(Mature) To Forge My Soul

30th of Cylus 723

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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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(Mature) To Forge My Soul

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm

Jasper stood quietly in his tent. Cylus was ending that night and come morning the sun’s would return. It was also the time that the contract between Eldloga and Sweetwine was coming to and end. Jasper had come in with his family earlier to start restoring their tents so that they would be able to move back into them as the season change occurred. They didn’t mind sharing with the community but the privacy of their tents would be nice. Jasper stood in his tent the Eldoga glowing in a simple brazier that heated the tent. He took several deep breaths aware that this was to be a significant event in his life that was about to occur. He could still feel the effects of contract between the two spirts, and felt that tonight need some meditation.

He spread a blanket on the floor, and looked at it. He was planning on meditating through much of the remainder of the night in preparation for the final decision. Jasper suspected that he was being more ceremonial then others might be, but to him this was important, both the event and the simple ceremony around it. As was the way among him and his he striped and then knelt down on the blanket. He was opening his whole self to the Induk and spirit he was communing with that evening. Some people might have stuck with the hard floor, but Jasper wanted to commune with the spirit, not torture himself.

He took a deep breath and didn’t look towards the spirits. This was a chance also self reflect. This was something that had been taught to him as an Aesir, though it wasn’t something he had often seen. To many of his Aesir brother seemed to have forgotten that part. It had been a couple season and he felt this was a good time. Jasper was well aware that he was an outgrowth of his society, but he was also willing to take a step and look that over. Jasper was proud of his upbringing and his own life. The struggle each year to put food on the table. Not that there was usually a shortage of food, but it was something achieved by the physical sweet of their brows. He had been taught the importance of hard work, and also that the universe owed his nothing. Jasper still remembered the culture shock of coming to Raelia. He also remembered the heart break when he discovered the softness of many of the Aesir. Those who he had worked with had been good Aesir, but many struggled to overcome the comforts of their life.

Though Jasper knew that he had entered a protective shell. He did his thing but didn’t fight against. He didn’t make waves, but he also saw that he had lost himself. Jasper had improved himself, he had remembered the lessons of his upbringing. On his own he began to understand better what the Aesir were, and what they could be. The Aesir of old had brough strength to their people, but they had kept it to themselves contained within the boarders of Melrath. They had weaved the spirits and mortals into a people. Each was still who what they were, but they had grown together.

Jasper opened his eyes and shook his head. The point of this self reflection wasn’t to pick apart others. He sighed and then taking another breath closed his eyes again. He sifted slightly unaware he even made the movement. He realized that he was a wall. He offered strength to those around him and at the same time was stubborn. He was clinging to all that he had been taught. There were many things that he knew were strengths, and good. There were others that were hindering him. Jasper had always been close to the spirits, and had clung to those teachings. One of them had been that spirits and Immortals were separate, but his experiences was telling him that wasn’t presented correctly. While true, they weren’t enemies as that word had implied. They two may not have always worked together, or be the same, but over time they had worked together and formed a working relationship. Jasper liked working with people. Liked to develop that friendship that bond. He could see that if spirits and Immortals were the enemies he had always pictured the world would have been torn apart.

As he thought about it he remembered being touched the tree in Almund and what it had shown him about the awakening. Yes the spirits had drawn him to Scalvoris, to teach him, to help him bring together the strengths of being a melrathie, but also being able to expand and grow, to take that next step in being a priest to the spirits. The Aesir had progressed and Jasper certain still had much to learn from him elders, but he needed this expanded education now while he was still young. He could weave what he still had to learn from his elders with what the other spirits could teaching him.

Jasper could feel himself self slightly shaking, not from the cold. Eldloga was keeping that at bay, but from the step he was thinking of taking. While Sweetsong was a Induk and a spirit, they were still not a Melrath spirit. Jasper felt his breath gasp as he realized that he would have to thinking beyond that. He would need to be something more. His love for his home would always be there, but he could love other place, and Induks, and also Immortals.

Jasper found himself lowering his head to the floor as he struggled with his own internal conflict. He was here to grow but in growing he would also have to hurt himself. That was the way growth worked though. Jasper couldn’t have said how long he knelt there, fully naked, both physically and mentally as he fought with his own barriers and weakness, as he decided if he wanted to take the risk in his growth. He could just learn about the Induks here and go home, go back to him home and just be a village Aesir, or he could rise to the full ranks of his potential. He could embrace old and new.

Finally he sat up, and felt his breathing slowly return to normal. He then slowly stood up and he could sense both Sweetsong and Eldloga waiting. They didn’t have to say anything. It was time. Jasper slowly spread his arms wide and then bowed his head. He took a few deep breaths and then slowly raised his head and said. “Sweetwine, I offer my thanks for the offer of becoming one of your Forged. In humility and with joy and a humble heart I accept, and vow to protect Scalvoris as I see best and to accept to follow your guidance.”

Jasper waited as the the compromise was completed. As dawn returned to the world and as Cylus ended so to ended the contract. Sweetwine would return to normal and Eldloga would return to Jasper’s guardianship. Thought Eldloga had expanded in his abilities from the event. Jasper to had expanded and changed this season. He could feel the effects take place the bond and he was introduced to a new Dirri a gift from Sweetwine.

After that was settled Jasper knelt once again and placed his hands on his knees. That was one choice made but their were two choices that had been given to him this season and both deserved an answer. Both were hard decision for various reasons though the one he had just made he had pondered for a while even before the option came to the table. This second one had come as a flattering surprise.

Eventually Jasper stood up and grabbed his pants and slipped them on and then threw on his cloak and shoes. It was still cold out there. He walked out of the tent and in the early morning of Ashan 1st he walked towards the spot where the funeral had been. Their the flower that Ashan had offered him was still there. Jasper took a deep breath and picked up the flower. He was aware that Ashan would respect him regardless of what his decision was. The Immortals personality and lack of intrusion in his marked life appealed to the Aesir and honestly he knew was the only reason he had considered the offer.

Jasper looked at the flower for a moment. He could feel the cold but his focus was on that flower. He smiled and tilted his head and then pressed the flower to his chest accepting the offer.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 20ft.

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Last edited by Jasper on Sun May 28, 2023 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1532
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Re: To Forge My Soul

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Notes/Warnings: Jasper is naked, but nothing descriptive or vulger

Thread: To Forge My Soul
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods
Skills used: Meditation (master)
Discipline (Expert)
Endurance (competent)
Detection (Expert)

Knowledge Claimed:
Meditation x3
Discipline x2
Endurance x1

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Re: (Mature) To Forge My Soul

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  • Language: Scalveen



Well done with this one. It's not often I read a genuine effort to portray the sequence one goes through when meditating. Starting, trying to keep your thoughts on rails, until they veer off and starting again. The whole process was well described.

I'm further intrigued by Jasper's thoughts on being a Melrathi, and also a Scalvoris resident now. An outgrowth of his culture, so to speak. I do wonder if he'll return someday, or if one of his descendents will. I suppose it is a concern for the future, and not the now, as his meditation shows.

All in all a very chill character development thread. I enjoyed it greatly.

Well written!


  • Points Bank: +5 - Favoured Blessing Awarded IRP
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 10


  • Meditation: x3
  • Discipline: x2
  • Endurance: x1


  • The flower that Jasper presses to his chest becomes the start of a mark, growing with a vine-like tattoo toward his left hip, where the mark will begin to grow as he grows in devotion to Ashan.
word count: 182

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