[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

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[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

The city of Ne'haer is a bustling community surrounded by great white walls and farmland, with a deep seated religious and politically involved community at the city's own heart. It's diverse culture and rigid history is the reason why the city is vibrantly alive, and it's because of the hardships the community as a whole has endured; that Ne'haer stands as a pinnacle port within the storm.

OOC Note: Some locations are going through development or are in line for development, if you're interested in pitching in or creating new city locations; feel free to pm a prophet or post in the Ne'haer Development Thread
City Square - The centerpiece as well as the heart of the city, where locals traffic through to attend their daily lives.
Crazed Corner - The Crazed Corner, as it is most commonly known to the citizens of Ne'haer, is an alley near the Golden Flask, which is always dark, no matter if it is day or night.
Lochgrass Gardens - A romantic hideaway from the chaos in the world.
Star Stone Bath House - To be Developed
Seacres Hospital - To be Developed
The Coliseum - A massive arena used for fighting events and festivals.
Training Grounds - An extension of the Coliseum that provides living quarters and a decent training course for combatants in the arena.
Kaelserad - A Physician's Center ran by Alistair Venora.
Food and Lodging
Crest Break Tavern - In need of excessive drinking and boisterous fun? Journey here.
Doracre's Delicacies - Ne'haer's famous bakery— full of delightful treats!
Harbor View Village Office - Living quarters for citizens of Ne'haer.
Oscillette - A cold spa, bar, and lodge maintained by immigrant Ellune.
Sifrea's Winery - To be Developed
The Golden Flask - An Inn that's home to many a folk.
Business and Shops
Auminah's Stables & Mount Gear - A store to purchase mounts, mount armor, and special foods for your mount.
Betty's Bits and Baubles - Where junk can be bought and sold!
Brujo's Shipyard - A secluded shipyard available to hire in construction of longboats.
Curio's Curiosities Book Shop - A quaint shop, carrying books, articles, artwork and sculptures.
Every Day Elixirs - A small shop that sells salves and curatives for many things.
Hal's Chop Shop - A butcher to buy and sale fresh meats and delicious, marbled cuts.
Siason's Stichery - The finest alterations and custom clothing creation in the city.
Steeltail Armor Shop - An armor shop for all your defensive and protection needs.
The Sphinx's Armaments - Searching for an inexpensive weapon? Look here!
The Crying Cow - To be Developed
The Glass Rose - A brothel in Ne'haer that caters to the lonely for a pleasing price.
Written Wisdom - A public bookstore for the citizens of Ne'haer.
Religious and Educational
Eastern Temple - Grounds teeming with nature for the worship of Moseke as well as other Immortals.
Northern Temple - Sailors and Biqajs frequent this to pray to U'frek and Chrien, while Qylios's tower illuminates the night for intrepid ships.
Southern Temple - A temple centered around artisans and warriors, most often the first temple reached when visiting the holy grounds.
Temple of the All Gods - An impressive stone construct that houses shrines for the other Immortals Ne'haer allows worship of.
The Academies - Institutions housed in a section of Ne'haer starting from ages 5 Arcs and up.
Underground Tunnels - Where criminals and heretics can find solace in worshiping Ne'haer's less favored Immortals.
Western Temple - A somber temple where people can pray to Vri, Xiur, Famula, as well as Pier and Pre; also a place for holding funeral services as well.
Bank of Ne'haer - Where citizens go for questions relating to their finances.
Cistern of Whispers - To be Developed
Council of Minäih Judgement Hall - To be Developed
Crones' Blood Halls - To be Developed
Hall of the Blades - To be Developed
Order of the Adunih - The largest faction of Healers in the world.
Sea Port Docks - To be Developed
The Armory of Ne'haer - To be Developed
The Stone Dungeons - Community dungeons looked after by guards of the city.
Beyond the Wall
The Hideaway - A place primarily suited to housing young, learning sorcerers.
Valfield Farms - Shop for produce, purchase animals, or learn some new skills!
Zuroni's Animal Sanctuary - For those looking to train their mounts, animal companions, or care for their pets.
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City Square
Nested within the center of Ne'haer is the second most busiest part of the city, compared to the temple's district, where local and foreigner alike are often seen passing through. The City Square is a bustling place within the city that serves as the hub of the city, a place that leads to just about anywhere else in Ne'haer. Whether people are headed to the market district after a long day of work, or to the temples to pay tribute to their deity as they leave their house; everyone in Ne'haer is likely bound to pass through this busy and often lively part of the city.

Amidst the center of the City Square is a well crafted statue, a bust of Reasọä Euthik as she stares from the square itself out into Ne'haer's bay. It's tribute was to her forming the first official Council of Minäih, and it's not only a famous spot for locals to spend time visiting at; it's also where Council members are inducted into the Council, once they've become officially elected by the city to serve the needs of the people.

Jovira Qau'fnaj

Development credit goes to Ilied

Name: Jovira Qau'fnaj
Created by: Ilied Loraeva
Race: Biqaj
Age: 18
Born: 1st Trial of 1 Ymiden, 698
Title: Unknown
Languages: knows Rakahi, Common
Occupation/Location: Fishmonger, frequents the Sea Port Docks and City Square
Skills: Seafaring: Competent, Swimming: Expert, Fishing: Expert, Negotiation: Novice, Etiquette: Novice
Other Information:
Jovira "Jovi" Qau'fnaj is one of the more familiar Biqaj faces around Ne'Haer. This bright eyed, ever-smiling fishmonger can often be found along the ports selling her crew's daily catch. Rumors have it she might even haggle a bit, if someone can pique her interests. When not selling fish, Jovira can be found wandering the city, though she's mostly likely to be found around the City Square and nearby locations. A seeming inhabitant of Ne'Haer (though merely a Biqaj making business in the city with her Clan), it's not unlike Jovira to be found at other locations or to tag along to cultural events throughout the city. Outgoing, friendly, and a bit on the wild side, she seems to be a wonderful person to befriend. There's no telling what she might know having so many acquaintances…
Notes: If encountering Jovira on the market, please see a Narrator or appropriate Staff Member if your character desires to haggle for prices or information. When encountered outside of work, Jovira is less comfortable engaging in business relations, but more open to friendship. Feel free to befriend the NPC and take her on a date in the great city of Ne'Haer!
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Crazed Corner
Credit goes to Aeon
The Crazed Corner, as it is most commonly known to the citizens of Ne'haer, is an alley near the Golden Flask, which is always dark, no matter if it is day or night. It has been like this since the city was built, because of the structure of the houses around the alley. Other names used to refer to the Crazed Corner are: Dealers Heaven; The Drug Alley; The Chaos Street. Names mostly talk about the constant drug flow that is located in this alley, and all kinds of drug dealers that can be found around it. Some names, however, talk about the crazy people which can be found in the alley after the breaks of drug sale are over. Many deaths have occurred in this alley, and yet most of them were because of a simple overdose, or an accident while under the influence of drugs.

The dealings are completely anonymous, so no man or woman in the alley has the right to disclose his, her or someone else's name to anyone. This is so that it is impossible for all dealers to be captured, and for the buyers to have their private life remain private. Many renowned people have bought their daily dose right in this street, but it is impossible to be sure about that, considering nobody has ever heard their true and full names. If a dealer breaks this unwritten rule, and reveals any personal information about their buyer, they are forbidden from selling in the Corner again. If the buyer does this, they will not be accepted as a customer anymore.

All kinds of drugs flow through the Crazed Corner, and it mostly depends on the dealer, but every single seller should have at least some basic narcotics by him at all times, to make sure they can earn at least some nel when everything else is going badly. There are no set prices in the Corner, and it is all based on the dealer and the buyer to discuss, and even in a case of a scam, there will be no actions taken against the scammer, seeing how most of the people that come to this place believe it is none of their business

Players are free to self-moderate this location without any special permissions. Players are free to make NPC dealers/buyers for this location.
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Lochgrass Gardens
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Lochgrass Gardens is a small paradise within the city of Ne'haer. It is one of the few gardens that is funded by the city for general upkeep. The gardens themselves contain a number of flora, both common and rare kinds of plant life that allows the area to look otherworldly and spectacularly beautiful. During Ymiden, when the flowers are in bloom, it's the perfect time for a casual date, festival, or just the romantic outing. Even in Cylus, when twilight is present for days on end, the gardens glisten with snow and the ice that sits upon the waters makes the place twinkle with wonder. Special fish taken from the lakes of Desnind that contain luminescent help add to the beauty of the gardens throughout the arcs.

Lochgrass Gardens sell a number of flowers, trees, shrubs, and other flora. You may also use the Gardens to grow plant life, however, you must get permission from the Garden Keepers before hand. All questions concerning prices needs to be taken up with the Garden Keepers.

Pechel Strovegni

Gardening - Expert
Herbalism - Competent
Rhetoric - Competent
Poisons - Expert
Stealth - Expert
Details: Pechel was once a wandering merchant traveling the coast line of the Western region. Her choice to take up residence in Ne'haer was not entirely her own, however, when an attack from Mer folk left her bleeding out and her left forearm amputated. Being the closest city to her sinking ship, Pechel was picked up by the city's sailors and escorted to the nearest healer upon arrival. Due to the gruesome events, Pechel doesn't approach the ocean anymore and usually spends her days within the gardens, surrounded by the small, shallow pounds that help to ease her anxiety.

Kleio Tzeka

Mixed Race - Sev'ryn/Biqaj
Herbalism - Competent
Medicine - Novice
Musical Instrument - Flute - Competent
Mark: None
Details: Kleio is a young woman employed by the city for educational purposes. Aspiring to be a healer within Ne'haer, Kleio proposed a sort of internship with Ealine Dehaene throughout the rest of her education within the academies, where she would learn the medicinal benefits of plants, both flowers and herbs so that one day, she may be hired within the city as a healer. Since she is still attending school, Kleio is only ever seen in the Gardens so often.

Ealine Dehaene

Medicine - Expert
Herbalism - Master
Gardening - Expert
Observation - Expert
Teaching - Master
Negotiation - Expert
Vaelus - Adored
Details: Ealine is a gentle woman who has lived most of her life tending the Lochgrass Gardens. She comes from a long line of healers who used the gardens as a sort of nursery for flora they would grow to be used in different kinds of medicinal concoctions. Only two generations ago did her family convince the city to invest in the gardens. Now, not only are the gardens blooming with more plant life than ever, several students from all over the world stop in to use the gardens for their own use. Whether that's attempting to grow their own herbs and flowers or learning from Ealine herself.
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Star Stone Bath House
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Place Holder.
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Seacres Hospital
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Place Holder.
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The Coliseum
Location and NPCs Developed by Aeon.

The Coliseum is most definitely one of the landmarks of Ne'haer. It was built shortly after the city's wall, in the 500th arc. It was created with the goal of providing entertainment to the citizens of Ne'haer, mostly by watching incredible fights which often led to death and betting on the winners. People have been known to cheat the system wince it was made, just by having insight into which of the combatants was the most prepared one, and then betting everyone possible that the most likely winner would in fact take the victory. Still, even for folks that do not enjoy throwing their money at the suicide mission enthusiasts, watching the fights can be a thrill by itself. The best and most confident of fighters in all of Ne'haer and the region come to fight in the events that happen once every season, usually near the end. Once every arc, a larger event is held, usually in Ashan, which invites every man with a wish to earn some money to fight in the grand tournament. During the tournament, combatants are placed in groups of 5, and the number of groups depends on the number of participants. The winner and/or survivor from each of the group then go one on one with each other, until only 2 remain. When the final two are selected from the winners, the tournament takes a break of five trials to ensure both of them are going to be starting the battle on even terms. In every stage, every combatant has the right to fight with any weapon available at the Coliseum. Nobody is allowed to bring in their own weapons, because that would make the fights in favor of those with the most money. Armor is handled the same way, and each combatant can choose a set of light (leather), medium (chain mail) or heavy (plate) armor. All armor and weapons are of the same quality and made by the same blackmsmith with the same material. If there is one thing that the Coliseum holds closely to, that thing would be fair play. It has been known in several occasions that a person cheated to get to the rank they got to during the fights, or the tournament, and whenever discovered of cheating, every individual, no matter the status or ranking, will be imprisoned within the Coliseum and forced to fight his or her way to freedom with low level equipment. The Council has yet to disagree with the Coliseum personnel on this rule, as they also believe in the fair play behind the fights, seeing how most who enter lose their lives.

The arena within the Coliseum is 300 feet long and around 165 feet wide, while with all of the seating and storage rooms, it is 400 feet long and 250 feet wide. The ground on the arena is always filled with sand, so that no fight during a season can be in different conditions than in any other season, except for the weather. The arena has 13 gates total, from which 11 lead to cage-like rooms in which fighters, in some cases even beasts were stored. The other 2 lead to storage units, which contain all of the equipment available to the combatants. The seating has 11 floors, with each floor being able to contain approximately 5 thousand people. The floors are divided into 3 categories, based on the experience. The floors closest to the arena and the highest priced and valued, as people sitting in them can see everything that is going on between the combatants without issues. The first 5 floors are in this category, and they all have separate seats for every viewer. Whenever a Councilor of Minaih, an Immortal, or any of the Masters of the Coliseum are seated, they will get places in the first floor, no matter what. The second category contains floors from the 5th to the 8th, and these have benches with walls being the only thing someone can lean on. In these seats most often are found citizens of the middle class, the ones that have just enough money for themselves. The third category has the last three floors in it, and it has no seats for the viewers in it. However, this category is almost always completely filled, seeing how cheap it is to buy a "seat". Here are often found the people that just adore watching the events, and yet don't have enough money to watch them from anywhere closer to the arena. The third seating category is also the one where the most gambling takes place, as well as the first one, because the latter is filled with people with money to spend, and the 3rd category is filled with people that love spending money on the events, even if that led to them getting in serious debt.


Name: Johan Strawd
Created by: Aeon
Race: Mixed (Human/Biqaj)
Age: 38
Born: 1st of Ashan, arc 668
Title: Grand Master of the Coliseum
Blessings/Curses: Taithir - Adored
Skills: Blades: Shortsword (Dual wielding) - Master, Intimidation - Expert, Endurance - Competent, Discipline - Competent
Other Information:Johan used to be in Ne'haer military, protecting the city and fighting for it's glory, until one day he decided to try out at one of the events at the Coliseum. After beating every one of his opponents with ease, he was offered a spot as one of the overseers and trainers, a master of the Coliseum. As he had always been of the free spirit, and the military had disciplined him to madness, he accepted the position and remained at the Coliseum. Slowly progressing as his mentors retired or died, Johan earned the title of Grand Master of the Coliseum, becoming the true ruler of the large building.

Johan believes in fair play and the right of freedom, and so he will punish cheaters with all of his might and strength with no regards for the consequences. He believes that everyone can be a fighter, if they believe in themselves, and work hard for it. He gladly accepts anyone with any skill in any weapon into the fights at the Coliseum, so long as they behave during the fights. What his fighters do once outside of the place doesn't concern him, unless their actions directly affect the events at the Coliseum.

Awards list

Price for entering any of the events that happen each season is 25gn per person.
Achieving first place in one of the events earns you 100gn, the second place 75, and the third earns you 50gn.

Price for entering the Grand Tournament in Ashan is 100gn per person.
Achieving the first place in the tournament earns you a 300gn award, if you achieve second place, you earn 250, while at third place you earn 200gn. That is if you survive until the end. If you have reached one of the first places but died in your final fight, the money will be split, half of it going to your family and the other half to the Coliseum. If you survive the entire tournament and yet don't achieve any of the first places, you will be awarded a consolation prize of 50gn, covering half of the amount you paid to get in.


1st to 5th floor of seats for seasonal event - 10gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for seasonal event - 5gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for seasonal event - 3gn

1st to 5th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 50gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 30gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 15gn

Each season, a new ticket is necessary to be able to watch the show. Once you buy a ticket for the Grand Tournament, you can watch any round and any match during that arc's tournament.
All players are free to use the NPCs here mentioned without moderator approval if writing about the location. If you are writing about one of the fights, you should PM a local Prophet to let them know, and to make sure the events during that season haven't already happened at some other time. For the Grand Tournament, Moderator approval and/or a Moderated thread is a MUST.
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Training Grounds
Developed by Aeon

The training grounds were made shortly after the Coliseum, as an extension to the massive building. They were made to house all fighters of the Arena, as well as give them space to practice their combat skills. With arcs of further development, the Training Grounds were opened to the general public, only with a higher cost for all training courses. In the beginning, only Masters of the Coliseum, which are never of the same number, were able to teach at the Training Grounds. The Masters are usually chosen by the Grand Master, but sometimes they are accepted only because another Master recommended them. They are often the most skilled fighters in the arena, ones that play fair and rightly, but still win. At one time, there could be as little as 2 or as many as 30 Masters, including the Grand Master. The Grand Master is elected by the previous Grand Master from among the current Masters. He is the one that is believed to be able to keep the Coliseum running the best, and even though he may not be the best fighter, he is most definitely the best at doing his job.

Some time after opening the Grounds to the public, the Masters agreed to hire several skilled fighters to aid as tutors, and that tradition lives on until this day. The Grand Master must approve of the suggestion for the teacher, and, depending on the current Grand Master, perhaps even test their skills in a battle, to make sure they are good enough. The Training Grounds accepts all races, but talking about religion within the Grounds is strictly forbidden, even more than assaulting anyone. The Grounds is a place meant for honing your battle skills, not gossiping about the Immortals. Anyone seen intentionally offending any other person, or physically attacking them without their consent for a sparring match to start will be forever forbidden from entering the Grounds again, even if they were a combatant/Master or even Grand Master.

Besides the courses and the barracks, the Training Grounds is a safe haven for those that just want to practice by themselves, or with some other person of the same level as them. Using the training weapons provided by the Grounds is a must, and anyone seen using a blade with a sharp edge will be forever forbidden from entering the Grounds again. Death can happen on the Grounds, but it is rare, so every death is investigated carefully by the Council and their representatives, unlike in the Coliseum. If a person is convicted of having intentionally wounded and/or killed another during a practice match, the offender will be handed over to the Coliseum/Grounds officials for their own methods of dealing with the criminal. The person that committed any sort of crime on the grounds of the Coliseum will be forced to fight their way to freedom with only the most basic equipment. One murderer was once caught hiding in the barracks, and even though none of his murders were committed on the ground of the Coliseum, he was forced to fight in an event with only poor quality leather armor and a blade with a dull edge. Besides making criminals fight their way to freedom, if someone had committed a crime while the next event was still far away, they would be locked in one of the cages, often tortured. This behavior of the Coliseum officials is not unknown to the Council of Minaih, nor the people of Ne'haer, but nobody has ever actually stood up against it, seeing how it has been working gloriously for them. After a single cheater or criminal is found, there are no crimes committed in the close vicinity of the Coliseum for at least two cycles most often. Some even say how the Council hands their worst criminals over to the Coliseum, but that is presumably only a folk tale (?)


Name: Oros Qe'Jihai
Created by: Aeon
Race: Biqaj
Age: 42
Born: 8th of Saun, arc 664
Title: Master of the Coliseum. Overseer of the Training Grounds.
Blessings/Curses: N/A
Skills: Polearm - Expert, Navigation - Expert, Torture - Competent, Thrown Weapons - Competent, Teaching - Competent
Other Information:Oros was born into a small Biqaj family from which he separated once he reached 20 years of age. He joined a merchant ship as a guard and kept working there until it got to Ne'haer once more. Then, he tried himself out at one of the events of the Coliseum, and after defeating all of his fellow combatants with ease he was hired as a Master of the Coliseum by the same Grand Master that hired Johan. As friendly as Johan tried to be with Oros, the older fellow always kept thinking he deserved more, and the half Biqaj less than what they both respectively got. Once Johan was named the new Grand Master, Oros snapped, but Johan easily forgot him, and the only real punishment was the assignment to oversee the training grounds. Which wouldn't have been a punishment for anyone else than the Warrior of Earth, as his Biqaj clan name suggested. He is currently bitterly walking through the grounds every day, torturing new combatants that come through every day. He still hopes that he would be elected to become the Grand Master once Johan dies, but every other master knows that that would never happen. The only reason Oros still has his own title is because of Johan's fondness of the Biqaj man.

Price List

Training courses for combatants in the Coliseum are on a half-off discount, while staying at the barracks is free.

Novice combat course - 20gn a season until competency is reached. This course applies to any weapons or combat skill. The player can choose/make an NPC with competent or expert combat skill they want their PC to learn during the course.
Competent combat course - 30 gn a season until expert level is reached. Required competent level in that specific combat skill. The player can now choose/make an NPC with expert or master combat skill they want their PC to learn.
Expert combat course - 40gn a season until master level is reached. Required expert level in that specific combat skill. The player can now choose/make an NPC with master or legendary combat skill they want their PC to learn.
There is no course that teaches a PC up to legendary level available.

Stay at the barracks (free for registered combatants of the Coliseum):

An Immortal-awful room nobody ever wants - 1cn a trial. These rooms are not recommended, and the training grounds officials nor the city Council are not responsible for anything that might happen to anybody staying in these rooms.

An average room affordable by anyone with a wage - 1sn a trial. These rooms suit every need a person has, but not their desires. It is exactly like its ridiculous title states, average.

A nice room that is actually comfortable - 3sn a trial. These are the rooms most citizens of Ne'haer would take when staying in the barracks. This is the highest class room any combatant can get for free, and it usually takes an already won event to earn this one.

A room made for rich people - 1gn a trial. This is the room in which Masters and the Grand Master of the Coliseum reside, unless they are off somewhere else. Combatants need to pay for this room as well, except that if they have already won an event, they could get the price halved.
Players can use these NPCs when writing about the location freely. This location can be self-moderated without any special approval. If taking the "An Immortal-awful room nobody ever wants" you should PM a city prophet to learn what kind of horrors may strike your character.
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Crest Break Tavern
Credit goes to ?

The Crest Break is a local tavern in Ne'haer, situated just beyond the harbor and caters to a wide variety of personalities. Compared to its neighboring establishments, Crest Break is a small shop that provides little in the way of comfort, however, makes up for it by the massive and exotic amount of alcohol it provides to their clients.

The Tavern is a small, two story high stone and wood building that is nestled between two other shops. The first floor provides a wide space for large parties to sit and eat while a massive bar rests to the right of the building; kegs and bottles of alcohol stacked one on top of the other, waiting to be served up. Behind the bar is a small hallway leading to the back of the building where several rooms await, stocked with cleaning supplies, dishes, and other materials to help serve the business. On the left hand side of the building are booths for citizens and travelers to occupy. Near the back hand wall are a set of stairs that curl up to the top level.

The top level provides another, more reclusive area for guests to sit, eat, and relax. There are tables situated at the top where patrons may look down on the other guests below. A row of doors line the top floor, leading to the front of the building where yet another area is sectioned off for those that prefer a more quiet, private meal.

The Crest Break doesn't rent out rooms often. The business owner tends to offer the rooms to her employees and family, which means those looking for a private room within the establishment must pay a pretty nel.


Sheperd's Pie 3 SN
Pickled Sausage with Broccoli 3 SN
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 5 SN
Crab Legs with Melted Butter 3 GN
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 1 SN
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 5 GN
Smoked Salmon Salad 3 GN
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 2 GN
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 5 GN


Shot x N/A | Glass x 2 | Mug x3 | Bottle x 4

Alcohol Price
Sev'ryn Wine (Weak) 2 GN
Rum 1 GN
Apple Brandy 5 GN
Euharien Ale (Strong) 8 GN
Melrathian Ale (Weak) 1 GN
Orcage Wine 5 GN
Hynith Ale (Pale) 3 GN
Pale Wine (Strong) 10 GN
Draska Ale 5 GN
Red Lager 2 GN
Irea Lager 2 GN
Alcohol Price
Tequilin 5 GN
Shavannia (Cheap) 8 GN
Patren (Average) 13 GN
Onyx Three (Expensive) 25 GN
Steel Tongue (Wallet Says Ouch) 65 GN
Gyn (dry) 8 GN
Vodca 8 GN
Eastern Whiskey 10 GN
Bourbon 13 GN
Southern Whiskey 15 GN


Rooms Prices
Basic Room 40gn Per Night
Luxury Room 120gn Per Night
Notice: A basic room accommodates a guest with the essentials, all basic, and is nothing shy of impressive even for it's price. (Bed, Dresser, Mirror, Table)


Name: Marion Fyrrow
Created by:
Position: Owner


Name: Nathan Warrick
Created by:
Position: Bartender


Name: Byrum Lorvik
Created by:
Position: Bartender


Name: Tawni Yun
Created by:
Position: Barmaid


Name: Yazmen Davidos
Created by:
Position: Barmaid
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Doracre's Delicacies
Credit goes to Jade

Nestled before the docks stands Isabella Doracre's Bakery; stonewalled with a slated roof and doors trimmed with gold and bright pink colors tend to attract much attention. But it's the candies and cakes on display in her window that really pulls the crowds into her shop. From the moment she opens till the moment she closes, baked goods are flying off the shelves in numbers.

The interior of the shop is decorated in brilliant gold and light green trimming with newly painted floral patterns that press the appearance of elegance and royalty. Porcelain dishes support an array of sweets, cookies, and breads while colored fabrics with thin ribbons house sugary pieces of happiness.

Please direct all inquires to the shop keeper.

Note: If you have a particular treat in mind then feel free to pm Chronicle, or post a request in Ne'haer's Development thread.


White bread 5 CN
Wheat bread 8 CN
Multi-grain bread 8 CN
Rye bread 6 CN
Sourdough bread 4 CN
Potato bread 4 SN
Oatmeal bread 4 SN
Walnut bread 2 SN


Apple Crisps 6 CN per pack (20) Sweet, little apple chunks
Sweet Potato Crisps 6 CN per pack (20) Sugared sweet potato chips
Chocolate Chip Cookies 6 CNxCookie Soft, chewy, goodness
Sugar Cookies 6 CNxCookie Double the dosage of sugar
Snicker-doodle Cookies 4 CNxCookie A blended combination of sugar and spice
Ne'haer Double Fudged Cookies 1 SNxCookie Chocolate baked with chocolate chunks
Cinnamon Buns 1 SN per single, 3 SN 5 CN per bundle of 4 Baked buns caked with sugar and cinnamon
Glazed Cinnamon Buns 3 SN per single, 6 SN per bundle of 4 Also caked with icing, sugar, and cinnamon
Glazed Cinnamon Bites 2 SN per dish, 9 SN per platter Bite-sized chunks of sugary goodness
Fudge Pie 2 SN per slice, 8 SN per pie Sweet delicious pie with gooey chocolate innards
Apple Pie 2 SN per slice, 8 SN per pie Sweet delicious pie with homemade apple filling
Cherry Pie 2 SN per slice, 8 SN per pie Sweet delicious pie with homemade cherry filling
Blueberry Pie 2 SN per slice, 8 SN per pie Sweet delicious pie with homemade blueberry filling
Peach Cobbler 2 SN per slice, 8 SN per pie Sweet delicious pie with homemade peach
Doracre Parfait 5 GN per dish Special creamy treat with a blended combination of fruits, cream, and sugar.


Note: Cakes as a whole make up to 8 slices
Ne'haeran Sweetcake 1 GN 5 SN per slice, 10 GN per whole Pretty vanilla but still delicious
Chocolate Cake 1 GN 5 SN per slice, 10 GN per whole Deliciously baked fudge
Strawberry Avalanche Cake 3 GN per slice, 12 GN per whole Littered with strawberries
Triple layered Chocolate Cake 4 GN per slice, 16 GN per whole Baked chocolate smothered with layers of chocolate
Jesine's Dream-Cream Cake 5 GN per slice, 25 GN per whole A special delicacy, cream filled cake with a fruity flavor

Isabella Doracre

Race: Human
Baking - Expert
Cooking - Expert
Business Management - Competent
Socialization - Competent
Observation - Expert
Gwelliph: Exalted
Details: Isabelle is the owner of Doracre's Delicacies and tends to the shop and its customers along with her daughter, Elleth. Before opening the bakery many arcs ago, Isabelle was married to a biqaj soldier of the city. Unfortunately, he lost his life though his death was quite a mystery. Rumors drift around the streets of Ne'haer with questions as to how exactly Isabelle's husband died, though no one is too sure. After opening the shop, Isabelle found comfort in the daily musings of cuteness and finery when it comes to designing an excellent cake. She is sweet and personable, sometimes even flirtatious, however, her daughter is always there to keep her level headed and straight.

Elleth Doracre

Race: Mixed Blood
Baking - Competent
Socialization - Novice
Running - Competent
Investigation - Novice
Observation - Competent
Personality: Elleth is a quiet child, though do not get this confused with shy and/or soft spoken because she is neither. Surprisingly, Elleth has a keen eye for detail at her age, and is quite the observant child. She hovers around her mother like a hawk but allows distances between them so as not to cause too much trouble for her mother. However, Elleth is an adventurer and when she isn't assisting her mother with bakery orders, cakes, and cooking, she is wandering around the streets and alleyways of Ne'haer. At first it was merely a game to keep her mind off of the sad state her family has dissolved into, but now it's a job for the young girl and sooner or later, she's bound to get herself into trouble.

Dalis Ikan

Race: Sev'ryn
Cooking - Expert
Meditation - Expert
Observation - Competent
Unarmed Combats - Expert
Stealth - Competent
Sevrath: Adored
Personality: Dalis is a joyous woman hailing from the mysterious lands of Desnind. She set out on a quest to find her familiar counterpart some arcs ago and just recently discovered her spiritual companion within the dark forests beyond the northeastern gates. Finding the city comfortable, Dalis decided to stay and obtain citizenship with Ne'haer while working for Isabelle and sometimes babysitting Elleth. Though, don't be fooled by her warm smiles for Dalis is more than capable of handling her own in a fight. She is often the one who retrieves Elleth from her day or night long adventures.

Eryn Hemles

Race: Human
Cooking - Competent
Socialization - Competent
Winemaking - Competent
Observation - Competent
Baking - Novice
Cursed: Elithem
Personality:It is hard for anyone to know Eyrn, let alone trust him due to the color of his eyes. Though they aren't completely pitch black, the whites of his eyes are tinged with black, a sign that he is marked by an Immortal in some way. Aside from his eyes, Eyrn is an up-and-coming chef who was hired by Isabelle as an apprentice of sorts. He is a personable gentleman with the customers and a good enough assistant to work with. It is noticeable that he refrains from any contact with another person, something that may be related to the mark he wears.

Cecie Leisen

Race: Human
Gardening - Competent
Observation - Competent
Baking - Novice
Linguistics - Expert
Negotiation - Competent
Nalos: Favored
Personality:Cecie is a slave turned citizen due to Ne'haer's laws on slavery. Failing to establish her permits when arriving in the city, she was taken from her owner and escorted immediately to the Judgement Halls whereupon she met Isabelle. While she went through the process of obtaining citizenship, Cecie lived with and worked for Isabelle at the bakery. Once she was granted full citizenship, Cecie was able to afford a small cottage of her own. She is a quiet girl, though she is full of hope and dreams.
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