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See also [[:Category: Wells Primer | Wells Primer]]
See also [[:Category:Wells | Wells Primer]]

Latest revision as of 22:39, 8 December 2022


See also Wells Primer


A Fracture is a natural breach between Emea and Idalos. Although both are connected on the metaphysical level, sometimes there are anomalies which force a permanent or temporary rupture between one world and another. The result of these ruptures are Fractures. Within a Fracture, the laws of Idalos and Emea both become mutable. The combination of physical reality and the dream-like pseudo-reality of Emea mix in volatile and unexpected combinations. While the vast majority of Fractures are temporary occurrences, their arrival can herald unexpected cataclysm or strange troubles for those in Idalos.

A Fracture always manifests around a small or large gateway to Emea. The two worlds mix and both Emean residents and Idalosian residents can interact within the area of the Fracture’s influence. Those nearby to a Fracture often experience much more vivid dreams, wild encounters on the Emean dreamscape. Magic tends to be much more effective in the area around a Fracture, but at the center the magic can often roil out of control and consume the mage who is foolish enough to cast it. Even the most benign magical practices can have unexpected and explosive effects when exposed to the raw ether of Emea.

A Fracture is the only place in Idalos where wells can naturally be harvested. Ether pours into Idalos in such quantity that sometimes it crystallizes within and around the Fracture, manifesting as the gem-like wells that mages, alchemists, and ensorcellers use in their crafts. Likewise, an Open Fracture is one of the few places in Idalos someone can physical enter Emea unaided by magic or Immortal power (although to do so is highly dangerous).

Within the ‘influence’ of a Fracture, the laws of reality tend to bend. One might feel heavier or lighter, gravity might cause someone to fall up instead of down. Any manner of strange phenomena can occur. In addition, the Emean beings can exist within the ‘influence’ of a Fracture as they can within Emea. Stepping outside of this area would inflict harsh Idalos reality upon them, destroying them usually, and each Emean being who emerges from a Fracture innately understands where that line is.

Fracture Classes

There are three classes of Fracture that occur in Emea. The first of these is a minor Fracture and the most common phenomenon of the three. A minor Fracture manifests around a very small and temporary rupture between Emea and Idalos, almost always much too small for any normal sized creature to fit through. These minor Fractures have short lifespans, usually measured in breaks before reality corrects itself. Fairly common wells are produced by this Fracture type and most often minor Fractures are never observed. Ordinarily mages will simply find evidence of their passage while seeking wells.

Minor Fractures can occur almost anywhere and often cause minimal disruption to ordinary life. Although depending on where the minor Fracture manifests, some of the more curious effects of Emea might slip into the lives of the unsuspecting. Ezymite and Imedyte are the wells most often found in or around minor Fractures.

Major Fractures are another matter entirely. Major Fractures occur around a sizeable hole between Idalos and Emea and has a lifespan that can last anywhere from Trials to Arcs depending on the size and location. These Fractures tend to be disruptive and powerful, opening and closing around certain locations (Called Fault-Fractures) or randomly across Idalos (Wild Fractures). Major Fractures allow Emean creatures to slip through into Idalos, although they only stay within the ether enriched environment of the Major Fracture. This area could extend anywhere from a city block to miles depending on the size of the Fracture in question. Wells of all class can appear in a Major Fracture, although the more powerful wells tend to only show up in the largest and longest lasting examples. A Major Fracture, unlike a minor Fracture, has a ‘Foyer’ and a 'Heart'. The Foyer is described as the area of effect that the Fracture has on Idalos. The Foyer can be measured from the edge of phenomenons to the tunnel itself. At the outskirts of the Foyer, reality bends in subtle ways, magnifying as one nears the entrance to the Fracture itself. These areas tend to be indescribably dangerous and confusing, making the actual discovery of the Fracture ‘Heart’ difficult to all but the luckiest or most well trained at navigating Fractures.

The 'Heart' of a Fracture is the tear that connects both Emea and Idalos. It is the focal point that creates the Fracture and is at its deepest point. The 'Vein' is the passage towards that Heart, a discernible tunnel, or may tunnels. Although the most powerful wells can be found in the Veins, especially near the Heart, few mages ever chance the danger. Magic grows stronger when nearing the Heart, or, indeed, everywhere within the Foyer of the Fracture, but it becomes Wild and uncontrolled. If a mage were to ever confront the Heart of a Fracture, casting the wrong spell might overwhelm their bodies completely, leaving nothing behind.

The final class of Fractures are Grand Fractures. Only seven Grand Fractures exist on Idalos and their locations is unchanging. Formed by the deaths of the Originals, these Fractures seem to be permanent fixtures of the Idalosian landscape, a stable bridge between Emea and the physical reality. Each Grand Fracture is named for one of the Originals. Of all the Fractures the Grand Fractures are the most dangerous. Although the areas outside of them resemble a Major Fracture (although a much larger area), to venture towards the ‘heart’ invites disaster and immense peril. Not even the Immortals will venture to such a strange breach of realities as even their powers are not assured. Monsters of all shapes and sizes emerge from these Fractures, rich with ether and with strange, violent designs for the mortals of Idalos. A Grand Fracture has the effective range of half a city in influence, where Emean beings can safely exist without suffering the ill effects of reality. These tend to be places rich in stories and legends of strange occurrences, beasts, and miracles. All classes of wells can be found here, although not many would venture in to claim them.

  • Anox: The Hotlands
  • Fei: Scalvoris
  • Ati’el: Above Uthaldria in the North reaches
  • Brelt’ek: Deep beneath Hiladrith
  • Cierel: Southern Region, near Augiery
  • Luesco: Above Viden
  • Pieren: South region, Near Quacia in the deep jungle.

Note: The Grand Fractures are not common Knowledge. Their Foyer is so far reaching that they often are areas of myth and legend all to their own, with few, if any, finding the true cause of it inside. Although a Fracture can be self moderated, one should be sure to accurately portray the level of danger. Unless the Major Fracture is a Faultline Fracture, encountering Fractures is fairly uncommon and random. When inside, wells can be numerous but must be carved, pulled, or dug from the strange walls they are rooted in. Almost anything can happen in a Fracture and threads that skirt the danger while making off with the rewards will be heavily scrutinized in review. Most likely, locating where Minor Fractures occurred will give you the basic wells necessary for what you need...entertain a Major Fracture at your own risk. A Fracture thread can be interrupted at any time by mod intervention.

Fractures in Threads

When writing threads involving the exploration of fractures, please observe the following rules:

- Minor fractures are free to be used by anyone. So long as you keep your thread consistent with the current lore on fractures, and ensure that the rewards of the thread are equal to the risk taken within it, players are free to use minor fractures however they wish.

- Fault-Fractures should be developed as a location within the relevant city's development forum any approved by a local moderator before being used in threads.

- Wild Fractures must be approved by the local moderator of the region they ae opened in before being used.

- All exploration of the Grand Fractures must be approved on the Prophet Support Forum before being used in-game.

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