Yeva asked if he was certain he was well, and Hart said quietly,
"It's just a bit of trembling. Look." He held up a hand, and though his hand was trembling, it wasn't trembling nearly as badly as when he'd dismounted the sohr kahl.
"It's getting better," he said quietly.
The pain in his chest wasn't getting better, but the pain wasn't... it wasn't getting worse, either.
In the distance, the lion bowed to him. Hart didn't know why it bowed; was it because it was of Daia's domain? Whether the lion had bowed because of Daia, or whether it had bowed for some other reason, Hart bowed to the lion in response. The lion bounded off and Hart watched it, silent, before he noticed the sound of horns.
The horns were sounding from the structures to the side of them, the village. Hart had noticed the village before; of course the village had noticed them. A group of people moved toward them, and one of them spoke. Hart understood his name,
Ralgar Warborn, and when the man placed a hand over his heart, and Yeva did, Hart did the same.
He bowed his head to Ralgar and said quietly,
"My name is Hart." Nir'wei asked about information Ralgar or his tribe, the Bro'ky'na tribe, might have about the Ruins of Fei, and the others answered Ralgar's questions. Hart, other than introducing himself, was quiet. The questions that he'd had, Nir'wei was asking; the questions Ralgar had had, were answered.
Because he didn't need to respond, he was able to write down some notes when they spoke, using the notebook and charcoals the Elements had supplied him. He wrote down a brief
about what they were doing, and things that he and the others in the group, as well as the Bro'ky'na, had noticed about the Ruins of Fei and the jungle. If possible, he would write down when they'd noticed what, glancing up at the sky to get a sense of the time of day.
When the others had spoken he said quietly,
"Does the Bro'ky'na tribe need any help, during the length of the winter?" Their objective was to release the induk; but they were able to
to Kura if the tribe was in need of help. If Ralgar or the others requested help, Hart would look to Nir'wei.
"Would you please relay that message to Kura?"
When the great wolf appeared by his side, Hart jumped. He didn't know if he'd ever been near a wolf before; he did know that he'd never been near a wolf this big. But the great wolf, Sovar, simply huffed a breath at Hart and nudged him with his nose. After a moment, Hart held a hand out to the wolf in greeting.
"Sovar," he said quietly.
"I'm Hart."
Nir'wei's orders were to mount the wolves, or in Woe's exception the saber-toothed cat, and to ride to the Ruins of Fei. Nir'wei said they would look for some sort of location in the ruins,
just like the one in Faldrass, that contained the bound spirit.
Hart had questions; he didn't know anything about Faldrass or the spirit that had been bound there. But his questions weren't important. He knew Kura had mentioned the
Fire Forged, and indicated that Nir'wei was one of them. Stan had mentioned Faldrass as one of the four balancing induks,
the Fire of Faldrass, but they hadn't sent a group to Faldrass. That, as well as what Nir'wei had said about Faldrass, seemed to mean that Faldrass had been released by Nir'wei and others.
Was the eruption of Faldrass related to the induk being released? Hart didn't know. What he did know was the information that Nir'wei had relayed to them from the Glass Temple. Ishallr needed to be released first, or Faldrass would
fall into the water.
Hart was temporarily unable to breathe at the thought. He thought of the people of Faldrass; he thought of his people on Faldrass.
But he got in a breath, and then another. The group on Ishallr needed to release their induk to balance Faldrass. This group, the Scaltoth group, needed to release their induk to balance Sweetwine.
Getting in another slow breath, Hart said, his voice rough,
"Nir'wei." The man had turned into a wolf; Hart nearly jumped again. Assuming Nir'wei was able to understand him, he said quietly,
"Ishallr needs to balance Faldrass first. We need to locate the chainstones and release Scaltoth; but not before Ishallr is released. We might have some time." Woe had advised moving quickly.
But if there was time, and Hart thought there was, he thought it best to utilize it.
"Time for more of the Bro'ky'na people to organize to go with us, to look," he said, and bowed his head again to Ralgar and to the other Bro'ky'na.
"Do you know how long the ruins, there..." he pointed, aware that the Bro'ky'na might not know the ruins as the Ruins of Fei,
"...have been surrounded by water? Do you know anything about the water, or about..."
He looked over at the ruins.
"...about that," he said, and realized he'd whispered the words under his breath. He said it again so the others would hear.
In the mist, there was some sort of
, and Hart looked grimly over at it.
The ruins were like the animals, he realized; the land there, surrounding the Ruins of Fei, was different than it was meant to be. Was the Rip in Reality why things were different, here in the jungle?
Somewhere above them a crow cried out, and Hart glanced up momentarily. The crow circling above them seemed... different than other crows, as well. It seemed to be looking at them intelligently, and Hart made note of it.
"Let me look at the Ruins, before we ride over," Hart said after a brief moment. He looked to Nir'wei.
"I'm able to summon an emeyan. She's able to appear here, in Reality, for about half a break. I'll be able to look through her eyes. She's able to fly."
If Nir'wei gave him the order, Hart would summon Tamsen. The emeyan appeared beside him in the form of a small girl, with light hair and white feathered wings. She was wearing a dress made of white feathers; but when she heard the crow cry out, the dress became black, the feathers those of a crow. She glanced at them all, one by one, then at the jungle, and then looked at Hart.
With a sigh, the emeyan shifted larger, her bones popping and pressing against her skin, her wings twitching horribly. She was still small, no larger than Nir'wei, but she seemed more like a young adult now, rather than a small girl. She fluffed her white wings out and looked at Hart, unamused.
"Tamsen, I need you to go look at the Ruins of Fei, there," Hart said quietly. She looked over toward the ruins, and the unamusement turned to something more, surprise. Her wings twitched some more, the feathers puffing like a bird's in winter. They, too, became black like a crow's.
"When you go over, do not touch anything, not even the ground. Please be cautious. Look at the Ruins of Fei from all sides, if possible; look for an entrance to the ruins. Don't go for more than a handful of minutes, then come back here. If there's time, look at the Rip in Reality as well. But do not get too near, and do not get near it at all if it seems dangerous." He glanced at the others, if they had something to add.
To the others he said,
"Is there any way to communicate with the Elements, above?" The sohr kahl were high, high in the sky, circling.
"I don't know if the ice will be able to hold the weight of the wolves. If we're able to communicate with them, it would be best to get information on where the ice looks the strongest."
Hart knew it was cold; it was very cold judging from the others' responses to the frozen jungle. But he didn't know how well the water might have frozen in just a couple of hours' time. The wolves were giant; would the ice hold them? They would be able to ride over more safely, on the strongest ice.
If it was needed, Tamsen would be able to do a circle of the ice herself, looking for the best way over. But if the Elements were able to get them information from above while Tamsen was looking at the ruins, that would be quicker.
That said, Hart dropped to a knee on the icy ground, and shifted his focus to Tamsen. Abruptly he was looking through her eyes. It was strange, looking through her; he saw himself, kneeling, and saw their surroundings and the others as if from her height. She looked at him a moment, and then turned and ran toward the ruins.
The moment before her feet touched the ice, Tamsen's wings shot out and she jumped. Her wings grasped the cold wind, the wind lifted her up, and she shot out over the ice. She glanced down at the ice a moment, and then looked up, at the ruins she was quickly approaching. When she got to the islet, Tamsen circled the outside of the ruins, looking for important details, like the entrance. She stayed well back from the Rip in Reality when she circled the ruins, not getting too near to it.
Only when she'd flown around the Ruins of Fei, looking for the entrance, did she then fly down nearer to the Rip. She circled the Rip, distant at first and then nearer, nearer. She would get slowly nearer to the Rip in Reality, looking at it, though she wouldn't get too near if she sensed it was dangerous.
Hart looked through Tamsen as she flew, and he spoke quietly about what they were looking at, describing it to the others. If they saw an entrance to the ruins, Hart would memorize the location to mark on the map.
When five or so minutes had passed, and assuming that Tamsen was back with the group, Hart would shift his focus again, looking once more through his own eyes. The shift was uncomfortable, sort of, almost a sense of vertigo. But it was gone quickly, and Hart asked Tamsen to
what she'd sensed near the ruins. Hart was able to look through her; but he wasn't able to hear or feel or smell or taste.
When she spoke, Hart wrote down notes, and marked the location of the entrance to the ruins on the map, if they'd noticed one.
But, if Nir'wei didn't give him the order to summon Tamsen, Hart would listen to his and the others' advice to move quickly.
Hart didn't know if the ice would hold them, and he said quietly,
"Will the ice be able to hold the wolves?" But, if the others advised to move quickly, Hart would mount Sovar despite his reservations. When he did, he was careful not to pull the wolf's fur. Riding the great wolf's back, he let Sovar determine where he was running in relation to the others. The ride was simpler, that way; Hart was not good at riding, and so the less he needed to do, the better.
They ran over the ice.
In the moments before they got to the winterless Ruins of Fei, Hart said quietly to the great wolf,
"Sovar, be wary of danger where winter doesn't touch." He would advise Sovar to remain back, away from the Rip in Reality.
He would advise the others to remain back, as well.
"The Ruins of Fei are our objective," Hart said, lifting his voice despite the pain in his chest and throat, so the others would hear.
"Let's remain back from the Rip."
Remembering what Doran had said about Fei, Hart said to the others, as well as to any Bro'ky'na that were with them,
"We're doing this to release the induk and balance Scalvoris. Balancing the induks will, hopefully, prevent the Warden's false daughter from drawing power from Fei's Fracture. But we need to remember not to disrepect Fei's grave, or her memory."
Perhaps he was speaking to any who might be listening outside of the group, as well.
Assuming that nothing prevented them from doing so, Hart would ride with the others to look for the entrance to the ruins. He would enter the ruins with them as quickly as possible, not only because it was their objective, but because entering the ruins would get distance between them and the Rip.