• Solo • [Rosebay] Inn-deed

90th of Ashan 724

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The surrounding lands of Rharne boast several towns and settlements that lie on the northern shores of the River Zynyx. This includes Mistral Village, Caervalle Town, Zynyx Market and Volta.

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[Rosebay] Inn-deed

90 Ashan 724

In concept and theory, rammed earth walls were simple. You set up a mould called a "form" so that the earth actually packed down, rather than just going lower and wider. You shovelled earth into the form, hammered it with a ram until it was compacted to almost half the size and hard as stone, then shovelled more earth into the form and repeated the pounding on that.

In practice, it was slow and tedious and very hard work. The Inn might be the most complex building that Rosebay had built yet, but that part had not changed.

The builders worked in pairs, one shovelling dirt into place and the other pounding it hard. Each got a short break while the other worked, and on the hour, everyone took a brief breather, and a swig of water, and then switched tasks. The time was marked out by a rough sundial that Dan had scratched into the dirt around a wooden stake.

The ram required less bending and lifting than shovelling did, but jarred the body at every stroke. They used different muscles for each task though, which in theory allowed the others to recover by switching. In practice, you ended up sore in a bunch of different places, but not, Dan had learned, as sore as if you didn't take breaks at all.

It also meant that signed conversations were possible, as long as you didn't mind a very slow pace while you waited for the other person to reach their break in order to respond. Some of the workers preferred to sing instead, something rhythmic and repetitive.

Dan ended up paired with Jack, who could talk more than enough for both of them. As Dan shovelled dirt from one of the piles into the form, Jack chattered cheerfully and rapidly about a silly incident he had once seen on his parents' farm.

"So," Jack said, "I was out with the plough teams this time - I'd just got old enough to work as a ploughboy, leading the oxen while a grown up steered the plough. Anyway, we were turning to start a new furrow, and I looked up, and there, along the base of the wall separating the fields, was a fox. Trotting along, he was, confident as you please, tail up, head up, paws moving elegantly as if he was posing for something and wanted to look his best." He grinned. "Pretty sure he was after a fat bird from our little flock of poultry, because it wasn't very long before he was coming back the other way. This time though, he was in a hurry, tail down, ears flat, looking over his shoulder, all confidence gone. Not even considering elegance. And right behind him, pelting along just as fast, beak right on the tip of the fox's tail, was the goose he must have gone for, taking her revenge for the insult!"

Dan made a small huff of amusement, and dumped the last spade load of dirt into the form. Jack picked up the ram and started pounding, an action which required both his hands, and earned Dan a merciful reprieve from his talking.

Although... he guessed the polite thing to do would be to trade a story for a story. He flicked a glance sideways at the next pair in line, Raven and Linnet, who seemed to be telling each other riddles or jokes. He wasn't sure which, and the format was much the same. They both seemed fine with it, but they were, after all, each others' twin and close enough not to want to be seperated.

"I don't have anything to match that story," he admitted slowly, buying himself time as he rummaged through a handful of possibilities. Most of his memories - the more pleasant ones at least - were routine stuff. Or quiet, end of a long trial, things. Catching fish, hunting rabbits, dealing with the weather. Nothing out of the ordinary, as far as he was concerned. Why would anyone be interested in ordinary trial to trial stuff? "Although, I guess, there was the time a stag picked a fight with a tree?"

Jack raised an eyebrow and made a sound like rather breathless interest, but the dull thudding of his ram against the dirt didn't falter for an instant.

Dan took that as Jack wanting to hear the story and drew in a deep breath to calm his nerves. Attention always made him feel as if he was going to be made fun of, as he had been all too many times when he was growing up in the orphanage. He swallowed, and began, carefully patterning it in the same way as the story that Jack had told.

"I was on the edge of the forest. I was, ah, looking for food? And there was this big old stag leading a bachelor herd. You can tell how old a stag is by the size of his antlers, they get bigger and more complex every time they shed and regrow them, which they do once an arc. His were truly magnificent. Anyway, he took a dislike to one of the trees and went stalking towards it. He circled the tree twice, then backed up a bit, lowered his truly magnificent set of antlers, and charged. He hit the tree trunk hard enough to make the whole tree shudder." Dan grinned wryly. He'd actually been up the tree at the time, and the reason the stag took a dislike to the tree was that Dan had, from his position in it, shot and killed one of the other deer in the herd with his bow. (It hadn't been so much a dislike of the actual tree, as an attempt to knock Dan out of the tree, so that he could be trampled under the stag's hooves.) "Tree was still standing, so he backed up and had another go. Same result. The stag didn't back off for a third run though. It wavered, propped up by the antlers resting against the tree trunk, wobbled for a moment and then toppled, looking almost resentful. So I guess the tree won the fight, in the end."

That earned him a small, wry, smile from Jack, but the young man finished his task before he said anything. Only when the dirt was hammered hard did he stop, breathing heavily. "Harder than it looks."

Dan glanced over at the makeshift sundial and nodded. "Break time."

The other pairs stopped with relief, and came over to drink water. The water in the waterskin was warm and flat tasting, but it was wet and it was quenching. Dan shook the skin, once everyone had had some and listened to the slosh inside. There wasn't much left. "I'll refill this," he told them, "before we go on." They nodded, and he went out to the lake and knelt on the shore to dip the waterskin into the clean water of the lake until it was full again. Water splashed as he waited, and when he got up again, his leggings were damp from the knee down.

He and Jack traded places, Jack taking up the shovel and Dan taking up the ram. Jack made quick work of the shovelling after his rest, and then it was Dan's turn to work. He lifted the ram and slammed it down, lifted it, and slammed it down, each impact jarring his arms and shoulders and chest. Beneath it, the earth slid together, compacting down, getting smaller and harder and more jarring with every blow of the ram. Dan gritted his teeth and kept going, keeping his feet on the frame of the mould, so that there was no chance of him ever bringing the ram down on his own toes.

The music, the song from further along the inn walls, steadied him. It gave him a rhythm to work to and something to focus on that was neither his own aches and pains, nor the story that Jack was chattering - something about snow falling off a roof onto someone.

When they switched again, Dan took the time to check everything over, making sure that none of the forms had slipped out of shape and that the gaps for doors and windows were proceeding as well as the walls. So far, all seemed well. He looked around again, listening to the music and the laughter, the friendship and the shared effort, and he offered up a silent, wordless prayer that the finished inn would be as full of music, and laughter, and friendship, as the building of it was.
ooc notes
Inn was previously planned out and paid for here

During the building of the Inn, Dandelion is using his Gone to Ground capstone, which reads as follows:
Having lived most of his life out in the wild in all weathers, Dandelion has learned to create shelters even when all that he has to work with is the ground beneath his feet. (For example: sod huts, mud walls, or rammed earth structures). These shelters remain comfortable and functioning in even the most extreme of weather - the inhabitants will suffer no ill effects from the weather in all its forms. They may not be warm when it snows - but they won't be cold, won't be wet, will not stay awake hearing the wind howl, etc. One shelter protects against all potential elements / weather conditions.
"Signed words" Spoken words
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Re: [Rosebay] Inn-deed

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Notes/Warnings: (Any Notes or warnings? Violence?) Uses Settlement NPCs Jack Lissky, Linnet Fell, Raven Fell

Thread: [Rosebay] Inn-deed
City/Area: Towns and Settlements
Skills: Engineering (mast), Fieldcraft (gm), Endurance (comp), Strength (comp), Detection (comp), Singing (nov/unt), Storytelling (nov/untrained), Leadership (comp)

Endurance: alternating tasks increases how long you can work for
Strength: shovelling large amounts of soil
Singing: work songs tend to have a strong rhythm
Singing: singing helps people keep going, even when tired
Storytelling: picking the right story for the mood
Storytelling: adjusting the story to the audience

Renown: (how much and for what?) Reviewer's discretion
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Peer Reviewers: Please give feedback as to whether you feel this is appropriate for Mark Progression.
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 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: [Rosebay] Inn-deed


Endurance: alternating tasks increases how long you can work for
Strength: shovelling large amounts of soil
Singing: work songs tend to have a strong rhythm
Singing: singing helps people keep going, even when tired
Storytelling: picking the right story for the mood
Storytelling: adjusting the story to the audience

Loot: -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: It’s great to see Rosebay grow!

I was impressed by how detailed your description of the builders building the inn was. It seems as if you’ve done your research in regard to building techniques. I definitely learned something new by reading this thread!

Dan gives me the impression of being a good leader. He doesn’t just stand there, but works alongside the builders.

The stories Dan and Jack told made the work less monotonous than it could have been. Both of them were entertaining!

That being said, Dan and his builders made considerable progress in this thread. I can’t wait to see the finished inn!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 177





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