• Information • [Scalvoris] Fauna

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[Scalvoris] Fauna

Crescent Hare
Developed by Tio Silver
Price: Available at Tier 6
Habitat: All across Scalvoris. These animals are nocturnal, and so rarely seen in the day.
Lifespan and Development: Crescent Hare reach maturity at the age of 25, and live for a whopping 150 years. Although they live for a long time they find it very difficult to reproduce, which is why they are a very rare species. Sadly these hares cannot be domesticated as they do not trust any other creature and do not last long in captivity, though this hasn't stopped hunters from trying to catch them anyway for the high price they fetch.
Diet: Herbivorous.
Temperament: Due to their great speed these creatures have found running away to be their best option for survival, and so are almost guaranteed to flee at the first sign of danger. The only common case where they stand and fight is when protecting their young. Natural loners, it is rare to find a Crescent Hare in the company of another creature other than their children, however rumors say that there is a secret place somewhere on the island where these creatures congregate during Cylus, as no sight of them has every been reported during this season.
Abilities: The Crescent Hare's name is a well deserved one, as these creatures have special silver fur that draws power from the light of the moon which allows them to run at staggeringly high speeds. Depending on the position of the moon this fur glows with silver light; faintly during a crescent moon, and brightly during a full, which reflects the amount of energy stored within them. During a crescent moon these animals are fast enough, able to keep pace with a galloping horse, but the fuller the moon becomes the faster these hares get, until on the night of a full moon they can move so quickly that human eyes cannot keep up with them and they appear to be nothing more than silvery blurs. Only a foolish hunter would try to catch one of these during the night, but if you can find their burrows during the day or during Saun they become easy pickings.
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[Scalvoris] Fauna

Sea Slime
Developed by Tio Silver
Details: Scientists are still debating over whether this monster is an animal, plant or some kind of sentient material, but all agree that it's something to stay away from. This creature had a body structure very like a jellyfish, being composed almost entirely out of a unique slimy substance, however is far more flexible in shape and able to assume a multitude of forms. Although it feeds on meat to survive it also needs to expose itself to sunlight before it can properly digest the nutrients absorbed from its prey, and must intake a daily about of salt in order to keep itself thick enough to avoid falling apart.
Lifespan and Development: Apparently ageless, and with no clear signs defining different stages of a lifespan. Asexual. Usually found in beaches or coastal areas.
Diet: Carnivorous. Typically hunts sea creatures, though any meat will do.
Temperament: Highly Aggressive.
Abilities: The slimy substance it is composed of is highly acidic, meaning that any organic creature that touches it suffers a nasty burn, and very sticky, making it hard to escape from once caught. Additionally its gloppy body makes it invulnerable to piercing attacks.
Weaknesses: Very slow and physically weak. Can only sense using sound and touch. Combusts when exposed to fire, and gradually melts when exposed to fresh water (most notably rain).
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[Scalvoris] Fauna

Element Wolves
Developed by Pegasus
Details: These creatures, beautiful as they are, only started being spotted in Ymiden 718. Scholars at the University, however, tell that there are tales of such as these in the far history of Scalvoris. Considered, until now, to be little more than myths and exaggerations, their (re) appearance has thrown doubt on a number of claims previously considered fantastic or obviously incorrect. Ancient stories, some of which were written hundreds of arcs ago tell of a number of different animals who existed in element form such as these creatures. Wolves, it seems, were just one of many creatures ~ some of who have names no longer recognised at all.

These wolves are still incredibly rare, although they are seen in the Jungle, the Sweetwine Woods and the Scaltoth Mountains as well as the Ice Caves and Immortals' Tongue.

The wolves appear to be like normal wolves in almost every sense, yet the avoid mortal contact and resist all attempts to domesticate or train them.

Lifespan and Development: Currently unknown. Assumed to be the same as a more usual wolf until more research is done though.

Diet: As wolves

Temperament: As wolves.

Abilities: There are four types of Element Wolf. They each have slightly different abilities:
The Earth Wolf seems to be able to blend in, chameleon-like, with its surroundings but only when those surroundings are plants or rocks or earth.

The Ice Wolf is always cold to the touch. Not freezing, but always cold. Even in the heat of Saun. Where it walks, it leaves behind tiny shards of ice.

The Air Wolf appears to be vaguely translucent. It isn't, it's a similar sort of ability to the Earth Wolf, but this ones fur shifts and changes with it's background, giving the appearance of a ghost-like form.

The Fire Wolf is always warm to the touch. Not enough to burn, but always warm. Even in the coldest depths of Cylus. Where it walks, the ground is warm.

Weaknesses: They have all the weaknesses and strengths of a normal wolf. To a large extent that is what they seem to be. When they die, they crumble into dust, as though they are ancient and thus, can not be used by Becomers or Alchemists since, as soon as any part of them is removed, it crumbles away.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
There are many, many secrets to discover about these creatures.
They are currently not available as pets / companions.
You may spot one in passing - you may kill one. IF however, you seek to interact with one in any way, please PM Peg.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Fauna

Scalvoris Mountain Goats
Developed by Lucas Nardovino
Price: Available at Tier 4

Habitat: Mostly found in high land areas, especially surrounding the Scalvoris mountains. These creatures frequently live above the tree line during the warmer seasons and will migrate lower into the forested areas of the mountain sides during the winter for protection from the rigid and extreme temperatures that exist in higher ground through those seasons. They can predominantely be found in the forests during the end of Vhalar and throughout Zi'da and Cylus returning to the higher pasturing areas during Ashan and remaining there until the next cold cycle begins. They are herbivores and they can be frequently found around mineral deposits in the mountains collecting essential nutrients from these natural mineral licks.

Lifespan and Development: These creatures can live usualy between 12 and 15 arcs in the wild, however, domesticated goats can survive potentially all the way up to 20 arcs. When born the Kids (baby goats) will quickly begin to learn to run and climb within breaks and within a few trials they are fairly adept. Mothers can often be found walking behind the kids in order to make sure they don't fall and be unable to be stopped during particularly hard climbs. Goats will reach sexual maturity around 30 months and herd females will go into season and be ready to mate. Male goats will stare at female goats for prolonged periods of time when they are interested in taking them as mates and often they will fight other males in impressive displays to woo the female. After mating the male and females will once again split with billies moving away in small groups up to 5 and Nannies frequently making groups up to the size of 50.

Diet: Being herbivores these creatures will eat all edible plants found in their highland habitats having a natural understanding of what too and what not to eat, when domesticated these creatures will eat grains and fruits and grass as well.

Temperament: Generally dosile unless pregnant when they will defend their unborn young and shortly after birth too. Otherwise these goats will leave you alone unless attacked they tend to avoid human contact as long as you avoid getting too close. Domesticated goats act much like your usual sheep or goats and can be herded as such with usual methods.

Abilities: Incredible climbers and with amazing resistance to the cold and dangerous mountain environment these creatures are almost unrivaled in their ability to traverse the Scalvoris Mountain range, only second to birds who can avoid the terrain entirely. The Scalvoris Mountain Goat offers two items to those who farm them, although not many do due to the necessity of living in high up and isolated areas making their products worth a fair amount. The goats offer both wool and milk, while the wool is a brilliant insulator and can make amazing winter clothing it is not of as high value as the milk. Used to make a rather expensive cheese, this milk is highly valuable and much sort after by cheese makers across Scalvoris.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Fauna

Glass Snake
Developed by Kyreen
Price: Tier 4 to purchase

Habitat: These three foot long translucent constrictors can be found on and around beaches and rock pools from mid Ashan to early Zi'da. From Zi'da to early Ashan, they bury themselves deep in a sand dune or bank above the tideline to hibernate. They are uncommon in Scalvoris and rare elsewhere.

Lifespan and Development: Glass snakes usually mate shortly after they emerge from hibernation and give birth to broods of 3-7 live young in early Ymiden. The young are almost fully transparent and only a few inches long. By the time they reach their first hibernation, they have taken on adult colouration and reached a foot in length. Glass snakes reach maturity at 2 arcs and live 10-15 arcs.

Diet: Glass snakes hunt and eat shellfish of all kinds, beginning with shrimp and crayfish as newborns and increasing variety as they grow. A mature glass snake can easily wrap itself around a crab, crack the shell and drag out the creature inside with its long fangs.

Temperament: Glass snakes are shy, preferring stealth and hiding to outright attack. Most humanoids are bigger than any glass snake is interested in, but there are tales of Tunawa being mistaken for shellfish and barely escaping with their lives.

Abilities: Glass snakes are translucent, and all except the youngest have chameleon skins, allowing them to take on the colour of whatever sand they are lying on. They are prized as pets by trainee doctors and vetinarians because the snake's translucency allows them to directly observe the movement of bones and the action of living internal organs.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Fauna

Developed by Yeva

Price: Available at Tier 6, otherwise 2 - 6 WP depending on breeding and colouring.

Habitat: Scalvoris, naturally found near Sweetwine & Scaltoth Jungle

Lifespan and Development: Deliroths are fleeting creatures, with a maximum lifespan of 6-8 arcs. The record for the longest surviving known lifespan is 15, however such a occurrence is extraordinarily rare. They grow quickly, often sold in small cages at market or in shops within 20 trials of their hatching, although many don't develop their unique coloring until their 30th trial, when their diet broadens to include red meat. They can be rather loud in groups, and bond quickly to other Deliroths and will even grow depressed if separated. They are rather needy animals and require regular attention and if bought alone, must be handled daily, otherwise destructive tendencies can emerge. Very smart, they enjoy lots of mental toys and to cage a Deliroth without entertainment is to slowly kill it. They are considered sexually mature by their second arc and both genders will impulsively build nests, often creating mischief in the process. Some of these construction materials can include sticks, mud, ribbons, yarn/thread, hair, feathers, pillow stuffing, and in some cases, the shredded skin of reptiles.

Diet: Omnivorous - Insects, worms, fruits, berries, seeds, and small bits of meat.

Temperament: Rather docile and playful. Can be a bit nippy in their first few arcs which may surprise an inexperienced pet owner.

Abilities: Deliroths, named after the Immortal of Wind, are known for their quick, darting flight patterns and lovely plumage. They often resemble common birds but are curiously quadrupedal, their feet a mix between paws and talons giving them a unique advantage on land.

Weaknesses: These avian mammal hybrids are quite small, usually no bigger than the average budgie or robin, although in some cases they can grow the size of dwarf rabbits. This size makes them the perfect prey for many medium or larger animals, and easily killed as result. They will impulsively hoard shiny objects, like small coins and jewelry.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Fauna

Developed by Ari'sora
Price: Available at Tier 6 in Scalvoris, Tier 7 in the rest of the world. Otherwise, 1-5 WP depending on coloration and rarity
Habitat: In the wild, linnaret prefer forested areas so they can be found in any forest on Scalvoris. But they are beautiful creatures and they make wonderful pets, so they can also be found for sale at any pet shop, or market that is likely to have someone who sells animals.
Lifespan and Development: In the wild, linnaret live for an average of 30-40 arcs. But domesticated linnaret can live up to 70 arcs due to the care their owners give them.

Linnarets are kits for the first three arcs of their lives At the age of three arcs, they will have reached their full growth, and be sexually mature. Males tend to be larger than females. Females have a gestation period of 75 trials, and give birth to litters of 3-5 kits. They mate for life, and will only rarely take another mate if their first one dies. Both parents will help to raise the young until they are fully grown.

Diet: Linnarets are omnivorous. Their diet consists of fruit, nuts, seeds, and small prey such as mice, squirrels, rabbits, and small birds (or pieces of meat if they have an owner).
Temperament: Linnarets are social creatures. In the wild, they live in packs of up to 100 members. As pets, they will pine for companionship unless their owner is either incredibly devoted to them and gives them a lot of attention, or they are kept in groups of three or more. Preferably both. They have the intelligence of a grey parrot (or a 2-3 arc old child), so they must be kept entertained. If not, they will find their own forms of entertainment that their owners may not find amusing.

They form strong bonds with their packmates in the wild. Domesticated linnarets are very affectionate towards their owners. They love to be held and cuddled. If their owner is home, they prefer to be in the same room they are, and if their owner leaves them alone too much without giving them a companion, they may pine themselves to death.
Abilities: Linnarets emit phermones when petted. These phermones are very calming and soothing, making them ideal pets for someone who is anxious a lot, or who has suffered emotional trauma of some kind. Their fur is incredibly soft. People feel good when they pet a linnaret. For this reason, members of the Order of Adunih may suggest that someone buy a linnaret for a pet as part of their recovery from emotional trauma.

If treated well, a linnaret will form a very strong emotional bond to their owner. When this happens, the owner will be able to feel their pet's emotions. Because of their intelligence, linnarets are easy to train...if they are interested in learning what you want to teach them.

Linnarets come in any shade of black, white, grey, brown, and cream. Some may have more than one color. A less common variation is a linnaret that has an irridescent shimmer to their fur. These tend to be worth more than those that don't. The rarest linnarets (and therefore the most expensive) have color changing fur. Their fur will shift at random through any color normally found in their species. This can also happen when they are startled or frightened in an attempt to conceal themselves from danger.
Weaknesses: Their incredibly soft, luxurious fur makes them a prize for hunters wanting to sell their fur. Wild linnarets can be a nuisance because of their tendency to cause mischief when bored. Domesticated linnarets also need to be kept entertained or they will find their own ways of amusing themselves.

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Fauna: Sea Dogs

Sea Dog
Developed by Pygmalion
Price: Tier 4 (4 wp for those under tier)

Habitat: Aquatic only. Ubiquitous throughout the Seas of Idalos but particularly prevalent in Scalvoris.

Lifespan and Development: The female sea dog lays a hundred eggs every few years in shallow lagoons in places where plentiful wasted food can be found. Often enough, they will breed near to human settlements for this reason. In these lagoons and shallows, the males will compete fiercely for the right to pass on their genetic material, and chase the weaker, slower males out. Once born, it takes around a cycle for a sea dog to grow to a viable measure where they can hunt for themselves, and about an arc before they reach reproductive viability. They can grow to the size of a small pony at their full measure of a few arcs old, but average sizes of a larger dog.

Diet: Carnivorous, largely eating the remains left over after their ‘master’ has partaken of their catch. Bones are a particular favorite of the sea dog. It’s said that one who feeds a sea dog a bone will find a friend for life.

Temperament: Sea dogs have a strong school mentality, and will stick with the same grouping of larger fish and whales (typically other predators with whom they have a symbiotic relationship.) . Given their low nutritional needs compared to fish of comparable size, sea dogs will often hunt for sport, and bring the uneaten prey back to their ‘master’.

A sea dog or grouping of such can be trained to follow a large vessel as they would a whale or any other aquatic creature. So long as they are not harmed by the crew and are fed regularly from the boat, they will follow the vessel loyally, and protect it from all manner of threats, even from other aquatic animals. However, sailors who own sea dogs are well advised not to stay at dock for too long, as sea dogs get restless close to shore, and will abandon the vessel they consider their master if they are not fed a steady diet of bones and granted excessive social contact from its crew.

Abilities: Extremely loyal to those who feed them a steady diet of bones. They have strong group instincts and are surprisingly easy for anyone to train. They are fast in the water, with sharp teeth and razor fins, and are stalwart defenders of their ‘master’, often able to take on larger predators when grouped together or large swarms of hostile fish.

Weaknesses: Often considered pests by net and commercial fishermen, for their propensity for cutting through nets heavy with fish, thus ruining valuable equipment. While not a weakness in and of itself, this leads to many sailors turning on the sea dogs. Often enough culling will occur when fishermen go out to sea, luring in the sea dogs with bones only to trap and kill them. They can be too trusting.

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Spine Fish

Spine Fish
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Developed by Darius Baer.
Price: Nobody would ever pay for a Spine Fish, unless they lost a bet.
Habitat: Spine Fish are known to live in both cold and temperate parts of the Hollow Sea and all around Scalvoris Island. Some say they are also found in more distant waters.
Lifespan and Development: In captivity and ultimately protected from the outside world, a typical Spine Fish might live up to 5 arcs. However, they rarely live this long, due to predators, which typically take the form of any carnivorous fish of a larger size, and sailors.
Diet: Small fish and seaweed.
Temperament: Spine Fish swim in large schools. They are not intelligent, and they are often curious of boats and other sea creatures they encounter. This makes them a particularly easy catch for sailors fishing out at sea or on the end of a wharf.
Abilities: Spine Fish are believed to have healing properties, and are often [glow=blue]served to sailors[/glow] as a result.
Weaknesses: Their combined curiosity and lack of intelligence makes them easily susceptible to being caught by predators.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Fauna

Muter Fish
Developed by Yeva
Price: Tier 6
Habitat: Underwater caves and nighttime shorelines.
Lifespan and Development:
Diet: These carnivorous fish are known for eating just about anything that will fit in their mouth. Highly territorial, their eyes pulse a warm glow, attracting both mates and more importantly, curious fish, which they then shoot towards with devasting speed in an effort to capture them in their large needle lined maw.
Temperament: Aggressive, Territorial
Abilities: The eyes of the Muter Fish are often called 'liquid gold', known for their jelly that gives off a bright glow in even the darkest of waters. When harvested, this substance is a highly potent pain inhibitor and is coveted by surgeons for its ability to numb even the more gruesome of injuries.
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