[Scalv University] University Challenge!

Hot Cycle 722 Calendar Event.

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[Scalv University] University Challenge!


Final Entry Tracker

This is in relation to this calendar event:
On 15th Ymiden, the university announces a second collaboration with Saorie's School. The two institutions will be working together and will be hosting a "University Challenge" - this will be an event which lasts over a ten-trial period. On the 15th, those who join up will meet at Saoire's School (transport will be provided if needed), and they will be given a "theme". Everyone then has ten trials to submit an artifact / display / item which pushes the boundaries of science or knowledge or skill in relation to that theme. On the 26th Ymiden, these entries will be displayed in the University as the first "Knowledge Fair" Reward - There are prizes for the best entries, etc.

What To Post Here!

This event is met through one / a series of threads undertaken by individual / small groups.
Your final "score" will be determined based on the amount of effort your pc put in to their entries to the Fair.

The THEME for this Knowledge Fair is: Transformation

When you have completed all the thread(s) which make up your entry, please post here (note that this can't be added to once posted) - and I'll post up a "Rewards Ceremony" thread towards the end of the Cycle where people who have entered can post!

Code: Select all

 [b]Link to thread(s) with overview of what you did:[/b]
 [b]Description of your entry:[/b]
 [b]Any additional info:[/b]

word count: 252
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: [Scalv University] University Challenge!

Closing up and putting in Limbo! See the "State of Play " for the impact of this event.
word count: 17
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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