[Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I

21st of Ymiden 724

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The surrounding lands of Rharne boast several towns and settlements that lie on the northern shores of the River Zynyx. This includes Mistral Village, Caervalle Town, Zynyx Market and Volta.

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[Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I

It was a cooler early Ymiden trial that found Elowen in the herb slash wildflower garden. Clothed in her usual headscarf and loose fitting clothes, she really should have had at least one more layer on. Alas, she never had a problem with cold. At least not in the same way Meira or the other villagers did. She asked Meira about it once, during a rare evening when they were done with their tasks but still not tired enough to retire to their beds.

She asked why did she always feel so warm. Meira looked at her then for a moment longer than normal. Long enough that Elowen felt hairs at the back of her neck stand up. Then the older woman shrugged and said that Elowen was just built different. Over the arcs, Elowen understood that answer in the only way she could - men were built different from women and women came in all shapes and sizes and inner workings. The girl was just another iteration of the same design. One that was always warm.

So in that Ymiden cool air, Elowen was enjoying herself for it was in those temperature that she was most comfortable. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just perfect.

She was working with a smile on her face, selecting a few recently bloomed poppies and plucking their petals. The more mature plants would wait until they start developing their seed pods. Then she would bleed them for a strong sleeping substance. Others she would keep for the sake of the seeds themselves since the flowers lived only one year.

She laid the petals down in the collection basket next to a bunch of lavender and chamomile. All of these she would need to either dry or otherwise process before adding them to the rest of the ready herbs.

Around the corner, she heard the chickens cluck and feathers rustle. Moments later, Pea strolled in. His wounds have healed a little and given the trial prior, he could fly. Yet, he was still around. Last night, he came back inside, back on her pallet and laid himself to sleep. So Elowen had to spend another night on the floor.

Now she watched the bird as it surveyed the garden in front of the shack where she was working. She saw him stand still near a wildflower patch before he started picking on the plants there.

"No, no, no. Pea, no." She called out to the bird, rushing to her feet and towards him. Pea jumped up, chaotic lightning rushing across his body. He screeched, giving himself a boost with his wings to fly some distance away. He settled nearby fencing that ran the length around the shack. That fencing was by no means a divison of plotland. It was more a guiding support for some other plants. But from there, Pea was watching Elowen and lighting kept zipping across his body in quick successions and in all directions. It was fitful, sharp. Elowen did not know whether it was anger or fear, but Pea certainly wasn't feeling happy right there and then.

"I'm sorry, Pea. But you can't eat these. They are part of the shack. They help people in the Mistral Village. I need them." The bird screeched at her and she pulled a grimace of apology. She didn't like that she scared him, but for as long as he was staying with her, there had to be boundaries. Like with the chickens.

She pressed her lips together, considering the bird in front of her. He was hungry. Always hungry it seemed. And she knew what he liked. She gave him a small smile and held her finger up. A gesture Pea probably did not understand but Elowen was already on her way into the shack.

When she opened the jar with the grasshoppers, she drew in a sharp breath. Walking out, she emptied it on the ground near Pea who called out when she got too close.

"I'm sorry Pea. That's all I have left," she said and looked at the last five roasted beetles on the ground. She walked back to the collection basket and watched Pea hop down to feast on the delicacy. She mulled the situation over. She doubted that Pea was surviving only on the grasshoppers. Surely a bird who was used to live in the wild was used to finding its own food. But she also liked feeding him.

Looking down at the herbs, she sighed. "This has to do for now." She picked up the basket, circled Pea who had just finished snacking on the last grasshopper and went into the shack.

She'd have to finish laying out some of the herbs to dry. She would work the rest that evening. After that, she had to pack for a field trip but more importantly figure out how to collect the grasshoppers. Meira was the one who laid the traps for them and because Elowen wasn't fond of roasted beetled, Meira never took Elowen with. So the girl had no idea about the kind of trap needed or where the old woman laid the last one before she passed.
Last edited by Elowen on Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 869
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I

Elowen had her satchel securely placed across her back with all the supplies for a couple breaks of exploration in the forest. That included a small skin with water, some bites of food, her collecting knife and of course...the grasshopper trap.

The trap.

Elowen frowned. She had no idea who a grasshopper trap looked like. Meira never showed her nor taught her. But as far as Elowen understood grasshoppers if it was something they can jump in but not out of...So she packed the only unoccupied small bottle that doubled as a tincture holder as well as a single flower vase. It had a round body, grew narrower at the neck before flaring out so that a cork could be slotted in easily. It was the best she could hassle up and she hoped it would work.

Now she just had to find a spot where to place it.

She had seen a grasshopper or two in the garden outside the shack. But that was no place to put the trap. Not with Pea around who had likely eaten some, if not all, the bugs lurking around. No. Any kind of trap had to be laid away from the shack in a tall grass. So she was heading to one of the nearby, albeit small meadow. A little scar of light inside the forest that allowed flowers to flourish, bees to find their nectar and other wild beasts to enjoy.

Above her the leaves rustled. Elowen looked up and saw a streak of white and read moving from branch to branch. A corner of her mouth twitched. She thought he would stay behind. But she didn't mind the silent company.

Although Mistral Woods were generally safe for those who paid their respects to it and knew their way around. Elowen did both with grateful, or in general full heart. Still, having a companion such as Pea may be handy. Especially if there were other people around. The girl hoped she would notice a change in Pea's behaviour to disappear before anyone would come across her. People just made her uncomfortable, even more so after Meira's death.

She rounded a particularly thick tree and scanned the woods until she saw a break in the shadows.

"There it is," she said and the woods whispered the words back to her. Like an echo.

Elowen opened her eyes wide. That was new. She knew sounds could bounce off of trees, but certainly not when someone spoke as she did. Though...who was she to say. There was plenty unusual about the Mistral Woods. Maybe this was one of its new quirks.

Shrugging, she headed for the edge of the meadow. She stopped on its edge. The sun was hitting it at an angle and the grasses with its early flowers were still. Hard to believe there was any life along the ground, weaving its way through the stalks.

The meadow, if one could call it that, was ten steps across and about twenty five along its length and it was perfect.

Above her, Pea trilled his melodic song and Elowen waded into the open. Her eyebrows lifted very quickly. There was still some dew near the ground that was now wetting her pants and she wondered if grasshoppers would be around in these conditions. She had them connected with dry, or at least drier.

She looked at the sky, uttering a quiet 'hm'. There was no harm in trying. She walked all the way to the middle of the meadow and fished the jar out of her satchel. It looked nothing like a trap and Elowen wonder how she could change that. Munching on her lip here and there she then decided to stuff it with some grass. Whether that would help it blend in or maybe act as a lure, she couldn't tell.

To her it looked like a lost jar randomly stuffed with something when she put it on the ground.

If this works... She had no idea what she'd do, probably call herself lucky. Certainly not a genius.

"Right." She turned around and walked back towards the Woods. This meadow was so small and she placed the jar right in the middle that she did not worry about marking the spot although the thought crossed her mind. Instead, she trusted herself that when she would return tomorrow, or the trial after, she would find the jar without issues.
word count: 745
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I

23rd of Ymiden 724

It had been a few trials and Elowen had found herself back in the same meadow. This time the sun was way past its zenith. The past trials had been dry which added to the hope that the girl felt regardless of how impossible the task was. She would have been grateful even for one grasshopper.

She was waking through the tall grass and flowers, parting them gently, searching the ground. She was sure she had left the trap somewhere around here. Somewhere.

Pea called from the trees. Then she heard the flap of his wings. It was becoming a familiar sound. What was not familiar, or even unusual, was that Pea flew low over the field, swooping down, the air under his wings pressing into the meadow somewhat. The tip of his wing missed Elowen's head just by a few breathes, giving her a start.

Righting herself, she saw Pea gain a little bit of altitude, bank hard to the right and swoop again. It had been a manoeuvre that Pea had been doing a lot and the girl wondered if it was for the joy of it or the necessity given the tight space. Or perhaps a combination of both. But the bird was starting to come across as a little bit of a tease.

But this time, he halted his flight above the grasses and hovered above a space a few steps away from Elowen, giving her a meaningful look.

Elowen smiled and approached. This was the closest Pea had allowed her to come. It was most likely because of the benefit of food rather than amicability but anyway. She was glad for it. She was rather getting used to him sticking around although she was far from considering him a pet and if he'd ever leave, she'd let him with hopes of good luck and a bit of sadness.

However, there and then, Pea was there and he was hovering right above the glass jar. As Elowen bent down to pick it up, Pea too lowered himself down and landed to inspect their catch.

But there was nothing to inspect. The jar was empty, safe for one rainbow leave beetle who was trying to come out but kept slipping back in.

Elowen huffed in disappointment but not surprise. She expected this. Tipping the jar upside down, their catch rolled out, landing on its back. The girl was just reaching over to set it right way up, when Pea's neck snapped forward.

"Pea!" So he was not only a tease but also an opportunist, looking at her as though she was the crazy one for wanting to let a snack get away.

She shook her head but smiled. Either way, her first attempt was a fail. What was next then?

Elowen weighted the jar in her hand. The grass seemed to have worked and the jar too but not for the bug I need... There was nothing else in the shack that she could think of using.

She looked at Pea. Would it be such a horror if she never had any more roasted grasshoppers? For her - no. For Pea... She didn't know. He was wild. He was meant to be out here. But in her heart, she wanted to have roasted grasshoppers to give Pea a reason to stay. She closed her eyes and hang her head. Thoughts of Meira once again found their way in. How lonely it was without her. How lonely she must had felt before she brought Elowen back with her from Rharne.

Meira exchanged accommodation and alimentation for companionship. Elowen would have to do the same. But that meant...

"Mistral Village." She whispered, her whole body giving one strong shiver. Her chest tightened. A village. With people. She shivered again.

Pea got likely bored of waiting for her to decide what to do. He uttered a little trill and then turned his had and waded through the meadow. There was no support coming from him.

Elowen sighed and righted herself also.

Mistral Village. She dreaded the moment she would have to go there or anywhere with people. But she always knew that necessity would call one day. She knew it from the moment she saw the imported herbs being almost gone.

One task at a time, she thought. Let this be a practice run. But her throat was already dry and her neck stiff.
word count: 742
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Every wondered how catching grasshoppers work? Well, certainly not with a basic jar stuffed with grass. Skill building solo thread focusing on Field Craft trapping and surveying mostly.

Thread: [Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I
City/Area: Towns and Settlements

Renown: Nope

Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? Yes - Gernevoir
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
word count: 128
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Pig Boy
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Low on Locust - I




Poor Elowen, and poor Pea, getting scared by the rude mixed-blood aukari! He seems foul tempered, doesn'the? At least he accepts bribes, in the form of beetles and grasshoppers.

I like the way you describe the scene, with her finding an ideal field for finding grasshoppers. It was unfortunate that she didn't catch many with her traps, but maybe this dreaded trip tot he village, with... gulp... people might bear fruit?

Good job!


  • XP: 10


  • Animal Husbandry: Peaphonixes might show emotional state via lightning display
  • Field Craft: Trapping: Choose a place to lay a trap based on the prey hunted
  • Field Craft: Surveying: Picking the right spot
  • Field Craft: Trapping: Blending & luring
  • Field Craft: Trapping: Mark the spot where the trap is to find it later
  • Animal Husbandry: Get to know animals' quirks
word count: 140

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