• Solo • The Littlest Pigasus

30th of Ymiden 724

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Tristan Venora
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The Littlest Pigasus

Ymiden 30, Arc 724

It was a nice and sunny trial, and thus Tristan had decided to make a short trip in order to look for wild fruit, vegetables and herbs, accompanied by his Tunawa friend Koral whose life he had saved in Melrath once upon a time as well as Roffle, his Igelak friend. He hadn’t made such a trip in a while. Actually, he didn’t think he’d gathered anything himself since he had left Melrath. He usually just grew everything he needed in his greenhouse or bought it from a shop.

While Tristan was riding his horse Maxos – named after the infamous tax collector Peake Maxos Andaris – Koral was sitting in a large wicker basket behind the saddle. It had initially been meant for supplies, but it worked just as well for a Tunawa, and it had handles on the sides that Koral could hold onto so that she wouldn’t be thrown out of the basket if Maxos misbehaved.

So far, the huge black stallion was quite well-mannered though. He even slowed down after a moment of reluctance when Tristan pulled at the reins, and his gait was mostly even. He did neigh quite loudly every once in a while as if he wanted to prove to the world that he was a big, bad horse no matter how many people were on his back though.

He was just as big and bad as the real Peake Maxos Andaris who had indeed been very big when Tristan had last met him!

Roffle was walking behind Koral and Tristan and pulling a small wooden cart with their supplies. Tristan had offered to buy an especially docile horse for them and teach them how to ride it, but they had refused and insisted that they liked walking better. They weren’t even wearing any shoes. They had claimed that the enjoyed feeling the grass beneath their feet.

There were a lot of fields and farmlands outside of Rharne that were perfect for what Tristan had in mind. When an especially promising lush green meadow came into view, he dismounted, removing his right foot from the stirrup and swinging it across Maxos’ back, holding onto the reins as he did so. A moment later, he led Maxos to a nearby tree and tied him to it with a sturdy rope, checking the knot several times in order to make sure that it was indeed sufficiently tight. In order to further decrease the chance of the stallion going on an adventure of his own, he put a bowl with water and a bowl with horse feed in front of him.

Hopefully, that would keep him busy.

Finally, he took Koral’s basket. He would be carrying her – except that it seemed as if she didn’t want to be carried. She immediately started growing restless and turned her head left and right, and finally she pointed at the sky above them and exclaimed excitedly, “Pigasi!”

There was indeed a group of Pigasi, Tristan saw when he raised his head. There were five of them that were flying westwards, just like the Pigasi he had seen a few trials earlier. Four of them were fairly big while the fifth Pigasus was a little smaller, as if it weren’t fully grown yet. It was, Tristan realized, a Pigasus piglet (Or Pigasuslet?). His daughter Ayla would be delighted when he told her about it. She really loved pigs at the moment!
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Re: The Littlest Pigasus

Tristan set Koral’s basket down and removed his equipment from Maxos’ saddlebags. While the tiny Tunawa watched the Pigasi with interest, the former duke examined a plant he’d seen near Maxos’ tree. The tiny white blossoms and the leaves looked familiar. As he knelt down in order to take a closer look, he realized that he had found wild strawberries. It wasn’t what he’d expected to find – he’d been hoping for something that he would be able to use for his alchemy – but strawberries were delicious, and he didn’t have any in his garden yet.

So, he dug around the strawberry plant with a small spade, carefully removing it before he placed it inside a box.

A moment later, a clanking sound distracted him. When he looked up, he noticed that Roffle had removed something from their cart. It was … with a look of shock on his face, he realized that it was a trap. It had all kinds of sharp parts, and what more, Roffle had brought a rope.

“I thought I’d prepare something, in case we encounter any flying pigs during our trip”, they explained and licked their lips with their long tongue. “I brought glue to make the trap sticky and make it even harder for the pigs to escape, and I brought a rope to make a lasso, just in case. It will hopefully allow us to catch any pigs that do manage to fly away. You can throw the lasso if you want to”, they offered.

Tristan knew that Roffle didn’t have any malicious intentions. His grandmother’s friends had told them that Pigasi meat was a delicacy, and Roffle was, well … a cook. They probably just saw a culinary challenge. He had plans though. Plans that involved a lot of living Pigasi.

He was just about to remind Roffle of his goals for Westwind that he had already shared with them before, when Maxos began to neigh even more loudly than before.

When he turned around, he noticed that they were getting company, more company than the Pigasi that had begun to hover around a willow tree at the edge of the meadow and were feasting on its leaves, squealing and grunting with pleasure they did so.

The four big Pigasi were high up in the tree while the little Pigasus was eating from the lowest branches.

It wasn’t very good at flying yet, Tristan observed.

Their new company on the other hand didn’t look as if they had any interest in eating leaves.

They were humans, two men and a woman, and they rode horses and carried bows.
word count: 445
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Tristan Venora
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Re: The Littlest Pigasus

The woman, red-haired and freckled and dressed in leathers, dismounted first and approached Tristan, eying Roffle somewhat warily for a moment, before she told him, “We’ve been tracking these pigs for a while now. We are hunting them for a local butcher who wants to reintroduce Pigasus meat to Rharne’s cuisine. If you help us”, she continued, having noticed Roffle’s hunting equipment. “You’ll get a few cuts of meat.”

Before Tristan got the chance to say something, one of the men readied his bow and took aim. The pigs squealed loudly again, this time in panic, as the arrow soared through the air. A few trills later, the second man fired an arrow as well. The pigs flew away in panic, apart from the little one that began to cry most pitifully. An arrow was embedded in its right wing now.

It tried to flap its wings a couple of times, and then it just fell to the ground.

Koral who had watched everything wide-eyed quickly jumped into Tristan’s basket lest one of those big humans or their horses accidentally stepped on her. She was really scared!

Roffle on the other hand was intrigued.

Maybe there would be fresh meat soon!

The little Pigasus just cried because it was in pain.

“Let’s just put it out of its misery. It doesn’t have a lot of meat, but the meat it has is likely more tender than that of the bigger pigs”, one of the men – he had a long brown beard and hair that was almost as long – remarked.

“Annalise, will you?” the other man who had light blonde hair and was beardless asked the woman who drew a knife from a sheath at her belt and advanced towards the little pig.

Tristan decided to step in.

“No!” he told the three hunters, in the kind of voice he had used to command an entire duchy once.

The hunters paused, looking confused, as if they didn’t know what to make of him.

“It would be more beneficial to let the Pigasi live, at least for the time being”, Tristan pointed out in a polite and gentle, but firm tone of voice in order to hopefully get his point across. “The Pigasi already disappeared once. If a lot of people start hunting them now, they might become extinct for good, and then there’ll be no more Pigasus meat, ever again. Westwind used to farm them on what is now called the mudflats. I plan on giving the people of Westwind their farmland and their Pigasi back.”

“Once people start to breed them, you can have as much meat as you want”,
he continued, in case what he had said so far wasn’t enough. Tristan had no problem when it came to hunting and eating animals, as long as the animals in question didn’t suffer unnecessarily.

Hunting rare animals until they became extinct was where he drew the line though.

That was something that was just not acceptable in his opinion.

“And how do you intend to accomplish that?” Annalise asked.

Tristan just grinned an extended his hand for her to shake. Tristan Venora, at your service.”

Annalise stared at him blankly as she shook his hand.

“He’s famous, a former duke and such. He has money, too”, the bearded man explained before he introduced himself, “The name’s Ragnar. Ragnar Ragnarson, originally from Melrath. Björn and I came here after the earthquake in Noatun and met Annalise who’s from Viden.”

“You participated in the potions contest, didn’t you?”
he asked, and Tristan nodded.

“What do you say? Ragnar? Björn?” Annalise wanted to know.

“Let’s stop hunting that herd and tell people of his plans so that they won’t hunt any flying pigs either. There’ll be more meat for everyone if they don’t become extinct”, Ragnar replied.

Björn just nodded.

“Oh”, Roffle made, looking a bit sad.

“I’ll help you kill a few flies once we get home”, Koral piped up from her basket which improved the Igelak’s mood considerably.

Tristan wasn’t listening anymore. He rushed to the little Pigasus that was still on the ground and proceeded to examine its wing. It was too frightened and too weak to put up much of a fight. He looked at the wound and at the arrow before he slowly and carefully removed it. He wasn’t exactly a veterinarian, but he knew all about treating different wounds. And in the end, an arrow stuck that was in a body was an arrow that was stuck in a body.

Besides, this particular arrow didn’t even have any barbs or other nasty additions.

So, he retrieved his healer’s kit from Maxos’ saddlebags, disinfected the wound and bandaged it. Having done that, he tried to get the Pigasus to stand up. It just cried again. He noticed that one of its legs was injured as well, possibly due to the fall. It couldn’t walk properly. The leg injury would require more extensive treatment than the wing injury.

And the rest of its herd was long gone, he realized.

If he left it here, it might not survive, so without further ado, Tristan told Roffle, “Can you make some room in your cart, please? I’ll take it home and take care of it until its wounds are healed.”

Annalise said and looked at her companions who had been watching Tristan treat the Pigasus with some fascination. “I suppose we’ll all head home again now?” she asked.

Tristan nodded before he quickly reached into one of his pockets, produced his wallet and removed a few shiny nels from it. “So that you don’t have to return to Rharne empty-handed”, he explained. “There are no hard feelings”, he added in case they thought he was mad at them.

They hadn’t been aware of his plans. They might not even have known that there was a risk of the Pigasi becoming extinct again. Five Pigasi more or less probably didn’t make much of a difference, after all.

It would only be a problem if everybody started hunting Pigasi.

“You know, I would love to meet you again sometime and perhaps show you Westwind once we’ve figured out how to restore its farmlands. I miss Melrath every now and then. Roffle here would probably like to talk to you some more as well. They are a hunter, but the rest of us don’t really share their passion”, he explained which caused Roffle to beam at the hunters. They couldn’t wait to show them their traps!

A moment after he had spoken, Tristan put Koral’s basket onto Maxos’ back and secured it, untied the stallion from the tree and climbed into the saddle.

He wanted to get the injured Pigasus to a place where it could rest and heal as soon as possible.

The three hunters waved to him before they departed as well.
word count: 1182
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Re: The Littlest Pigasus

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Notes/Warnings: Roffle and Koral are Personal NPCs. The other NPCs are Flavor NPCs.

Thread: The Littlest Pigasus
City/Area: Rharne

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Re: The Littlest Pigasus


Tristan Venora


Oooh, so now will Ayla get to keep the pigasuslet? I'm sure she'll take good care of it. I really enjoyed this thread, and the way you weaved in past parts of Tristan's narrative, and also interactions with his NPCs. Tristan does very much seem like a character with a foot in the past, while facing forward to the future. It's nice to read about a pc with as much history as he does have.

And he did a good thing negotiating with the hunters to save the piglet, and spare the other pigs while they flew away. Although they may meet a similar end to what they might've, at the hands of different hunters, at least he gave them a running chance!

Great work here.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10


  • Mount: Pulling at the reins to make a horse slow down
  • Mount: How to dismount
  • Gardening: Digging up a strawberry plant
  • Socialization: Using your fame to persuade people
  • Animal Husbandry: Removing an arrow from a Pigasus’ wing
  • Animal Husbandry: Injured young animals can’t survive alone
word count: 186

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