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Pad and Faith get wed in Desnind

62nd of Vhalar 717

Here is the City in the Trees. Desnind, home of the Immortal Moseke and much more! All IC writings in Desnind go here.
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs
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Take my hand, erase the past forever

It was hard not to break the moment and snort as Faith turned and kissed her husband before he even had the opportunity. Faith Augustine? For a moment he had to admit, he was surprised that Padraig didn't choose to take her last name... at least before he put a little thought into it and realised that he wasn't quite sure if Faith actually had a last name at all.

"I'm never going to see your wedding, am I?" Greyhide asked suddenly. He didn't reply - he was busy clapping as the two broke off their embrace and the ceremony finally drew to a close, the four Immortals still lingering in the background. It wasn't a question he'd ever considered, the possibility of marriage... although seeing this ceremony, even thinking about it in the days of journey, waiting and watching Padraig and Faith enjoy one-another's company as easily as if they'd already been married for arcs, he'd started wondering. Perhaps Greyhide had picked up on that. They were both still coming to grips with the true limits of their bond and what they now shared, be it emotions or true thoughts. "You feel attraction once in a lifetime but you've never felt love. You don't know what it is."

This time he turned attention away to stare down at the wolf, a reply forming in his mind but smothered as Greyhide continued heedlessly, drilling with inhuman eyes filled with deep understanding. "Is it because you never felt the love of a parent?" He stepped closer, but in his mind the wolf was looming, casting a deep shadow over his thoughts that made his hackles rise, until he realised he didn't have any. "Do you love me?"

Faith touched him and the real world slammed into him like a river of cold water emptied over his head, making him jerk in surprise before reflexively wrapping both arms back around that lovely girl-- no, woman now. "I love you too, sister of my soul." He meant it with every ounce of his being, but Greyhide's words had somehow shaken him deeper, deep enough that he hoped it wouldn't show on his face and spoil the moment. He was the first person she'd laughed with. He didn't dare admit she was the first person that had ever loved him. "A minor technical detail... that also just happened to be a fundamental law of physics... and would have killed us both if we'd gone with your idea. You could say I'm the reason you lived long enough to get married, but sure, let's call it a minor technical detail." He made a show of rolling his eyes to Padraig.

They kissed, Greyhide barked, Traveller rumbled in appreciation and eventually the happy couple moved on to the other guests. He stayed behind, eyes momentarily drawn to the Immortals, before he reflexively started walking as far away from them all as he could manage without drawing too much attention to himself.
word count: 514
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Take my hand, erase the past forever

Your rewards little ones!

15 skill points for all.

Socialisation: How to behave at your own wedding
Socialisation: Don't try to memorise everything just speak your feelings
Etiquette: Wedding Etiquette

Fame: +30 You got married and four immortals showed up, I don't think much else needs to be said.

Blessing level up (Adored):

Bond (Moderate): The Adored can Bond with up to 3 other people. In doing so all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Adored and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 1000 feet of the Adored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance. Images and feeling can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline, the more details can be relayed.

Illustrious Skills II: Add an extra six skill points to any two of the following skills (max of 3 points per skill): Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.

Bound Beyond Blood: The Adored can share in the Racial Bonus' of those whom they have Bonded, and share their own Racial Bonus with the Bonded. 10 points of the Adored's Racial Bonus are shared with those they have Bonded, and 10 points of each Bonded’s Racial Bonus is shared with the Adored.

Socialisation: How to behave at your own wedding
Etiquette: Wedding Etiquette
Etiquette: Acknowledge all your guests

Fame: +30 You got married and four immortals showed up, I don't think much else needs to be said.

Blessing level up (Adored):

Moseke's Light (Moderate): Similar to Sevrath's Will, the user is capable of focusing divine energy into a moderate injury (Deep cuts, burns, moderately sized puncture wounds, etc.) and coax the cells into healing. This ability requires a few events to "convince" the cells to heal, and even then they may move slowly. This ability does not weaken the character as another, more powerful healing ability would, however, the character is unable to heal major injuries. When this ability is in use, a pale green, yellow light emits from the character's skin like a mist and is focused towards the palms and fingers where it is released upon contact of another individual's flesh. Multiple uses of this ability for long periods of time will cause headaches and fatigue.

Sevrath's Will (Moderate): With a sizable amount of concentration, the user is capable of focusing energy into a medium sized plant or sapling of their choosing to coax it into a form (An inanimate object, a room, etc). Using this ability will require a few events to "convince" the plant to retain the shape that is willed unto it. The character will usually have to sing or play music for the plant in question to calm its wild ways. At this stage, the formations created by this ability are often decently sized and durable.

Sevrath's Skills II: Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Meditation, Medicine, Singing, or Musical Instrument. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.

Padraig and Faith:

Vri's box, made from a rare wood found only in the Makubwa Lori, it has no hinges or slides and is as far as the eye can see a simple empty box with no opening. No matter how hard you try to open it physically it will not move. Vri left you with the instruction to call upon the box when the time is right.

Socialisation: Solitude makes spirits dreadfully unaware of social protocol.
Socialisation: Always time to find out people's names later
Etiquette: Wedding Etiquette

Etiquette: Wedding etiquette
Leadership: Leading a Wedding ceremony
Socialisation: Teasing the newly weds
Socialisation: Weddings are followed by mingling

Discipline: Trying not to show when you're upset
Acting: Putting on a brave face.

word count: 670
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