• Solo • Garnet

27th of Ymiden 724

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Ymiden 27, Arc 724

He was sitting in the backroom of the Domum Kassaili, his feet on the armrest rather than on the floor. In the past, when he had still been a king and a bit of a brat, he had sometimes allowed himself such a breach of etiquette in public, because nobody had dared to openly criticize his behaviour anyway. He’d changed his mind since then, about a lot of things, but here, nobody was watching him. Taking your shoes off and settling into a chair like that was surprisingly comfortable. He felt almost normal, as if he weren’t still broken.

On his lap was a thick leather-bound book, and a pen was in his right hand. Sage Castemont, his employer, more or less, had told him to check the ledger and make sure that all the sales and acquisitions were listed. She had already done most of the work herself, but she wanted a second pair of eyes, she had said. He didn’t mind. In the past, when he had been a child with too much responsibility and too much power, he would likely have considered it dull.

There was a lot of possibly important information to be gained though.

Sage had not only listed which items she had sold or acquired, and when, she had sometimes also noted down the name of the buyer or seller. Some of those people, he had realized, were worth learning more about. There was a woman, one Elisabeth Mahone, that had brought a couple of portraits of the Seven, for example. Saved during the fall of Rynmere.

They had recently been sold.

He checked if the sale had been marked correctly, before he turned to the next page, idly playing with the body chain that he wore on top of his black shirt. It was made of cobalt, with tiny garnets, rather than onyx, gold and silver, and diamonds, but it was … better than what he had had during those long arcs in the hospital when the only shiny things had been the healer’s instruments. They hadn’t allowed him to have any weapons either.

They’d been afraid he’d hurt himself.

Furrowing his brow, he abruptly turned the page, in an attempt to distract himself from the memories of a time that sometimes seemed like a confusing nightmare to him, of madness and a fire that burned within his body and his soul and threatened to consume him.

Fire …

He abruptly went back a few dozen pages. He still wondered who Sage had gotten the dragon figurine he had bought from her from on occasion. What she had said about it had made him wonder if there was more about it than she let on. He knew when Rynmere had fallen – he had been there, after all – so it was only a matter of checking the pages after that date.

And there it was.

Zi’da 723.

The name of the seller had been blacked out.

He frowned – and abruptly sat up straight, slipping into his boots as he did so when he heard the sound of the front door being opened. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door to the backroom, and Sage Castemont herself entered, a curious expression on her face.

She walked up to him and sat down on the edge of the desk, adjusting her skirt as she did so, before she cast a glance at the book. He had forgotten to leaf back to the current date again.

He looked at her.

She looked at him as well, smiling ever so slightly before she tapped a slender finger on the page he had just been looking at, as if she knew.

She probably did.

“I see, Cassander of Rynmere”, she said in that soft voice of hers. “It took you long enough to discover it. I’d already begun to wonder whether you’d lost interest, and I’d been wrong about you. I’d already begun to wonder if you have no desire to look deeper, after all”, she continued. Her voice was still ever so soft, but there was something beneath the softness now, a slight change in tone that he couldn’t quite define.

“Why did you black the name out?” he interrupted her. Had there been something about the man? He remembered that she had mentioned that the seller had been a man, a refugee from Rynmere who’d needed the money. Had he been a lover, or an enemy, someone that she didn’t want to remember? Or did the black colour simply mean that he had passed away?

She stood and abruptly moved to his side of the desk. She glanced at the ledger again before she turned to him. “Tell me, Cassander of Rynmere, wouldn’t you rather have a mystery and slowly peel away all the layers until you have found the core? What is left of the initial appeal when the information is simply presented to you?” she asked.

“Do you think an item is less interesting and worth less if you know too much about it?” he retorted, trying to match her tone of voice, in an attempt to deepen their connection.

“Sometimes it is”, she said and moved away from him again. “Sometimes, the mystery is all that counts, and sometimes, you want to know as much as possible, but hold the information close to your heart”, she continued and looked into his eyes for a moment, as if she were hinting at something, something more, before she glanced at the chain that he was wearing.

“Is that an invitation to research?” he wanted to know.

She inclined her head ever so slightly before she abruptly asked, “Why garnet of all the stones on Idalos, Cassander of Rynmere? Why not moonstone, citrine, malachite or lapis lazuli?”
Last edited by Cassander on Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:08 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 983
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Re: Garnet

“Perhaps I’ve decided to wear garnets because the reddish-orange color reminds me of the way the sky changes color at sunrise or sunset, or the fires that burned in Rynmere. Perhaps I like the way the color of the stones almost matches the color of my hair, or perhaps it’s because of the symbolism”, he replied and shrugged his shoulders very lightly before he adjusted the chain so that it rested on his shirt just right.

“Protection, friendship, trust, commitment or love – or maybe safety during travel?” Sage asked and cocked her head a little to the side. Her voice was just a hint above a whisper now, and her eyes shimmered brightly with curiosity as she waited for his answer.

“Perhaps all of them”, he replied and leaned forward slightly, as if to convince her of the truth of it. “But commitment trumps all the others, don’t you think? You can’t protect, or be protected, and friendship, trust and love are hard to maintain if you aren’t committed to them. And I intend to be that, at least.”

Having said that, he rose from the chair and spoke, “If I have found something out, will you let me know if I’m on the right track?”

“You will know”,
she replied somewhat cryptically before she suddenly stood completely still and furrowed her brow.

He looked at her questioningly.

“Listen”, she only said, held a finger to her lips and quietly opened the door into the main area of the shop. He followed her and opened the window so that the room that was normally shrouded in shadows was suddenly filled with light. It looked different now, more and less mysterious at the same time.

The treasures that usually lay hidden were visible now.

He could hear it. It sounded as if something big had fallen from the sky, and then there were screams all of a sudden. People were screaming about something, warning others about something, something that didn’t make any sense to him, a whole lot of things that were moving across the sky above the quarter and rapidly disappearing from sight until they were gone.

Maybe, he thought, he had misunderstood them. He didn’t like the possible alternative, a relapse, a return of the madness.

He shuddered and clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

Sage looked at him questioningly, hesitating for just a moment, before she opened the door and took a tentative step outside. He was about to follow her – he had, he realized, not gone mad again judging by the way she acted - when he noticed that there was something lying on the ground.

He abruptly grabbed her by the shoulders, barely managing to yank her back and keep her from stepping right into it. She looked irritated for a moment before she saw the substance that was in front of them – and the large shape a bit further away - and abruptly covered her nose with a hand.

She retched as she quickly slammed the door shut behind them.

The foul odor reached him as well, a little belatedly, making his stomach churn and his nose itch.

They looked at each other for a moment.

“What was that?” he asked – he had regained the ability to speak first, or so it seemed. As he waited for her answer, he opened a drawer, removed an incense stick and an incense burner from it and quickly lit the incense stick, relaxing slightly as it slowly began to smoke.

He could finally smell something other than things that should never leave a body in such copious amounts now, something better and much more pleasant, but it took a while until that terrible stench had faded completely and he dared to breathe in deeply again.

Sage gently dabbed her face with a lacy handkerchief as if the stench had made her eyes water as she considered his question. She glanced towards the door, furrowing her brow slightly as she did so, before she turned to face him again. She was a little pale, he noticed, but otherwise she seemed to be just like before, more curious and fascinated than put-off.

“We will find out, Cassander of Rynmere”, she told him. “But first of all, we need to remove that mess. If we don’t, we won’t be getting any customers for a while. I’ll get rid of the excrements, and I would ask you to take care of that dead monstrosity – or find someone who is willing to do so – before it starts to decompose.”

She looked at him expectantly and a little strangely as she said that, as if she were curious if he’d do it or consider such work to be below him. He found himself wondering if she was aware of who he was, or rather had been, again. There were signs that she might know, too many signs, although she seemed to be quite willing not to tell anybody, for the time being.

Well, he thought, she’d be in for a surprise. Refusing a task because he had been king once upon a time was a bit silly in his opinion, and besides, he wasn't squeamish. At least not a great deal. He just had certain preferences which included not being surrounded by dead things, if he could help it.

He removed his gloves from a pocket of his jacket that was draped across a chair in the backroom, put them on, tied a handkerchief around the lower half of his face in order to protect himself against the smell, at least to some extent, and grabbed a large piece of cloth.

He didn’t know how exactly he was going to move the thing yet, but until then, he’d throw the cloth over it so that nobody had to look at it anymore.

It was not an appealing sight.

He didn’t know what had caused its death, but he doubted that it had been something like a heart attack. And then there was of course the matter of its rather unnatural ... additions.

Pigs, he thought and glanced at Sage who had donned a similar getup and had procured a mop and a shovel from the closet in order to deal with the excrements, usually didn’t have wings.
Last edited by Cassander on Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1063
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Re: Garnet

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Notes/Warnings: Smelly Pigasus poop and a dead Pigasus.

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Re: Garnet




It started with a little mystery in the form of the origin of the dragon figurine Sage had sold Cassander. Who was the mysterious consigner? Was it someone from Rynmere perhaps, was it a refugee looking to make a quick buck, or was it even possibly someone who'd taken it from Cassander, or Cassander himself, and he'd forgotten? So many questions and this is a great start to a thread.

Nevertheless, they were unfortunately interrupted by the messy pigasus and their droppings Poor Sage even retched!

Hopefully they'll find a solution for their mess, enough that they can begin to uncover the mystery of the consigner.


  • XP: 10


  • Etiquette: Don’t put your feet on the armrest
  • Research: Using ledgers to research an item
  • Socialization: Matching someone’s way of speaking in order to try and create a connection
  • Socialization: Trying to convince someone of your point of view
  • Strength: Grabbing someone and yanking them back
  • Resistance: The smell of Pigasus poop


  • If Cassander really look shard at the blacked out name on the ledger, he notices their initials at least, if not the rest of the name.


    What does this mean?!
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