Review Request 2.1.1

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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Stains
City/Area: Uthaldria
Notes/Warnings: N/A
Requested Rewards:
Persuasion: Asserting oneself as the best option
Storytelling: Lead with a loaded first sentence
Storytelling: Balancing figurative and literal language
Storytelling: Pausing for effect

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 57
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Tristan Venora
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: [Oakleigh] Something about Alchemy
City/Area: Oakleigh
Notes/Warnings: Hart told me he'd flipped a coin to determine whether Tristan's attempt at alchemy was successful. Apparently it was!
Requested Rewards:
Acting: Feigning confidence
Alchemy: Doesn't require an initiation
Alchemy: Binders: Used to combine reagents that normally negate each other
Alchemy: Different reagents can have the same effect
Alchemy: Different types of triggers
Alchemy: Kind of like cooking
Alchemy: Safety is important!
Animal Husbandry: Characteristics of slugs
Etiquette: Clean up after using somebody's kitchen!
Persuasion: Appealing to a woman's maternal feelings

Hart: Can read feelings
Hart: Received his schooling on a ship
Hart: His mother searched for lost shipwrecks and forgotten treasure

Loot: A piece of mirror cloth that is as hard as iron and big enough for two cloaks (one for Ayla and one for Hart).
Injuries/Overstepping: No.
Fame: Positive. Tristan made the alchemical cloth for free because he wanted to help Hart! And he gave him a bandage for his wound!
Devotion: No.
Collaboration: Yes.
Magic EXP: No.
word count: 180
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Let's Get Started
City/Area: Uthaldria
Notes/Warnings: Bit of healthy violence, thread cannot continue since other party has left sadly.
Requested Rewards:
Skill Related
  • Unarmed Combat: Brawling In Enclosed Spaces
  • Unarmed Combat: Cheap Shot
  • Unarmed Combat: Kick Below the Belt
  • Tactics: Disorienting Your Opponents
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Er... Maybe?
Devotion: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 65
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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Tio Silver
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Explosive Invisible Ink
City/Area: Warrick, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:
Alchemy: The recipe for invisible flammable ink
Alchemy: Using Purple Gamble flowers in alchemy
Alchemy: Trigger reagents
Alchemy: Cancelling reagents
Alchemy: Making things that set alight
Chemistry: Acids and Alkalis
Chemistry: Reaction of pigments
Research: Testing the properties of Purple Gamble flowers

- 3 bags of Purple Gamble Flowers
- Flammable Invisible Ink

Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Devotion: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 81
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: First Night
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Mature Themes
Requested Rewards:
Acting: Responding to the cues given by others
Endurance: Pride in your appearance can require endurance
Intelligence: Spotting the best client for the night
Intelligence: Responding in a way the client wants to put them at their ease
Intelligence: Setting up contacts
Persuasion: Explaining why now is the time
Persuasion: Making promises and keeping them
Psychology: if you feel ready, you aren't.
Strength: Holding your arms above your head and working for a length of time builds muscles

Loot: +1 regular customer who is an influential member of Rharne's Merchants Guild
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Devotion:Delroth: Spend a break or more making self look good (+3), Prayer to Delroth (+1)
Zanik: Take up profession of courtesan (+10), Seduce Someone (+2), Prayer to Zanik (+1)

Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No

Requested Rewards:
Acting: Fitting in to luxury
Discipline: A promise for later
Discipline: Remembering that safety comes before profit
Etiquette: The Devil is in the details
Etiquette: Presentation of a high class establishment
Leadership: Pre-opening speeches can be short and sweet
Logistics: Ensuring that everything is ready to go
Logistics: Considering first impressions
Persuasion: Demonstrate how good what you're offering is.

Loot: 400gn (client for Zana. As per the business guide, since this isn't either Zana or Theo's job thread, this is extra for the business)
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Run a business (+10), Host an Event (+3)
Devotion: N/A
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 261
Every crowd has a silver lining.
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Nurture
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:
None. This is very much an internal workings of Faith's head thread. It's just some stuff that she needed to work through having discovered that she's pregnant. Now she has and it is done.

Loot: Nope
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Devotion:Vri: Declare love (+2)

Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 68
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Affair: Chapter 1
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:
Anos: Has a medallion of Vri
Anos: Orphan
Anos: Reticent to discuss his medical history.

Loot: Nope
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: +2 (good deed? Helping Anos etc)
Devotion: Nope

Collaboration: Yep (I finished the thread as best I could. Anos hasn't logged on since 10th June. :(
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 68
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Once upon a shipyard …
City/Area: Ne’Haer
Notes/Warnings: Nope. This is an unfinished thread and it’s sat around long enough that I figured I’d just turn it in. I don’t think we will get back to it, and it’s at a decent stopping point. We both have over 3 posts, so it’s all good.

Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledges:
• Acrobatics: Over the gunnel
• Rhetoric: Dealing with your parents
• Rhetoric: Sharing your travel dreams
• Psychology: Don’t knock it until you try it
• Psychology: Not every woman’s a muse
• Socialization: Drinking and carousing go hand and hand
• Socialization: Looking for ladies with a wingman

Other Knowledges:
• Elijah: Shipwright
• Elijah: Looks a lot younger than he is
• Elijah: Thinks monogamy is boring
• Elijah: Likes the drinks and the ladies
• Elijah: Has never left Ne’Haer
• Elijah: Idolizes Rharne: the home of Ilaren, booze, and beautiful women

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A
Collaboration: Yes, with Elija Ki’Ouj
Magic EXP: Nope.
Last edited by Pash Raj'oriq on Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 177
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: In the Wake
City/Area: Scalvoris Town, Scalvoris Island
Notes/Warnings: Nope. This is another unfinished thread that happens to be over 3 posts and at a good stopping point. It was supposed to be an Impact thread after a series of tornadoes whipped through Scalvtown but fizzled out. I’m submitting it for review because it’s from Ashan and it’s fine unfinished at this point. I couldn't think of much in terms of skill knowledges since it was mostly introduction, so oh well. :P

Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledges:
• Rhetoric: Asking for directions as a form of introduction

Other Knowledges:
• Event: Ashan 717 Tornadoes in Scalvoris Town
• Amaris: Taller than you
• Amaris: Student at the University
• Amaris: Mixed blood

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A
Collaboration: Yes, with Amaris
Magic EXP: Nope.
word count: 145
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Review Request 2.1.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Immortality of Wisdom
City/Area: Emea
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:
None (Dream)

Loot: Nope
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Nope
Devotion: Nope

Collaboration: Yep
Magic EXP: No
word count: 34
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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