region of Idalos. It is typically brown-green with a vitreous luster.
| Tier 6 || Fossil Coral || Fossil coral is a decorative material that is formed when ancient coral is gradually replaced with agate. It looks like most fossils, though it has coral-like patterns such as honeycombs, starbursts, and rows of ridged lines or dots. This is a favored gem to use when decorating weapons.
| Tier 6 || Kornerupine || Kornerupine is a rare, translucent, typically brownish-green collector's gem. It also comes in a purple, blue, and green mixed form, which is more often used for jewelry than it is used for collecting.
| Tier 6 || Melanite || Melanite is the black variety of the rare Andradite Garnet. It is sometimes known as Titanian Andradite. It is a pure black, and in its uncut form has configurations of cubelike crystal.
| Tier 6 || Obsidian || Obsidian is a black, naturally-occurring volcanic glass. It is formed when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. It is found near the Heart of the World.
| Tier 6 || Paraiba Tourmaline || Paraiba Tourmaline is a rare and vivid neon-blue gemstone found in Central Idalos. Paraiba Tourmaline gets its fantastically bright color from copper impurities in the stone.
| Tier 6 || Ruby-in-Fuchsite || Ruby-in-Fuchsite is the natural combination of Ruby and Fuchsite in a single specimen. It is an interesting and colorful stone, with teal to green Fuchsite mixed through with white stone and pink, purple, or red Ruby inclusions.
| Tier 6 || Smoky Quartz || Smoky Quartz is fast becoming a designer favorite for its earthy color and singular look: like smoke trapped in glass. While parts of the crystal are clear, it is one of few gemstones which favor the colors brown and grey.
| Tier 6 || Spessartite Garnet || Spessartite Garnet is the second-most valuable of the Garnets. It displays in bright colors, orange or orange-red.
| Tier 6 || Sphalerite || Sphalerite is a rare collector's gem which has exceptional dispersion. Dispersion or fire, as it is otherwise known, has to do with how shiny a gem appears, and how well it reflects and refracts the light. For comparison, Sphalerite's dispersion rating is three times as high as that for Diamond.
| Tier 6 || Star Garnet || Star Garnet is a rare and unusual Garnet. Deep maroon in color, it displays a four-rayed star due to aligned inclusions of Rutile.
| Tier 6 || Tanzanite || Tanzanite is a rare gemstone found in Central Idalos. Ranging in color from blue or purple-blue to a deep, rich blue close to indigo, the darkest forms of Tanzanite look much like Sapphire, and could easily be mistaken for a more expensive gem. 
| Tier 6 || Tremolite-Hexagonite || Tremolite-Hexagonite is a rare gemstone found in Central Idalos. It has an interesting range of color, from lilac to cloudy pink to dark wine. 
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| Tier 7 || Alexandrite || Alexandrite is a considerably rare stone. It is famed for its color-change from green in daylight to red under candle light.
| Tier 7 || Ammolite || Ammolite is a rare gemstone that has only ever been located near the Heart of the World. Many crave this gemstone for its shattered-rainbow color and almost metallic luster.
| Tier 7 || Apatite || Apatite is a rarity among marketplaces and is prized for its many different colors and forms, though most Apatite is blue, green, turquoise, or even purple. This gem has a complex, veined appearance and can be found in the Southern Region of Idalos.
| Tier 7 || Boulder Opal || Boulder Opal is the second most prized form of Opal, after Black Opal. It is known for its brown base set with luminous parti-color marbling.
| Tier 7 || Gaspeite || Gaspeite is a rare, bright, almost toxic green gemstone found in Central Idalos. It commonly has veins of intricate brown or black, and is used as decoration for armor, weapons, and jewelry alike.
| Tier 7 || Labradorite || Labradorite is a rare gemstone found in Western Idalos which displays a distinctive schiller in lustrous metallic tints. It is a deep blue-green with a bronze-colored shine.
| Tier 7 || Variscite || Variscite is a relatively rare type of phosphate mineral. Variscite has a range of green hues for color, sometimes with multiple shades or tones in one gem. High quality specimens are used as gemstones and for carvings. Low quality specimens may show a distinctive rocky webbing, and are usually used for collecting or display.
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| Tier 8 || Andradite Garnet || Andradite Garnet is a rare gold-to-copper-toned gemstone found only in Northern Idalos. In its uncut form, it takes the shape of clusters of nearly-perfect cubes.
| Tier 8 || Cat's Eye Aquamarine || Cat's Eye Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of pale silver-blue to striking aquamarine colors. With the typical Cat's Eye stripe of light at its center, it is quite rare to find in Idalos.
| Tier 8 || Clinohumite || Clinohumite is a rare mineral and an especially rare gemstone. Few have ever come across small deposits of this gemstone, which is a rich orange color tending towards red.
| Tier 8 || Demantoid Garnet || The Demantoid Garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the Garnets. Found in yellow-green to emerald green, Demantoid Garnet is scarce and is typically only seen in small sizes.
| Tier 8 || Larimar || Larimar is a considerably rare gemstone and is famed for its beautiful, soft, blue-green mottled hues.
| Tier 8 || Sapphire || Sapphire, with its excellent hardness second only to Diamond, is one of the four traditional precious gemstones. Sapphire is a deep, gorgeous blue, so dark sometimes as to seem indigo.
| Tier 8 || Star Ruby || Star Ruby is a Ruby that displays asterism, a six-rayed star which shimmers over the surface of the rose-red to hot-pink stone.
| Tier 8 || Star Sapphire || Star Sapphire is a Sapphire that contains unusual tiny needle-like Rutile inclusions. These needles produce a phenomenon called asterism. Star Sapphires display a six-rayed star.
| Tier 8 || Sugilite || Sugilite is an obscure and quite rare mineral found in Central Idalos. It is known for its vivid, sometimes almost neon purple coloration, though the bright purple of its stone can sometimes be mixed through with duller lavender or grey.
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| Tier 9 || Ruby || The Ruby has a combination of hardness and rich, dark red color which makes it so valuable and in high demand. It is one of the four traditional precious gemstones.
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| Tier 10 || Diamond || Diamond is the hardest known natural material. It is famed not only for its superb hardness, but also for its refractive properties which cause the gemstone to shine. Diamond comes in many shades of color, from steel grey to white to yellow to blue to black. It is one of four traditional precious gemstones.
| Tier 10 || Emerald || Emerald is the most precious stone in the Beryl group. The wonderful deep green color of Emerald is unparalleled in the gem world. Emerald is also one of four traditional precious gemstones.
| Tier 10 || Onyx || Onyx is the rarest gemstone in Idalos. 500gn coins are made from Onyx stones, the largest denomination of nel. Onyx is deep black in color and is highly lustrous.
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'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
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Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Armor Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of armor and shields per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, a '''set of armor''' includes any number of separate pieces of armor which, altogether, would compose a full set. A set of leather or studded leather armor might differ in composition to a set of chainmail, scalemail, or plate. For the purposes of purchasing armor and shielding, 1 full set of armor comes with 1 shield of the same quality and type.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 3 Armor & Shields</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 1 full set of armor || poor quality
| 2 WP || 1 full set of armor || basic quality
| 3 WP || 1 full set of armor || average quality
| 4 WP || 1 full set of armor || good quality
| 5 WP || 1 full set of armor || masterwork quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 4 Armor & Shields</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 2 WP || 1 full set of armor || poor quality
| 3 WP || 1 full set of armor || basic quality
| 4 WP || 1 full set of armor || average quality
| 5 WP || 1 full set of armor || good quality
| 6 WP || 1 full set of armor || masterwork quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 6 Armor & Shields</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 4 WP || 1 full set of armor || poor quality
| 5 WP || 1 full set of armor || basic quality
| 6 WP || 1 full set of armor || average quality
| 7 WP || 1 full set of armor || good quality
| 8 WP || 1 full set of armor || masterwork quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 8 Armor & Shields</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 9 WP || 1 full set of armor || poor quality
| 10 WP || 1 full set of armor || basic quality
| 11 WP || 1 full set of armor || average quality
| 12 WP || 1 full set of armor || good quality
| 13 WP || 1 full set of armor || masterwork quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Armor & Shield Quality</div>
Please keep in mind that the style of your armor depends on the smith who has crafted it. The same way that different fine artists approach painting or sculpting in different ways, each smith has their own method of artistry, their own style and technique. One person's scalemail armor might look very different from another's. Armor and shielding, by no means, has to be uniform.
That being said, there are certain standards when it comes to the quality of your armor.
*Poor-quality armor and shields:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Armor and shields are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced.
*Basic-quality armor and shields:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Armor and shields are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced.
*Average-quality armor and shields:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Armor and shields are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.
*Good-quality armor and shields: <div id="Armor Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Armor and shields have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced.
*Masterwork-quality armor and shields:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Armor and shields have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork-quality armor and shields are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced.
<p>Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones or added jewelry, coloring, filigree or gilding of precious or high-quality metals, embossing or engraving, etc.</p>
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
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'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
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Please note that PCs may purchase additional armor and shields using their Wealth Points.
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! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of poor-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 3 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of poor Tier 3 armor and 1 poor Tier 3 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of basic-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 3 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of poor-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 4 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of average-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 3 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of basic-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 4 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of good-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 3 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of average-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 4 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of poor-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 6 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 3 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of good-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 4 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of basic-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 6 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 6 || Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose either:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 4 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of average-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 6 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of poor-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 8 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 7 || Starting at Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose any combination of 2 of the following options:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of good-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 6 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of basic-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 8 shield.</ul><br> After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 8 || Starting at Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose any combination of 2 of the following options:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 6 shield, '''or'''<li>1 set of average-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 8 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 9 || Starting at Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 3 of the following:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of good-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 8 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of good Tier 8 armor and 1 good Tier 8 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 10 || Starting at Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 3 of the following:<br><br><ul><li>1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 8 shield.</ul><br>After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of masterwork Tier 8 armor and 1 masterwork Tier 8 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Access</div>
Due to the items available, different Tiers have different types and qualities of armor and shields. This means that at many Tiers, the armors and shields available are, by default, not of average quality. One Tier, for example, might offer good-quality Tier 6 armor while also offering basic-quality Tier 8 armor.
Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access armor and shields that are different in type or that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.
You may choose to have lower-Tier armor and shielding *instead* of the items offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many sets of armor and shields you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 3 full sets of armor and 3 shields, for example.
At Tier 6:<br>Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,<br>'''or'''<br>You may choose from the rest of your Tier 6 options.
At Tier 7:
Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 4 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
You may choose from the rest of your Tier 7 options.
At Tier 10, this means that:
Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 4 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 6 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
You may choose from the rest of your Tier 10 options.
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* armor and shields that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* armor and shields at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear plate armor or leather.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Making Modifications to Armor & Shields</div>
You have the ability to customize your armor and shields, usually by having them made out of specific types of metal. For that process, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Metals Metals]. Please note that leather armor and studded leather armor do not contain enough metal to warrant such modifications.
Please also note that the '''Metals Section of the Shoppe''' is not exhaustive. Check the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=4c99ff7aa8c6fff23e7b261ddb466913 Creating the World Forum], the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.
Unless you choose to customize your armor, all types of armor (minus leather) are made of iron. All types of shields, when made of metal, are also, by default, made of iron.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Armor & Shields by Tier</div>
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! Wealth Tier !! Armor or Shield !! Notes
| Tier 3 || Leather Armor || Leather armor typically consists of hardened animal hides, and is most commonly found on hunters or rangers. It is a lightweight type of armor that will provide some protection from heavy blows and from cuts or slashes, through it may be easily pierced.
| Tier 3 || Tier 3 Shields || Tier 3 shields encompass any of a group of wielded wooden implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 3 shields are mostly made of wood, though may also include some leather.
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| Tier 4 || Studded Leather Armor || Studded leather armor is made of hardened animal hides with metal studs placed at even intervals along the length and width. These studs give added durability, but come with a light addition of weight. Studded leather armor will protect better than plain leather armor against cutting and slashing, as well as piercing weapons.
| Tier 4 || Tier 4 Shields || Tier 4 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 4 shields are mostly made of better-quality wood, though may also include some leather.
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| Tier 6 || Chainmail Armor || Chainmail armor is made of intertwined links of metal which drape the body. The metallic rings used in chainmail are capable of deflecting many blades, and even weaker projectiles, though those with especially small points will be able to slip between the rings.
| Tier 6 || Scalemail Armor || Scalemail armor is composed of overlapping layers of metal which drape the body. While this suffers from an added level of weight in comparison to chainmail, it is nevertheless lighter than plate armor, and provides fair protection against most common forms of bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage.
| Tier 6 || Tier 6 Shields || Tier 6 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden or leather implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 6 shields are mostly made of the best-quality wood, and may heavily incoporate leather, as well as some metal.
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| Tier 8 || Plate Armor || Full sheets of metal comprise this suit of knightly armor, granting it a level of unmatched durability in combat. Few weapons are capable of piercing the tough exterior of plate armor, though the joints are typically exposed to allow for ease-of-movement. This is easily the most expensive and weightiest form of available armor.
| Tier 8 || Tier 8 Shields || Tier 8 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden, leather, or metal implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 8 shields are mostly made of high-quality materials, and may favor wood, leather, metal, or a combination of all three heavily in their design.
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'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Weapons Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of weapons per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, weapons can be purchased '''singularly''' or in '''sets,''' depending on their type. Daggers, for instance, might be purchased in multiples; a warhammer will be purchased singularly. See [[#Weapons Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] for examples of how weapons should be purchased. Smaller weapons, weapons which are meant to be dual-wielded, weapons which are simple in their design, or weapons which are used to be shot or thrown will typically be purchased in sets.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Weapons</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
This table covers weapons which fall into the categories '''Axes & Bludgeons, Blades, Polearms & Staves, Ranged Weaponry, Thrown Weaponry, Unarmed Combat,''' and '''Whips.''' For '''Shields,''' see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Armor Armor].
Exemptions to this are cannonballs and ballista arrows / bolts, which fall under the category '''Seige Weaponry''' but which should be purchased using this table. However, purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || poor quality
| 2 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || poor+ quality
| 3 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || basic quality
| 4 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || basic+ quality
| 5 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || average quality
| 6 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || average+ quality
| 7 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || good quality
| 8 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || good+ quality
| 9 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || masterwork quality
| 10 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || masterwork+ quality
'''Arrows & Bolts for Bows and Crossbows'''
<p>For the purposes of purchasing additional projectiles for your bow or crossbow, the cost of projectiles is a one-time '''5 Wealth Point''' fee. This one-time fee buys you infinite projectiles of your choice (either bolts or arrows) at masterwork+ quality.</p>
See '''Ranged Weaponry''' in [[#Weapons Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] for more information on the purchasing of bolts and arrows.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Seige Weaponry</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 9 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || poor+ quality
| 11 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || basic+ quality
| 12 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || average+ quality
| 14 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || good+ quality
| 15 WP || 1 weapon or set of weapons || masterwork+ quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Weapon Quality</div>
Please keep in mind that, like with armor and shielding, the style of your weaponry depends on the smith who has crafted it. The same way that different fine artists approach painting or sculpting in different ways, each smith has their own method of artistry, their own style and technique. One person's battle axe might look very different from another's. Weaponry, by no means, has to be uniform.
That being said, there are certain standards when it comes to the quality of your weapons.
*Poor-quality weapons:
** Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Weapons are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. These weapons are of very poor quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.
*Poor+ quality weapons:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Weapons are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. Despite this, these weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level. Simply put, poor+ quality weapons are of better stock than poor weapons. In battle, a poor+ quality weapon might break a poor-quality weapon, especially one that has not been properly kept.
*Basic-quality weapons:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Weapons are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. These weapons are of very basic quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.
*Basic+ quality weapons:
** Will be made out of basic+ materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Weapons are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. Despite this, these weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level. Simply put, basic+ quality weapons are of better stock than basic weapons. In battle, a basic+ quality weapon might break a basic-quality weapon, especially one that has not been properly kept.
*Average-quality weapons:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Weapons are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.
*Average+ quality weapons:
** Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Weapons are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced. Average+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level. Simply put, average+ quality weapons are of better stock than average weapons. In battle, an average+ quality weapon might break an average-quality weapon, though one weapon breaking another at this level is relatively rare.
*Good-quality weapons:
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Weapons have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced.
*Good+ quality weapons:
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Weapons have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced. Good+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level. Simply put, good+ quality weapons are of better stock than good weapons. In battle, a good+ quality weapon might break a good-quality weapon, though one weapon breaking another at this level is considerably rare.
*Masterwork-quality weapons: <div id="Weapons Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master craft skills.''' Weapons have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork-quality weapons are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced.
*Masterwork+ quality weapons:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Weapons have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork+ quality weapons are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced. Masterwork+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, masterwork+ quality weapons are of the best stock possible, better even than masterwork weapons. In battle, a masterwork+ quality weapon might break a masterwork-quality weapon, though at this level one weapon breaking another is exceedingly rare.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones or added coloring, filigree or gilding of precious or high-quality metals, inlay or engraving, pattern welding, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional weapons using their Wealth Points.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Weapon Quality !! Notes
| Tier 1 || Poor || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 poor-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional poor weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 2 || Poor+ || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 poor+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional poor+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 3 || Basic || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 basic-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional basic weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 4 || Basic+ || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 basic+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional basic+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 5 || Average || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 average-quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional average weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 6 || Average+ || Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 2 average+ quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional average+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 7 || Good || Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 2 good-quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 1 average+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional good weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 8 || Good+ || Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 2 good+ quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 1 good-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional good+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 9 || Masterwork || Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 2 masterwork-quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 2 good+ quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional masterwork weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional masterwork weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 10 || Masterwork+ || Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 2 masterwork+ quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 2 masterwork-quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional masterwork+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional masterwork+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;>Tier Access</div>
Due to the items available, different Tiers have different qualities of weaponry (Tier 1 is poor, Tier 2 is poor+, Tier 3 is basic, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access weapons that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.
You may choose to have lower-Tier weapons *instead* of the weapons offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many weapons or sets of weapons you are due by your Tier. Tier 9 and Tier 10 will still be able to choose 4 weapons or sets of weapons, for example.
At Tier 6:
Poor, poor+, basic, basic+, and average weapons are available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option (average+ quality).
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* weapons that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* weapons at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a sword or crossbow at either poor or high quality.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Making Modifications to Weaponry</div>
You have the ability to customize your weapons, usually by having them made out of specific types of metal. For that process, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Metals Metals]. Please note that the '''Metals Section of the Shoppe''' is not exhaustive. Check the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=4c99ff7aa8c6fff23e7b261ddb466913 Creating the World Forum], the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.
Unless you choose to customize your weapons, all types of weaponry, unless they require other materials in their construction, are made of iron, leather, and wood.
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<div style="font-size:20px;">Weaponry by Category</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
If you do not see the type of weapon you would like to purchase on the lists below, please be aware that these lists are just approximates. Most if not all types and styles of weaponry are welcome on Standing Trials, as long as they adhere to the setting. If you are uncertain whether the type of weapon you wish to use is allowed in the setting of Standing Trials, or if you are otherwise uncertain as to which category of weapon it would fit into, contact a Prophet or ask in the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=38 Questions and Answers Forum].
When choosing a weapon not on the lists below, please purchase by approximate. Find the weapon closest in type to the weapon you wish to choose, and purchase your weapon as if you were purchasing that one instead. If the type of weapon closest to the weapon you wish to choose is available to be purchased in sets of more than one, assume that your weapon, too, is allowed this.
<div style="font-size:20px;">Axes & Bludgeons</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Axe || An axe is a heavy, bladed weapon which may be sharpened on one or both sides of the head and wielded with one or both hands.<br><br>'''Axes come in sets of 1.'''
| Broad Axe || A broad axe is a heavy two-handed axe with an usually broad head. It is only sharpened on one side.<br><br>'''Broad axes come in sets of 1.'''
| Club || A club is a simple wooden weapon with a handle to hold onto and a heavy side used for whacking people upside the head. Clubs are usually one-handed.<br><br>'''Clubs come in sets of 3.'''
| Hammer || A hammer is a small weapon with a blunt end of metal placed on a wooden handle, which is designed for self defense. A hammer is a one-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Hammers come in sets of 3.'''
| Hand Axe / Hatchet || A hatchet is a small axe designed for use in close-quarters combat. Hand axes are sometimes used as thrown weaponry. A hand axe is a one-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Hand axes come in sets of 3.'''
| Mace || A mace is a heavy, round or ridged metal ball on a handle. A mace is a type of club and is usually used one-handed.<br><br>'''Maces come in sets of 1.'''
| Sledgehammer || A sledgehammer is a heavy two-handed hammer.<br><br>'''Sledgehammers come in sets of 1.'''
| Spiked Mace || A spiked mace is a type of mace designed to penetrate armor. Spiked maces can be one- or two-handed.<br><br>'''Spiked Maces come in sets of 1.'''
| War Hammer || A war hammer is a heavy hammer designed for fights against armored opponents. It is usually two-handed but may be wielded in one hand.<br><br>'''War hammers come in sets of 1.'''
| War Pick || A war pick is a pick-axe-like weapon designed to penetrate armor. War picks sometimes have a blunt, hammer-like balance on one side. They can be one- or two-handed.<br><br>'''War picks come in sets of 2.'''
<div style="font-size:20px;">Blades</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Broadsword || A broadsword is a heavy, long-bladed sword. They are typically held with two hands due to their weight.<br><br>'''Broadswords come in sets of 1.'''
| Cane Sword || A cane sword is a straight, narrow sword sheathed in a decorative case that is frequently disguised as a walking stick or cane. They are usually wielded in one hand.<br><br>'''Cane swords come in sets of 1.'''
| Dagger || A dagger is a small, handheld blade used in tight spaces or in extreme close-range combat. They are excellent for sliding between the joints in suits of armor. Daggers are one-handed weapons.<br><br>'''Daggers come in sets of 5.'''
| Hand Sickle || A hand sickle is a medium-sized sickle designed to be held in one hand.<br><br>'''Hand sickles come in sets of 2.'''
| Knife || A knife is a small, easily-hidden blade designed to be used as an emergency weapon or for stealthy kills. Knives are one-handed weapons that are better for slashing than stabbing.<br><br>'''Knives come in sets of 5.'''
| Longsword || A longsword is a medium-length sword that can be used with either one hand or two. The blade of a longsword can be straight or curved.<br><br>'''Longswords come in sets of 1.'''
| One-Handed Sword || A one-handed sword is a medium-length sword that is wielded in one hand. Like longswords, their blades can be straight or curved.<br><br>'''One-handed swords come in sets of 1.'''
| Sai || A sai is a small defensively-minded weapon, with a thin central baton and two prongs which curve out from the handle. Sai are usually dual-wielded.<br><br>'''Sai come in sets of 2.'''
| Shortsword || A shortsword is a simple, short-bladed sword designed for use in formation or close-quarters combat. Shortswords are one-handed weapons.<br><br>'''Shortswords come in sets of 1.'''
| Spring-Loaded Dagger || A spring-loaded dagger is designed to be worn under the sleeve for quick kills. It is often used as an emergency weapon. A spring-loaded dagger is worn on one arm.<br><br>'''Spring-loaded daggers come in sets of 1.'''
| Swordbreaker || A swordbreaker is a short-bladed sword with hooked edges designed to catch and break an enemy's blade. Swordbreakers are one-handed weapons.<br><br>'''Swordbreakers come in sets of 1.'''
| Tamo Dagger || Tamo Daggers, which are always sold in pairs, are thin, stiletto blades mounted on an often elaborately-carved thick wooden handle. Each handle has a slot near the blade that serves as a sheath for its twin. When the blades are sheathed, the handles form a short but sturdy club.<br><br>'''Tamo daggers come in sets of 2.'''
<div style="font-size:20px;">Polearms & Staves</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Bo Staff || A bo staff is a simple staff used to keep opponents at bay. They come in varying lengths and are used by both hands.<br><br>'''Bo staves come in sets of 2.'''
| Halberd || A halberd is a heavy battle axe mounted on a spear handle, designed for combat against both infantry and cavalry. A halberd is a two-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Halberds come in sets of 1.'''
| Lance || A lance is a two-handed combat spear, though mounted fighters can use it one-handed during a charge. Lances have a tendency to break when striking heavily-armored foes at high speed.<br><br>'''Lances come in sets of 3.'''
| Reaper Scythe || A reaper scythe is a heavy scythe designed to be wielded with two hands, with the blade still facing the wielder. In the hands of the unskilled, it is dangerous only to the wielder, but in the hands of an expert, it is a deadly weapon.<br><br>'''Reaper scythes come in sets of 1.'''
| Spear || A spear is a pole weapon with a pointed head designed to be used in one or two hands. They can be straight-bladed or curve-bladed.<br><br>'''Spears come in sets of 2.'''
| Trident || A trident is a three-pronged spear that can be used to trap opponents' arms or weapons between the tines. The prongs or tines of a trident are sometimes barbed. Tridents can be used with one or two hands.<br><br>'''Tridents come in sets of 2.'''
| War Scythe || A war scythe is a type of scythe that has been modified to be easier to use in combat, with the blade facing away from the wielder rather than towards them. War scythes are two-handed weapons.<br><br>'''War scythes come in sets of 1.'''
| style="width:20%;" | Javelin || A javelin is a type of spear that is designed to be thrown at enemies. Javelins are one-handed weapons.<br><br>'''Javelins come in sets of 3.'''
<div style="font-size:20px;">Ranged Weaponry</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Arrows || An arrow is a type of projectile with a head, shaft, and fletching. Arrows are shot from a bow.<br><br>'''Arrows do not come in sets. Instead, upon the purchase of a bow, they come in an unlimited capacity. This means that arrows do not need to be separately purchased unless you want to purchase more arrows at a higher quality. When purchased with a bow, the arrows' quality matches that of the bow purchased.'''
| Bolts || A bolt is a short wooden projectile tipped in metal and fired from a crossbow.<br><br>'''Bolts do not come in sets. Instead, upon the purchase of a crossbow, they come in an unlimited capacity. This means that bolts do not need to be separately purchased unless you want to purchase more bolts at a higher quality. When purchased with a crossbow, the bolts' quality matches that of the crossbow purchased.'''
| Long Bow || A long bow is a heavy bow designed to fire at long distance. Long bows use arrows.<br><br>'''Long bows come in sets of 1.'''
| Short Bow || A short bow is a small bow designed to be used for short distances or on horseback. Short bows use arrows.<br><br>'''Short bows come in sets of 1.'''
| Pistol Crossbow || A pistal crossbow is a medium-strength crossbow designed to be compact. A pistal crossbow's compact size costs it the strength of a traditional crossbow. Because of the diminished strength of their draw, pistal crossbows are quicker and easier to reload than traditional crossbows. Pistal crossbows use bolts.<br><br>'''Pistol crossbows come in sets of 1.'''
| Crossbow || A crossbow is a slow-to-reload but easy-to-use weapon capable of piercing even plate armor with relative ease. Crossbows use bolts.<br><br>'''Crossbows come in sets of 1.'''
<div style="font-size:20px;">Seige Weaponry</div>
<p>Please note that purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.</p>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Cannon || A cannon is a heavy, high-damage weapon designed to shoot projectiles by means of blasting or black powder. Cannons use cannonballs.<br><br>'''Cannons come in sets of 1.'''
| Cannonballs || Cannonballs are spherical projectiles used by cannons and propelled by blasting powder. Cannonballs are typically around 8 lbs in weight (about 3 and a half kg) and are usually made of stone or stone reinforced by metal. Full-metal cannonballs, or cannonballs made of other materials, are less common.<br><br>'''Cannonballs come in sets of 30 and must be purchased separately from cannons.'''
| Trebuchet || A trebuchet is a type of catapult which uses a heavy, weighted arm which pivots to launch a projectile. Trebuchets usually have greater range than regular catapults, and some require a counterweight to set and launch. They can launch any object which will fit in their sling.<br><br>'''Trebuchets come in sets of 1.''' 
| Catapult || A catapult is a type of Seige Weaponry which launches projectiles through use of tension or torsion rather than blasting powder. A catapult can launch any object which will fit in its bucket.<br><br>'''Catapults come in sets of 1.'''
| Ballista || A ballista is a type of catapult which functions as an overlarge crossbow. Ballista usually throw large arrows or bolts, usually made of iron.<br><br>'''Ballista come in sets of 1.'''
| Ballista Arrows / Bolts || Ballista arrows / bolts are overlarge metal arrows used by ballista. Ballista arrows are quite long, with a length of 4 to 6 ft (about 1 to 2 meters).<br><br>'''Ballista bolts come in sets of 30 and must be purchased separately from ballista.'''
<div style="font-size:20px;">Unarmed Combat</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Brass Knuckles || Brass knuckles are small pieces of metal designed to be worn around a person's fist. They increase the damage of a punch by concentrating the force of the punch onto a smaller, harder area. Brass knuckles can be used on one or both hands.<br><br>'''Brass knuckles come in sets of 4.'''
| Gauntlet || Typically made of hardened leather or metal plates, a gauntlet protects the fist from damage, usually up to or past the wrist. While less effective than brass knuckles for dealing damage, wearing a guantlet provides more protection, especially when fighting hand-to-hand against an armed opponent. Guantlets can be worn on one or both hands.<br><br>'''Gauntlets come in sets of 2.''' 
<div style="font-size:20px;">Whips and Flails</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Weapon !! Notes
| style="width:20%;" | Barbed Whip || A barbed whip is a bullwhip with jagged metal shards fixed upon it, designed for ripping flesh and muscle from the wielder's target. Barbed whips are one-handed weapons.<br><br>'''Barbed whips come in sets of 1.'''
| Bullwhip || A bullwhip is a long, lightweight, leather whip wielded in one hand.<br><br>'''Bullwhips come in sets of 1.'''
| Cat O' Nine Tails || A cat o' nine tails is a type of whip with, as the name implies, nine tails. Cat o' nine tails are shorter than a bull whip, but are still dangerous if used right. They are typically found in the hands of torturers and flagellants and are a one-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Cat o' nine tails come in sets of 2.'''
| Chain Sickle || A chain sickle is a medium-sized sickle designed to be held in one hand, with a chain connecting the blade to the handle.<br><br>'''Chain sickles come in sets of 1.'''
| Chain Whip || A chain whip is a whip made entirely out of metal chains, and can be used with one or two hands.<br><br>'''Chain whips come in sets of 1.'''
| Scourge || A scourge is a cat o' nine tails with shards of metal fixed upon each tail.<br><br>'''Scourges come in sets of 2.'''
| Ball and Chain / Flail || A ball and chain or flail is composed of a mace head attached to a handle by a long chain. A flail can be a one or two-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Balls and chains come in sets of 2.'''
| Three-Sectioned Staff || A three-sectioned staff is a staff split into three sections that are held together by chains. It can be used in one or two hands.<br><br>'''Three-sectioned staves come in sets of 1.'''
| Spiked Ball and Chain / Spiked Flail || A spiked ball and chain is a type of ball and chain but with a spiked mace head. Spiked flails can be a one or two-handed weapon.<br><br>'''Spiked balls and chains come in sets of 2.'''
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'''Rules For This Section.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Metals Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for the availability of metals per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
To make modifications to the weapons, armor, or mount armor you have purchased, please use the modifiers located in '''Items Available Per Tier.''' To determine the final cost of your modified item, take the original cost of the item, found either in the [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Armor Armor], [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Weapons Weapons], or [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Mounts Mounts] sections of the Shoppe, and multiply using the modifier for the type of metal you would like to use.
If you would like to make modifications using an alloy made of two or more metals, use the highest modifier amongst the metals you would like to use.
When applying a modifier, always round *up*.
So, if you purchased an average+ quality longsword for 6 WP, and are modifying your longsword to be made of steel instead of iron, the cost of your modified longsword would be:<br><br>'''6wp x 1.15 = 6.9wp rounded up to 7wp.'''
<div style="font-size:25px;">Metal Ingots as Crafting Materials</div>
You may purchase metal ingots in order to craft items like weapons and armor.
When crafting items in threads, your Skill Level in your Craft Skill determines the quality of the items you may craft. Additionally, your Skill Level determines the access you have to Crafting Materials above your own Wealth Tier. Please refer to the [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Crafting Crafting section of the Shoppe] for more detail.
Before you purchase metal ingots, please also refer to the Tier Restrictions below (see '''Items Available Per Tier.''') for the availability of metals per Wealth Tier. Please note that you do not need to purchase metal ingots unless the metal is restricted for your Skill Level and/or Wealth Tier.
Please reference the Crafting section before referencing the Tier Restrictions below.
For instance, if you are Competent in [[:Category: Smithing|Smithing]] and if your Wealth Tier is Tier 5:<br><br>The Crafting section details that at Competent Level, you have access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own.<br><br>This means that, when referring to your Wealth Tier and the Tier Restrictions below, you do not need to purchase Common or Uncommon metals, but you do need to purchase Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless metals when smithing items that you wish to use yourself or sell in threads.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Metal Ingots</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
'''1 metal ingot''' is required to craft a weapon or set of weapons. In the Weapons section, see [[#Weapons Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] for examples of weapons that are crafted singularly or in sets.
'''2 metal ingots''' are required to craft a full set of armor.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 1 ingot of any Tier 1 or Tier 2 metal || undefined
| 2 WP || 1 ingot of any Tier 3 or Tier 4 metal || undefined
| 3 WP || 1 ingot of any Tier 5 or Tier 6 metal || undefined
| 4 WP || 1 ingot of any Tier 7 or Tier 8 metal || undefined
| 5 WP || 1 ingot of any Tier 9 or Tier 10 metal || undefined
'''Metal Ingot Quality''' <div id="Metals Items Available Per Tier."></div>
<p>Please note that all metal ingots purchased are of a purposefully undefined quality. This means that the quality of Crafting Materials purchased will not affect the overall quality of the items crafted. The quality of the items you craft is determined by your Skill Level, not by the quality of the materials you are crafting with.</p> 
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
For the purposes of modifying arms, armor, and mount armor, metals come in five levels of rarity. The levels of rarity are Commom, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless. The more rare a certain metal is, the higher its modifier will be.
Please note that certain Priceless metals are typically only given by the gods. This means that as long as a god is willing to grant a Priceless metal to your PC, you may own a Pricless metal even if you are not Tier 10. This also goes for any arms, armor, or mount armor granted by Prophets as rewards for a thread. Such items should be recorded in your CS.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Restrictions</div>
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:100%;"
! style="width:15%;" | Wealth Tier
! style="width:85%;" | Notes
| Tier 1 - Tier 5 || <br>Tier 1 - Tier 5 have access to Common metals.<br><br>
| Tier 6 - Tier 7 || <br>Tier 6 - Tier 7 have access to Common and Uncommon metals.<br><br>
| Tier 8 || <br>Tier 8 has access to Common, Uncommon, and Rare metals.<br><br>
| Tier 9 || <br>Tier 9 has access to Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare metals.<br><br>
| Tier 10 || Tier 10 has access to all metals, including Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless metals. However, to attain certain Priceless metals, a Tier 10 PC must apply for the metal via the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 PSF].
<div style="font-size:25px;">Metals by Tier</div>
Please note that the modifiers in this table do not apply to the '''Jewelry Section of the Shoppe.'''
Please also note that the '''Metals Section of the Shoppe''' is not exhaustive. Check the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=4c99ff7aa8c6fff23e7b261ddb466913 Creating the World Forum], the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Metal !! Wealth Tier !! Rarity !! Modifier !! Notes
| Idalinium || Tier 1 || Common || x0.75 || A common metal, idalinium can be harvested from pretty much anywhere in the world. It appears light grey in color, is very malleable, and is very easy to work with. It is a metal preferred by craftsmen.
| Iron || Tier 1 || Default || n/a || Iron is often used in the production of inexpensive, durable items like armor and weapons. Iron is also used in a number of furniture pieces, construction, accessory pieces, and many other things. This metal is very dull in appearance, but is likely the most-used metal in the world of Idalos.
| Tin || Tier 1 || Common || x0.75 || Cheaper and more malleable than either bronze or copper, tin is often used for flatware, as it it has long been determined to be a safe and nontoxic metal to eat off of. Tin is also sometimes used in jewelry. Despite its relative insignificance as a metal, tin is significant for its combination with copper, as a second metal added to copper hardens the copper and lowers its melting temperature. Tin and copper together create bronze. Tin is sometimes also used in combination with lead to create solder, an alloy of scientific and alchemic interest.
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| Copper || Tier 2 || Common || x1.05 || Highly conductive to electricity, relatively cheap and malleable, copper is a go-to for basic tools and implements and, like solder, is of interest to scientists and alchemists.
| Crystalline || Tier 2 || Common || x1.05 || Crystalline is an ore with strange properties, though it is common compared to geminite. Crystalline can be found in caves, caverns, and pretty much anywhere dark and cold. It appears in many colors ranging from shades of pale green and purple to cream and, rarely, white. Crystalline can be transparent, depending on craftsmanship, but must be incorporated with other metals. Its durability is weaker than iron and in most cases, it serves better in jewelry and accessories. However, if fashioned with other metals, crystalline can appear mesmerizing to the eye.
| Lead || Tier 2 || Common || x1.05 || Lead is an exceptionally heavy and fairly durable metal.
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| Bronze || Tier 3 || Common || x1.1 || Relatively cheap and malleable, bronze stands alongside copper as a go-to for basic tools and implements, and may even be forged into armament.
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| Cobalt || Tier 4 || Common || x1.15 || Cobalt metal is very sleek and shiny, appearing black, grey, or dark brown in color. Cobalt is a better form of metal preferred by armor and weapon crafters. Easy to work into shape and pleasant in appearance, cobalt metal is most commonly used within militaries across Idalos not only for its beauty, but for its price and durability.
| Steel || Tier 4 || Common || x1.15 || Steel is a higher-grade metal used in the making of armor and weapons. Though it is a metal that is better suited for use in combat, it is not indestructible. Still, its durability is better than iron. Steel appears shiny compared to iron, but runs the risk of rusting and/or tarnishing, especially on long journeys.
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| Embersteel || Tier 5 || Common || x1.2 || Embersteel is a metal compound that contains hints of metals which give it a smoldering appearance when worked over and set. Surprisingly, embersteel is stronger than steel; however, it weighs much more than cobalt, iron, or steel, making it unfavorable to most.
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| Blood Metal || Tier 6 || Uncommon || x1.25 || Blood metal appears deep black with a reddish tint, and can be found near volcanoes, both active or inactive. It is a very light weight, malleable metal, often used in sheets as a lining to reinforce armor. Relatively common and fairly priced, blood metal tends to take on the coloration of other metals, if combined with them into alloys.
| Silver || Tier 6 || Uncommon || x1.25 || Silver is a shiny metal valued for its beauty. It is most commonly used in jewelry, and is not typically found in non-decorative implements.
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| Gold || Tier 7 || Uncommon || x1.3 || Gold is another shiny metal valued for its beauty. It is an incredibly soft metal, and thus a poor choice for any weapon or armor.
| Minithelite || Tier 7 || Uncommon || x1.3 || Minithelite is an uncommon metal produced from the bottom of the oceans. It is often worn by the Mer and contains compounds that allow the metal to blend into different locations, no matter the environment. However, minithelite is very soft, light weight, and breakable. Because of this, the metal is often used by tailors to craft items of concealment.
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| Adamantite || Tier 8 || Rare || x1.35 || Adamantite is a rare metal, harvested in remote locations around mountains, specifically around Sirothelle. Adamantite is said to hold special properties that allow it to slice through even the sharpest, strongest of materials. However, this effect is dependent on the level of craftsmanship put into the metal. This metal can yield strong, sharp blades or dull, breakable ones. Adamantite is mainly used for weapons, though it is malleable and can be used for armor as well. This metal appears as a burgundy color when finished.
| Grave Gold || Tier 8 || Rare || x1.35 || Grave gold is found in locations where many or great deaths have taken place. A common-to-strong metal when it comes to durability, grave gold's biggest draw is its ability to alter color when exposed to blood. As such, grave gold is often made into weapons rather than armor. Though starting out pure white, silver, or light gold in color, the more blood exposed to the metal, the darker and redder it will become. The darkest weapons made of grave gold are wielded by Master or Grandmaster warriors, who display the deep black-red color of their weapon as a warning to all. Because grave gold absorbs blood it is, essentially, resistant to water damage or rust. This makes for a pretty weapon that can vary in shades of color, and which never tarnishes or loses its mirror-like shine. 
| Faldrunium || Tier 8 || Rare || x1.35 || Faldrunium earned its name for the metal's propensity to radiate heat. In optimal conditions, such as in areas of hot climate, weapons made from faldrunium may quickly reach temperatures of up to 600 degrees Celsius (1112 degrees Fahrenheit), giving the weapons a red-hot glow. Unlike conventional metals, the hotter faldrunium becomes the harder it becomes; but the reverse is also true. In cold climates, especially when temperatures reach -15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit), faldrunium will begin to soften until it becomes unusable. If exposed to cold temperatures for too long, faldrunium weapons will lose their shape entirely. Faldrunium is a difficult metal to work with and a dangerous metal to use. It is advised that special sheaths or containers made to seal out both heat and cold be used to carry faldrunium weapons. No one in the history of Idalos has dared use this metal in armor, as in hot temperatures it would quickly burn them to ash. 
| Tienite || Tier 8 || Rare || x1.35 || Tienite is known by another name: glacier ore. Tienite is only found in the most remote of places, one being Oscillus. It is rumored that Treid's living body affects the land around him, thus giving the metal an ethereal radiance of blue and white. Even after smelting down the ore, tienite still radiates the same ethereal colors, causing anyone who wears the metal to appear surreal and divine. Tienite is as durable as embersteel, but unlike embersteel is light weight and easily worked. However, due to its rarity within the other regions of Idalos, this ore is priced at an exuberant amount.
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| Geminite || Tier 9 || Very Rare || x1.4 || Geminite is a type of ore found deep within mountains. Appearing as a cross between diamond and glass, geminite seems like liquid water, transparent and smooth, when being forged into items. This metal is highly durable and is easily combined with other metals. When incorporated with other metals, geminite takes on the color of the metals it is combined with, while still keeping its glassy appearance. Geminite makes for a lovely fashion piece.
| Ghost Metal || Tier 9 || Very Rare || x1.4 || Ghost metal is found in areas of highly-active ghostly activity. Tangible to both the living and the dead, ghost metal bolsters the strength of souls, which means that ghosts tend to be drawn to it. A person who uses ghost metal is likely to experience paranormal events, though the metal will not give them the ability to perceive ghosts, nor to truly interact with them. Ghost metal is a fairly light-weight metal with a purplish glow. Items made from ghost metal tend to look ghostly in nature because of the metal's proclivity to give off a lingering mist.   
| Sorelian Steel || Tier 9 || Very Rare || x1.4 || Sorelian steel is a metal much more resiliant than iron, steel, cobalt, or even embersteel. Sorelian steel's unique durability is attributed to its ability to suffuse the impact of blows. Strikes that might severely damage other types of metal merely leave dents, scrapes, or small punctures in armor made of sorelian steel. However, because of these same properties, it is not a good metal for weaponry. A handsome metal though not as eye-catching as some, once crafted and polished, sorelian steel glimmers with a soft blue finish.   
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| Corvantite || Tier 10 || Priceless || x1.7 || Corvantite is a special metal only obtained through circumstances which involve the Immortals. Corvantite is a metal that, even after it is fashioned into items, appears to have captured the wind. Beneath the surface of the metal, celestial colors are in constant motion. Not much is known of this metal, only that it is rarely seen except on the Champions of the Immortals.<br><br>'''Corvantite requires [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 PSF approval.]'''
| Euvomine || Tier 10 || Priceless || x1.7 || Euvomine is another metal only given from the Immortals. Euvomine, by nature, is very brittle and easily broken. It is not meant to be hammered into armor but rather sprinkled upon it. This metal is able to fuse on contact with other metals without staining or discoloring them in any way. Each gift of Euvomine has special properties only known by the Immortal who gifted it.<br><br>'''Euvomine requires [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 PSF approval.]'''
| Malorite || Tier 10 || Very Rare || x1.45 || Malorite is also known as star metal in Idalos. Star metal is hard to come by, often found in the most unlikely of places. It is very hard to craft into strong armor because of its rarity; however, when crafted properly it is known to withstand the sharpest of blades. Malorite, when refined from ore, appears to glisten as if giving off its own light. Translucent and seemingly starlit, malorite is coveted by many.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Mounts Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of mounts per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
This section deals specifically with mounts. Mounts are animals which may be ridden over land, air, or sea. In this section, there are also mount accessories available, such as items needed to care for a mount and equipment for riding. To purchase animals other than mounts, see '''Animals.''' [Coming soon!]
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Non-Exotic Mounts</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
Please note that upon the purchase of a mount, accessories for that mount will be included. To see examples of mount accessories, see [[#Mounts Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] Accessories do not include mount armor.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 3 WP || 1 mount || poor quality
| 4 WP || 1 mount || poor+ quality
| 5 WP || 1 mount || basic quality
| 6 WP || 1 mount || basic+ quality
| 7 WP || 1 mount || average quality
| 8 WP || 1 mount || average+ quality
| 9 WP || 1 mount || good quality
| 10 WP || 1 mount || good+ quality
| 11 WP || 1 mount || excellent quality
| 12 WP || 1 mount || excellent+ quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Exotic Mounts</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of Exotic mounts as explained in [[#Mounts Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
Please also note that upon the purchase of a mount, accessories for that mount will be included. To see examples of mount accessories, see '''Items Available Per Tier.''' Accessories do not include mount armor.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 4 WP || 1 mount || poor quality
| 5 WP || 1 mount || poor+ quality
| 6 WP || 1 mount || basic quality
| 7 WP || 1 mount || basic+ quality
| 8 WP || 1 mount || average quality
| 9 WP || 1 mount || average+ quality
| 10 WP || 1 mount || good quality
| 11 WP || 1 mount || good+ quality
| 12 WP || 1 mount || excellent quality
| 13 WP || 1 mount || excellent+ quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Mount Quality</div>
The overall quality of a mount is based on a combination of two factors. These two factors are the condition of the mount and its level of training.
The '''condition of the mount''' refers to the breeding of the animal and how well it has been cared for prior to being purchased. There are five levels of mount condition. These five levels are poor, basic, average, good, and excellent. For more information on mount condition, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Mount_Condition_.26_Training Mount Condition & Training.]
The '''level of training''' of the mount refers to how well the animal has been trained. There are five levels of mount training. These five levels are poor, basic, average, good, and excellent. For more information on mount training, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Mount_Condition_.26_Training Mount Condition & Training.]
*Poor-quality mounts:
** Will be of poor condition, bred and raised by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in [[:Category: Animal Husbandry | Animal Husbandry]].''' Poor-quality mounts will also have poor training, trained by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in [[:Category: Animal Training | Animal Training]].'''
*Poor+ quality mounts:
** Will be of poor condition, bred and raised by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, poor+ quality mounts will have basic training, trained by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Training.'''<br>'''or'''<br>
** Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, poor+ quality mounts will still have poor training, trained by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in Animal Training.'''
*Basic-quality mounts:
** Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' Basic-quality mounts will also have basic training, trained by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Basic+ quality mounts:
** Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, basic+ quality mounts will have average training, trained by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Training.'''<br>'''or'''<br>
** Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, basic+ quality mounts will still have basic training, trained by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Average-quality mounts:
** Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' Average-quality mounts will also have average training, trained by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Average+ quality mounts:
** Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, average+ quality mounts will have good training, trained by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Training.'''<br>'''or'''<br>
** Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, average+ quality mounts will still have average training, trained by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Good-quality mounts:
** Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' Good-quality mounts will also have good training, trained by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Good+ quality mounts:
** Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, good+ quality mounts will have excellent training, trained by someone with '''Master-level skill in Animal Training.'''<br>'''or'''<br>
** Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Master-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' However, good+ quality mounts will still have good training, trained by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Animal Training.'''
*Excellent-quality mounts:
** Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Master-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' Excellent-quality mounts will also have excellent training, trained by someone with '''Master-level skill in Animal Training.''' Despite being of excellent condition and training, excellent-quality mounts represent below-average standards when it comes to Husbandry and Training at Master level.
*Excellent+ quality mounts:
** Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with '''Master-''' or '''Grandmaster-level skill in Animal Husbandry.''' Excellent+ quality mounts will also have excellent training, trained by someone with '''Master-''' or '''Grandmaster-level skill in Animal Training.''' Excellent+ quality mounts represent above-average standards when it comes to Husbandry and Training at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, excellent+ quality mounts are of the best stock possible, better even than excellent mounts. In a competition between an excellent-quality mount and one that is excellent+, the excellent+ mount would win every time.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Mount Armor</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
For the purposes of purchasing mount armor, a '''set of mount armor''' includes any number of separate pieces of barding which, altogether, would compose a full set. To see examples of mount armor, see [[#Mounts Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
For descriptions of the qualities of any type of armor (including mount armor), see the [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Armor Armor Section of the Shoppe.]
To make modifications to your mount armor by altering the type of metal it is made of, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Metals Metals]. <div id="Mounts Items Available Per Tier."></div>
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 1 set of mount armor || poor quality
| 2 WP || 1 set of mount armor || basic quality
| 3 WP || 1 set of mount armor || average quality
| 4 WP || 1 set of mount armor || good quality
| 5 WP || 1 set of mount armor || masterwork quality
'''Purchasing Accessories'''
<p>For the purposes of purchasing additional accessories for your mount, you may purchase a full set of new accessories for '''1 Wealth Point.''' These additional accessories will be of masterwork+ quality. Accessories do not include mount armor.</p>
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Restrictions</div>
Please note that there are '''Exotic''' and '''Non-Exotic''' mounts. Exotic and Non-Exotic mounts cannot easily be classified in the Shoppe, which caters to all of Idalos. Because of this, the difference between an Exotic and Non-Exotic mount is determined on a city by city basis. While horses are considered globally Non-Exotic, please see your City Lore, or contact your City Prophet, if you have another, specific mount in mind.
Tier 1 - Tier 4 do not have access to Exotic mounts unless approved in the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 PSF] or awarded by a Prophet. Tier 5 - Tier 10 do have access to Exotic mounts, though many of the Tiers must still buy an Exotic mount with Wealth Points in order to own one.
Please note that PCs may purchase additional mounts using their Wealth Points.
All mounts, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate mount accessories.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Mount Quality !! Notes
| Tier 1 - Tier 4 || n/a || Tier 1 - Tier 4 are not allowed to choose a mount.
| Tier 5 || Average || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average mount. They may add an additional average mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 6 || Average+ || Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average+ quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average+ mount. They may add an additional average+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 7 || Good || Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 1 good-quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good mount. They may add an additional good mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 8 || Good+ || Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 1 good+ quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good+ mount. They may add an additional good+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 9 || Excellent || Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 1 excellent-quality mount. Their mount can be Exotic or Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional excellent mount. They may add an additional excellent mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 10 || Excellent+ || Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 1 excellent+ quality mount. Their mount can be Exotic or Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional excellent+ mount. They may add an additional excellent+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Access</div>
Due to the items available, different Tiers have different qualities of mounts (Tier 5 is average, Tier 6 is average+, Tier 7 is good, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access mounts that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.
You may choose to have poorer-quality mounts *instead* of the mounts offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many mounts you are due by your Tier. Tier 5 - Tier 10 will still be able to choose 1 mount per arc, for example.
So, at Tier 8:
Poor, poor+, basic, basic+, average, average+, and good-quality mounts are available,
You may choose your default Tier 8 option (good+ quality).
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* mounts that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* mounts using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a high quality or poor quality mount.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Accessories</div>
Mount accessories include items needed to take proper care of your mount, equipment for riding such as reins and saddles, and other, more fanciful additions such as decorative bells, ribbons, or costuming.
Please note that the accessories listed below apply to horses, and thus may not apply to other mounts. If the accessories listed do not apply to the type of mount you have purchased, you are allowed to replace them with accessories of a similar but suitable type.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:90%;"
! colspan="3;" | Equipment
| style="width:33%;" | Horseshoes
| style="width:34%;" | Saddle
| style="width:33%;" | Lead Rope
| Bit || Halter || Bridle
| Reins || Blankets || Harness
| Crop || Spurs || Hobble
| Stirrups || Saddle Bag ||
! colspan="3;" | Care Items
| Dandy Brush || Body Brush || Curry Comb
| Mane and Tail Comb || Hoof Pick || Woolen Mitt
| Hoof Rasp || Hoof Nippers || Hoof Knife
| Hoof Scraper || Wooden Carry Case ||
! colspan="3;" | Other
| Decorative Bells and/or Ribbons || Hoof Polish || Costuming
<div style="font-size:25px;">Armor or Barding</div>
Mount armor or barding is, simply, armor to protect a mount, usually worn into battle. Armor can be of padded cloths, leather, or metal plate.
Please note that the armor listed below applies to horses, and thus may not apply to other mounts. If the armor listed does not apply to the type of mount you have purchased, you are allowed to replace it with armor of a similar but suitable type.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:90%;"
! colspan="3;" | Armor or Barding
| style="width:33%;" | Chanfron
| style="width:34%;" | Criniere
| style="width:33%;" | Croupiere
| Flanchards || Peytral || Caparison
| Chainmail / Protected Reins || ||
===Mount Condition & Training===
Please refer to the information below for more detail on the five levels (poor, basic, average, good, and excellent) of mount condition and training.
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'''Levels of Condition.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Mounts of '''poor''' condition will not have a pedigree, and will have only been cared for poorly before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal.
*Mounts of '''basic''' condition will not have a pedigree, and will have only had their most basic needs cared for before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal and keeping them relatively clean.
*Mounts of '''average''' condition will not have a pedigree, and will have been cared for adequately before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal, keeping them clean, and keeping them in agreeable environs of average quality.
*Mounts of '''good''' condition will have a pedigree on one side of their breeding, and will have been well-cared-for before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal and giving them supplements, keeping them clean and well-groomed, and keeping them in good environs which are cleaned often and which are suitable to the animal in question. Animals will also be given medical care when necessary.
*Mounts of '''excellent''' condition will have a pedigree on both sides of their breeding, and will have been given the best care possible before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal the best diet available as well as giving them supplements, keeping them clean and excellently-groomed, and keeping them in good environs which are cleaned often, spacious, and suitable to the animal in question. Mounts of excellent condition will be given the best medical care, and will usually also be given enrichment to keep them happy.
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'''Levels of Training.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Mounts of '''poor''' training will not have any training, or if they do have training they will have been trained poorly. Training, if present, is irregular, which makes it difficult for the animal to learn. Training may include teaching the animal to accept being around people and to accept equipment.
*Mounts of '''basic''' training will have been trained to accept being around people, to accept equipment, and to agree to being ridden. Mounts with this level of training will not be used to being ridden, and may resist riding or may misbehave or be headstrong.
*Mounts of '''average''' training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, and to agree to being ridden. Mounts with this level of training will be relatively good at being ridden, though they may still spook or misbehave on occasion.
*Mounts of '''good''' training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, to agree to being ridden, and to accept medical care without fuss when it is needed. Mounts with this level of training will be good at being ridden, though whether or not they follow directions depends on their individual temperament. When being checked by a veterinarian, the animal will not usually resist and will usually be compliant when given medicines or other treatments.
*Mounts of '''excellent''' training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, to agree to being ridden, and to accept medical care without fuss. Mounts with this level of training will be excellent at being ridden, though whether or not they follow directions will still depend on their individual temperament. When being checked by a veterinarian, the animal will not resist and will be compliant when given medicines or other treatments. Additionally, mounts may be able to perform spectacular tricks, ride into battle without scaring, or perform any number of advanced duties. 
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'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
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Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Seafaring Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of vessels per [[Wealth Tiers | Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Starter Pack and Wealth Tier. 
For the purposes of this section, vessels (boats or ships) can be purchased '''singularly''' or in '''sets,''' depending on their type. Rowboats, for instance, might be purchased in multiples; a galleon will be purchased singularly. See [[#Seafaring Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] for examples of how vessels should be purchased. Smaller vessels will typically be purchased in sets.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 2, Tier 3, & Tier 4 Vessels</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
Please note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see [[#Seafaring Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]] 
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 3 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || poor quality
| 4 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || basic quality
| 5 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || average quality
| 6 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || good quality
| 7 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || masterwork quality
For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for '''1 Wealth Point.''' This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 5 & Tier 6 Vessels</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of vessels as explained in [[#Seafaring Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
Please also note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see '''Items Available Per Tier.'''
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 10 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || poor quality
| 12 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || basic quality
| 14 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || average quality
| 16 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || good quality
| 18 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || masterwork quality
For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for '''2 Wealth Points.''' This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Tier 7, Tier 8, Tier 9, & Tier 10 Vessels</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of vessels as explained in [[#Seafaring Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
Please also note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see '''Items Available Per Tier.'''
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 24 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || poor quality
| 28 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || basic quality
| 32 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || average quality
| 36 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || good quality
| 40 WP || 1 vessel or set of vessels || masterwork quality
For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for '''3 Wealth Points.''' This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Vessel Quality</div>
*Poor-quality vessels:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited skill in [[:Category: Woodworking | Woodworking ]] or [[:Category: Engineering | Engineering ]].''' Vessels are plain, unadorned, and are not as durable nor as fast as they might be.
*Basic-quality vessels:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering.''' Vessels are plain, unadorned, and are relatively durable, but are still not as fast as they might be.
*Average-quality vessels:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering.''' Vessels are usually plain with minimal adornments. They are durable and are average in speed, neither fast nor slow.
*Good-quality vessels: <div id="Seafaring Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering.''' Vessels have some detail and adornments. They are very durable and are fast, though not quite as fast as they might be.
*Masterwork-quality vessels:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master-level''' or '''Grandmaster-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering.''' Vessels have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Masterwork-quality vessels are very fast, gliding through water with ease. These vessels are of the very best quality and are extremely durable and well-made.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include rare or high-quality woods, added gloss, sparkle, or coloring to the hull, filigree or gilding of precious gems or high-quality metals within the interior of the ship, engravings in the wood, well-carved and elaborate figureheads, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
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'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div style="font-size:25px;">Tier Restrictions</div>
'''Please note that this table is for all PCs, whether Seafaring or non-Seafaring.''' All PCs may purchase vessels using their Wealth Points, but must refer to these restrictions when doing so.
All vessels, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate equipment and rigging.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:100%;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 - Tier 4 || <br>Tier 1 - Tier 4 have access to vessels Tier 4 and below.<br><br>
| Tier 5 - Tier 6 || <br>Tier 5 - Tier 6 have access to vessels Tier 6 and below.<br><br>
| Tier 7 - Tier 10 || <br>Tier 7 - Tier 10 have access to all vessels.<br><br>
'''Please note that this table is for Seafaring PCs only''' (PCs who have chosen the [[Seafarer's Pack]] upon start).
All vessels, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate equipment and rigging.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives hand to mouth. A Tier 1 PC does not have access to vessels other than those provided in their Starter Pack.
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 2 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 2 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 3 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 3 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 4 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 4 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 5 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 5 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 6 || Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 6 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 6 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 7 || Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 7 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 7 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 8 || Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 8 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 8 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 9 || Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 9 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 9 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
| Tier 10 || Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 10 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 10 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;>Tier Access</div>
'''For Seafaring PCs only'''
<p>Due to the items available, different Tiers have different types of vessels. Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access vessels that are of a different type than those that are offered to you, if you so please.</p>
You may choose to have lower-Tier vessels *instead* of the vessels offered to you at your own Wealth Tier.
So, at Tier 6:
Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 vessels are available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option.
Please note that this only applies to *accessing* vessels that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* vessels using your Wealth Points.
Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a tallship or a sloop.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
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<div style="font-size:20px;">Vessels by Tier</div>
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<div style="height:10px;"></div>
<div style="font-size:15px;">'''For All PCs'''</div>
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Vessel !! Number of Crew !! Number of Passengers !! Notes
| style="width:12%;" | Tier 2
| style="width:13%;" | Canoe / Dugout
| style="width:12%;" | 1
| style="width:13%;" | None
| style="width:50%;" | Usually pointed at both ends, this lightweight, narrow vessel is propelled by a single seated or kneeling paddler facing in the direction they wish to travel. Characters use canoes for recreational sports, leisure fishing, exploring caves, and crossing small lakes or rivers. Also referred to as a dugout, canoes can be crafted from tree logs by Novice shipwrights.<br><br>'''Canoes come in sets of 4.'''
| Tier 3 || Rowboat || 1 || Up to 3 || A rowboat is boat that is propelled forward by one or more individuals using oars. The oars of the boat are attached to it through open metal rings called horns, which are fixed to either side of the boat via an oarlock. Rowboats are used on lakes, rivers, and to transport people or goods to bigger boats anchored near the shoreline. Some characters might choose to use a rowboat for recreational fishing.<br><br>'''Rowboats come in sets of 3.''' 
| Tier 3 || Fishing Boat / Longboat || 1 || Up to 6 || The humble fishing boat is used much like the rowboat, but can carry up to six grown men, and has enough room to bait and set hooks or traps for crayfish and crabs. Unlike the rowboat, people are able to stand up in this vessel without it tipping over. Many larger boats keep a couple of these smaller vessels for going between their ship and the shore, or for exploring unchartered waters to evaluate the water depth and safety. When used in this capacity, a fishing boat is often called a longboat.<br><br>'''Longboats come in sets of 2.'''
| Tier 4 || Sloop || 1 || Up to 4 || Used primarily for sailing along coastlines or up rivers though capable of sea travel, a sloop is a single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged vessel. It has one large mainsail and a smaller headsail aft of the mast.<br><br>'''Sloops come in sets of 1.'''
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" |
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" |
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" |
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" |
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" | <br><br>
| Tier 5 || Ketch || 2 || Up to 10 || A ketch is bigger than a sloop, with two masts instead of one. On this type of ship, the forward mainmast is always larger than the aftermast. Ketches are commonly used as a freighter or larger fishing vessel, and much like the sloop are most commonly used for following coastlines or island hopping, though sea travel is still fully possible.<br><br>'''Ketches come in sets of 2.'''
| Tier 5 || Keelboat || 4 || Up to 20 || A large, flat-bottomed, river-cargo ferryboat with shallow structural keels, these boats are primarily used on big rivers or lakes for transporting people or cargo such as logs, horses, crops, materials, or wagons. Usually long and narrow, the keelboat is often unsheltered and is treated as a barge. The keelboat is perfect for navigating shallow waters that other boats can’t move through.<br><br>'''Keelboats come in sets of 2.'''
| Tier 6 || Longship || 21 - 41 || Up to 45 || These graceful ships have a shallow draft which allows for navigation in water only four feet (1.2 meters) deep. Because of this, longships can land on sandy beaches without taking damage. Being double-ended means that they can reverse with ease and change direction quickly, making them perfect for sailing in cold waters where icebergs and sea ice becomes a problem. Oars are fitted along the length of the boat and the boat has a single mast and large, square sail.<br><br>'''Longships come in sets of 1.'''
| Tier 6 || Schooner || 2 - 6 || Up to 10 || A schooner is a vessel with two or more masts with fore and aft sails. This type of ship will get a character from one continent to the next, but in unsafe waters it is a risky choice for long-distance travel. Schooners are fast, enabling them to outrun and outmaneuver some of the bigger ships on the ocean, including the cog ship, a favourite among pirates.<br><br>'''Schooners come in sets of 1.'''
| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" |
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| style="background-color:#EBECF0;" | <br><br>
| Tier 7 || Cog Ship || 10 || Up to 50 || A single-masted vessel with a square-rigged single sail, the cog is used namely for seagoing trade and long-distance journeys. Cog ships can carry and transport a large volume of goods, which make them very popular among pirates and other ne'er-do-wells, who like to use them for carrying all of their treasures wherever they go. They are also used by navies to transport prisoners in custom cells built under the main deck.<br><br>'''Cog ships come in sets of 2.'''
| Tier 8 || Brig || 12 - 16 || Up to 60 || A large vessel with two square-rigged masts, brigs are known to be fast and maneuverable, making them the perfect warship or merchant vessel. Often equipped with many cannons (up to ten on each side), pirates tend to steer clear of these naval ships, which are popular in the Northern and Western regions of Idalos in cities such as Rynmere and Ne’haer.<br><br>'''Brigs come in sets of 2.'''
| Tier 9 || Galleon  || 30 || Up to 350 || A large warship, the galleon is a lot slower than the brig, but also very popular among pirates and wealthy merchants for its large cargo storage. Twice as fast as the cog (if it isn’t overloaded with loot), and a lot more maneuverable, the galleon is able to stand rough sea storms and the odd hole from cannon fire.<br><br>'''Galleons come in sets of 1.'''
| Tier 10 || Tallship || 60 || Up to 220 || A tallship is a square-rigged vessel often referred to as a full-rigged ship, collier, or frigate. The masts include a foremast (second tallest), mainmast (the tallest), mizzenmast (third tallest), and a jiggermast (the shortest mast if present). The tallship has a minimum of twenty sails and is very demanding of its crew.<br><br>'''Tallships come in sets of 1.'''
<div style="font-size:25px;">Rigging & Equipment</div>
'''For All PCs'''
<p>The rigging and equipment of a vessel include items needed to sail a functional ship, such as lines and sails, as well as items needed to navigate successfully and those needed to live on a vessel while sailing or at sea.</p>
Please note that the items listed below are not a comprehensive list. There may be other parts of a vessel, or its rigging or equipment, which are not included here. Likewise, some types of vessels may not require all of the rigging and equipment listed below.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:90%;"
! colspan="3;" | Equipment
| Fishing Nets || Spyglass || Ship's Flag
| Oars || Anchors || Gangplank
| Hammocks || Figurehead || Bell
| Harpoons || Weather Vane || Rope Ladders
| Sextant || Maps || Waterproofed Tarps
| Compass || Buckets || Signal Flags
| Barrels || ||
! colspan="3;" | Rigging
| Lines || Chains || Cables
| Shrouds || Stays || Sails
=Property & Land=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the [[Wealth Tiers]] page for availability of housing per Wealth Tier.
This section, the '''Property & Land Section of the Shoppe,''' deals with the additional purchase of land and/or property.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Starting and Additional Property</div>
As outlined on the '''Wealth Tiers''' page of the wiki, each PC who starts with access to housing may begin with '''one property''' and one property only. Some PCs, depending on their Wealth Tier and [[:Category: Choosing Your Starter Pack | Starter Pack,]] will not have access to housing or will have access to alternative housing, such as a tent, wagon, or ship. Please note that housing does not, necessarily, have to be traditional. Housing may include any type of shelter, as long as it is appropriate to your Wealth Tier or below.
Any additional property or land you wish to own must be purchased using Wealth Points. Many cities have a '''Housing Office''' located in the OOC section of their city forum, which includes a variety of pre-made houses and the individual cost of each. You may apply for additional property there.
If there is no Housing Office available in your city, review the costs of property and land in this section, and contact your City Prophet to work out the specifics of the items you would like to purchase. Purchasing any Tier of property or land requires approval from your City Prophet. If you and your Prophet cannot reach an agreement as to your purchase's Tier, cost, or location, your request may be posted to the [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 Prophet Support Forum] for further discussion.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Property</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
Please note that upon the purchase of a building of any size, furnishings for that building will be included. To see examples of furnishings, see [[#Property & Land Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:45%;"
! style="width:33%;" | Cost
! style="width:34%;" | Purchase
! style="width:33%;" | Quality of Purchase
| 2 WP || 1 building || Tier 1
| 6 WP || 1 building || Tier 2
| 10 WP || 1 building || Tier 3
| 14 WP || 1 building || Tier 4
| 22 WP || 1 building || Tier 5
| 30 WP || 1 building || Tier 6
| 38 WP || 1 building || Tier 7
| 54 WP || 1 building || Tier 8
| 70 WP || 1 building || Tier 9
| 86 WP || 1 building || Tier 10
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Additional Rooms</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
Please note that upon the purchase of a room of any size, furnishings for that room will be included. To see examples of furnishings, see [[#Property & Land Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:45%;"
! style="width:33%;" | Cost
! style="width:34%;" | Purchase
! style="width:33%;" | Room Size
| 2 WP || 1 room || small
| 4 WP || 1 room || average
| 8 WP || 1 room || large
| 16 WP || 1 room || huge
Please also note that you may use this section, '''Purchasing Additional Rooms,''' to create whole buildings, if you so wish.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Additional Furnishings</div>
For the purposes of this section, '''furnishings''' include furniture, flooring, and decorations. For items other than those purchased in this section, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Household_Items Household Items.]
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
For '''1 Wealth Point''' you may purchase a full set of new furnishings of average+ quality. 1 WP provides you with enough furnishings for 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.
For '''2 Wealth Points''' you may purchase a full set of new furnishings of masterwork+ quality. 2 WP provides you with enough furnishings for 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Furnishings Quality</div>
*Poor-quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and are likely thirdhand. Furnishings are of very poor quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.
*Poor+ quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and are likely secondhand. Despite this, furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.
*Basic-quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Furnishings are plain and unadorned, though will likely have been purchased firsthand. Furnishings are of very basic quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.
*Basic+ quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of basic+ quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and will have been purchased firsthand. Furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.
*Average-quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Furnishings are usually plain with minimal adornments.
*Average+ quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Furnishings are usually plain with minimal adornments. Average+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level. An average+ piece of furniture is sturdier and better-made than an average-quality piece.
*Good-quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Furnishings have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye.
*Good+ quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Furnishings have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye. Good+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level. A good+ piece of furniture is sturdier, more stylish, and better-made than a good-quality piece.
*Masterwork-quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master craft skills.''' Furnishings have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself.
*Masterwork+ quality furnishings:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Furnishings have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself. Masterwork+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, masterwork+ quality furnishings are of the highest quality possible, better even than those of masterwork design.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cushions or rugs, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Land</div>
When you purchase property, you purchase only enough land for the building itself. If you would like to purchase land with your property, you must purchase it additionally.
<div id="Property & Land Items Available Per Tier."></div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.
For '''1 Wealth Point''' you may purchase 1 acre of land in a town or city.
For '''1 Wealth Point''' you may purchase 2 acres of land outside of cities or towns.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
For the purposes of this section, there are '''four''' sizes of rooms. The sizes of rooms are '''small, average, large, and huge.'''
*A '''small''' room might be a bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen, for example.
*An '''average''' room might be a master bedroom, master bathroom, or big kitchen, for example.
*A '''large''' room might be a large study, a large workroom, a large living area, or a room for socializing, for example.
*A '''huge''' room might be a ballroom, observatory, or library, for example.
While the Tier buildings below are written with a mind to housing, any of the pre-made Tier buildings can be used for other means, such as for businesses. The furnishings that come with a building do not necessarily have to be those which might furnish a house; the furnishings could very well be equipment needed for a business. So,
*A '''small''' room might be a large shed, a chicken coop, or an examination room for a doctor.
*An '''average''' room might be the reception to an office, a small cabin, or a small stables.
*A '''large''' room might be a large stables, a small barn, or a browsing room in a clothing shoppe.
*A '''huge''' room might be a large barn, a gallery, or a laboratory with plenty of room for equipment. 
In general:
*2 small rooms are equal in size to 1 average room.
*2 average rooms are equal in size to 1 large room.
*2 large rooms are equal in size to 1 huge room.
This means that:
*4 small rooms are equal in size to 1 large room.
*8 small rooms are equal in size to 1 huge room.
This also means that if a building includes, for example, one small room and one average room, the average room can be divided in two to create two more small rooms, for a total of three small rooms in all.
Please note that the '''Number of Occupants''' in this table refers to how many people could live comfortably in each building that is listed. For many of the buildings, if only constructed of small rooms, the number of occupants could be doubled or more.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Property Tier !! Number of Occupants !! Notes
| Tier 1 || Usually 1 || A Tier 1 building includes one small room with poor-quality furnishings. Tier 1 buildings are cramped and extremely modest in design. They are usually located within the poorest districts of a city.
| Tier 2 || 2+ || A Tier 2 building includes one small room and one average room with with poor+ quality furnishings. Tier 2 buildings are small and simple in design, though they have a little more room to live in. They are usually located within the lower-middle-class districts of a city.
| Tier 3 || 3+ || A Tier 3 building includes one small room and two average rooms with basic-quality furnishings. Tier 3 buildings are small and simple, though they have more room to live in. They are usually located within the lower-middle-class districts of a city.
| Tier 4 || 4+ || A Tier 4 building includes one small room and three average rooms with basic+ quality furnishings. Tier 4 buildings are medium in size and are more complex in their design. They have a comfortable amount of room to live in for the average family. They are usually located within the middle-class districts of a city.
| Tier 5 || 6+ || A Tier 5 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and one large room with average-quality furnishings. Tier 5 buildings are medium in size and are more complex in their design. They have a comfortable amount of room to live in for the average family. They are usually located within the middle-class districts of a city.
| Tier 6 || 8+ || A Tier 6 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and two large rooms with average+ quality furnishings. Tier 6 buildings are big in size and are much more complex, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an ample amount of room to live in, even with a big family. They are usually located within the upper-middle-class districts of a city. 
| Tier 7 || 10+ || A Tier 7 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and three large rooms with good-quality furnishings. Tier 7 buildings are big in size and are much more complex, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an ample amount of room to live in, even with a big family. They are usually located within the upper-middle-class districts of a city. 
| Tier 8 || 14+ || A Tier 8 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and one huge room with good+ quality furnishings. Tier 8 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city. 
| Tier 9 || 18+ || A Tier 9 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and two huge rooms with masterwork-quality furnishings. Tier 9 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city.
| Tier 10 || 20+ || A Tier 10 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and three huge rooms with masterwork+ quality furnishings. Tier 10 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city.
So, using the conversions above, if you break down a Tier 10 building into the different sizes of rooms, it would<br>equate to:<br>
One small room, one average room, and ten large rooms,<br>'''or'''
One small room and twenty-one average rooms,<br>'''or'''
Forty-three small rooms,<br>'''or'''
Any other combination of the four sizes of room, such as one huge room, two large rooms, ten average rooms, and seven small rooms.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Furnishings</div>
Furnishings include items needed to furnish a room, such as tables and chairs, as well as items needed for aesthetics and decoration.
Please note that the items listed below are not a comprehensive list. There may be other types of furnishings which are not included here.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px; width:90%;"
! colspan="3;" | Furnishings
| Chairs || Desks || Beds
| Tables || Dressers || Chests
| Mirrors || Bookshelves || Bathtubs
| Cabinets || Shelves || Coat Racks
| Fireplaces || Stoves || Couches
| Stools || Benches || Ovens
! colspan="3;" | Decorations
| Flooring || Wall Paint || Trim
| Rugs or Carpets || Windows ||
=Household Items=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Household Items Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of household items per [[Wealth Tiers|Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, '''household items''' include items used on a trial by trial basis within the home which are not furnishings. For furnishings, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Property_.26_Land Property & Land.] Household items include items like dishes and eating utensils, books, bedding, and toiletries, as well as most mundane items not included elsewhere in the Shoppe.
Please note that upon ownership of housing of any size or type, household items for that housing will be automatically included. The quality of those items is determined by your Wealth Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Household Items</div>
Household items are purchased per room. For the purchasing of furnishings such as furniture, flooring, and decorations, see [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:The_Shoppe#Property_.26_Land Property & Land.]
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
For '''1 Wealth Point''' you may purchase new household items of average+ quality. 1 WP provides you with enough new household items to accomodate 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.
For '''2 Wealth Points''' you may purchase new household items of masterwork+ quality. 2 WP provides you with enough new household items to accomodate 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Household Items Quality</div>
*Poor-quality items:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' Household items are plain, unadorned, and are likely second- or thirdhand.
*Basic-quality items:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' Household items are plain and unadorned, though will likely have been purchased firsthand. They may have some extra detail, such as paint, finish, or varnish.
*Average-quality items:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' Household items are usually plain with minimal adornments, though will likely have some extra detail, such as paint, finish, or varnish.
*Good-quality items: <div id="Household Items Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' Household items have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye.
*Masterwork-quality items:
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' Household items have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cloths, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional household items using their Wealth Points.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px; margin: auto;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. They do not start the Tier with property, and have no household items.
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. They will have the bare minimum of items and may be missing some necessities. All items are of poor or basic quality.
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. They will have the bare minimum of items. This usually includes kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. All items are of basic quality.
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. They will still have the bare minimum of items. This usually includes kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may also have some basic gardening tools. All items are of basic or average quality.
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. They will have multiples of necessary items such as kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may have some basic gardening tools, as well as additional items which are unnecessary but common. Examples of additional items include simple toys for children, a journal and writing utensils, or a modest collection of books. All items are of average quality.
| Tier 6 || Starting Tier 6, a PC will have multiples of necessary items such as kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may have some basic gardening tools, as well as additional items which are unnecessary but common. Examples of additional items include simple toys for children, a journal and writing utensils, or a modest collection of books. All items are of average or good quality.
| Tier 7 || Starting Tier 7, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as guests. They will have a range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items which are unnecessary but relatively uncommon, such as many or rarer books, a set of art supplies, or a musical instrument are available. All items are of good quality.
| Tier 8 || Starting Tier 8, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as guests. They will have a range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items which are unnecessary but relatively uncommon, such as many or rarer books, a set of art supplies, or a musical instrument are available. All items are of good or masterwork quality.
| Tier 9 || Starting Tier 9, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as many guests. They will have a wide range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items such as many or rarer books, art supplies, or musical instruments are considered common at this Tier. Luxury items, such as detailed maps, rare books, or other items of professional interest, collection, or scholarly pursuit are available. All items are of masterwork quality.
| Tier 10 || Starting Tier 10, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as many guests. They will have a wide range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items such as many or rarer books, art supplies, or musical instruments are considered common at this Tier. Luxury items, such as detailed maps, rare books, or other items of professional interest, collection, or scholarly pursuit are available. At Tier 10 a PC may have as many such items as are wanted. All items are of masterwork quality.
Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and higher-quality household items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather outfit their housing with the bare minimum or live in extravagance.
=Maps & Cartography Services=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Map Quality.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Creation of Maps
**Non-skilled: Poor quality
**Novice: Basic quality
**Competent: Average quality
**Expert: Good quality
**Master: Master quality
*Quality of Maps
The quality of a map is strongly related to the level of detail the map contains. In this breakdown, map ‘features’ include the following: cities, mountain ranges, rivers, forests, coastline, roads, city blocks, houses, landmarks, borders, etc. As a rule of thumb, every element that is named is considered a feature as well as all major landscape elements.
**Poor – Small non-coloured sketch that is more akin to scribbles than a legible map. Less than 5 map features. Likely to be 2-3 major errors in the map. More likely to be accurate when covering a small area, such as a single city.
**Basic – Simplistic map showing about 5-10 features. Regional maps only show major landscapes features and key cities. Likely to have 1-2 major errors but maps that cover a smaller area are more likely to be accurate.
**Average – Standard map that shows about 10-20 features. These maps have a good chance of getting the person to where they need to go within the region surrounding a major city, as long as it’s not an obscure location. Likely to have only one major error. Limited specializations are available at this quality.
**Good – Good quality maps show about 20-50 features. These are very detailed and can cover two major cities including the wilderness in between. These maps can also be tailored to specific needs, such as military maps, sea maps, trade routes, hunting grounds, maps of magical sites, or treasure maps. Elevation lines, such as contours, can be found on these maps instead of simply identifying terrain using symbols or colours.
**Master – Master quality maps are highly detailed with 50+ features identified. They can cover an entire continent and usually require a large roll of parchment or very fine writing to include all the elements in the map. These maps can be tailored to specific needs similarly to good quality maps. Typically, these maps are not only functional but highly artistic.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Shoppe Tiers:
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px; margin: auto;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Maps are considered a luxury. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map per arc.
| Tier 2: || At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. The PC can choose 1 poor quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
| Tier 3:|| At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map per cycle, or 1 average map per arc. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
| Tier 4:|| At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 average quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
| Tier 5:|| At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 average quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city or neighboring major cities in which the map was purchased in.
| Tier 6:|| Maps available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality. PC has access to average quality maps of the major city or neighboring major cities where the map was purchased. The PC can also access one good quality map per arc.
| Tier 7: ||Maps available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good quality. Expensive or rare items are available. The PC can access maps from anywhere in Idaloss.
| Tier 8: ||Maps available at Tier 8 are likely to be of good or luxury quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.
| Tier 9 – Tier 10:|| Maps available at Tier 9 and Tier 10 are of luxurious quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are commonplace.
Purchasing Maps with WP:
**1 WP = 6 poor quality maps
**1 WP = 4 basic quality maps
**1 WP = 2 average quality maps
**1 WP = 1 good quality map
**2 WP = 1 master/luxury quality map
[Coming soon!]
=Skill Kits=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Click Here" data-expandtext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Items.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Skill Kits Items Available Per Tier.|Items Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of skill kits per [[Wealth Tiers|Wealth Tier]]. '''Items Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
For the purposes of this section, skill kits are equipped with any and all items or tools needed for use in hobbies or professions.
'''Examples of Skill Kits'''
<p>A medical skill kit is equipped with any and all items or tools needed to perform medicine, such as different types of bandages, different types and thicknesses of needles and threads, soaps and disinfectants, a mortar and pestle, small packages or bottles for herbs, potions, or other remedies, as well as any other items or tools needed for medicine.</p>
A fishing skill kit is equipped with any and all items or tools needed to fish, such as fishing rods and reels, different types and thicknesses of hooks and lines, different weights of bobbers, different types of lures and bait, as well as any other items or tools needed for fishing. 
<div style="font-size:25px;">Purchasing Skill Kits</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it.
Please note that when making a purchase in this section, you are purchasing 1 type of skill kit. If you would like to purchase multiple types of skill kits, you must make multiple purchases.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase !! Quality of Purchase
| 1 WP || 1 skill kit || poor quality
| 2 WP || 1 skill kit || poor+ quality
| 3 WP || 1 skill kit || basic quality
| 4 WP || 1 skill kit || basic+ quality
| 5 WP || 1 skill kit || average quality
| 6 WP || 1 skill kit || average+ quality
| 7 WP || 1 skill kit || good quality
| 8 WP || 1 skill kit || good+ quality
| 9 WP || 1 skill kit || masterwork quality
| 10 WP || 1 skill kit || masterwork+ quality
<div style="font-size:25px;">Skill Kit Quality</div>
*Poor-quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need careful upkeep lest they need to be replaced.
*Poor+ quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with '''no''' or '''very limited craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need careful upkeep lest they need to be replaced. A poor+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level, and is more reliable and better overall than a poor-quality skill kit.
*Basic-quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and tend to need upkeep lest they need to be replaced.
*Basic+ quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of basic+ materials by someone with '''Novice craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and tend to need upkeep lest they need to be replaced. A basic+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level, and is more reliable and better overall than a basic-quality skill kit.
*Average-quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain with minimal adornments. They require little upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.
*Average+ quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with '''Competent craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain with minimal adornments. They require little upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced. An average+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level, and is more reliable and better overall than an average-quality skill kit.
*Good-quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of good-quality materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged severely, they will not need to be replaced.
*Good+ quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of good+ materials by someone with '''Expert craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged severely, they will not need to be replaced. A good+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level, and is more reliable and better overall than a good-quality skill kit.
*Masterwork-quality skill kits: <div id="Skill Kits Items Available Per Tier."></div>
** Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with '''Master craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged.
*Masterwork+ quality skill kits:
** Will be made out of the highest-quality materials by someone with '''Master''' or '''Grandmaster craft skills.''' The items or tools contained within the skill kit have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged. A masterwork+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level, and is more reliable and better overall than a masterwork-quality skill kit.
Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cloths, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Items Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase additional skill kits using their Wealth Points.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Wealth Tier !! Notes
| Tier 1 || At Tier 1 a PC will have however many poor-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 2 || At Tier 2 a PC will have however many poor+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 3 || At Tier 3 a PC will have however many basic-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 4 || At Tier 4 a PC will have however many basic+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 5 || At Tier 5 a PC will have however many average-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 6 || At Tier 6 a PC will have however many average+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 7 || At Tier 7 a PC will have however many good-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 8 || At Tier 8 a PC will have however many good+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 9 || At Tier 9 a PC will have however many masterwork-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
| Tier 10 || At Tier 10 a PC will have however many masterwork+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.<br><br>
Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to higher-quality skill kits, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use high- or low-quality items.
Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.
=Crafting Materials=
[Coming soon!]
[Coming soon!]
[Coming soon!]
=Higher Education=
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Purchasing Additional Education.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please refer to the tables below (see [[#Higher Education Education Available Per Tier.|Education Available Per Tier.]]) for availability of educational programs per [[Wealth Tiers|Wealth Tier]]. '''Education Available Per Tier''' gives an outline of the levels of higher education that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.
<div style="font-size:25px;">Cost of Tuition</div>
You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the [[Wealth Points]] to afford it. However, please note that higher education is only available in cities with a University, Academy, or a similar educational facility. Before purchasing tuition, please be sure to check your City Lore for whether or not your city offers a route of academic study.
When purchasing tuition for a program, you will need to purchase access to a Letter program before a Certificate, a Certificate program before a Diploma, a Diploma program before a Charter, and a Charter program before a Licentiate. To purchase access to a program, you must also have completed any programs prior. You cannot purchase access to a Charter without having previously completed its Letter, Certificate, and Diploma qualifications. However, you may purchase access to up to two types of programs at once.
Purchasing tuition for a program means that IC, your PC is a student and is actively pursuing their education. This means that upon your purchase, your PC will be able to use their city's educational facilities as directed by your City Lore. <div id="Higher Education Education Available Per Tier."></div>
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:15px;"
! Cost !! Purchase
| 1 WP || Access to 1 Letter program
| 2 WP || Access to 1 Certificate program
| 3 WP || Access to 1 Diploma program
| 4 WP || Access to 1 Charter program
| 5 WP || Access to 1 Licentiate program
<center>Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.</center>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Click Here" data-collapsetext="Click Here" style="width:90%; overflow:auto;">
'''Education Available Per Tier.'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please note that PCs may purchase access to additional educational programs using their Wealth Points.
Please also note that if you drop a Wealth Tier at any point during your course of study, you will be required to pay tuition in order to remain a student in your program.
So, if you were Wealth Tier 5 and you were studying at the Certificate level, you would need to pay for access to your Certificate if you dropped to Wealth Tier 4, which does not offer free access to a Certificate program.
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 15px; margin: auto;"
! style="width:15%;" | Wealth Tier
! style="width:85%;" | Notes
| Tier 1 - Tier 3 || Tier 1 - Tier 3 PCs do not have access to any higher education without paying tuition.<br><span style="color:transparent;">extra line here</span>
| Tier 4 || A Tier 4 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Letter without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
| Tier 5 || A Tier 5 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Certificate without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
| Tier 6 || A Tier 6 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Diploma without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
| Tier 7 || A Tier 7 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Charter without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
| Tier 8 - Tier 10 || Tier 8 - Tier 10 PCs have access to 1 course of study up to the level of Licentiate without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
Please note that while the higher Tiers have more access to higher education, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather have a Licentiate or no higher education at all.
[[Category: The Wealth System]]
[[Category: The Wealth System]]
[[Category: Basic / Quick Links]]
[[Category: New Player Information]]

Latest revision as of 15:01, 27 May 2022

Please note that the items you are able to access per Wealth Tier in the Shoppe are intended for the use of your PC only. You do not need to supply food, clothing, weapons, armor, or *any* items for your NPCs. NPCs can be assumed to have their own Wealth Tier (as per the Wealth & NPCs page in the wiki), which means that they have access to the food, clothing, and equipment they need without you needing to provide it.

If you have questions about this or any section of the Shoppe, please direct them to the Shoppe Q&A. Thank you.



There are four common coins called nels used as currency across the regions of Idalos: onyx nels (ON), gold nels (GN), silver nels (SN), and copper nels (CN). An onyx nel is worth 500 gold nels; a gold nel is worth 10 silver nels; and a silver nel is worth 10 copper nels.

Although these coins are accepted throughout every region in Idalos, some regions might also have their own currencies. The Iulure Isles, for example, use a different form of coin. These coins are imprinted with the seal of eight, the eight celestial beings who gave rise to the Immortals. As such, currency in the Iulure Isles serves as a reminder for why the races fight to survive.

OOC Note: Although your PC will be using nels (or perhaps a city-specific currency) while in character, it is not necessary for you to keep a record of every onyx, gold, silver, and copper. Instead, Standing Trials has an independent Wealth System, comprised of Wealth Tiers which rely on a measurement of wealth called Wealth Points. Each PC will belong to one of ten Wealth Tiers, each of which represents the amount of wealth a PC has. Tier 1 PCs are the least wealthy, for example, while Tier 10 PCs are the most. Each Wealth Tier allows access to different items and materials listed on the site Shoppe, with the lower Tiers having easy access to poorer-quality or average-quality goods, and the higher Tiers having easy access to higher-quality and luxury goods.

Every item listed on the Shoppe will have a Wealth Tier associated with it. This is the Tier at which the item becomes commonplace. If your PC's Wealth Tier matches that of the item (or is higher than that of the item), it means that you can afford the item on a trial by trial basis. If your PC's Wealth Tier is lower than that of the item, it means that to have access to the item, you must purchase it with your Wealth Points (or WP).

Please note the specific rules per section of the Shoppe before purchasing anything. Thanks!

General Rules

Availability of Resources

Anyone purchasing items made with / using Tier 8 or above base resources, or the resources themselves (eg: metal, wood, gems) which are also described or categorised as rare, very rare, etc, must always get that purchase approved by your city mod. It will usually require a thread to acquire (although this may be a purchase / haggling thread, not a going out mining one), although the mod may approve acquisition without a thread if there is an existing IC reason which has been written.


A Craft Skill is a Skill related to hand-crafting items, such as Smithing, Glassblowing, or Jewelry Crafting. Due to how the Shoppe and the Wealth System work, a PC with a Craft Skill may be able to make items of a higher quality than those usually available to them at their Wealth Tier. Whether or not your PC is able to do this depends on your Skill Level in your Craft Skill. Because higher-quality items are usually crafted with higher-Tier materials, the Crafting Materials available to you also depend on the level of your Craft Skill. These Crafting Materials are the tools, equipment, and other materials that your PC might use when crafting an item. They are located in the Crafting Materials Section of the Shoppe. [Coming soon!]

When purchasing materials for crafting, depending on your proficiency in your Craft Skill, you may be able to make purchases at a reduced rate. Thus, having a Craft Skill, especially one at a high proficiency, is of direct benefit to your PC.

Craft Skill Level Quality of Crafted Items Resources Available
Unskilled poor and poor+ quality n/a
Novice basic and basic+ quality n/a
Competent average and average+ quality access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own Wealth Tier
Expert good and good+ quality access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own Wealth Tier
Master masterwork quality access to Crafting Materials 2 Tiers above your own Wealth Tier
Grandmaster masterwork+ quality access to Crafting Materials 2 Tiers above your own Wealth Tier

Please note that this refers only to situations in which PCs are purchasing materials. If, in character, you have an oak tree and are a Master of Woodworking, you are allowed to craft a masterwork oak table regardless of your Wealth Tier. However, the crafting of large items should always be RP'd. It is not ok to assume that you built yourself a masterwork table, or any large or expensive item, without devoting IC time to it. Please use this rule sensibly; it's there to give players creative freedom.

PC Businesses

If you are patronizing a PC business, then you, as a customer, may access items from that business as if you were one Wealth Tier higher in the Tier System. This is to encourage players to interact with PC businesses.

Please, however, see the PC Business Guide for information as to how purchasing might work. For example, you may make purchases at a PC business through its Transaction Thread, or by threading directly with the business owner.

And remember that any items accessed at a PC business must be recorded in your Character Sheet.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of food per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier. Per Tier, assume that you have access to enough food on a trial by trial basis to feed one person.

For alcohol, see Drugs & Medicine.

Purchasing Edibles

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 40 trials' worth of food poor quality
1 WP 35 trials' worth of food poor+ quality
1 WP 30 trials' worth of food basic quality
1 WP 25 trials' worth of food basic+ quality
1 WP 20 trials' worth of food average quality
1 WP 15 trials' worth of food average+ quality
1 WP 10 trials' worth of food luxury quality
1 WP 5 trials' worth of food luxury+ quality

Players can buy most food items from their city's marketplace. It is up to each individual player as to whether or not their PC is hunting for or cooking their own food or purchasing it at markets or restaurants. It is important that you consider your regional variations when thinking about what your PC eats / cooks / buys. Seasons and availability will make a massive difference. Please note that the examples included in the Edibles Section of the Shoppe are real-world examples and are meant to give you, the player, an idea of what is available. However, as Idalos is a fantasy setting, please check your city resources and be aware of the more unusual ingredients you may utilize.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional edibles using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Diet Quality Notes
Tier 1 Poor At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Edibles available are incredibly plain and limited unless they have been begged for, donated, or gathered in the wild. Most edibles are likely to be of poor quality and are completely unseasoned.
Tier 2 Poor+ At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Edibles at this level are plain, unprocessed, and long-lasting (e.g. grains, beans, root vegetables). Most edibles are likely to be of poor or basic quality. There is no access to seasoning unless it has been gathered in the wild. Sweet treats are not available.
Tier 3 Basic At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Edibles at this level are simple, with low-effort processing (e.g. flour, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruit and nuts). Most edibles are likely to be of basic quality. There is minimal access to seasoning unless it has been gathered in the wild. Sweet treats are limited to fruit and honey.
Tier 4 Basic+ At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Edibles at this level are simple, with low-effort processing (e.g. flour, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruit and nuts). Most edibles are likely to be of basic or average quality. There is access to basic seasoning. Sweet treats are limited to fruit, unrefined sugars (e.g. beet sugars), and honey.
Tier 5 Average At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Edibles at this level are likely to be of average quality, with some processing and variety (e.g. bread, butter, cheese, fish, salted meat, all kinds of fruit and veg). There is more access to a better variety and quality of seasoning. Sweet treats of honey, unrefined sugars, and simple candies are available. Expensive or rare items are very limited.
Tier 6 Average+ Edibles available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality, with some processing and variety (e.g. bread, butter, cheese, fish, salted meat, all kinds of fruit and veg). There is access to a good variety and quality of seasoning. Sweet treats of honey, unrefined sugars, and more candies are available. Expensive or rare items are limited.
Tier 7 Luxury Edibles available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good or luxurious quality, with plenty of variety (e.g. fresh meat, refined sugars, imported spices, pressed oils, preserves). All edibles are well-seasoned. Sweet treats are widely available. Expensive or rare items are also available.
Tier 8+ Luxury+ Edibles available at Tier 8 and above are of the best quality, with excellent variety and decoration (e.g. rare meats, imported luxuries, complex dishes, fancy desserts). Seasoning of all kinds is widely available. Sweet treats of all kinds are commonplace. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.

Please note that these are the levels at which certain edibles can be easily bought from the market. Lower-Tier ingredients may be processed into higher-Tier foods as long as it is done in thread (e.g. flour into bread). Please also note that each Tier's access to sweet treats is a good indicator of whether or not other non-essential edibles are available.

When determining your PC's diet, always ensure to take regional variations in cuisine into account.

Finally, while the higher Tiers have access to more and better food, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather eat fancy cakes and champagne or mutton and potatoes. Each player, regardless of Tier, is able to access the type and/or quality of edibles at their Wealth Tier and below.

Drugs & Medicine

Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of medicine and alcohol per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For examples of drugs and medicines, see your City Lore, the Standing Trials wiki, the Medicine, Poison, Drugs & Reagents section of the Creating the World Forum, or submit your own drug or medicine (also in the Creating the World forum).

For the purposes of this section, contraceptives are considered to be a medicine.

Purchasing Drugs or Medicine

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that when making purchases in this section, you are purchasing either drugs or medicine for 1 season / cycle / arc. If you would like to purchase both drugs and medicine for 1 season / cycle / arc, you must make your purchase twice.

Also, please note that 1 season's / cycle's / arc's worth of drugs or medicine may include more than 1 specific type of drug or medicine. This is a general purchase. When purchasing drugs, alcohol is included.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine poor quality
2 WP 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine basic quality
3 WP 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine average quality
4 WP 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine good quality
5 WP 1 season's worth of drugs or medicine luxury quality
2 WP 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine poor quality
4 WP 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine basic quality
6 WP 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine average quality
8 WP 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine good quality
10 WP 1 cycle's worth of drugs or medicine luxury quality
6 WP 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine poor quality
12 WP 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine basic quality
18 WP 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine average quality
24 WP 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine good quality
30 WP 1 arc's worth of drugs or medicine luxury quality

Drugs & Medicine Quality
  • Poor-quality drugs and medicine:
    • Will be made out of cheap ingredients by someone with no or very limited skill in crafting drugs and medicine. Drugs and medicines are generally unprocessed (e.g. left in their roughest forms), and have a significant chance of negative side effects.

  • Basic-quality drugs and medicine:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality ingredients by someone with Novice-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine. Drugs and medicines are generally unprocessed though may have some processing, and have a good chance of negative side effects.

  • Average-quality drugs and medicine:
    • Will be made out of average-quality ingredients by someone with Competent-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine. Drugs and medicines have some processing, and have an even chance of negative side effects.

  • Good-quality drugs and medicine:
    • Will be made out of good-quality ingredients by someone with Expert-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine. Drugs and medicines are well-processed and double-checked for quality, which means that they will likely not have many negative side effects. However, the side effects inherent to each individual drug or medicine still apply when overused (e.g. hangovers when having consumed too much alcohol, etc.).

  • Luxury-quality drugs and medicine:
    • Will be made out of high-quality ingredients by someone with Master- or Grandmaster-level skill in crafting drugs and medicine. Drugs and medicines are very well-processed and are of the highest quality, which means that they will almost never have any negative side effects. However, the side effects inherent to each individual drug or medicine still apply when overused.

Examples of skills related to drug- and medicine-crafting are Chemistry, Gardening, Brewing, and Vinting.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional drugs and medicine using their Wealth Points.

Please also note that alcohol is considered a drug and is a part of the Drugs & Medicine Section of the Shoppe. Because alcohol is commonplace in Idalos, your PC has some access to alcohol without having to use your Wealth Points. However, any additional alcohol and all other drugs you want your PC to use must be purchased with WP.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Medicines and alcohol available are incredibly limited unless they have been begged for, donated, or gathered in the wild. Medicines and alcohol are likely to be of poor quality.

If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Medicines and alcohol are still very limited, and are likely to be of poor or basic quality.

If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Medicines and alcohol at this level are limited, and are likely to be of basic quality.

If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Medicines and alcohol at this level are more commonplace, and are likely to be of basic or average quality.

If a PC is dependent on medicine, they will likely need to use Wealth Points to purchase more.
Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Medicines and alcohol are commonplace, and are likely to be of average quality. Expensive or rare items are very limited.

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Tier 6 Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality. Expensive or rare items are limited.

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Tier 7 Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good quality. Expensive or rare items are available.

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Tier 8 Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 8 are likely to be of good or luxury quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.

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Tier 9 - Tier 10 Medicines and alcohol available at Tier 9 and Tier 10 are of luxurious quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are commonplace.

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Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better medicines and alcohol, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather drink the finest wines or cheap piss-poor beer.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of clothing per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, an outfit is either a full set of everyday clothes (including undergarments), a full set of nightwear, or a full outdoor ensemble (coat / cloak, gloves / mittens, scarf, etc.).

Accessories and cosmetics may be assumed (belts, bags, etc.; powders, lip stains, etc.), but their make and quality must be consistent with the Wealth Tier described (see Items Available Per Tier.).

Please note that accessories do not include jewelry (for jewelry, see the Jewelry Section of the Shoppe.)

Purchasing Clothing

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 6 outfits poor quality
1 WP 5 outfits basic quality
1 WP 4 outfits average quality
1 WP 3 outfits good quality
1 WP 2 outfits masterwork quality

Clothing Quality
  • Poor-quality clothing:
    • Will be made out of a poor variety of cheap fabrics, including jute and hemp, by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Clothing is plain, unadorned, and not dyed.

  • Basic-quality clothing:
    • Will be made out of a basic variety of fabrics, including cotton, linen, and hide, by someone with Novice craft skills. Clothing is plain, unadorned, and not dyed.

  • Average-quality clothing:
    • Will be made out of an average variety of fabrics, including leather, fur, and wool, by someone with Competent craft skills. Clothing is usually plain with minimal adornments, and with a limited range of basic dyes available (including beige, brown, and black).

  • Good-quality clothing:
    • Will be made out of a good variety of well-made fabrics, including organza, chiffon, and taffeta, by someone with Expert craft skills. Clothing has some detail and adornments, with a range of dyes available (including blue, green, yellow, and orange).

  • Masterwork-quality clothing:
    • Will be made out of an excellent variety of high-quality fabrics, including brocade, silk, satin, and velvet, by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Clothing has as many details, adornments, and dyes (including red, gold, and custom dyes) as are wanted.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include lace, braid work or cords, fringing, buckles or buttons, linings, embroidery, beading, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional outfits using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 outfits of poor quality. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add two new poor-quality outfits. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They do not have accessories and have no cosmetics.
Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 3 outfits of poor quality, or 2 outfits, one of poor quality and one of basic quality. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add either two new poor-quality outfits or one new basic outfit. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have poor accessories and no cosmetics.
Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 3 outfits of basic quality. Their level allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add two new basic-quality outfits. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have basic accessories and poor cosmetics.
Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 4 outfits of basic quality, or 3 outfits, two of basic quality and one of average quality. Their level allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add either two new basic-quality outfits or one new average outfit. They may add the same number and quality of outfits each arc that they remain in the Tier. They have basic accessories and have basic cosmetics.
Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 4 outfits of average quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary, and to add two new average-quality outfits per cycle. They have average accessories and basic cosmetics.
Tier 6 Starting Tier 6, a PC is allowed to choose 5 outfits of average quality, or 4 outfits, three of average quality and one of good quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle if necessary, and to add either two new average-quality outfits or one good outfit per cycle. They have average accessories and average cosmetics.
Tier 7 Starting Tier 7, a PC is allowed to choose 5 outfits of good quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add two new good outfits per cycle. They have good accessories and average cosmetics.
Tier 8 Starting Tier 8, a PC is allowed to choose 6 outfits of good quality, or 5 outfits, four of good quality and one of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add either two new good-quality outfits or one new masterwork outfit per cycle. They have good accessories and good cosmetics.
Tier 9 Starting Tier 9, a PC is allowed to choose 6 outfits of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add a new masterwork outfit two times per cycle. They have masterwork accessories and good cosmetics.
Tier 10 Starting Tier 10, a PC is allowed to choose 7 outfits of masterwork quality. Their Wealth Tier allows them to replace like for like every cycle, and to add a new masterwork outfit four times per cycle. They have masterwork accessories and masterwork cosmetics.

Tier Access

Due to the items available, different Tiers have access to more and higher-quality clothing (Tier 1 clothing is of poor quality, Tier 2 clothing is of poor or basic quality, Tier 3 clothing is of basic quality, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access outfits that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have lower-Tier clothing *instead* of the clothing offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many outfits you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 7 outfits, for example.

So, at Tier 6:
Poor and basic clothing is available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option (average or good quality).

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* clothing that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* clothing at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better clothing, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear silk and furs or cotton and wool.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of jewelry per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, a set of jewelry is one of these options:

  • A necklace, earrings, and bracelet.
  • A necklace, earrings, and ring.
  • A necklace, bracelet, and ring.
  • Earrings, a ring, and bracelet.
  • Three necklaces.
  • Three bracelets (for either the wrist or ankle).
  • Three pairs of earrings.
  • Three piercings other than ear piercings.
  • Three rings.
  • Two brooches.
  • One crown, circlet, body chain, neck ring, collar, or torc.

Note that a necklace includes most styles of necklace, including those with pendants.

Note that earrings include any style of earring, whether it be traditional, ear cuff, gauges, etc.

Note that a bracelet includes any style of bracelet, including arm cuffs.

Purchasing Jewelry

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 6 sets of jewelry poor quality
2 WP 5 sets of jewelry poor+ quality
3 WP 5 sets of jewelry basic quality
4 WP 4 sets of jewelry basic+ quality
5 WP 4 sets of jewelry average quality
6 WP 3 sets of jewelry average+ quality
7 WP 3 set of jewelry good quality
8 WP 2 set of jewelry good+ quality
9 WP 2 set of jewelry masterwork quality
10 WP 1 set of jewelry masterwork+ quality

Jewelry Quality
  • Poor-quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of poor materials, such as Tier 1 metals, as well as scavenged or handmade materials such as twine, feathers, bone, and wood, by someone with no or very limited craft skills.

  • Poor+ quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of poor+ materials, such as Tier 2 metals, as well as scavenged or handmade materials such as leather or hide string, beads, shells, and glass, by someone with no or very limited craft skills.

  • Basic-quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of basic materials, such as Tier 3 metals and gemstones, by someone with Novice craft skills.

  • Basic+ quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of basic+ materials, such as Tier 4 metals and gemstones, by someone with Novice craft skills.

  • Average-quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of average materials, such as Tier 5 metals and gemstones, by someone with Competent craft skills. Jewelry is usually plain with minimal adornments, though can have more than one stone.

  • Average+ quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of average+ materials, such as Tier 6 metals and gemstones, by someone with Competent craft skills. Jewelry is usually plain with minimal adornments, though can have more than one stone.

  • Good-quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of good materials, such as Tier 7 metals and gemstones, by someone with Expert craft skills. Jewelry has some detail and adornments, and usually has more than one stone.

  • Good+ quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of good+ materials, such as Tier 8 metals and gemstones, by someone with Expert craft skills. Jewelry has some detail and adornments, and usually has more than one stone.

  • Masterwork-quality jewelry:
    • Will be made out of masterwork materials, such as Tier 9 metals and gemstones, by someone with Master craft skills. Jewelry is very fancy and has as many adornments and stones as are wanted.

  • Masterwork+ quality jewelry
    • Will be made out of masterwork+ materials, such as Tier 10 metals and gemstones, by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Jewelry is very fancy and has as many adornments and stones as are wanted.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include engravings or carvings, filigree of precious or high-quality metals, different styles of setting or polish, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional jewelry sets using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Jewelry Quality Notes
Tier 1 Poor At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. They don't have access to jewelry, unless they have made it themselves.

Tier 1 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 1 metals and has no gemstones.
Tier 2 Poor+ At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 set of poor+ quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of poor+ jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier 2 jewelry or poor+ jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 2 metals and has no gemstones.
Tier 3 Basic At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 set of basic-quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of basic jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier 3 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 3 metals and has 1 Tier 3 gemstone.
Tier 4 Basic+ At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 sets of basic+ quality jewelry, or 1 set of average-quality jewelry. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of basic+ jewelry. They may add the same number and quality of sets of jewelry each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier 4 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 4 metals and has 1 Tier 4 gemstone.
Tier 5 Average At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 sets of average-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of average jewelry per cycle.

Tier 5 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 5 metals and has 2 Tier 5 gemstones.
Tier 6 Average+ Starting Tier 6, a PC is allowed to choose 3 sets of average+ quality jewelry, or 2 sets of good-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of average+ jewelry per cycle.

Tier 6 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 6 metals and has 2 Tier 6 gemstones.
Tier 7 Good Starting Tier 7, a PC is allowed to choose 3 sets of good-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of good jewelry per cycle.

Tier 7 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 7 metals and has 3 Tier 7 gemstones.
Tier 8 Good+ Starting Tier 8, a PC is allowed to choose 4 sets of good+ quality jewelry, or 3 sets of masterwork-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of good+ jewelry per cycle.

Tier 8 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 8 metals and has 3 Tier 8 gemstones.
Tier 9 Masterwork Starting Tier 9, a PC is allowed to choose 4 sets of masterwork-quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of masterwork jewelry two times per cycle.

Tier 9 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 9 metals and has 4 Tier 9 gemstones.
Tier 10 Masterwork+ Starting Tier 10, a PC is allowed to choose 5 sets of masterwork+ quality jewelry. Their Wealth Tier allows them to add a new set of masterwork+ jewelry four times per cycle.

Tier 10 jewelry is made from a choice of Tier 10 metals and has 4 Tier 10 gemstones.

Please note that to attain certain Tier 10 metals, a PC must apply for the metal via the PSF.

Tier Access

Due to the items available, different Tiers have access to more and higher-quality jewelry (Tier 1 jewelry is of poor quality, Tier 2 jewelry is of poor+ quality, Tier 3 jewelry is of basic quality, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access jewelry that is worse in quality than that which is offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have lower-Tier jewelry *instead* of the jewelry offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many sets of jewelry you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 5 sets of jewelry, for example.

So, at Tier 6:
Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 jewelry is available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option.

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* jewelry that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* jewelry at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better jewelry, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear onyx and gold or simple beaded jewelry from Tier 1.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.

Common Materials Used in Jewelry
  • Iron
    • Iron jewelry is very inexpensive and is a common choice for the common folk. Studier than both copper and bronze jewelry though less pretty, it is usually used to make jewelry which the wearer does not want to lose or break.

  • Bronze
    • Bronze jewelry is another common choice for the majority of the population. Despite its popularity, bronze is not the best metal for making jewelry and because of this, it is very likely to break. Bronze chains don't hold well for a long period of time, and any stones or beads used as decoration tend to chip off. This means that unless the jewelry is well-tended, it will fall apart and need replacing.

  • Copper
    • Copper jewelry is much like bronze jewelry in that it is very likely to bend, scratch, and break. Copper jewelry is also very likely to stain the skin. Despite that, it has a very pretty, reddish hue.

  • Silver
    • Jewelry made from silver is often sought after because it gives the wearer a certain noble air. Silver jewelry can withstand a lot of wear and tear as well as hold onto the stones and beads set into it. Silver doesn't stain the skin like bronze or copper, but it does tend to show a lot of scratches over time and also has the tendency to lose its luster.

  • Gold
    • Gold jewelry is a way of signifying one's status. Though it can still be scratched, gold doesn't lose its luster the same way that silver does. It doesn't stain the skin like bronze or copper, and isn't known for losing its beads and stones like some of the other metals. Most consider gold the best type of metal for jewelry, which is why gold is standard when it comes to the mid-to-high Wealth Tiers.

  • Onyx
    • Onyx jewelry is typically worn by the champions of the Immortals, royalty, and the political powerhouses of the world. Owning onyx jewelry defines one's station the moment the person steps into the room. Onyx is a prized, rare stone that is sought after by most. Unlike gold jewelry, onyx jewelry hardly ever receives scratches, and to have a piece of jewelry comprised entirely of onyx is exceedingly rare.

Other Metals & Gemstones

For descriptions of other metals and their Tiers, see Metals. Likewise, for descriptions of gemstones and their Tiers, see Gemstones below.


Rules For This Section.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for the availability of gemstones per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purchase of gemstones as a crafting material, see Crafting Materials. [Coming soon!]

Items Available Per Tier.

Gemstones by Tier

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Check the Creating the World Forum, the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own gemstone (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of gem.

Wealth Tier Gemstone Notes
Tier 3 Aventurine Aventurine is a type of green, sparkly Quartz often used for carvings. It is also used to make very cheap, though fetching, decorative jewelry.
Tier 3 Cristobalite Cristobalite usually occurs in small clear or white crystals which typically show up as inclusions in other types of stone. When isolated, these little crystals are perfect for cheap but pretty jewelry, especially when set into rings.
Tier 3 Dendritic Agate Dendritic Agate is a whitish-gray stone. Though sometimes mistaken for everyday rocks, some specimens of Dendritic Agate have a lovely black or brown pattern which runs through the stone similar to the branches of a plant or tree. These gemstones are quite common but hardly ever used.
Tier 3 Fuchsite Fuchsite is a green to teal stone which can have sections of eggshell white. In its uncut form, it has a dimpled surface and a unique way of catching the light which makes it seem to sparkle, though it has no true iridescence.
Tier 3 Grossularite Garnet Grossularite Garnet is a common gemstone found in the Southern Region of Idalos. It is typically a pale green-grey in color with specks of black, and is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
Tier 3 Mali Garnet Mali Garnet is a common gemstone found across all of the regions of Idalos. Its color ranges from pale yellow to gold to yellow-orange to light copper-brown.
Tier 3 Mica Mica is an odd, crumbly stone made of fine layers of silver-reflective material that is easily flaked away. It has no practical uses for jewelry or decorating weapons or armor, but can be easily ground into a fine dust used to brighten pigments.
Tier 3 Zoisite Though a normally dull and unlustrous stone of green and black used mostly for carving, Zoisite can take form in many grades of luster and color, including glasslike yellow, green, blue, and even violet.

Tier 4 Agate Agates are considered a fairly common gemstone found across Idalos, known for their multi-colorful, generally-concentric patterns of lines and shapes. Agates are one of the more popular stones favored by adventurers.
Tier 4 Almandine Garnet Almandine Garnet is a matte gemstone, colored dark red-brown or dark purple-red. Garnets in general are very popular for their excellent hardness and brilliance.
Tier 4 Amber Amber is considered a fairly common gemstone found across Idalos. It is a pure, almost see-through yellow-orange, and can sometimes contain pieces of plants or full insects that have become stuck, perpetually, in its center.
Tier 4 Andalusite Andalusite is a strongly pleochroic gem, which means that it can display different colors when viewed from different angles. Its color ranges from pale amber to brown to green to red. Some specimens are as clear as any gem, and some are not gemlike at all, seeming more rocklike in their shape and composition.
Tier 4 Andesine Labradorite Andesine Labradorite is a mineral found in a range of colors, including pale-to-vibrant red, yellow, champagne, and green.
Tier 4 Aquamarine Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of ocean-blue colors. This is a common gemstone found throughout most of the regions of Idalos.
Tier 4 Axinite Axinite is a group of brown to violet-brown or reddish-brown minerals that sometimes occur in gem quality. Axinite is known for its unique, dark luster.
Tier 4 Beryl Beryl in its purest form is completely colorless; however, the mixture of other minerals and impurities can give it many different shades of coloration, ranging through pink to blue to yellow to green.
Tier 4 Cat's Eye Scapolite Cat's Eye Scapolite is most commonly a red-brown color, though it can be as dark as black or as light as pale red. Due to its striking Cat's Eye shimmer, it is among the most frequently-used gemstones in jewelry.
Tier 4 Chalcedony Chalcedony is a fine-grained variety of Quartz. It has a waxy luster and appears in a great variety of colors, including periwinkle, turquoise blue, lavender, white, and black.
Tier 4 Chrysocolla Chrysocolla is often confused with Turquoise. It can be found in unusual multicolor combinations, with blots and speckles of lighter or darker hue, or speckles of blue or pale, turquoise-like green.
Tier 4 Chrysoprase Chrysoprase is a gemstone found mostly in Central Idalos. Its color varies from apple-green to pale shades that are almost luminescent, to deep green or deep green-blue.
Tier 4 Danburite Danburite is prized for its durability and its clear white, almost glasslike appearance. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos and is frequently used in jewelry.
Tier 4 Geode Geodes appear to be plain, somewhat spherical rocks on the outside, unspecial in any way. Crack one open, however, and the inside will dazzle, full of Geode crystals which range from large purple crystals to small white crystals so numerous and fine they appear to be a fuzz. Geodes come in all colors and many crystal types. They are typically used as collector's items, for display, or on jewelry. When used for display, it is common to cut the gem into flat layers, each unique, like miniature stained-glass windows. Indeed, some glassmakers use slices of Geode in place of stained glass.
Tier 4 Goshenite Goshenite is a colorless gemstone that is common across all of the regions of Idalos. In its cut form, it looks remarkably like white diamond.
Tier 4 Hackmanite Hackmanite is a gemstone which changes colors from pale purple, pink, or white to brilliant shining pink or purple under sunlight, due to the composition of minerals within the gem.
Tier 4 Iolite Iolite is seen as three different color shades in the same stone: violet, with undertones of yellow-gray and violet-blue.
Tier 4 Lepidolite Lepidolite is a red-violet, lilac-gray, or rose-colored gemstone found in Eastern Idalos.
Tier 4 Morganite Morganite is a beautiful, light pink gem with a pretty, vitreous luster. It is a very good gem for rings.
Tier 4 Opal Doublet The Opal Doublet consists of a slice of natural Opal glued to a black backing, which causes the color of the Opal to become more vibrant.
Tier 4 Orthoclase Orthoclase is a transparent yellow Feldspar resembling yellow Beryl.
Tier 4 Rainbow Pyrite Rainbow Pyrite is one of the most unique minerals in Idalos, with its rainbow coloration and strange, gritty texture.
Tier 4 Rose Quartz Rose Quartz tends to be cloudy, which deepens and softens its color. The soft pink color of Rose Quartz is thought to be derived from tiny traces of titanium, which, when visble, often show up as an ethereal whitish marbling.

Tier 5 Ametrine Ametrine has a natural bicolor combination of violet and yellow to dark purple and golden brown.
Tier 5 Bloodstone Bloodstone is a green-grey gemstone blotted through with bright red spots. It is most common in the Western Region of Idalos.
Tier 5 Calcite Calcite is typically colorless and cloudy with a slight, almost silver tint, though when impure it can take on other pretty, pale colors.
Tier 5 Cat's Eye Apatite Cat's Eye Apatite is best known for its breathtaking range of bright yellow and greenish colors, complimented by the typical Cat's Eye stripe which runs down its middle. At its darkest green, it is often mistaken for an Emerald.
Tier 5 Cat's Eye Diaspore Cat's Eye Diaspore can be yellow, gleaming tan, or green, though it can have tints of orange and its Cat's Eye sheen can sometimes be an orange-red. It is an uncommon gemstone to find in Idalos.
Tier 5 Cat's Eye Tourmaline Cat's Eye Tourmaline displays a strong Cat's Eye effect when polished effectively. It is often a bicolored stone, half of blue or blue-green and half of watermelon or bright red-pink. This gemstone is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
Tier 5 Charoite Charoite is known for its swirling shades of lavender and violet, quite unique to the world of Idalos. This gemstone is uncommon across most regions.
Tier 5 Chrome Diopside Chrome Diopside is known for its rich forest green color and for its clarity, which is clear like glass. This gemstone is often found in Central Idalos with a high demand for it across all of the regions, but especially in the South.
Tier 5 Chrome Tourmaline Chrome Tourmaline is colored much like Chrome Diopside, with a rich forest green that is sought after by many in Idalos.
Tier 5 Chrysoberyl Chrysoberyl is a beautiful gem found in shades of yellow, blue, and green. Apart from its excellent durability, it has a wonderful luster.
Tier 5 Citrine Citrine is a yellow, gold, or orange-brown transparent Quartz found across the regions of Idalos. It is used most often in jewelry.
Tier 5 Coral Coral exhibits a wide range of colors, textures, and shapes, and needs salt water and warm temperatures to grow.
Tier 5 Dumortierite Quartz Dumortierite Quartz is an unusual Quartz that is found in the Western Region of Idalos. Its mineral mixture is the reason for its deep but soft blue shade.
Tier 5 Fire Agate Fire Agate is a common gemstone found in the Eastern Region of Idalos. It has a distinctive magma-like coloration, appearing to be formed of liquid lava turned into a colorful red and green and orange stone. It is often used to decorate weapons and armor.
Tier 5 Fire Opal Fire Opal is an unusual variety of Opal which can have a whitish, yellow, orange, or orange-red base. Like all Opals, its coloration is cut through with a variety of prismatic colors, like a rainbow caught in stone. Fire Opals are favored on jewelry.
Tier 5 Fluorite Fluorite is a mineral with a veritable plethora of brilliant colors intertwined together. This plethora of colors commonly includes purple, blue, green, white, brown, and pink.
Tier 5 Hambergite Hambergite is a lesser-known gemstone. It is usually colorless, with the vitreous luster of glass when cut.
Tier 5 Hawk's Eye Hawk's Eye is a blue-grey gemstone with multiple Cat's-Eye stripes running along the stone in parellel lines.
Tier 5 Hematite Hematite is a blackish-gray gemstone. When highly polished, it looks like metal.
Tier 5 Hemimorphite Hemimorphite is usually found in aggregate form with soft blue and white bands, or as a pretty pale blue stone with just-visible whitish specks.
Tier 5 Hessonite Garnet Hessonite Garnet is a yellow-orange to orange-red gemstone which is uncommon throughout most of Idalos.
Tier 5 Hiddenite Hiddenite has a crystalline green color which varies from a soft yellow-green to a light bluish-green. It is an incredibly delicate-looking stone, with gentle colors.
Tier 5 Howlite Howlite is an interesting grayish-white mineral that is sometimes referred to as White Turquoise because of its distinctive marble-like grey or black veining.
Tier 5 Imperial Topaz Imperial Topaz is the most sought-after of all of the natural Topaz. It varies in color from pale yellow to rich gold to red to red-pink.
Tier 5 Jadeite Jadeite is found in most colors, including pure white, pink, brown, red, orange, violet, blue, black, and a range of greens. The most common colorations of Jadeite are jade green and moss green, and often the green of the stone is blended through with white.
Tier 5 Jasper Jasper has a grainy texture to its surface unless properly polished down. It is often brick red, tan, grey, or white in color with white or tan veins running through it.
Tier 5 Kunzite Kunzite is a pale pink-violet to light-violet gemstone found in Central Idalos.
Tier 5 Kyanite Kyanite is a layered crystal with a vitreous-to-almost-pearly luster that is usually found in a Sapphire-like or pale, modest blue.
Tier 5 Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli has been used for years in jewelry and in ornamental objects. Its unique deep blue color has never lost popularity.
Tier 5 Malachite Malachite is best known for its concentric patterns of dark and light green.
Tier 5 Moldavite Moldavite is a bottle-green to moss-green gemstone that is uncommon in most of Idalos. It is known for its very peculiar rough, ridged texture, and is often used in pendants.
Tier 5 Moonstone Moonstone is a unique stone that reflects light in a distinctive shimmering phenomenon known as adularescence. It is most often colored a pearl-like or almost opalescent blue, though it does come in other colors like peach and white.
Tier 5 Moss Opal Moss Opal is a clear to milky-white to clear-yellow Opal with unique inclusions of green Hornblende in moss-like patterns.
Tier 5 Mystic Quartz Mystic Quartz is prized for its durability and for its spectacular array of dazzling colors. Mystic Quartz seems to contain every color of the rainbow in its most saturated form. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos and is very frequently used in jewelry.
Tier 5 Mystic Topaz Mystic Topaz, like Mystic Quartz, is known for its multicolored splendor. Though its colors tend to be less dramatic than Mystic Quartz', for jewelry meant to be more understated but still spectacular in its own way, this gemstone is the better choice. This gemstone is common in the Southern Region of Idalos.
Tier 5 Nuummite Nuummite is an opaque metamorphic rock with an iridescent play of color. It is typically black or brown at base with dashes of bright silver or gold.
Tier 5 Opal Opal is a gemstone that has no one color or appearance; each stone is unique in its own way. Opals range from cloudy and almost clear to pale white to black to all of the colors in between. Each Opal has, apart from its base color, a brilliant rainbow iridescence. For all of their unique beauty, Opals are also the most delicate gemstones commonly worn.
Tier 5 Opal Triplet The Opal Triplet consists of a slice of natural Opal glued to a black backing and capped with clear glass or crystal, which causes the color of the Opal to become more vibrant while also protecting it from the elements.
Tier 5 Peanut Wood Peanut Wood is a variety of petrified wood, formed when the original wood was buried, its shape preserved by other organic materials, and then slowly eroded and replaced over time with Quartz. Peanut Wood has a very dark brown stone base with roundish splotches or deposits of bright white.
Tier 5 Pearl Pearls are found within mollusks and are a prized stone for jewelry. They are formed irregularly on the surface of the inside of the mollusk's shell, and are rarely perfectly round or uniform in shape. Pearls can be almost any color, from white to multicolored to pink to brown.
Tier 5 Peridot Peridot's color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself, rather than from impurities. Peridot is pale mossy to lime green.
Tier 5 Pietersite Pietersite is a breccia aggregate of Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye, with swirling colors of blue, rusty red, gold, and brown.
Tier 5 Prehnite Prehnite has a mother-of-pearl luster, and a light greenish or teal base coloration, which can be marked by splotches and speckles of darker green or black. Affordably priced for its size, Prehnite makes distinctive and interesting jewelry.
Tier 5 Pyrope Garnet Pyrope Garnet is the most famous of the red Garnets. Its dark, maroon red color often resembles the color of Ruby.
Tier 5 Quartz Quartz is one of the most common minerals in Idalos, and is well-known in the gemstone world for its many forms and colors.
Tier 5 Quartz Cat's Eye Quartz Cat's Eye is usually found in white, green, yellow, grey, or brown, with the typical Cat's Eye band down the center. It is found in Central Idalos.
Tier 5 Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosite is usually found in an aggregate form with alternating bubblegum pink and darker- or lighter-pink stripes in parallel bands.
Tier 5 Rhodolite Garnet Rhodolite Garnet looks a lot like Pyrope Garnet, though tends to be lighter and pinker in color than most other kinds of red Garnet.
Tier 5 Rhodonite Rhodonite is a middle-pink gemstone most often mixed through with varying patterns of brown or black.
Tier 5 Rubellite Tourmaline Rubellite Tourmaline is one of the most valuable Tourmaline colors, with a vivid pink to red range, often with a violet tinge.
Tier 5 Ruby-Zoisite Ruby-Zoisite is the natural combination of Ruby and Zoisite crystal in a single specimen. It has a mottled pale-to-true green and black base of Zoisite scattered through with the purple-red of Ruby. It is often used for carvings.
Tier 5 Rutile Rutile by itself is a geometric, almost woody-looking stone with sharp edges, usually in shades of black, red-black, or gold. It makes for an aggressive style of jewelry, a true statement piece.
Tier 5 Rutile Quartz Rutile Quartz is a clear white or Smoky Quartz struck through with inclusions of gold, black, white, or red Rutile crystals.
Tier 5 Rutile Topaz Rutile Topaz is colorless Topaz with inclusions of golden or silver-white Rutile crystals. Especially paired with silver-white Rutile, Rutile Topaz is a beautiful and elegent understated gem.
Tier 5 Scapolite Scapolite is not well-known, but it can be a very attractive stone. Its color, which is usually a muted yellow, bronze, white, rose, or violet, is its best feature.
Tier 5 Seraphinite Seraphinite's dark-green color is enhanced by a silvery and feathery shimmer caused by Mica inclusions.
Tier 5 Serpentine Serpentine, in its gem form, ranges from a pure, dark jade green to white or grey to moss green, speckled through with white or veined with black or grey.
Tier 5 Sillimanite Cat's Eye Sillimanite Cat's Eye is a lovely Cat's Eye gemstone. It is typically a rich, dark red-brown color with the usual Cat's Eye shimmer down the middle, though in some forms it takes on a clear, pearlescent white.
Tier 5 Smithsonite Smithsonite, while usually a light teal blue, can come in colors of white, yellow, green, blue, grey, purple, and pink. In its uncut form, it has an interesting appearance, formed as if from bunches of near-perfect spheres.
Tier 5 Snowflake Obsidian Snowflake Obsidian's inclusion of white crystals of Cristobalite produce a blotchy, snowflake pattern across the smooth black of the Obsidian stone.
Tier 5 Sodalite Sodalite is a gemstone that is usually deep blue, sometimes with a violet tint, which frequently contains white veins of Calcite.
Tier 5 Sphene Sphene is a brilliant yellow-green, green, or yellow-brown gemstone of high luster. Sphene has unique color shades, and has, with the right cut, an intense dispersion, or fire.
Tier 5 Spinel Spinel is an excellent gemstone for all types of jewelry. Ranging in color from dark teal blue to pink to deep purple-black, it is an attractive stone with a manageable price.
Tier 5 Spodumene Spodumene is one of the most common minerals in Idalos. It has many forms and colors though it tends to come in pale shades, including champagne, champagne-pink, clear white, clear pink, baby blue, and pale, sea green.
Tier 5 Star Diopside Star Diopside is a beautiful, unique form of Diopside. It is dark black, metallic bronze, or copper in color, with a four-rayed star pattern across its face.
Tier 5 Star Lemon Quartz Star Lemon Quartz is a lemon yellow variety of Quartz which displays a four-rayed star pattern, otherwise known as asterism.
Tier 5 Star Moonstone Star Moonstone ranges in color from nacreous blue to purple to white to champagne to orange. Like other Star gemstones, it has a four-rayed star pattern across its face.
Tier 5 Star Rose Quartz To find Rose Quartz displaying the Star effect is rare. Unlike other Star gemstones, Star Rose Quartz can show either a four-rayed or six-rayed star.
Tier 5 Star Sunstone Star Sunstone, like other Star gemstones, displays a four-rayed star across its pearlescent orange surface. Unlike other Star gems, however, Star Sunstone's star pattern tends to be not as overt.
Tier 5 Strawberry Quartz Strawberry Quartz is one of many unique types of Quartz. Strawberry Quartz earns its name from its strawberry color, as well as the speckles of dark pink, red, or white stone within, which can be reminiscent of strawberry seeds.
Tier 5 Sunstone Sunstone, though named oppositely of Moonstone, is not much like Moonstone at all. While Moonstone tends to have a pearly shine, Sunstone is typically clear like glass, and though it can come in cloudy variations, it always contains tiny flecks of orange-red which sparkle like glitter.
Tier 5 Tashmarine Diopside Tashmarine Diopside is a brilliant yellow-green to lime green gemstone found in Central Idalos. It is famous for its brilliant concave cut, designed by a particular gemcutter in the region. The concave cut is a masterful stone cut which is extremely difficult to achieve. This cut is easiest to apply to Tashmarine Diopside due to the makeup of the gem.
Tier 5 Tiger's Eye Tiger's Eye is a form of Hawk's Eye gemstone. But while Hawk's Eye is usually blue-grey in color, Tiger's Eye has a golden base. Tiger's Eye can have lengthwise stripes of darker gold, caramel, and rich brown running through it. Like Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye can display muliple bands of chatoyancy, the type of iridescence found in Cat's Eye gems.
Tier 5 Tiger's Eye Matrix Tiger's Eye Matrix is Tiger's Eye that has been cut and finished with some of its host rock intact. Rather than a predominant gold or caramel coloration, Tiger's Eye Matrix usually leans towards stripes of caramel-red, brown-red, and even black.
Tier 5 Topaz Topaz is an important gem due to its hardness and high refractive index. Topaz comes in many colors, from pinks to reds to oranges, though blue Topaz is especially popular.
Tier 5 Tourmaline Tourmaline is found in every color. It can show every tone from pastel to dark, and usually displays two or three separate colors within the same stone.
Tier 5 Tsavorite Garnet Tsavorite Garnet is unique among the Garnets for its emerald green color.
Tier 5 Turquoise Turquoise is a well-known and common gem for jewelry, famed for its classic turquoise color, which often shows veins of dark brown, tan, or black. A Turquiose stone without its distinctive veined pattern is unusual.
Tier 5 Verdite Verdite is light to dark-green Serpentine rock that is often spotted or variegated with lighter shades of green. Verdite is often used for carving.
Tier 5 Zircon Zircon has a great brilliance and an intensive fire, due to its high refractive index and strong dispersion. It comes in most colors pale and bright, and is often used as a cheaper replacement for Diamond.

Tier 6 Actinolite Cat's Eye Actinolite Cat's Eye is a rare, greenish, translucent gemstone found in Central Idalos.
Tier 6 Amethyst Amethyst is lavender to dark purple in color, and is one of the most precious gemstones within Idalos. It is highly demanded amongst noblemen.
Tier 6 Azotic Topaz Azotic Topaz is a rare fire-colored gemstone found in the Eastern Region of Idalos, with facets of dashing red, orange, pink, and even flame blue.
Tier 6 Carnelian Carnelian is a brownish-red to bright-orange variety of Quartz, colored in rings by trace amounts of iron. It is commonly found in the Northern and Central Regions of Idalos.
Tier 6 Cassiterite Cassiterite is known for its ability to withstand scratches and the elements. It is a lovely dark brown in color, though it can be metallic silver or black. It is one of the more common gemstones used to decorate armor.
Tier 6 Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is one of the most famous and valuable Cat's Eye gemstones. Mostly found in varying shades of yellow and green and marked with the typical Cat's Eye gleam, it is valued for its excellent hardness which makes it well-suited for decorating weapons and armor.
Tier 6 Enstatite Enstatite is a rare gemstone that in found in the Central Region of Idalos. It is typically brown-green with a vitreous luster.
Tier 6 Fossil Coral Fossil coral is a decorative material that is formed when ancient coral is gradually replaced with agate. It looks like most fossils, though it has coral-like patterns such as honeycombs, starbursts, and rows of ridged lines or dots. This is a favored gem to use when decorating weapons.
Tier 6 Kornerupine Kornerupine is a rare, translucent, typically brownish-green collector's gem. It also comes in a purple, blue, and green mixed form, which is more often used for jewelry than it is used for collecting.
Tier 6 Melanite Melanite is the black variety of the rare Andradite Garnet. It is sometimes known as Titanian Andradite. It is a pure black, and in its uncut form has configurations of cubelike crystal.
Tier 6 Obsidian Obsidian is a black, naturally-occurring volcanic glass. It is formed when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. It is found near the Heart of the World.
Tier 6 Paraiba Tourmaline Paraiba Tourmaline is a rare and vivid neon-blue gemstone found in Central Idalos. Paraiba Tourmaline gets its fantastically bright color from copper impurities in the stone.
Tier 6 Ruby-in-Fuchsite Ruby-in-Fuchsite is the natural combination of Ruby and Fuchsite in a single specimen. It is an interesting and colorful stone, with teal to green Fuchsite mixed through with white stone and pink, purple, or red Ruby inclusions.
Tier 6 Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz is fast becoming a designer favorite for its earthy color and singular look: like smoke trapped in glass. While parts of the crystal are clear, it is one of few gemstones which favor the colors brown and grey.
Tier 6 Spessartite Garnet Spessartite Garnet is the second-most valuable of the Garnets. It displays in bright colors, orange or orange-red.
Tier 6 Sphalerite Sphalerite is a rare collector's gem which has exceptional dispersion. Dispersion or fire, as it is otherwise known, has to do with how shiny a gem appears, and how well it reflects and refracts the light. For comparison, Sphalerite's dispersion rating is three times as high as that for Diamond.
Tier 6 Star Garnet Star Garnet is a rare and unusual Garnet. Deep maroon in color, it displays a four-rayed star due to aligned inclusions of Rutile.
Tier 6 Tanzanite Tanzanite is a rare gemstone found in Central Idalos. Ranging in color from blue or purple-blue to a deep, rich blue close to indigo, the darkest forms of Tanzanite look much like Sapphire, and could easily be mistaken for a more expensive gem.
Tier 6 Tremolite-Hexagonite Tremolite-Hexagonite is a rare gemstone found in Central Idalos. It has an interesting range of color, from lilac to cloudy pink to dark wine.

Tier 7 Alexandrite Alexandrite is a considerably rare stone. It is famed for its color-change from green in daylight to red under candle light.
Tier 7 Ammolite Ammolite is a rare gemstone that has only ever been located near the Heart of the World. Many crave this gemstone for its shattered-rainbow color and almost metallic luster.
Tier 7 Apatite Apatite is a rarity among marketplaces and is prized for its many different colors and forms, though most Apatite is blue, green, turquoise, or even purple. This gem has a complex, veined appearance and can be found in the Southern Region of Idalos.
Tier 7 Boulder Opal Boulder Opal is the second most prized form of Opal, after Black Opal. It is known for its brown base set with luminous parti-color marbling.
Tier 7 Gaspeite Gaspeite is a rare, bright, almost toxic green gemstone found in Central Idalos. It commonly has veins of intricate brown or black, and is used as decoration for armor, weapons, and jewelry alike.
Tier 7 Labradorite Labradorite is a rare gemstone found in Western Idalos which displays a distinctive schiller in lustrous metallic tints. It is a deep blue-green with a bronze-colored shine.
Tier 7 Variscite Variscite is a relatively rare type of phosphate mineral. Variscite has a range of green hues for color, sometimes with multiple shades or tones in one gem. High quality specimens are used as gemstones and for carvings. Low quality specimens may show a distinctive rocky webbing, and are usually used for collecting or display.

Tier 8 Andradite Garnet Andradite Garnet is a rare gold-to-copper-toned gemstone found only in Northern Idalos. In its uncut form, it takes the shape of clusters of nearly-perfect cubes.
Tier 8 Cat's Eye Aquamarine Cat's Eye Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of pale silver-blue to striking aquamarine colors. With the typical Cat's Eye stripe of light at its center, it is quite rare to find in Idalos.
Tier 8 Clinohumite Clinohumite is a rare mineral and an especially rare gemstone. Few have ever come across small deposits of this gemstone, which is a rich orange color tending towards red.
Tier 8 Demantoid Garnet The Demantoid Garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the Garnets. Found in yellow-green to emerald green, Demantoid Garnet is scarce and is typically only seen in small sizes.
Tier 8 Larimar Larimar is a considerably rare gemstone and is famed for its beautiful, soft, blue-green mottled hues.
Tier 8 Sapphire Sapphire, with its excellent hardness second only to Diamond, is one of the four traditional precious gemstones. Sapphire is a deep, gorgeous blue, so dark sometimes as to seem indigo.
Tier 8 Star Ruby Star Ruby is a Ruby that displays asterism, a six-rayed star which shimmers over the surface of the rose-red to hot-pink stone.
Tier 8 Star Sapphire Star Sapphire is a Sapphire that contains unusual tiny needle-like Rutile inclusions. These needles produce a phenomenon called asterism. Star Sapphires display a six-rayed star.
Tier 8 Sugilite Sugilite is an obscure and quite rare mineral found in Central Idalos. It is known for its vivid, sometimes almost neon purple coloration, though the bright purple of its stone can sometimes be mixed through with duller lavender or grey.

Tier 9 Ruby The Ruby has a combination of hardness and rich, dark red color which makes it so valuable and in high demand. It is one of the four traditional precious gemstones.

Tier 10 Diamond Diamond is the hardest known natural material. It is famed not only for its superb hardness, but also for its refractive properties which cause the gemstone to shine. Diamond comes in many shades of color, from steel grey to white to yellow to blue to black. It is one of four traditional precious gemstones.
Tier 10 Emerald Emerald is the most precious stone in the Beryl group. The wonderful deep green color of Emerald is unparalleled in the gem world. Emerald is also one of four traditional precious gemstones.
Tier 10 Onyx Onyx is the rarest gemstone in Idalos. 500gn coins are made from Onyx stones, the largest denomination of nel. Onyx is deep black in color and is highly lustrous.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of armor and shields per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, a set of armor includes any number of separate pieces of armor which, altogether, would compose a full set. A set of leather or studded leather armor might differ in composition to a set of chainmail, scalemail, or plate. For the purposes of purchasing armor and shielding, 1 full set of armor comes with 1 shield of the same quality and type.

Purchasing Tier 3 Armor & Shields

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 full set of armor poor quality
2 WP 1 full set of armor basic quality
3 WP 1 full set of armor average quality
4 WP 1 full set of armor good quality
5 WP 1 full set of armor masterwork quality

Purchasing Tier 4 Armor & Shields

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
2 WP 1 full set of armor poor quality
3 WP 1 full set of armor basic quality
4 WP 1 full set of armor average quality
5 WP 1 full set of armor good quality
6 WP 1 full set of armor masterwork quality

Purchasing Tier 6 Armor & Shields

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
4 WP 1 full set of armor poor quality
5 WP 1 full set of armor basic quality
6 WP 1 full set of armor average quality
7 WP 1 full set of armor good quality
8 WP 1 full set of armor masterwork quality

Purchasing Tier 8 Armor & Shields

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
9 WP 1 full set of armor poor quality
10 WP 1 full set of armor basic quality
11 WP 1 full set of armor average quality
12 WP 1 full set of armor good quality
13 WP 1 full set of armor masterwork quality

Armor & Shield Quality

Please keep in mind that the style of your armor depends on the smith who has crafted it. The same way that different fine artists approach painting or sculpting in different ways, each smith has their own method of artistry, their own style and technique. One person's scalemail armor might look very different from another's. Armor and shielding, by no means, has to be uniform.

That being said, there are certain standards when it comes to the quality of your armor.

  • Poor-quality armor and shields:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Armor and shields are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced.

  • Basic-quality armor and shields:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Armor and shields are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced.

  • Average-quality armor and shields:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Armor and shields are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.

  • Good-quality armor and shields:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Armor and shields have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced.

  • Masterwork-quality armor and shields:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Armor and shields have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork-quality armor and shields are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones or added jewelry, coloring, filigree or gilding of precious or high-quality metals, embossing or engraving, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional armor and shields using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose:

  • 1 set of poor-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 3 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of poor Tier 3 armor and 1 poor Tier 3 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:

  • 1 set of basic-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 3 shield, or
  • 1 set of poor-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 4 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:

  • 1 set of average-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 3 shield, or
  • 1 set of basic-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 4 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:

  • 1 set of good-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 3 shield, or
  • 1 set of average-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 4 shield, or
  • 1 set of poor-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 6 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose either:

  • 1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 3 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 3 shield, or
  • 1 set of good-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 4 shield, or
  • 1 set of basic-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 6 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 6 Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose either:

  • 1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 4 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 4 shield, or
  • 1 set of average-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 6 shield, or
  • 1 set of poor-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 poor-quality Tier 8 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these three options. They may add an additional set of one of the three options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 7 Starting at Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose any combination of 2 of the following options:

  • 1 set of good-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 6 shield, or
  • 1 set of basic-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 basic-quality Tier 8 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 8 Starting at Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose any combination of 2 of the following options:

  • 1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 6 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 6 shield, or
  • 1 set of average-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 average-quality Tier 8 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of one of these two options. They may add an additional set of one of the two options each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 9 Starting at Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 3 of the following:

  • 1 set of good-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 good-quality Tier 8 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of good Tier 8 armor and 1 good Tier 8 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 10 Starting at Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 3 of the following:

  • 1 set of masterwork-quality Tier 8 armor and 1 masterwork-quality Tier 8 shield.

After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional set of masterwork Tier 8 armor and 1 masterwork Tier 8 shield. They may add this same set of armor and shield each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier Access

Due to the items available, different Tiers have different types and qualities of armor and shields. This means that at many Tiers, the armors and shields available are, by default, not of average quality. One Tier, for example, might offer good-quality Tier 6 armor while also offering basic-quality Tier 8 armor.

Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access armor and shields that are different in type or that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have lower-Tier armor and shielding *instead* of the items offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many sets of armor and shields you are due by your Tier. Tier 10 will still be able to choose 3 full sets of armor and 3 shields, for example.

At Tier 6:
Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
You may choose from the rest of your Tier 6 options.
At Tier 7:
Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 4 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
You may choose from the rest of your Tier 7 options.
At Tier 10, this means that:
Tier 3 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 4 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
Tier 6 armor and shields are available at masterwork quality,
You may choose from the rest of your Tier 10 options.

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* armor and shields that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* armor and shields at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather wear plate armor or leather.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.

Making Modifications to Armor & Shields

You have the ability to customize your armor and shields, usually by having them made out of specific types of metal. For that process, see Metals. Please note that leather armor and studded leather armor do not contain enough metal to warrant such modifications.

Please also note that the Metals Section of the Shoppe is not exhaustive. Check the Creating the World Forum, the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.

Unless you choose to customize your armor, all types of armor (minus leather) are made of iron. All types of shields, when made of metal, are also, by default, made of iron.

Armor & Shields by Tier
Wealth Tier Armor or Shield Notes
Tier 3 Leather Armor Leather armor typically consists of hardened animal hides, and is most commonly found on hunters or rangers. It is a lightweight type of armor that will provide some protection from heavy blows and from cuts or slashes, through it may be easily pierced.
Tier 3 Tier 3 Shields Tier 3 shields encompass any of a group of wielded wooden implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 3 shields are mostly made of wood, though may also include some leather.

Tier 4 Studded Leather Armor Studded leather armor is made of hardened animal hides with metal studs placed at even intervals along the length and width. These studs give added durability, but come with a light addition of weight. Studded leather armor will protect better than plain leather armor against cutting and slashing, as well as piercing weapons.
Tier 4 Tier 4 Shields Tier 4 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 4 shields are mostly made of better-quality wood, though may also include some leather.

Tier 6 Chainmail Armor Chainmail armor is made of intertwined links of metal which drape the body. The metallic rings used in chainmail are capable of deflecting many blades, and even weaker projectiles, though those with especially small points will be able to slip between the rings.
Tier 6 Scalemail Armor Scalemail armor is composed of overlapping layers of metal which drape the body. While this suffers from an added level of weight in comparison to chainmail, it is nevertheless lighter than plate armor, and provides fair protection against most common forms of bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage.
Tier 6 Tier 6 Shields Tier 6 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden or leather implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 6 shields are mostly made of the best-quality wood, and may heavily incoporate leather, as well as some metal.

Tier 8 Plate Armor Full sheets of metal comprise this suit of knightly armor, granting it a level of unmatched durability in combat. Few weapons are capable of piercing the tough exterior of plate armor, though the joints are typically exposed to allow for ease-of-movement. This is easily the most expensive and weightiest form of available armor.
Tier 8 Tier 8 Shields Tier 8 shields are any of a group of wielded wooden, leather, or metal implements which are used to deflect or stop missiles or to lessen the intensity of incoming blows. The weight and general durability of a shield depends greatly on the material used to manufacture it. Tier 8 shields are mostly made of high-quality materials, and may favor wood, leather, metal, or a combination of all three heavily in their design.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of weapons per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, weapons can be purchased singularly or in sets, depending on their type. Daggers, for instance, might be purchased in multiples; a warhammer will be purchased singularly. See Items Available Per Tier. for examples of how weapons should be purchased. Smaller weapons, weapons which are meant to be dual-wielded, weapons which are simple in their design, or weapons which are used to be shot or thrown will typically be purchased in sets.

Purchasing Weapons

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

This table covers weapons which fall into the categories Axes & Bludgeons, Blades, Polearms & Staves, Ranged Weaponry, Thrown Weaponry, Unarmed Combat, and Whips. For Shields, see Armor.

Exemptions to this are cannonballs and ballista arrows / bolts, which fall under the category Seige Weaponry but which should be purchased using this table. However, purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons poor quality
2 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons poor+ quality
3 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons basic quality
4 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons basic+ quality
5 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons average quality
6 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons average+ quality
7 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons good quality
8 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons good+ quality
9 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons masterwork quality
10 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons masterwork+ quality

Arrows & Bolts for Bows and Crossbows

For the purposes of purchasing additional projectiles for your bow or crossbow, the cost of projectiles is a one-time 5 Wealth Point fee. This one-time fee buys you infinite projectiles of your choice (either bolts or arrows) at masterwork+ quality.

See Ranged Weaponry in Items Available Per Tier. for more information on the purchasing of bolts and arrows.

Purchasing Seige Weaponry

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
9 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons poor+ quality
11 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons basic+ quality
12 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons average+ quality
14 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons good+ quality
15 WP 1 weapon or set of weapons masterwork+ quality

Weapon Quality

Please keep in mind that, like with armor and shielding, the style of your weaponry depends on the smith who has crafted it. The same way that different fine artists approach painting or sculpting in different ways, each smith has their own method of artistry, their own style and technique. One person's battle axe might look very different from another's. Weaponry, by no means, has to be uniform.

That being said, there are certain standards when it comes to the quality of your weapons.

  • Poor-quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Weapons are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. These weapons are of very poor quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.

  • Poor+ quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Weapons are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need very careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. Despite this, these weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level. Simply put, poor+ quality weapons are of better stock than poor weapons. In battle, a poor+ quality weapon might break a poor-quality weapon, especially one that has not been properly kept.

  • Basic-quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Weapons are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. These weapons are of very basic quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.

  • Basic+ quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of basic+ materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Weapons are plain, unadorned, and tend to need careful upkeep lest they have to be replaced. Despite this, these weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level. Simply put, basic+ quality weapons are of better stock than basic weapons. In battle, a basic+ quality weapon might break a basic-quality weapon, especially one that has not been properly kept.

  • Average-quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Weapons are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.

  • Average+ quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Weapons are usually plain with minimal adornments. They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced. Average+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level. Simply put, average+ quality weapons are of better stock than average weapons. In battle, an average+ quality weapon might break an average-quality weapon, though one weapon breaking another at this level is relatively rare.

  • Good-quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Weapons have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced.

  • Good+ quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Weapons have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced. Good+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level. Simply put, good+ quality weapons are of better stock than good weapons. In battle, a good+ quality weapon might break a good-quality weapon, though one weapon breaking another at this level is considerably rare.

  • Masterwork-quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master craft skills. Weapons have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork-quality weapons are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced.

  • Masterwork+ quality weapons:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Weapons have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but masterwork+ quality weapons are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged severely, which means that they will hardly ever need to be replaced. Masterwork+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, masterwork+ quality weapons are of the best stock possible, better even than masterwork weapons. In battle, a masterwork+ quality weapon might break a masterwork-quality weapon, though at this level one weapon breaking another is exceedingly rare.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones or added coloring, filigree or gilding of precious or high-quality metals, inlay or engraving, pattern welding, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional weapons using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Weapon Quality Notes
Tier 1 Poor At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 poor-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional poor weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 2 Poor+ At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 poor+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional poor+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 3 Basic At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 basic-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional basic weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 4 Basic+ At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 basic+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional basic+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add the same number and quality of weapon(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 5 Average At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 2 average-quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional average weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 6 Average+ Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 2 average+ quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional average+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 7 Good Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 2 good-quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 1 average+ quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional good weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 8 Good+ Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 2 good+ quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 1 good-quality weapon or set of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional good+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 9 Masterwork Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 2 masterwork-quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 2 good+ quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional masterwork weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional masterwork weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 10 Masterwork+ Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 2 masterwork+ quality weapons or sets of weapons, and 2 masterwork-quality weapons or sets of weapons. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional masterwork+ weapon or set of weapons. They may add an additional masterwork+ weapon or set of weapons each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier Access

Due to the items available, different Tiers have different qualities of weaponry (Tier 1 is poor, Tier 2 is poor+, Tier 3 is basic, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access weapons that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have lower-Tier weapons *instead* of the weapons offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many weapons or sets of weapons you are due by your Tier. Tier 9 and Tier 10 will still be able to choose 4 weapons or sets of weapons, for example.

At Tier 6:
Poor, poor+, basic, basic+, and average weapons are available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option (average+ quality).

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* weapons that is available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* weapons at any Tier level using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a sword or crossbow at either poor or high quality.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.

Making Modifications to Weaponry

You have the ability to customize your weapons, usually by having them made out of specific types of metal. For that process, see Metals. Please note that the Metals Section of the Shoppe is not exhaustive. Check the Creating the World Forum, the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.

Unless you choose to customize your weapons, all types of weaponry, unless they require other materials in their construction, are made of iron, leather, and wood.

Weaponry by Category

If you do not see the type of weapon you would like to purchase on the lists below, please be aware that these lists are just approximates. Most if not all types and styles of weaponry are welcome on Standing Trials, as long as they adhere to the setting. If you are uncertain whether the type of weapon you wish to use is allowed in the setting of Standing Trials, or if you are otherwise uncertain as to which category of weapon it would fit into, contact a Prophet or ask in the Questions and Answers Forum.

When choosing a weapon not on the lists below, please purchase by approximate. Find the weapon closest in type to the weapon you wish to choose, and purchase your weapon as if you were purchasing that one instead. If the type of weapon closest to the weapon you wish to choose is available to be purchased in sets of more than one, assume that your weapon, too, is allowed this.

Axes & Bludgeons
Weapon Notes
Axe An axe is a heavy, bladed weapon which may be sharpened on one or both sides of the head and wielded with one or both hands.

Axes come in sets of 1.
Broad Axe A broad axe is a heavy two-handed axe with an usually broad head. It is only sharpened on one side.

Broad axes come in sets of 1.
Club A club is a simple wooden weapon with a handle to hold onto and a heavy side used for whacking people upside the head. Clubs are usually one-handed.

Clubs come in sets of 3.
Hammer A hammer is a small weapon with a blunt end of metal placed on a wooden handle, which is designed for self defense. A hammer is a one-handed weapon.

Hammers come in sets of 3.
Hand Axe / Hatchet A hatchet is a small axe designed for use in close-quarters combat. Hand axes are sometimes used as thrown weaponry. A hand axe is a one-handed weapon.

Hand axes come in sets of 3.
Mace A mace is a heavy, round or ridged metal ball on a handle. A mace is a type of club and is usually used one-handed.

Maces come in sets of 1.
Sledgehammer A sledgehammer is a heavy two-handed hammer.

Sledgehammers come in sets of 1.
Spiked Mace A spiked mace is a type of mace designed to penetrate armor. Spiked maces can be one- or two-handed.

Spiked Maces come in sets of 1.
War Hammer A war hammer is a heavy hammer designed for fights against armored opponents. It is usually two-handed but may be wielded in one hand.

War hammers come in sets of 1.
War Pick A war pick is a pick-axe-like weapon designed to penetrate armor. War picks sometimes have a blunt, hammer-like balance on one side. They can be one- or two-handed.

War picks come in sets of 2.
Weapon Notes
Broadsword A broadsword is a heavy, long-bladed sword. They are typically held with two hands due to their weight.

Broadswords come in sets of 1.
Cane Sword A cane sword is a straight, narrow sword sheathed in a decorative case that is frequently disguised as a walking stick or cane. They are usually wielded in one hand.

Cane swords come in sets of 1.
Dagger A dagger is a small, handheld blade used in tight spaces or in extreme close-range combat. They are excellent for sliding between the joints in suits of armor. Daggers are one-handed weapons.

Daggers come in sets of 5.
Hand Sickle A hand sickle is a medium-sized sickle designed to be held in one hand.

Hand sickles come in sets of 2.
Knife A knife is a small, easily-hidden blade designed to be used as an emergency weapon or for stealthy kills. Knives are one-handed weapons that are better for slashing than stabbing.

Knives come in sets of 5.
Longsword A longsword is a medium-length sword that can be used with either one hand or two. The blade of a longsword can be straight or curved.

Longswords come in sets of 1.
One-Handed Sword A one-handed sword is a medium-length sword that is wielded in one hand. Like longswords, their blades can be straight or curved.

One-handed swords come in sets of 1.
Sai A sai is a small defensively-minded weapon, with a thin central baton and two prongs which curve out from the handle. Sai are usually dual-wielded.

Sai come in sets of 2.
Shortsword A shortsword is a simple, short-bladed sword designed for use in formation or close-quarters combat. Shortswords are one-handed weapons.

Shortswords come in sets of 1.
Spring-Loaded Dagger A spring-loaded dagger is designed to be worn under the sleeve for quick kills. It is often used as an emergency weapon. A spring-loaded dagger is worn on one arm.

Spring-loaded daggers come in sets of 1.
Swordbreaker A swordbreaker is a short-bladed sword with hooked edges designed to catch and break an enemy's blade. Swordbreakers are one-handed weapons.

Swordbreakers come in sets of 1.
Tamo Dagger Tamo Daggers, which are always sold in pairs, are thin, stiletto blades mounted on an often elaborately-carved thick wooden handle. Each handle has a slot near the blade that serves as a sheath for its twin. When the blades are sheathed, the handles form a short but sturdy club.

Tamo daggers come in sets of 2.
Polearms & Staves
Weapon Notes
Bo Staff A bo staff is a simple staff used to keep opponents at bay. They come in varying lengths and are used by both hands.

Bo staves come in sets of 2.
Halberd A halberd is a heavy battle axe mounted on a spear handle, designed for combat against both infantry and cavalry. A halberd is a two-handed weapon.

Halberds come in sets of 1.
Lance A lance is a two-handed combat spear, though mounted fighters can use it one-handed during a charge. Lances have a tendency to break when striking heavily-armored foes at high speed.

Lances come in sets of 3.
Reaper Scythe A reaper scythe is a heavy scythe designed to be wielded with two hands, with the blade still facing the wielder. In the hands of the unskilled, it is dangerous only to the wielder, but in the hands of an expert, it is a deadly weapon.

Reaper scythes come in sets of 1.
Spear A spear is a pole weapon with a pointed head designed to be used in one or two hands. They can be straight-bladed or curve-bladed.

Spears come in sets of 2.
Trident A trident is a three-pronged spear that can be used to trap opponents' arms or weapons between the tines. The prongs or tines of a trident are sometimes barbed. Tridents can be used with one or two hands.

Tridents come in sets of 2.
War Scythe A war scythe is a type of scythe that has been modified to be easier to use in combat, with the blade facing away from the wielder rather than towards them. War scythes are two-handed weapons.

War scythes come in sets of 1.
Javelin A javelin is a type of spear that is designed to be thrown at enemies. Javelins are one-handed weapons.

Javelins come in sets of 3.
Ranged Weaponry
Weapon Notes
Arrows An arrow is a type of projectile with a head, shaft, and fletching. Arrows are shot from a bow.

Arrows do not come in sets. Instead, upon the purchase of a bow, they come in an unlimited capacity. This means that arrows do not need to be separately purchased unless you want to purchase more arrows at a higher quality. When purchased with a bow, the arrows' quality matches that of the bow purchased.
Bolts A bolt is a short wooden projectile tipped in metal and fired from a crossbow.

Bolts do not come in sets. Instead, upon the purchase of a crossbow, they come in an unlimited capacity. This means that bolts do not need to be separately purchased unless you want to purchase more bolts at a higher quality. When purchased with a crossbow, the bolts' quality matches that of the crossbow purchased.
Long Bow A long bow is a heavy bow designed to fire at long distance. Long bows use arrows.

Long bows come in sets of 1.
Short Bow A short bow is a small bow designed to be used for short distances or on horseback. Short bows use arrows.

Short bows come in sets of 1.
Pistol Crossbow A pistal crossbow is a medium-strength crossbow designed to be compact. A pistal crossbow's compact size costs it the strength of a traditional crossbow. Because of the diminished strength of their draw, pistal crossbows are quicker and easier to reload than traditional crossbows. Pistal crossbows use bolts.

Pistol crossbows come in sets of 1.
Crossbow A crossbow is a slow-to-reload but easy-to-use weapon capable of piercing even plate armor with relative ease. Crossbows use bolts.

Crossbows come in sets of 1.
Seige Weaponry

Please note that purchasing Seige Weaponry of any type requires approval from your City Prophet.

Weapon Notes
Cannon A cannon is a heavy, high-damage weapon designed to shoot projectiles by means of blasting or black powder. Cannons use cannonballs.

Cannons come in sets of 1.
Cannonballs Cannonballs are spherical projectiles used by cannons and propelled by blasting powder. Cannonballs are typically around 8 lbs in weight (about 3 and a half kg) and are usually made of stone or stone reinforced by metal. Full-metal cannonballs, or cannonballs made of other materials, are less common.

Cannonballs come in sets of 30 and must be purchased separately from cannons.
Trebuchet A trebuchet is a type of catapult which uses a heavy, weighted arm which pivots to launch a projectile. Trebuchets usually have greater range than regular catapults, and some require a counterweight to set and launch. They can launch any object which will fit in their sling.

Trebuchets come in sets of 1.
Catapult A catapult is a type of Seige Weaponry which launches projectiles through use of tension or torsion rather than blasting powder. A catapult can launch any object which will fit in its bucket.

Catapults come in sets of 1.
Ballista A ballista is a type of catapult which functions as an overlarge crossbow. Ballista usually throw large arrows or bolts, usually made of iron.

Ballista come in sets of 1.
Ballista Arrows / Bolts Ballista arrows / bolts are overlarge metal arrows used by ballista. Ballista arrows are quite long, with a length of 4 to 6 ft (about 1 to 2 meters).

Ballista bolts come in sets of 30 and must be purchased separately from ballista.
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Notes
Brass Knuckles Brass knuckles are small pieces of metal designed to be worn around a person's fist. They increase the damage of a punch by concentrating the force of the punch onto a smaller, harder area. Brass knuckles can be used on one or both hands.

Brass knuckles come in sets of 4.
Gauntlet Typically made of hardened leather or metal plates, a gauntlet protects the fist from damage, usually up to or past the wrist. While less effective than brass knuckles for dealing damage, wearing a guantlet provides more protection, especially when fighting hand-to-hand against an armed opponent. Guantlets can be worn on one or both hands.

Gauntlets come in sets of 2.
Whips and Flails
Weapon Notes
Barbed Whip A barbed whip is a bullwhip with jagged metal shards fixed upon it, designed for ripping flesh and muscle from the wielder's target. Barbed whips are one-handed weapons.

Barbed whips come in sets of 1.
Bullwhip A bullwhip is a long, lightweight, leather whip wielded in one hand.

Bullwhips come in sets of 1.
Cat O' Nine Tails A cat o' nine tails is a type of whip with, as the name implies, nine tails. Cat o' nine tails are shorter than a bull whip, but are still dangerous if used right. They are typically found in the hands of torturers and flagellants and are a one-handed weapon.

Cat o' nine tails come in sets of 2.
Chain Sickle A chain sickle is a medium-sized sickle designed to be held in one hand, with a chain connecting the blade to the handle.

Chain sickles come in sets of 1.
Chain Whip A chain whip is a whip made entirely out of metal chains, and can be used with one or two hands.

Chain whips come in sets of 1.
Scourge A scourge is a cat o' nine tails with shards of metal fixed upon each tail.

Scourges come in sets of 2.
Ball and Chain / Flail A ball and chain or flail is composed of a mace head attached to a handle by a long chain. A flail can be a one or two-handed weapon.

Balls and chains come in sets of 2.
Three-Sectioned Staff A three-sectioned staff is a staff split into three sections that are held together by chains. It can be used in one or two hands.

Three-sectioned staves come in sets of 1.
Spiked Ball and Chain / Spiked Flail A spiked ball and chain is a type of ball and chain but with a spiked mace head. Spiked flails can be a one or two-handed weapon.

Spiked balls and chains come in sets of 2.


Rules For This Section.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for the availability of metals per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

To make modifications to the weapons, armor, or mount armor you have purchased, please use the modifiers located in Items Available Per Tier. To determine the final cost of your modified item, take the original cost of the item, found either in the Armor, Weapons, or Mounts sections of the Shoppe, and multiply using the modifier for the type of metal you would like to use.

If you would like to make modifications using an alloy made of two or more metals, use the highest modifier amongst the metals you would like to use.

When applying a modifier, always round *up*.

So, if you purchased an average+ quality longsword for 6 WP, and are modifying your longsword to be made of steel instead of iron, the cost of your modified longsword would be:

6wp x 1.15 = 6.9wp rounded up to 7wp.

Metal Ingots as Crafting Materials

You may purchase metal ingots in order to craft items like weapons and armor.

When crafting items in threads, your Skill Level in your Craft Skill determines the quality of the items you may craft. Additionally, your Skill Level determines the access you have to Crafting Materials above your own Wealth Tier. Please refer to the Crafting section of the Shoppe for more detail.

Before you purchase metal ingots, please also refer to the Tier Restrictions below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for the availability of metals per Wealth Tier. Please note that you do not need to purchase metal ingots unless the metal is restricted for your Skill Level and/or Wealth Tier.

Please reference the Crafting section before referencing the Tier Restrictions below.

For instance, if you are Competent in Smithing and if your Wealth Tier is Tier 5:

The Crafting section details that at Competent Level, you have access to Crafting Materials 1 Tier above your own.

This means that, when referring to your Wealth Tier and the Tier Restrictions below, you do not need to purchase Common or Uncommon metals, but you do need to purchase Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless metals when smithing items that you wish to use yourself or sell in threads.

Purchasing Metal Ingots

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

1 metal ingot is required to craft a weapon or set of weapons. In the Weapons section, see Items Available Per Tier. for examples of weapons that are crafted singularly or in sets.

2 metal ingots are required to craft a full set of armor.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 ingot of any Tier 1 or Tier 2 metal undefined
2 WP 1 ingot of any Tier 3 or Tier 4 metal undefined
3 WP 1 ingot of any Tier 5 or Tier 6 metal undefined
4 WP 1 ingot of any Tier 7 or Tier 8 metal undefined
5 WP 1 ingot of any Tier 9 or Tier 10 metal undefined
Metal Ingot Quality

Please note that all metal ingots purchased are of a purposefully undefined quality. This means that the quality of Crafting Materials purchased will not affect the overall quality of the items crafted. The quality of the items you craft is determined by your Skill Level, not by the quality of the materials you are crafting with.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

For the purposes of modifying arms, armor, and mount armor, metals come in five levels of rarity. The levels of rarity are Commom, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless. The more rare a certain metal is, the higher its modifier will be.

Please note that certain Priceless metals are typically only given by the gods. This means that as long as a god is willing to grant a Priceless metal to your PC, you may own a Pricless metal even if you are not Tier 10. This also goes for any arms, armor, or mount armor granted by Prophets as rewards for a thread. Such items should be recorded in your CS.

Tier Restrictions
Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 - Tier 5
Tier 1 - Tier 5 have access to Common metals.

Tier 6 - Tier 7
Tier 6 - Tier 7 have access to Common and Uncommon metals.

Tier 8
Tier 8 has access to Common, Uncommon, and Rare metals.

Tier 9
Tier 9 has access to Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare metals.

Tier 10 Tier 10 has access to all metals, including Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Priceless metals. However, to attain certain Priceless metals, a Tier 10 PC must apply for the metal via the PSF.

Metals by Tier

Please note that the modifiers in this table do not apply to the Jewelry Section of the Shoppe.

Please also note that the Metals Section of the Shoppe is not exhaustive. Check the Creating the World Forum, the Standing Trials wiki, or submit your own metal (also in the Creating the World Forum) for other possible types of metal.

Metal Wealth Tier Rarity Modifier Notes
Idalinium Tier 1 Common x0.75 A common metal, idalinium can be harvested from pretty much anywhere in the world. It appears light grey in color, is very malleable, and is very easy to work with. It is a metal preferred by craftsmen.
Iron Tier 1 Default n/a Iron is often used in the production of inexpensive, durable items like armor and weapons. Iron is also used in a number of furniture pieces, construction, accessory pieces, and many other things. This metal is very dull in appearance, but is likely the most-used metal in the world of Idalos.
Tin Tier 1 Common x0.75 Cheaper and more malleable than either bronze or copper, tin is often used for flatware, as it it has long been determined to be a safe and nontoxic metal to eat off of. Tin is also sometimes used in jewelry. Despite its relative insignificance as a metal, tin is significant for its combination with copper, as a second metal added to copper hardens the copper and lowers its melting temperature. Tin and copper together create bronze. Tin is sometimes also used in combination with lead to create solder, an alloy of scientific and alchemic interest.

Copper Tier 2 Common x1.05 Highly conductive to electricity, relatively cheap and malleable, copper is a go-to for basic tools and implements and, like solder, is of interest to scientists and alchemists.
Crystalline Tier 2 Common x1.05 Crystalline is an ore with strange properties, though it is common compared to geminite. Crystalline can be found in caves, caverns, and pretty much anywhere dark and cold. It appears in many colors ranging from shades of pale green and purple to cream and, rarely, white. Crystalline can be transparent, depending on craftsmanship, but must be incorporated with other metals. Its durability is weaker than iron and in most cases, it serves better in jewelry and accessories. However, if fashioned with other metals, crystalline can appear mesmerizing to the eye.
Lead Tier 2 Common x1.05 Lead is an exceptionally heavy and fairly durable metal.

Bronze Tier 3 Common x1.1 Relatively cheap and malleable, bronze stands alongside copper as a go-to for basic tools and implements, and may even be forged into armament.

Cobalt Tier 4 Common x1.15 Cobalt metal is very sleek and shiny, appearing black, grey, or dark brown in color. Cobalt is a better form of metal preferred by armor and weapon crafters. Easy to work into shape and pleasant in appearance, cobalt metal is most commonly used within militaries across Idalos not only for its beauty, but for its price and durability.
Steel Tier 4 Common x1.15 Steel is a higher-grade metal used in the making of armor and weapons. Though it is a metal that is better suited for use in combat, it is not indestructible. Still, its durability is better than iron. Steel appears shiny compared to iron, but runs the risk of rusting and/or tarnishing, especially on long journeys.

Embersteel Tier 5 Common x1.2 Embersteel is a metal compound that contains hints of metals which give it a smoldering appearance when worked over and set. Surprisingly, embersteel is stronger than steel; however, it weighs much more than cobalt, iron, or steel, making it unfavorable to most.

Blood Metal Tier 6 Uncommon x1.25 Blood metal appears deep black with a reddish tint, and can be found near volcanoes, both active or inactive. It is a very light weight, malleable metal, often used in sheets as a lining to reinforce armor. Relatively common and fairly priced, blood metal tends to take on the coloration of other metals, if combined with them into alloys.
Silver Tier 6 Uncommon x1.25 Silver is a shiny metal valued for its beauty. It is most commonly used in jewelry, and is not typically found in non-decorative implements.

Gold Tier 7 Uncommon x1.3 Gold is another shiny metal valued for its beauty. It is an incredibly soft metal, and thus a poor choice for any weapon or armor.
Minithelite Tier 7 Uncommon x1.3 Minithelite is an uncommon metal produced from the bottom of the oceans. It is often worn by the Mer and contains compounds that allow the metal to blend into different locations, no matter the environment. However, minithelite is very soft, light weight, and breakable. Because of this, the metal is often used by tailors to craft items of concealment.

Adamantite Tier 8 Rare x1.35 Adamantite is a rare metal, harvested in remote locations around mountains, specifically around Sirothelle. Adamantite is said to hold special properties that allow it to slice through even the sharpest, strongest of materials. However, this effect is dependent on the level of craftsmanship put into the metal. This metal can yield strong, sharp blades or dull, breakable ones. Adamantite is mainly used for weapons, though it is malleable and can be used for armor as well. This metal appears as a burgundy color when finished.
Grave Gold Tier 8 Rare x1.35 Grave gold is found in locations where many or great deaths have taken place. A common-to-strong metal when it comes to durability, grave gold's biggest draw is its ability to alter color when exposed to blood. As such, grave gold is often made into weapons rather than armor. Though starting out pure white, silver, or light gold in color, the more blood exposed to the metal, the darker and redder it will become. The darkest weapons made of grave gold are wielded by Master or Grandmaster warriors, who display the deep black-red color of their weapon as a warning to all. Because grave gold absorbs blood it is, essentially, resistant to water damage or rust. This makes for a pretty weapon that can vary in shades of color, and which never tarnishes or loses its mirror-like shine.
Faldrunium Tier 8 Rare x1.35 Faldrunium earned its name for the metal's propensity to radiate heat. In optimal conditions, such as in areas of hot climate, weapons made from faldrunium may quickly reach temperatures of up to 600 degrees Celsius (1112 degrees Fahrenheit), giving the weapons a red-hot glow. Unlike conventional metals, the hotter faldrunium becomes the harder it becomes; but the reverse is also true. In cold climates, especially when temperatures reach -15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit), faldrunium will begin to soften until it becomes unusable. If exposed to cold temperatures for too long, faldrunium weapons will lose their shape entirely. Faldrunium is a difficult metal to work with and a dangerous metal to use. It is advised that special sheaths or containers made to seal out both heat and cold be used to carry faldrunium weapons. No one in the history of Idalos has dared use this metal in armor, as in hot temperatures it would quickly burn them to ash.
Tienite Tier 8 Rare x1.35 Tienite is known by another name: glacier ore. Tienite is only found in the most remote of places, one being Oscillus. It is rumored that Treid's living body affects the land around him, thus giving the metal an ethereal radiance of blue and white. Even after smelting down the ore, tienite still radiates the same ethereal colors, causing anyone who wears the metal to appear surreal and divine. Tienite is as durable as embersteel, but unlike embersteel is light weight and easily worked. However, due to its rarity within the other regions of Idalos, this ore is priced at an exuberant amount.

Geminite Tier 9 Very Rare x1.4 Geminite is a type of ore found deep within mountains. Appearing as a cross between diamond and glass, geminite seems like liquid water, transparent and smooth, when being forged into items. This metal is highly durable and is easily combined with other metals. When incorporated with other metals, geminite takes on the color of the metals it is combined with, while still keeping its glassy appearance. Geminite makes for a lovely fashion piece.
Ghost Metal Tier 9 Very Rare x1.4 Ghost metal is found in areas of highly-active ghostly activity. Tangible to both the living and the dead, ghost metal bolsters the strength of souls, which means that ghosts tend to be drawn to it. A person who uses ghost metal is likely to experience paranormal events, though the metal will not give them the ability to perceive ghosts, nor to truly interact with them. Ghost metal is a fairly light-weight metal with a purplish glow. Items made from ghost metal tend to look ghostly in nature because of the metal's proclivity to give off a lingering mist.
Sorelian Steel Tier 9 Very Rare x1.4 Sorelian steel is a metal much more resiliant than iron, steel, cobalt, or even embersteel. Sorelian steel's unique durability is attributed to its ability to suffuse the impact of blows. Strikes that might severely damage other types of metal merely leave dents, scrapes, or small punctures in armor made of sorelian steel. However, because of these same properties, it is not a good metal for weaponry. A handsome metal though not as eye-catching as some, once crafted and polished, sorelian steel glimmers with a soft blue finish.

Corvantite Tier 10 Priceless x1.7 Corvantite is a special metal only obtained through circumstances which involve the Immortals. Corvantite is a metal that, even after it is fashioned into items, appears to have captured the wind. Beneath the surface of the metal, celestial colors are in constant motion. Not much is known of this metal, only that it is rarely seen except on the Champions of the Immortals.

Corvantite requires PSF approval.
Euvomine Tier 10 Priceless x1.7 Euvomine is another metal only given from the Immortals. Euvomine, by nature, is very brittle and easily broken. It is not meant to be hammered into armor but rather sprinkled upon it. This metal is able to fuse on contact with other metals without staining or discoloring them in any way. Each gift of Euvomine has special properties only known by the Immortal who gifted it.

Euvomine requires PSF approval.
Malorite Tier 10 Very Rare x1.45 Malorite is also known as star metal in Idalos. Star metal is hard to come by, often found in the most unlikely of places. It is very hard to craft into strong armor because of its rarity; however, when crafted properly it is known to withstand the sharpest of blades. Malorite, when refined from ore, appears to glisten as if giving off its own light. Translucent and seemingly starlit, malorite is coveted by many.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of mounts per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

This section deals specifically with mounts. Mounts are animals which may be ridden over land, air, or sea. In this section, there are also mount accessories available, such as items needed to care for a mount and equipment for riding. To purchase animals other than mounts, see Animals. [Coming soon!]

Purchasing Non-Exotic Mounts

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that upon the purchase of a mount, accessories for that mount will be included. To see examples of mount accessories, see Items Available Per Tier. Accessories do not include mount armor.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
3 WP 1 mount poor quality
4 WP 1 mount poor+ quality
5 WP 1 mount basic quality
6 WP 1 mount basic+ quality
7 WP 1 mount average quality
8 WP 1 mount average+ quality
9 WP 1 mount good quality
10 WP 1 mount good+ quality
11 WP 1 mount excellent quality
12 WP 1 mount excellent+ quality

Purchasing Exotic Mounts

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of Exotic mounts as explained in Items Available Per Tier.

Please also note that upon the purchase of a mount, accessories for that mount will be included. To see examples of mount accessories, see Items Available Per Tier. Accessories do not include mount armor.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
4 WP 1 mount poor quality
5 WP 1 mount poor+ quality
6 WP 1 mount basic quality
7 WP 1 mount basic+ quality
8 WP 1 mount average quality
9 WP 1 mount average+ quality
10 WP 1 mount good quality
11 WP 1 mount good+ quality
12 WP 1 mount excellent quality
13 WP 1 mount excellent+ quality

Mount Quality

The overall quality of a mount is based on a combination of two factors. These two factors are the condition of the mount and its level of training.

The condition of the mount refers to the breeding of the animal and how well it has been cared for prior to being purchased. There are five levels of mount condition. These five levels are poor, basic, average, good, and excellent. For more information on mount condition, see Mount Condition & Training.

The level of training of the mount refers to how well the animal has been trained. There are five levels of mount training. These five levels are poor, basic, average, good, and excellent. For more information on mount training, see Mount Condition & Training.

  • Poor-quality mounts:
    • Will be of poor condition, bred and raised by someone with no or very limited skill in Animal Husbandry. Poor-quality mounts will also have poor training, trained by someone with no or very limited skill in Animal Training.

  • Poor+ quality mounts:
    • Will be of poor condition, bred and raised by someone with no or very limited skill in Animal Husbandry. However, poor+ quality mounts will have basic training, trained by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Training.
    • Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, poor+ quality mounts will still have poor training, trained by someone with no or very limited skill in Animal Training.

  • Basic-quality mounts:
    • Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry. Basic-quality mounts will also have basic training, trained by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Basic+ quality mounts:
    • Will be of basic condition, bred and raised by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, basic+ quality mounts will have average training, trained by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Training.
    • Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, basic+ quality mounts will still have basic training, trained by someone with Novice-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Average-quality mounts:
    • Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry. Average-quality mounts will also have average training, trained by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Average+ quality mounts:
    • Will be of average condition, bred and raised by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, average+ quality mounts will have good training, trained by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Training.
    • Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, average+ quality mounts will still have average training, trained by someone with Competent-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Good-quality mounts:
    • Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry. Good-quality mounts will also have good training, trained by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Good+ quality mounts:
    • Will be of good condition, bred and raised by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, good+ quality mounts will have excellent training, trained by someone with Master-level skill in Animal Training.
    • Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with Master-level skill in Animal Husbandry. However, good+ quality mounts will still have good training, trained by someone with Expert-level skill in Animal Training.

  • Excellent-quality mounts:
    • Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with Master-level skill in Animal Husbandry. Excellent-quality mounts will also have excellent training, trained by someone with Master-level skill in Animal Training. Despite being of excellent condition and training, excellent-quality mounts represent below-average standards when it comes to Husbandry and Training at Master level.

  • Excellent+ quality mounts:
    • Will be of excellent condition, bred and raised by someone with Master- or Grandmaster-level skill in Animal Husbandry. Excellent+ quality mounts will also have excellent training, trained by someone with Master- or Grandmaster-level skill in Animal Training. Excellent+ quality mounts represent above-average standards when it comes to Husbandry and Training at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, excellent+ quality mounts are of the best stock possible, better even than excellent mounts. In a competition between an excellent-quality mount and one that is excellent+, the excellent+ mount would win every time.

Purchasing Mount Armor

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

For the purposes of purchasing mount armor, a set of mount armor includes any number of separate pieces of barding which, altogether, would compose a full set. To see examples of mount armor, see Items Available Per Tier.

For descriptions of the qualities of any type of armor (including mount armor), see the Armor Section of the Shoppe.

To make modifications to your mount armor by altering the type of metal it is made of, see Metals.
Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 set of mount armor poor quality
2 WP 1 set of mount armor basic quality
3 WP 1 set of mount armor average quality
4 WP 1 set of mount armor good quality
5 WP 1 set of mount armor masterwork quality

Purchasing Accessories

For the purposes of purchasing additional accessories for your mount, you may purchase a full set of new accessories for 1 Wealth Point. These additional accessories will be of masterwork+ quality. Accessories do not include mount armor.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Tier Restrictions

Please note that there are Exotic and Non-Exotic mounts. Exotic and Non-Exotic mounts cannot easily be classified in the Shoppe, which caters to all of Idalos. Because of this, the difference between an Exotic and Non-Exotic mount is determined on a city by city basis. While horses are considered globally Non-Exotic, please see your City Lore, or contact your City Prophet, if you have another, specific mount in mind.

Tier 1 - Tier 4 do not have access to Exotic mounts unless approved in the PSF or awarded by a Prophet. Tier 5 - Tier 10 do have access to Exotic mounts, though many of the Tiers must still buy an Exotic mount with Wealth Points in order to own one.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional mounts using their Wealth Points.

All mounts, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate mount accessories.

Wealth Tier Mount Quality Notes
Tier 1 - Tier 4 n/a Tier 1 - Tier 4 are not allowed to choose a mount.
Tier 5 Average At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average mount. They may add an additional average mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 6 Average+ Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average+ quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average+ mount. They may add an additional average+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 7 Good Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 1 good-quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good mount. They may add an additional good mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 8 Good+ Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 1 good+ quality mount. Their mount must be Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional good+ mount. They may add an additional good+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 9 Excellent Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 1 excellent-quality mount. Their mount can be Exotic or Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional excellent mount. They may add an additional excellent mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 10 Excellent+ Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 1 excellent+ quality mount. Their mount can be Exotic or Non-Exotic. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional excellent+ mount. They may add an additional excellent+ mount each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier Access

Due to the items available, different Tiers have different qualities of mounts (Tier 5 is average, Tier 6 is average+, Tier 7 is good, etc.). Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access mounts that are worse in quality than those that are offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have poorer-quality mounts *instead* of the mounts offered to you at your own Wealth Tier. Making alterations in this way does not change how many mounts you are due by your Tier. Tier 5 - Tier 10 will still be able to choose 1 mount per arc, for example.

So, at Tier 8:
Poor, poor+, basic, basic+, average, average+, and good-quality mounts are available,
You may choose your default Tier 8 option (good+ quality).

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* mounts that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* mounts using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a high quality or poor quality mount.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.


Mount accessories include items needed to take proper care of your mount, equipment for riding such as reins and saddles, and other, more fanciful additions such as decorative bells, ribbons, or costuming.

Please note that the accessories listed below apply to horses, and thus may not apply to other mounts. If the accessories listed do not apply to the type of mount you have purchased, you are allowed to replace them with accessories of a similar but suitable type.

Horseshoes Saddle Lead Rope
Bit Halter Bridle
Reins Blankets Harness
Crop Spurs Hobble
Stirrups Saddle Bag
Care Items
Dandy Brush Body Brush Curry Comb
Mane and Tail Comb Hoof Pick Woolen Mitt
Hoof Rasp Hoof Nippers Hoof Knife
Hoof Scraper Wooden Carry Case
Decorative Bells and/or Ribbons Hoof Polish Costuming

Armor or Barding

Mount armor or barding is, simply, armor to protect a mount, usually worn into battle. Armor can be of padded cloths, leather, or metal plate.

Please note that the armor listed below applies to horses, and thus may not apply to other mounts. If the armor listed does not apply to the type of mount you have purchased, you are allowed to replace it with armor of a similar but suitable type.

Armor or Barding
Chanfron Criniere Croupiere
Flanchards Peytral Caparison
Chainmail / Protected Reins

Mount Condition & Training

Please refer to the information below for more detail on the five levels (poor, basic, average, good, and excellent) of mount condition and training.

Levels of Condition.

  • Mounts of poor condition will not have a pedigree, and will have only been cared for poorly before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal.

  • Mounts of basic condition will not have a pedigree, and will have only had their most basic needs cared for before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal and keeping them relatively clean.

  • Mounts of average condition will not have a pedigree, and will have been cared for adequately before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal, keeping them clean, and keeping them in agreeable environs of average quality.

  • Mounts of good condition will have a pedigree on one side of their breeding, and will have been well-cared-for before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal and giving them supplements, keeping them clean and well-groomed, and keeping them in good environs which are cleaned often and which are suitable to the animal in question. Animals will also be given medical care when necessary.

  • Mounts of excellent condition will have a pedigree on both sides of their breeding, and will have been given the best care possible before purchasing. Usually their care will include feeding the animal the best diet available as well as giving them supplements, keeping them clean and excellently-groomed, and keeping them in good environs which are cleaned often, spacious, and suitable to the animal in question. Mounts of excellent condition will be given the best medical care, and will usually also be given enrichment to keep them happy.

Levels of Training.

  • Mounts of poor training will not have any training, or if they do have training they will have been trained poorly. Training, if present, is irregular, which makes it difficult for the animal to learn. Training may include teaching the animal to accept being around people and to accept equipment.

  • Mounts of basic training will have been trained to accept being around people, to accept equipment, and to agree to being ridden. Mounts with this level of training will not be used to being ridden, and may resist riding or may misbehave or be headstrong.

  • Mounts of average training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, and to agree to being ridden. Mounts with this level of training will be relatively good at being ridden, though they may still spook or misbehave on occasion.

  • Mounts of good training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, to agree to being ridden, and to accept medical care without fuss when it is needed. Mounts with this level of training will be good at being ridden, though whether or not they follow directions depends on their individual temperament. When being checked by a veterinarian, the animal will not usually resist and will usually be compliant when given medicines or other treatments.

  • Mounts of excellent training will have been trained to accept being around people and other animals, to accept equipment, to agree to being ridden, and to accept medical care without fuss. Mounts with this level of training will be excellent at being ridden, though whether or not they follow directions will still depend on their individual temperament. When being checked by a veterinarian, the animal will not resist and will be compliant when given medicines or other treatments. Additionally, mounts may be able to perform spectacular tricks, ride into battle without scaring, or perform any number of advanced duties.


Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of vessels per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Starter Pack and Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, vessels (boats or ships) can be purchased singularly or in sets, depending on their type. Rowboats, for instance, might be purchased in multiples; a galleon will be purchased singularly. See Items Available Per Tier. for examples of how vessels should be purchased. Smaller vessels will typically be purchased in sets.

Purchasing Tier 2, Tier 3, & Tier 4 Vessels

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see Items Available Per Tier.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
3 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels poor quality
4 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels basic quality
5 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels average quality
6 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels good quality
7 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels masterwork quality

For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for 1 Wealth Point. This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.

Purchasing Tier 5 & Tier 6 Vessels

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of vessels as explained in Items Available Per Tier.

Please also note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see Items Available Per Tier.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
10 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels poor quality
12 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels basic quality
14 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels average quality
16 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels good quality
18 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels masterwork quality

For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for 2 Wealth Points. This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.

Purchasing Tier 7, Tier 8, Tier 9, & Tier 10 Vessels

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please take note of the Tier restrictions placed upon the purchasing of vessels as explained in Items Available Per Tier.

Please also note that upon the purchase of a vessel, rigging and equipment for that vessel will be included. To see examples of rigging and equipment, see Items Available Per Tier.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
24 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels poor quality
28 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels basic quality
32 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels average quality
36 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels good quality
40 WP 1 vessel or set of vessels masterwork quality

For the purposes of purchasing additional rigging and equipment, you may purchase a full set of new rigging and equipment for 3 Wealth Points. This additional rigging and equipment will be of masterwork quality.

Vessel Quality
  • Poor-quality vessels:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited skill in Woodworking or Engineering . Vessels are plain, unadorned, and are not as durable nor as fast as they might be.

  • Basic-quality vessels:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering. Vessels are plain, unadorned, and are relatively durable, but are still not as fast as they might be.

  • Average-quality vessels:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering. Vessels are usually plain with minimal adornments. They are durable and are average in speed, neither fast nor slow.

  • Good-quality vessels:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering. Vessels have some detail and adornments. They are very durable and are fast, though not quite as fast as they might be.

  • Masterwork-quality vessels:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master-level or Grandmaster-level skill in Woodworking or Engineering. Vessels have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Masterwork-quality vessels are very fast, gliding through water with ease. These vessels are of the very best quality and are extremely durable and well-made.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include rare or high-quality woods, added gloss, sparkle, or coloring to the hull, filigree or gilding of precious gems or high-quality metals within the interior of the ship, engravings in the wood, well-carved and elaborate figureheads, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Tier Restrictions

Please note that this table is for all PCs, whether Seafaring or non-Seafaring. All PCs may purchase vessels using their Wealth Points, but must refer to these restrictions when doing so.

All vessels, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate equipment and rigging.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 - Tier 4
Tier 1 - Tier 4 have access to vessels Tier 4 and below.

Tier 5 - Tier 6
Tier 5 - Tier 6 have access to vessels Tier 6 and below.

Tier 7 - Tier 10
Tier 7 - Tier 10 have access to all vessels.

Please note that this table is for Seafaring PCs only (PCs who have chosen the Seafarer's Pack upon start).

All vessels, whether purchased or accessed through your Wealth Tier, come with appropriate equipment and rigging.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives hand to mouth. A Tier 1 PC does not have access to vessels other than those provided in their Starter Pack.
Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 2 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 2 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 3 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 3 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 4 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 4 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, they are allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 5 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 5 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 6 Starting Tier 6 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 6 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 6 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 7 Starting Tier 7 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 7 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 7 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 8 Starting Tier 8 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 8 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 8 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 9 Starting Tier 9 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 9 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 9 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.
Tier 10 Starting Tier 10 a PC is allowed to choose 1 average-quality Tier 10 vessel or set of vessels. After they have been in the Tier for an arc, they are allowed to add an additional average Tier 10 vessel or set of vessels. They may add the same number and quality of vessel(s) each arc that they remain in the Tier.

Tier Access

For Seafaring PCs only

Due to the items available, different Tiers have different types of vessels. Going up the Tier System, you may access items from the Tiers below you. This means that you may access vessels that are of a different type than those that are offered to you, if you so please.

You may choose to have lower-Tier vessels *instead* of the vessels offered to you at your own Wealth Tier.

So, at Tier 6:
Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 vessels are available,
You may choose your default Tier 6 option.

Please note that this only applies to *accessing* vessels that are available to you through your Wealth Tier. You may still *purchase* vessels using your Wealth Points.

Please also note that while the higher Tiers have access to better items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use a tallship or a sloop.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.

Vessels by Tier
For All PCs
Wealth Tier Vessel Number of Crew Number of Passengers Notes
Tier 2 Canoe / Dugout 1 None Usually pointed at both ends, this lightweight, narrow vessel is propelled by a single seated or kneeling paddler facing in the direction they wish to travel. Characters use canoes for recreational sports, leisure fishing, exploring caves, and crossing small lakes or rivers. Also referred to as a dugout, canoes can be crafted from tree logs by Novice shipwrights.

Canoes come in sets of 4.
Tier 3 Rowboat 1 Up to 3 A rowboat is boat that is propelled forward by one or more individuals using oars. The oars of the boat are attached to it through open metal rings called horns, which are fixed to either side of the boat via an oarlock. Rowboats are used on lakes, rivers, and to transport people or goods to bigger boats anchored near the shoreline. Some characters might choose to use a rowboat for recreational fishing.

Rowboats come in sets of 3.
Tier 3 Fishing Boat / Longboat 1 Up to 6 The humble fishing boat is used much like the rowboat, but can carry up to six grown men, and has enough room to bait and set hooks or traps for crayfish and crabs. Unlike the rowboat, people are able to stand up in this vessel without it tipping over. Many larger boats keep a couple of these smaller vessels for going between their ship and the shore, or for exploring unchartered waters to evaluate the water depth and safety. When used in this capacity, a fishing boat is often called a longboat.

Longboats come in sets of 2.
Tier 4 Sloop 1 Up to 4 Used primarily for sailing along coastlines or up rivers though capable of sea travel, a sloop is a single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged vessel. It has one large mainsail and a smaller headsail aft of the mast.

Sloops come in sets of 1.

Tier 5 Ketch 2 Up to 10 A ketch is bigger than a sloop, with two masts instead of one. On this type of ship, the forward mainmast is always larger than the aftermast. Ketches are commonly used as a freighter or larger fishing vessel, and much like the sloop are most commonly used for following coastlines or island hopping, though sea travel is still fully possible.

Ketches come in sets of 2.
Tier 5 Keelboat 4 Up to 20 A large, flat-bottomed, river-cargo ferryboat with shallow structural keels, these boats are primarily used on big rivers or lakes for transporting people or cargo such as logs, horses, crops, materials, or wagons. Usually long and narrow, the keelboat is often unsheltered and is treated as a barge. The keelboat is perfect for navigating shallow waters that other boats can’t move through.

Keelboats come in sets of 2.
Tier 6 Longship 21 - 41 Up to 45 These graceful ships have a shallow draft which allows for navigation in water only four feet (1.2 meters) deep. Because of this, longships can land on sandy beaches without taking damage. Being double-ended means that they can reverse with ease and change direction quickly, making them perfect for sailing in cold waters where icebergs and sea ice becomes a problem. Oars are fitted along the length of the boat and the boat has a single mast and large, square sail.

Longships come in sets of 1.
Tier 6 Schooner 2 - 6 Up to 10 A schooner is a vessel with two or more masts with fore and aft sails. This type of ship will get a character from one continent to the next, but in unsafe waters it is a risky choice for long-distance travel. Schooners are fast, enabling them to outrun and outmaneuver some of the bigger ships on the ocean, including the cog ship, a favourite among pirates.

Schooners come in sets of 1.

Tier 7 Cog Ship 10 Up to 50 A single-masted vessel with a square-rigged single sail, the cog is used namely for seagoing trade and long-distance journeys. Cog ships can carry and transport a large volume of goods, which make them very popular among pirates and other ne'er-do-wells, who like to use them for carrying all of their treasures wherever they go. They are also used by navies to transport prisoners in custom cells built under the main deck.

Cog ships come in sets of 2.
Tier 8 Brig 12 - 16 Up to 60 A large vessel with two square-rigged masts, brigs are known to be fast and maneuverable, making them the perfect warship or merchant vessel. Often equipped with many cannons (up to ten on each side), pirates tend to steer clear of these naval ships, which are popular in the Northern and Western regions of Idalos in cities such as Rynmere and Ne’haer.

Brigs come in sets of 2.
Tier 9 Galleon 30 Up to 350 A large warship, the galleon is a lot slower than the brig, but also very popular among pirates and wealthy merchants for its large cargo storage. Twice as fast as the cog (if it isn’t overloaded with loot), and a lot more maneuverable, the galleon is able to stand rough sea storms and the odd hole from cannon fire.

Galleons come in sets of 1.
Tier 10 Tallship 60 Up to 220 A tallship is a square-rigged vessel often referred to as a full-rigged ship, collier, or frigate. The masts include a foremast (second tallest), mainmast (the tallest), mizzenmast (third tallest), and a jiggermast (the shortest mast if present). The tallship has a minimum of twenty sails and is very demanding of its crew.

Tallships come in sets of 1.

Rigging & Equipment

For All PCs

The rigging and equipment of a vessel include items needed to sail a functional ship, such as lines and sails, as well as items needed to navigate successfully and those needed to live on a vessel while sailing or at sea.

Please note that the items listed below are not a comprehensive list. There may be other parts of a vessel, or its rigging or equipment, which are not included here. Likewise, some types of vessels may not require all of the rigging and equipment listed below.

Fishing Nets Spyglass Ship's Flag
Oars Anchors Gangplank
Hammocks Figurehead Bell
Harpoons Weather Vane Rope Ladders
Sextant Maps Waterproofed Tarps
Compass Buckets Signal Flags
Lines Chains Cables
Shrouds Stays Sails

Property & Land

Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the Wealth Tiers page for availability of housing per Wealth Tier.

This section, the Property & Land Section of the Shoppe, deals with the additional purchase of land and/or property.

Starting and Additional Property

As outlined on the Wealth Tiers page of the wiki, each PC who starts with access to housing may begin with one property and one property only. Some PCs, depending on their Wealth Tier and Starter Pack, will not have access to housing or will have access to alternative housing, such as a tent, wagon, or ship. Please note that housing does not, necessarily, have to be traditional. Housing may include any type of shelter, as long as it is appropriate to your Wealth Tier or below.

Any additional property or land you wish to own must be purchased using Wealth Points. Many cities have a Housing Office located in the OOC section of their city forum, which includes a variety of pre-made houses and the individual cost of each. You may apply for additional property there.

If there is no Housing Office available in your city, review the costs of property and land in this section, and contact your City Prophet to work out the specifics of the items you would like to purchase. Purchasing any Tier of property or land requires approval from your City Prophet. If you and your Prophet cannot reach an agreement as to your purchase's Tier, cost, or location, your request may be posted to the Prophet Support Forum for further discussion.

Purchasing Property

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that upon the purchase of a building of any size, furnishings for that building will be included. To see examples of furnishings, see Items Available Per Tier.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
2 WP 1 building Tier 1
6 WP 1 building Tier 2
10 WP 1 building Tier 3
14 WP 1 building Tier 4
22 WP 1 building Tier 5
30 WP 1 building Tier 6
38 WP 1 building Tier 7
54 WP 1 building Tier 8
70 WP 1 building Tier 9
86 WP 1 building Tier 10

Purchasing Additional Rooms

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that upon the purchase of a room of any size, furnishings for that room will be included. To see examples of furnishings, see Items Available Per Tier.

Cost Purchase Room Size
2 WP 1 room small
4 WP 1 room average
8 WP 1 room large
16 WP 1 room huge

Please also note that you may use this section, Purchasing Additional Rooms, to create whole buildings, if you so wish.

Purchasing Additional Furnishings

For the purposes of this section, furnishings include furniture, flooring, and decorations. For items other than those purchased in this section, see Household Items.

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

For 1 Wealth Point you may purchase a full set of new furnishings of average+ quality. 1 WP provides you with enough furnishings for 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.

For 2 Wealth Points you may purchase a full set of new furnishings of masterwork+ quality. 2 WP provides you with enough furnishings for 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.

Furnishings Quality
  • Poor-quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and are likely thirdhand. Furnishings are of very poor quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.

  • Poor+ quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and are likely secondhand. Despite this, furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level.

  • Basic-quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Furnishings are plain and unadorned, though will likely have been purchased firsthand. Furnishings are of very basic quality, and represent below-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.

  • Basic+ quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of basic+ quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Furnishings are plain, unadorned, and will have been purchased firsthand. Furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level.

  • Average-quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Furnishings are usually plain with minimal adornments.

  • Average+ quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Furnishings are usually plain with minimal adornments. Average+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level. An average+ piece of furniture is sturdier and better-made than an average-quality piece.

  • Good-quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Furnishings have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye.

  • Good+ quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Furnishings have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye. Good+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level. A good+ piece of furniture is sturdier, more stylish, and better-made than a good-quality piece.

  • Masterwork-quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master craft skills. Furnishings have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself.

  • Masterwork+ quality furnishings:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Furnishings have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself. Masterwork+ furnishings represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level. Simply put, masterwork+ quality furnishings are of the highest quality possible, better even than those of masterwork design.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cushions or rugs, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.

Purchasing Land

When you purchase property, you purchase only enough land for the building itself. If you would like to purchase land with your property, you must purchase it additionally.

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

For 1 Wealth Point you may purchase 1 acre of land in a town or city.

For 1 Wealth Point you may purchase 2 acres of land outside of cities or towns.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

For the purposes of this section, there are four sizes of rooms. The sizes of rooms are small, average, large, and huge.

  • A small room might be a bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen, for example.
  • An average room might be a master bedroom, master bathroom, or big kitchen, for example.
  • A large room might be a large study, a large workroom, a large living area, or a room for socializing, for example.
  • A huge room might be a ballroom, observatory, or library, for example.

While the Tier buildings below are written with a mind to housing, any of the pre-made Tier buildings can be used for other means, such as for businesses. The furnishings that come with a building do not necessarily have to be those which might furnish a house; the furnishings could very well be equipment needed for a business. So,

  • A small room might be a large shed, a chicken coop, or an examination room for a doctor.
  • An average room might be the reception to an office, a small cabin, or a small stables.
  • A large room might be a large stables, a small barn, or a browsing room in a clothing shoppe.
  • A huge room might be a large barn, a gallery, or a laboratory with plenty of room for equipment.

In general:

  • 2 small rooms are equal in size to 1 average room.
  • 2 average rooms are equal in size to 1 large room.
  • 2 large rooms are equal in size to 1 huge room.

This means that:

  • 4 small rooms are equal in size to 1 large room.
  • 8 small rooms are equal in size to 1 huge room.

This also means that if a building includes, for example, one small room and one average room, the average room can be divided in two to create two more small rooms, for a total of three small rooms in all.

Please note that the Number of Occupants in this table refers to how many people could live comfortably in each building that is listed. For many of the buildings, if only constructed of small rooms, the number of occupants could be doubled or more.

Property Tier Number of Occupants Notes
Tier 1 Usually 1 A Tier 1 building includes one small room with poor-quality furnishings. Tier 1 buildings are cramped and extremely modest in design. They are usually located within the poorest districts of a city.
Tier 2 2+ A Tier 2 building includes one small room and one average room with with poor+ quality furnishings. Tier 2 buildings are small and simple in design, though they have a little more room to live in. They are usually located within the lower-middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 3 3+ A Tier 3 building includes one small room and two average rooms with basic-quality furnishings. Tier 3 buildings are small and simple, though they have more room to live in. They are usually located within the lower-middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 4 4+ A Tier 4 building includes one small room and three average rooms with basic+ quality furnishings. Tier 4 buildings are medium in size and are more complex in their design. They have a comfortable amount of room to live in for the average family. They are usually located within the middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 5 6+ A Tier 5 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and one large room with average-quality furnishings. Tier 5 buildings are medium in size and are more complex in their design. They have a comfortable amount of room to live in for the average family. They are usually located within the middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 6 8+ A Tier 6 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and two large rooms with average+ quality furnishings. Tier 6 buildings are big in size and are much more complex, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an ample amount of room to live in, even with a big family. They are usually located within the upper-middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 7 10+ A Tier 7 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and three large rooms with good-quality furnishings. Tier 7 buildings are big in size and are much more complex, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an ample amount of room to live in, even with a big family. They are usually located within the upper-middle-class districts of a city.
Tier 8 14+ A Tier 8 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and one huge room with good+ quality furnishings. Tier 8 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city.
Tier 9 18+ A Tier 9 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and two huge rooms with masterwork-quality furnishings. Tier 9 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city.
Tier 10 20+ A Tier 10 building includes one small room, three average rooms, three large rooms, and three huge rooms with masterwork+ quality furnishings. Tier 10 buildings are huge in size and are exceedingly complex and luxurious, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an enormous amount of room to live in, and are usually located within the rich districts of a city.
So, using the conversions above, if you break down a Tier 10 building into the different sizes of rooms, it would
equate to:
One small room, one average room, and ten large rooms,
or One small room and twenty-one average rooms,
or Forty-three small rooms,
or Any other combination of the four sizes of room, such as one huge room, two large rooms, ten average rooms, and seven small rooms.


Furnishings include items needed to furnish a room, such as tables and chairs, as well as items needed for aesthetics and decoration.

Please note that the items listed below are not a comprehensive list. There may be other types of furnishings which are not included here.

Chairs Desks Beds
Tables Dressers Chests
Mirrors Bookshelves Bathtubs
Cabinets Shelves Coat Racks
Fireplaces Stoves Couches
Stools Benches Ovens
Flooring Wall Paint Trim
Rugs or Carpets Windows

Household Items

Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of household items per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, household items include items used on a trial by trial basis within the home which are not furnishings. For furnishings, see Property & Land. Household items include items like dishes and eating utensils, books, bedding, and toiletries, as well as most mundane items not included elsewhere in the Shoppe.

Please note that upon ownership of housing of any size or type, household items for that housing will be automatically included. The quality of those items is determined by your Wealth Tier.

Purchasing Household Items

Household items are purchased per room. For the purchasing of furnishings such as furniture, flooring, and decorations, see Property & Land.

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

For 1 Wealth Point you may purchase new household items of average+ quality. 1 WP provides you with enough new household items to accomodate 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.

For 2 Wealth Points you may purchase new household items of masterwork+ quality. 2 WP provides you with enough new household items to accomodate 1 huge room, 2 large rooms, 4 average rooms, or 8 small rooms.

Household Items Quality
  • Poor-quality items:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. Household items are plain, unadorned, and are likely second- or thirdhand.

  • Basic-quality items:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. Household items are plain and unadorned, though will likely have been purchased firsthand. They may have some extra detail, such as paint, finish, or varnish.

  • Average-quality items:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent craft skills. Household items are usually plain with minimal adornments, though will likely have some extra detail, such as paint, finish, or varnish.

  • Good-quality items:
    • Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Household items have some detail and adornments. They are not merely functional, but are also pleasing to the eye.

  • Masterwork-quality items:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. Household items have as many details and adornments as are wanted. Each is a work of art unto itself.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cloths, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional household items using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. They do not start the Tier with property, and have no household items.
Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. They will have the bare minimum of items and may be missing some necessities. All items are of poor or basic quality.
Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. They will have the bare minimum of items. This usually includes kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. All items are of basic quality.
Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. They will still have the bare minimum of items. This usually includes kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may also have some basic gardening tools. All items are of basic or average quality.
Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. They will have multiples of necessary items such as kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may have some basic gardening tools, as well as additional items which are unnecessary but common. Examples of additional items include simple toys for children, a journal and writing utensils, or a modest collection of books. All items are of average quality.
Tier 6 Starting Tier 6, a PC will have multiples of necessary items such as kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may have some basic gardening tools, as well as additional items which are unnecessary but common. Examples of additional items include simple toys for children, a journal and writing utensils, or a modest collection of books. All items are of average or good quality.
Tier 7 Starting Tier 7, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as guests. They will have a range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items which are unnecessary but relatively uncommon, such as many or rarer books, a set of art supplies, or a musical instrument are available. All items are of good quality.
Tier 8 Starting Tier 8, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as guests. They will have a range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items which are unnecessary but relatively uncommon, such as many or rarer books, a set of art supplies, or a musical instrument are available. All items are of good or masterwork quality.
Tier 9 Starting Tier 9, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as many guests. They will have a wide range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items such as many or rarer books, art supplies, or musical instruments are considered common at this Tier. Luxury items, such as detailed maps, rare books, or other items of professional interest, collection, or scholarly pursuit are available. All items are of masterwork quality.
Tier 10 Starting Tier 10, a PC will have multiples of any necessary household items, and enough of those items to accomodate their family as well as many guests. They will have a wide range of gardening tools, as well as multiples of items which are unnecessary but common. Items such as many or rarer books, art supplies, or musical instruments are considered common at this Tier. Luxury items, such as detailed maps, rare books, or other items of professional interest, collection, or scholarly pursuit are available. At Tier 10 a PC may have as many such items as are wanted. All items are of masterwork quality.

Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to more and higher-quality household items, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather outfit their housing with the bare minimum or live in extravagance.

Maps & Cartography Services

Map Quality.

  • Creation of Maps
    • Non-skilled: Poor quality
    • Novice: Basic quality
    • Competent: Average quality
    • Expert: Good quality
    • Master: Master quality

  • Quality of Maps

The quality of a map is strongly related to the level of detail the map contains. In this breakdown, map ‘features’ include the following: cities, mountain ranges, rivers, forests, coastline, roads, city blocks, houses, landmarks, borders, etc. As a rule of thumb, every element that is named is considered a feature as well as all major landscape elements.

    • Poor – Small non-coloured sketch that is more akin to scribbles than a legible map. Less than 5 map features. Likely to be 2-3 major errors in the map. More likely to be accurate when covering a small area, such as a single city.
    • Basic – Simplistic map showing about 5-10 features. Regional maps only show major landscapes features and key cities. Likely to have 1-2 major errors but maps that cover a smaller area are more likely to be accurate.
    • Average – Standard map that shows about 10-20 features. These maps have a good chance of getting the person to where they need to go within the region surrounding a major city, as long as it’s not an obscure location. Likely to have only one major error. Limited specializations are available at this quality.
    • Good – Good quality maps show about 20-50 features. These are very detailed and can cover two major cities including the wilderness in between. These maps can also be tailored to specific needs, such as military maps, sea maps, trade routes, hunting grounds, maps of magical sites, or treasure maps. Elevation lines, such as contours, can be found on these maps instead of simply identifying terrain using symbols or colours.
    • Master – Master quality maps are highly detailed with 50+ features identified. They can cover an entire continent and usually require a large roll of parchment or very fine writing to include all the elements in the map. These maps can be tailored to specific needs similarly to good quality maps. Typically, these maps are not only functional but highly artistic.

Items Available Per Tier.

Shoppe Tiers:

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC lives from hand to mouth. Maps are considered a luxury. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map per arc.
Tier 2: At Tier 2 a PC lives on a very limited budget. The PC can choose 1 poor quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
Tier 3: At Tier 3 a PC lives on a limited budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 poor quality map per cycle, or 1 average map per arc. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
Tier 4: At Tier 4 a PC lives on a tight budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 average quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city / surrounding region which the map is purchased.
Tier 5: At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. Starting the Tier, the PC can choose 1 average quality map. From then onwards, the PC can choose 1 average quality map per cycle. Maps are restricted to the major city or neighboring major cities in which the map was purchased in.
Tier 6: Maps available at Tier 6 are likely to be of average or good quality. PC has access to average quality maps of the major city or neighboring major cities where the map was purchased. The PC can also access one good quality map per arc.
Tier 7: Maps available at Tier 7 are likely to be of good quality. Expensive or rare items are available. The PC can access maps from anywhere in Idaloss.
Tier 8: Maps available at Tier 8 are likely to be of good or luxury quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are available.
Tier 9 – Tier 10: Maps available at Tier 9 and Tier 10 are of luxurious quality. Expensive, rare, and luxury items are commonplace.

Purchasing Maps with WP:

    • 1 WP = 6 poor quality maps
    • 1 WP = 4 basic quality maps
    • 1 WP = 2 average quality maps
    • 1 WP = 1 good quality map
    • 2 WP = 1 master/luxury quality map


[Coming soon!]

Skill Kits

Purchasing Additional Items.

Please refer to the tables below (see Items Available Per Tier.) for availability of skill kits per Wealth Tier. Items Available Per Tier gives an outline of items that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

For the purposes of this section, skill kits are equipped with any and all items or tools needed for use in hobbies or professions.

Examples of Skill Kits

A medical skill kit is equipped with any and all items or tools needed to perform medicine, such as different types of bandages, different types and thicknesses of needles and threads, soaps and disinfectants, a mortar and pestle, small packages or bottles for herbs, potions, or other remedies, as well as any other items or tools needed for medicine.

A fishing skill kit is equipped with any and all items or tools needed to fish, such as fishing rods and reels, different types and thicknesses of hooks and lines, different weights of bobbers, different types of lures and bait, as well as any other items or tools needed for fishing.

Purchasing Skill Kits

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it.

Please note that when making a purchase in this section, you are purchasing 1 type of skill kit. If you would like to purchase multiple types of skill kits, you must make multiple purchases.

Cost Purchase Quality of Purchase
1 WP 1 skill kit poor quality
2 WP 1 skill kit poor+ quality
3 WP 1 skill kit basic quality
4 WP 1 skill kit basic+ quality
5 WP 1 skill kit average quality
6 WP 1 skill kit average+ quality
7 WP 1 skill kit good quality
8 WP 1 skill kit good+ quality
9 WP 1 skill kit masterwork quality
10 WP 1 skill kit masterwork+ quality

Skill Kit Quality
  • Poor-quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of very cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need careful upkeep lest they need to be replaced.

  • Poor+ quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of cheap materials by someone with no or very limited craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and are likely to need careful upkeep lest they need to be replaced. A poor+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at this level, and is more reliable and better overall than a poor-quality skill kit.

  • Basic-quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of basic-quality materials by someone with Novice craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and tend to need upkeep lest they need to be replaced.

  • Basic+ quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of basic+ materials by someone with Novice craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain, unadorned, and tend to need upkeep lest they need to be replaced. A basic+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Novice level, and is more reliable and better overall than a basic-quality skill kit.

  • Average-quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of average-quality materials by someone with Competent craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain with minimal adornments. They require little upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced.

  • Average+ quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of average+ materials by someone with Competent craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit are plain with minimal adornments. They require little upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced. An average+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Competent level, and is more reliable and better overall than an average-quality skill kit.

  • Good-quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of good-quality materials by someone with Expert craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged severely, they will not need to be replaced.

  • Good+ quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of good+ materials by someone with Expert craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged severely, they will not need to be replaced. A good+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level, and is more reliable and better overall than a good-quality skill kit.

  • Masterwork-quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of high-quality materials by someone with Master craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged.

  • Masterwork+ quality skill kits:
    • Will be made out of the highest-quality materials by someone with Master or Grandmaster craft skills. The items or tools contained within the skill kit have as many details and adornments as are wanted. They still require upkeep, but are of such high quality and such excellent craftsmanship that they are rarely damaged. A masterwork+ quality skill kit represents above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Master or even Grandmaster level, and is more reliable and better overall than a masterwork-quality skill kit.

Please note that adornments at any Tier may include inset gemstones, fine paint, stain, or gloss, rare or fine woods, embroidery or dyes on cloths, gilding of precious or high-quality metals, carvings or engravings, etc.

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Items Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase additional skill kits using their Wealth Points.

Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 At Tier 1 a PC will have however many poor-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 2 At Tier 2 a PC will have however many poor+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 3 At Tier 3 a PC will have however many basic-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 4 At Tier 4 a PC will have however many basic+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 5 At Tier 5 a PC will have however many average-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 6 At Tier 6 a PC will have however many average+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 7 At Tier 7 a PC will have however many good-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 8 At Tier 8 a PC will have however many good+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 9 At Tier 9 a PC will have however many masterwork-quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Tier 10 At Tier 10 a PC will have however many masterwork+ quality skill kits they need for whichever hobbies or professions they have.

Please note that while the higher Tiers have access to higher-quality skill kits, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather use high- or low-quality items.

Additionally, when going up and down in the Tier System, PCs are allowed to keep the items they received from Wealth Tiers prior.

Crafting Materials

[Coming soon!]


[Coming soon!]


[Coming soon!]

Higher Education

Purchasing Additional Education.

Please refer to the tables below (see Education Available Per Tier.) for availability of educational programs per Wealth Tier. Education Available Per Tier gives an outline of the levels of higher education that your PC may access without spending Wealth Points (so, for free) depending on your Wealth Tier.

Cost of Tuition

You may make these purchases as many times as you wish, as long as you have the Wealth Points to afford it. However, please note that higher education is only available in cities with a University, Academy, or a similar educational facility. Before purchasing tuition, please be sure to check your City Lore for whether or not your city offers a route of academic study.

When purchasing tuition for a program, you will need to purchase access to a Letter program before a Certificate, a Certificate program before a Diploma, a Diploma program before a Charter, and a Charter program before a Licentiate. To purchase access to a program, you must also have completed any programs prior. You cannot purchase access to a Charter without having previously completed its Letter, Certificate, and Diploma qualifications. However, you may purchase access to up to two types of programs at once.

Purchasing tuition for a program means that IC, your PC is a student and is actively pursuing their education. This means that upon your purchase, your PC will be able to use their city's educational facilities as directed by your City Lore.
Cost Purchase
1 WP Access to 1 Letter program
2 WP Access to 1 Certificate program
3 WP Access to 1 Diploma program
4 WP Access to 1 Charter program
5 WP Access to 1 Licentiate program

Any and all purchases using Wealth Points must be recorded in your Wealth Point ledger.

Education Available Per Tier.

Please note that PCs may purchase access to additional educational programs using their Wealth Points.

Please also note that if you drop a Wealth Tier at any point during your course of study, you will be required to pay tuition in order to remain a student in your program.

So, if you were Wealth Tier 5 and you were studying at the Certificate level, you would need to pay for access to your Certificate if you dropped to Wealth Tier 4, which does not offer free access to a Certificate program.
Wealth Tier Notes
Tier 1 - Tier 3 Tier 1 - Tier 3 PCs do not have access to any higher education without paying tuition.
extra line here
Tier 4 A Tier 4 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Letter without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
Tier 5 A Tier 5 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Certificate without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
Tier 6 A Tier 6 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Diploma without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
Tier 7 A Tier 7 PC has access to 1 course of study up to the level of Charter without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.
Tier 8 - Tier 10 Tier 8 - Tier 10 PCs have access to 1 course of study up to the level of Licentiate without paying tuition. Any additional courses of study must be purchased using Wealth Points.

Please note that while the higher Tiers have more access to higher education, it is up to each individual player, as long as their Wealth Tier allows, to decide whether they would rather have a Licentiate or no higher education at all.

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