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Blurb + Approval
'''Announcement of Intent'''
When Rakvald has an intent to use any runic ability on himself or another, his motives, whether beneficial or malevolent, will be clearly visible to whomever he attempts to apply the runes to. The spark will make its intention known through script as a set of runic floaters that hover over any piece of exposed skin that the intended target happens to look at. Whether the person knows the runic language or not, their effect will be clearly understood as they see these floaters. [[https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=23473 Approval]]
Blurb + Approval
'''Expression of Intent'''
The Will stipulates that the intended target of its magics be treated in a way that is appropriate to the original intent of their branding. As such, anyone he applies a beneficial rune to will be exempt from harm by him so long as they bear the power of that rune. Similarly, he will be disinclined to help one who he applied a rune to in an attempt to harm. [[https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=23473 Approval]]
Blurb + Approval
'''Realization of Intent'''
The Will has seen its intent fulfilled many times now that it recognizes when it's intent is successfully established.. When Rakvald sees his targets afflicted with one rune or another affected in the way he intended, he will feel a rush of euphoria. This may prompt him to lengthen the duration of his runes on those affected, if he fails to reign in the impulse through discipline. If he fails to reign it in, it may lead to him extending the benefits/detriments of the runic application to others in the immediate area, leading to overstepping. The lengthening of duration is manual, and the temptation can be resisted with effort and discpline that equals the power of the rune (from competency to master). [[https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=23473 Approval]]
'''The Halo of the Intendent'''
Runes are backloaded onto a halo that hovers behind Rakvald's head. They exist there as floaters, potential runes that he may apply with a mere caress of a hand. They glow with either beneficence or malevolence, depending on his intent.  [[https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=23473 Approval]]

Revision as of 07:06, 27 November 2020


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Lineage

Persona: The Inheritor- While many sparks look forward for inspiration, Rak’s spark looks backwards into the ancient forms of life. It believes that these original shapes, these old geometries of life, were superior to anything shaped by Immortal hands. As such, it encourages Rak to seek out ancient, at times heretical, knowledge in order to find the spark’s true origin and accept its magical inheritance.


The witchmark is simple. It takes the form of a pig's snout about one or two inches in diameter, growing between his thumb and index finger. A nervous tick he's developed is to lick it for good luck. It's basically a benign growth that does absolutely nothing but look cute and provides convenient hand puppet. Makes him popular at parties.



Shepherd's Skin

In keeping with Rakvald's devotion toward his herd, at this level the Spark has awakened toward an adaptation that is geared toward his kind and gentle care of his pigs (When he isn't butchering them). His skin, the largest sensory organ, takes on a fuzzy, felt-like texture that leaves a sensation of warmth and pleasure on any creature that touches his skin. This lends him a sort of animal magnetism that can be either a benefit or a hindrance, as animals will not let him alone. Also, predators will not tend to see him as a threat. This may lend itself to either pacifying them, or making him prey depending on its disposition. [Approval]


Atavistic Augury

The pupils of Rakvald's eyes have taken on a strange shape, like that of a goat's with a oblong shape, lengthwise. While laying hands on an animal, if he can maintain concentration and contact for three breaks, he can glean the workings of one of the creature's systems. This information is stored in his spark's memory with only room enough for one of the creature's biological systems. While blessed with the knowledge, he can record it with vivid accuracy. While holding the memory of the creature's biological systems, his spark will be tempted to alter Rakvald's biology to make analogous changes to his body to bring it in line to the functioning of that system. For example, if he focuses on a fish's gills and absorbs the knowledge of it, his spark may try to turn his respiratory system into that of a fish. Transformations of this kind are very uncomfortable, and take three breaks to complete. He can willfully purge the memory of the system from his Spark's 'memory' at any time. By then, partial changes will begin to snap back to normal in about twice the time it took for them to develop. [Approval]


Sinister Grasp

The skin of Rakvald's left arm has engaged in so much direct manipulation of enervations of the flesh both plant and animal, that it's adopted many pigments into the surrounding dermis and thus turned black. The bones in his hand and arm have disappeared. Instead of flexing bone joints, they move more like small, prehensile tentacles that are tipped by claw-like pin points that dig into flesh when they make their manipulations. This allows Rakvald finer control when it comes to the utilization of his graft magics (Administered through the left arm. Also, a many-toothed maw has grown in the palm of his left hand, which can be used to flay, whether it be flaying specializations or the flaying of souls.

As a result of the loss of bones, his arm strength is less powerful in his left, and he won't effectively be able to grip items such as shields and weapons with as much strength as an arm with bones in it. [Approval]

Bedeviled Inheritance

Pygmalion can fuse the alterations that he has made to a single creature to their basic lineage, causing it to pass down it's corrupted and adhered traits to its offspring. The offspring will be sterile, but inherit the corrupted/adhered traits of the altered parent as dominant. [Approval]


Leatherback Hide Thick, hairy hide grows on his back, forming discolored patterns in the rough shape of an eye. The Hide is thick and tough enough to turn a knife blade, but nothing heavier.

Red Swine Eye A non-seeing, large red pig's eye has grown on Rakvald's left arm. It blinks occasionally, and has tear ducts that keep it healthy and whole, but otherwise it's useless.

Talky Hand Puppet A small mouth grows on the back of Rakvald's thumb, which sometimes mutters his surface thoughts for him. With discipline, he can suppress its chatter. This seems to complete the useless pig's snout that is his witchmark, resting in the skin between the base of his thumb and forefinger.


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Intent

Persona: The Will


The runes he writes take on a light pink luminescence.



Announcement of Intent

When Rakvald has an intent to use any runic ability on himself or another, his motives, whether beneficial or malevolent, will be clearly visible to whomever he attempts to apply the runes to. The spark will make its intention known through script as a set of runic floaters that hover over any piece of exposed skin that the intended target happens to look at. Whether the person knows the runic language or not, their effect will be clearly understood as they see these floaters. [Approval]


Expression of Intent

The Will stipulates that the intended target of its magics be treated in a way that is appropriate to the original intent of their branding. As such, anyone he applies a beneficial rune to will be exempt from harm by him so long as they bear the power of that rune. Similarly, he will be disinclined to help one who he applied a rune to in an attempt to harm. [Approval]


Realization of Intent

The Will has seen its intent fulfilled many times now that it recognizes when it's intent is successfully established.. When Rakvald sees his targets afflicted with one rune or another affected in the way he intended, he will feel a rush of euphoria. This may prompt him to lengthen the duration of his runes on those affected, if he fails to reign in the impulse through discipline. If he fails to reign it in, it may lead to him extending the benefits/detriments of the runic application to others in the immediate area, leading to overstepping. The lengthening of duration is manual, and the temptation can be resisted with effort and discpline that equals the power of the rune (from competency to master). [Approval]

The Halo of the Intendent

Runes are backloaded onto a halo that hovers behind Rakvald's head. They exist there as floaters, potential runes that he may apply with a mere caress of a hand. They glow with either beneficence or malevolence, depending on his intent. [Approval]


Spark Theme & Persona

The theme of Rakvald's becoming spark has been influenced by that of his graft spark, such is it's dominance. As such, it tends to follow the Graft spark's fascination with lineage and passing down of traits from one form to another.

Persona: The All-Father. The All-Father spark wishes to pass on internal traits from the host, down to its offspring, of various races and species. Whether through the art of graft, or just plain husbandry and breeding, the spark will often favor the external traits of the mother, while possessing the emotional and psychological traits of its host. It's obsessed with breeding and spreading its influence by way of insemination.


An elaborate tattoo spread over his chest, of a hog's head with very large tusks. It's colorful, consisting of brown, silver, and golden hues.



Blurb + Approval


Blurb + Approval


Blurb + Approval