• Solo • [Goblin Sanctuary] Goblin trade?

23rd of Cylus 723

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[Goblin Sanctuary] Goblin trade?

Quid pro quo
Continued from here...

Location: Goblin Sanctuary

As he landed inside the fracture, using the jets of fire to push him towards the ground, he grabbed at rocks and roots in what appeared to be a large cavern to help ground himself. He would be weightless for a while yet, so that would need to be dealt with first.

Using the rope, he tied some balast to himself, in the form of small boulders and rocks.

As soon as he had managed to ground himself well enough to stand, he braced himself against a rock and started to pull in his pack from outside the Fracture.

"Well, you made it. NOW can we go?"
, not entirely happy to be in a place with far more dangerous things for him than Idalos usually held.

"Nah Joh. We need tuh see wat's in 'ere first. Dis ia a MAJOR Fractcha! Et's gat tuh 'ave sometin' cool enside et. Tink af all de tin's we cus make?"

The diri shook his head in dismay.
"Yuh don't 'ave tuh stick around buddy, ef yhu want to goh wait en
His spirit companion shook his head firmly.
"No. No, where you go I go. That's how this works. Just... Just lets not get into TOO much trouble, yeah?"

"Don't worry, Joe! Dere's no one 'ere. Wat trouble cus we passably get into?"

Joe held his breath expecting something to happen, as if the words would summon trouble from the air itself... but nothing came.

"See? Cummon, lets goh."
He said, placing the Firestone back in his pack before putting it on and adding a few more rocks for good measure.

They wondered through the cavern, looking for anything of interest and it did not take long to see evidence of life.
"Dese luk 'umanoid, Joe. Bot nat any kinda 'umanoid me eva met befar."
The prints were smaller than you average human and they appeared to have claws.
"Lets goh see ef dem es friendly?"

Joe sighed as they set off after the tracks, resigning himself to watch the ferret getting eaten by something big and scary.

After a short walk, the two of them entered a small bowl-like section of the cavern, through which a stream flowed to form a pool in its center. The water came from cracks and running water's along the walls and the reflective surface of the water looked appealing until Winston go closer and saw that something had perhaps been bathing in it.

There was ample evidence of squabbling between the dozen of so creatures they had followed as they made their way towards. They were about to continue as something made a sound beside the path leading away from the pool. It was about 3 feet tall, green and looked like it was searching for something.

It sniffed at the air as if it detected something on the breeze. As it moved forward, its movements were swift and reflexive, as if its wits being about it were a necessity for survival. Winston froze, carful not to suggest he was anything but a passer-by in this affair as it grew closer, apparently following its nose. The power of
Cassion's Locket
had not once failed him yet, but even so, this might be the most interest anything had ever shown him to date while wearing it. It was only a moment of two before another green creature appeared from the sideways, and then a third. They chuffed at one another in a language he didn't understand and the one at the front, looked at Winston...

The Ferret smiled amiably and the creature narrowed its eyes, before continuing to search around the cave.

Deciding that perhaps things were OK and bolstered by the success of his passing thus far, he went about searching the edge of the pool. He could see something familiar shimmering off to one side.. Then another... and another. They were Miragestone, formed around the reflective surfaces of the streams the fed the larger pool in the cavern floor. A small thrill of excitement fired up inside his chest as he approached a well.

He bent down to inspect one more closely, before reaching out to pick it up. As he did so, one of the green creatures swivelled its head towards him. It had the look of something very suddenly aware of his presence and not entirely happy about it either.

He slowly withdrew his hand from the glistening Well...

"I think it might consider these things 'its' things, Winston. We should leave well alone."

Winston considered how much Kelpie would have LOVED that pun as he slowly took off his pack and reached in to grab some food.
"Fud makes evertin' betta."
He said, gently as
from the bag
came a plate of small cakes. As soon as they appeared, the other two creatures became avidly interested in what Winston was doing.

"Right, OK, so Geoff and Barry are interested as well now. We should just give cake and leave."

Winston placed the cake on the floor and backed away.

All three of the creatures looked at the plate, sniffing the air and the one closest began to smack its lips in anticipation.

As it reached for a cake, the slightly larger one, that had been first to spot Winston leaped forward and smacked them away, yelling something in its harsh and unintelligible language at the others.

The other two were not happy, but seemed less then willing to argue the point right now as they spat our what was probably a curse of some kind in reply to their fellow.

"Right, so now Tina has the cakes. Lets gooooo..."

The larger (by only a few inches) creature, now called Tina, turned and took a cake and ate it. It's eye's lit up and it greedily to a second and a third and then it stopped... Its hunger was base and it ate them with vicious chomping movements.

It used one crooked finger to turn over the remaining cakes, tossing them into the dirt of the cave floor as if they were nothing.

You like the Fairy food?
It had only eaten the cakes that had been touched by ephemera.

He gingerly opened his bag again, being carful not to appear threatening in any way. He produced some more food and held it in front of himself. Whatever the Tina was liking, his cooking was second to none in Scalvaris and so even just the bake itself might have been appealing, but before he handed it over, he bent down and reached for a Well...

Tina grunted and scowled, bearing its teeth threateningly. He paused and withdrew his hand and the food. Tina stared at the food, then at the well, then at the ferret.

"You know it's deciding wether YOU are food right now, yeah?"
Explained Joe telepathically.

He reached for the Well again, slowly and simultaneously offering the food towards Tina. This time, it seemed that the creature was willing to make the trade, but instead of taking the food, it snatched the bag from his hands.

"Wait! Noh, dats..."
But the creature plunged a hand into it as Winston willed it to remain empty. The goblin gave a rage-filled cry as it threw the empty bag at the ferret and advanced on him menacingly. Winston fell to the floor, scrabbling in the bag for more food.
"Wait. Wait! Yuh see? More food..."
He thrust the Well into the bag and pulled out a perfectly made loaf and sweetbread.
He said, doing everything he could to seem compliant and, most importantly, useful tot he creature.

Again, Tina snatched the bag off the prone ferret, but this time she thrust another well into it before snarling aggressively at it as nothing it wanted came out.

Tentatively, Winston took the bag, reached in and pulled out a Pasty that had previously been intended to go to market. This time the creature looked irritated, but snatched the meat-filled parcel of pastry and scoffed it down.

As it ate, Winston sat up.
"Look, I REAAAALLY think it's time to go."
Insisted Joe and for the first time since they arrived, Winston could only agree.

He rose to his feet, remaining low and quite as Geoff appear beside him, offering another Well. It placed it at the ferret's feet. Winston smiled, nodded and took the well into his bag, producing another loaf of bread. As it took it and began to eat Tina spotted the trade and lashed out at Geoff, scratching as it viciously.

There was a sudden explosion of fighting between the three of them as they argued over the food or perhaps the right to trade for it.

Winston took this opportunity to throw meat, bread and anything else he could tip out of the backpack for them to eat as he made for the exit. Throwing the backpack on and scrabbling to find purchase in the loos dirt of the cavern floor, he ran for the exit.

The screaming from the creatures behind him was frenzied as he made his way towards the Entrance to the Fracture once more. He did not take the time necessary to set-up any kind of rocket propulsion this time, he simply reached the mouth of the Fracture, dropped his balast and launched himself back into Idalos.
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 1595


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Goblin Sanctuary] Goblin trade?

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Just one really. I have sought advice regarding the acceptable level of reward in the form of Wells for a single Solo. The consensus was somewhere around 4 to 6 (or the equivalent value in Class). As such, I have gone with this, but will gladly adjust this if you feel this needs to be changed during review.

The Goblins like Ether, which Winston used a bunch off when entering, which is what I figured might bring them looking.

Thread: [Goblin Sanctuary] Goblin trade?
City/Area: Beyond The Wall

Renown: None
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: The Wanderer
word count: 188


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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The Wanderer
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Re: [Goblin Sanctuary] Goblin trade?

A Warning To The People

Winston was lucky to make any distance away from the Goblin Sanctuary which had claimed the lives of many Yari, but maybe none quite as brave as the little ferret who could. Brave or foolish, the eyes on Winston had saved his life. They watched him stumble his way into the sanctuary, mindless of the danger waiting for him and they convinced the goblins the Murnor would take their hearts if they attacked the small furry thing before he gave the order. What sort of meal would it make for them anyways? Small bones, small pelt. It was difficult to keep the goblins both hidden and at bay when the Caudori decided to experiment with the wells. Activating their natural ability had a nasty habit of expending ether and that drew the goblins more often than not. It is what made the hunting of wells around the sanctuary so difficult.

Winston was stealing from the goblins natural food and only one set of eyes cared to find out why. Why did this little creature wander so confidently to death? Was it so naive? Alone in a dangerous land with no substantial weapons to be seen. Sitting down and preparing alchemical mixtures while the forest watched. While she watched. It knew nothing of the craft- this little furred creature. It expelled the energy of the wells with no refinement or class. It was lucky, very lucky, that it did not blow up the well in its hand through incautious use.

But it made it into the grand fracture and it continued to wander with the eyes following it. It went to look for the goblins. The only people who normally went looking for goblins were the people who wanted to kill them and unfortunately for Winston- there was no active battle in the sanctuary for his magic locket to shield him. It may have never failed him before, but he had made a particularly dangerous choice. There was a sense of conflict though, goblins killed most things, even each other if they really wanted to fight over food. That alone might have been enough for Winston to slip by if he hadn't been noticed already... but one had to be more than competent at hiding to avoid detection after propelling themself through the air with a well and alchemy.

When the first goblin saw Winston, it acted incredibly strange. In fact, it almost seemed like it had regarded Winston as one their own. Winston was perceptive, but even he wouldn't notice what was happening to keep him safe. A series of loud, guttural clicks range out in the air but Winston wouldn't hear them. It was the clicking that turned the goblin back to the task it had been working on. The spell and the woman casting it could only go so far though. When Winston reached for the well, the eyes feared that all was lost- but he was smart enough to leave it be when the goblin saw him. Winston should have listened to the diri but instead he tried to negotiate with creatures that didn't speak his language and didn't eat baked goods.

Goblins didn't have a particular appetite for ephemera. It wasn't the same as ether but they were simple minded and could be fooled into thinking that they were eating meat with ether the same way that they were being fooled into thinking Winston was one of them. Yet the problem was the coming frenzy. The longer the lie was maintained, the more dangerous it would become and the little ferret was not moving nearly as quickly as he should have been. Tensions rose and fighting broke out when Winston finally offered something to them with meat in it. He fled but it was too late. The illusion that had been maintained around him was broken and the goblins saw him.

"Run, bone-ded thing! Run!" A voice called out from behind Winston as he let his ballast go and sailed through the fracture. The goblins were coming for him.


This was an entertaining followup to the last thread, which I will review once it comes up in the que (I did this one ahead of time so you had a lead on the modbomb). Winston was either very brave or very foolish to go looking for the Goblin Sanctuary on his own but I enjoyed reading the thread.

I think that the interaction between the goblins and Winston was entertaining, especially because most of the time I see goblins, they are much smaller than the people around them and this time Winston is the short one. I think that he gave it his best effort when trying to get wells from the goblins but boy oh boy does curiosity endanger the cat.

A reminder for goblins going forward though, they eat plants and animals fairly exclusively- and are even more drawn to eat people with marks, mortalborns, and mages. There won't be much socializing with them without significant animal training or socialization (Master/GM).

Let me know if you have any questions and enjoy the wells!
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Flying: Jet Propulsion: Slow landings
    • Flying: Using balast
    • Hunting: Tracking: Spotting areas of high foot-fall in a cavern
    • Socialization: Making friends with Goblins without getting eaten
    • Stealth: Moving gently to avoid distracting something from it's interest
    • Athletics: Running while held down by weights because you are weightless
  • Loot:
    • Class 1 Raw Ezymite
    • Class 3 Raw Splinterthyte
    • Class 1 Raw Ezymite
  • Consequences:
    • The Chase - Winston went into a very dangerous place and interacted with a pretty much entirely hostile race who are closer to smart animals than they are to people. Worse yet, magic was needed to keep him from being eaten and that drives them into a frenzy. As a resulting consequence of this- please write a thread about Winston's escape from the Goblin Sanctuary.

      Once he is beyond the fracture he will find that a little more than a half-dozen goblins are following him through with ravenous hunger and intent to kill/capture him.

      Advice -
      1. It will be difficult to hide from them for long if any ether is used- but with the alchemical floating it is very possible to get out of range and hide long enough for them to lose interest.
      2. You are free to do whatever you want with the thread as long as it includes the escape from the sanctuary. (so it can be solo, collab, etc.)
word count: 1098

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