• Solo • [Medical HQ] The Pleasantries Of Hoghair

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[Medical HQ] The Pleasantries Of Hoghair

The basics of leatherworking, Jinyel had seen from a distance. He understood the basic steps: the skin had to be soaked, in water if the fur was to remain intact, in a quicklime solution if the fur was going to be scraped off. Warthog fur wasn’t particularly soft, useful, or pleasant to look at, so he found no need to keep it.

The excursion into the wilderness with Rickith ― on purpose this time, with an intention toward safety ― had given Jinyel a convenient schedule to work his newfound treasure. Because none of the hunters currently at the headquarters could track a deer in the dark, the leatherworker’s area was mostly quiet, save for the occasional professional who was given a cowhide after slaughter. Jinyel was free to use the space unbothered, after trading the boar’s heart to one of the professional leatherworkers in exchange for using her quicklime barrel. He’d thrown in the hide, departed for the wilds with Rickith, and returned to a skin fully cured to be scraped.

The scraping, of course, was another one of those things Jinyel had seen many times at a distance, but never actually done. The skin was spread on a worktable before him, fur facing up, and his knife was in his hand. The knife that he was going to use to scrape off the fur, gently, and somehow without harming the actual hide at all.

Jinyel chose the farthest corner of the shoulder to start, because he assumed knives were harmful to anything. He was proven right immediately, when he cut a corner of the hide clean off.

Too rough.

Jinyel tried again, but his second attempt was too gentle. The blade slid across the hair and accomplished nothing.

“Against the grain!” laughed the woman overseeing the area, the same one who had let him use her quicklime. “Turn that thing around.”

Oh. Against the grain. That made more sense.

Hiding a blush, Jinyel rotated the hide all the way around. He dragged the flat side of his knife against the flow of hair and watched it flick. Then, carefully, he turned the edge against the skin.

It was a bit like shaving, he supposed, although in a permanent way. The first few strokes did indeed cut the hair, but there remained a bit of stubble left behind.

“Don’t be afraid of it!” the woman laughed. “It’s got no teeth to bite you anymore!”

With a little more confidence, Jinyel scraped another stroke. Too much confidence. A thin strip of skin came up underneath the hair.

“There you go,” she said. “Little more gentle, a little more stern, and that hair will come clean off.”

Just the right amount of confidence? Jinyel tried another stroke. Two. Each one brought him close to the balance until eventually, he realized the trick was to press instead of slice. The quicklime did something more than water. It somehow loosened the hair from its very follicles, and with a bit more experimenting, he determined that the blade didn’t need to touch the skin at all.
Last edited by Jinyel on Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 517
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Re: [Medical HQ] The Pleasantries Of Hoghair

Once he got the hang of it, scraping a skin was methodical work. The strokes were repetitive, marked only by the slow creep of exposed skin from one side to the other. Every now and then Jinyel had to wipe away mountains of hair, but other than that, his hands moved by themselves. For tasks like this, there was an easy separation between mind and body, where he could watch something without really seeing it and know that nothing would go wrong.

Once it was finished, this would be a sizeable length of leather. Killing the warthog had been a complete surprise, and so Jinyel had no real plan for the spoils. There wasn’t anything he needed it for, which meant, perhaps for the first time in his life, he was faced with the question of what he wanted. It was a strange feeling, being comfortable. Being fed, and knowing there was a mountain of smoked meat to last him through Cylus. He was so used to living on the edge of poverty, he really had no idea what to do with free resources. He had to make something, surely; this was a big piece of hide to just lay around and look at. Perhaps a chest strap for Ajan’s saddle? It did have a habit of sliding backward during rides, which rubbed the blanket against the horse’s hindquarters. Making a strap would be simple enough, but attaching it to a saddle would be decidedly complicated. Jinyel didn’t know if he had the skill for that.

Cordage, then? He lived on his own. He always needed cord of some sort or another. But this would make a lot of cord, far more than he could use in even an arc. Armor? Clothing? Jinyel had never done anything like that before. But then again, he didn’t need this skin. He could afford to mess up. He could ruin the entire hide, and be perfectly fine afterwards.

What a strange privilege. The freedom to fail.

His wandering mind made the breaks fly by, and in no time at all, the hide was fully scraped. When Jinyel wiped away the wet mess of hair, he was almost disappointed. He liked scraping. He liked thinking. He wanted there to be more of it.

But alas, this step was finished. Jinyel wiped his knife, wiped the skin, and picked up the clean hide to examine. It was still soaked, and much heavier than it looked. The scent of quicklime still lingered, but much of it had come off with the hair.

“Holes?” he asked the woman. “On the frame next?”

“The next step?” she clarified. “Yes. Every frame in here is open, so choose whichever you like. That one in the corner seems the right size.”

“How long to dry?”

“A day or two. Shorter if you build a fire next to it, but careful not to cook the thing. Say, you keep the bones of that animal?”

“Warthog bones?” In sign language he answered, Yes.

“You ain’t cook them or nothing?”


“You got ribs?”


“Big ones?”


“Bring a few, once that hide is dry. Been needing a few extra burnishers; it’s funny how mine keep disappearing whenever I let strangers into my house. Trade you one of my old ones. You know what a burnisher is for, right? How to use it?”


“Well, if you want to work leather, you’ll need to know. Bring it when you’re ready. And don’t cook those ribs. Bring them raw. Cook them, ruin them.”

Jinyel couldn’t begin to guess how rib bones could interact with leather, but he also didn’t need them for anything. So he signed, Agreement.
Last edited by Jinyel on Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:03 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 626
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Re: [Medical HQ] The Pleasantries Of Hoghair

Stringing the hide to dry was the exact opposite of scraping it: simple on the outside, but terribly complicated to actually do.

First came a line of holes along the edges. That was easy. Then a string through the top, to sling it onto the frame and then lace around and around until all the edges were secure. Simple?

Not at all.

Jinyel hung the hide from the top. He tied the cord, then threaded the ends clockwise through the holes, and around and around until the entire thing had been looped to the frame. Except it hung there loose, and even he knew that it had to tightened as much as possible to dry. So he tightened the cord here, and a little more over there, but then was left with a bunch of extra cord that inevitably slid through all the surrounding holes, until there was one straight line of tension and then a bunch of folded skin on both sides of it.

The woman laughed, but didn’t say anything about it.

Jinyel went back to the beginning, then. He tightened up the very first hole, and the one next to it, and the one after that. On and on until he had about three feet of loose cord, and the top left third of the hide was bound just two inches away from the frame.

The bottom third got a bit more difficult as he went. He had, perhaps, bound the top a little too tightly, but he’d be damned if he went back and did it all over again. Still he pulled the cord taut, and still he ended up with so much extra that it got tangled twice. By the time he finished, the hide was pulled perfectly taut ― one inch away from the top left corner of the frame, and two feet away from all other sides. Lopsided, but tight. It wasn’t as if the hide cared what angle it dried at.

“Close enough,” snickered the woman. “You going to start a fire for that? I’ll watch it, if you go on and bring me those ribs.”

Yes, Jinyel said, heading to gather firewood. Leatherworking was one more skill to lessen his reliance on others, and if a burnisher would make the difference, he was all too happy to learn.
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Re: [Medical HQ] The Pleasantries Of Hoghair

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