• Graded • Step Right Up!

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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It was probably the fact that Mr. Parren was anticipating another aerial approach from the well-known 'Flapper' that he was a little slow to stop her from her initial curling of the edge of the carpet. She'd already begun rolling it when he called to her to stop.

Even though she did, a loud murmur ran through those in line behind her. He grudgingly lifted her arm in triumph, his declaration of her victory being less enthusiastic than most of those he'd extended to those who'd succeeded over the last five trials.

Up until then, he'd been enough on the ball to halt any that looked to be taking this singular approach from going far enough to tip off those in line behind them. This had been the case with the few that had not succeeded through some other means. Night had come close with her flying, and the little girl had done even better. But few had that approach available to them.

But now, the next several contestants simply mimicked Night's new strategy, and the steadily deepening shade of facial red displayed what the charlatan thought of it. He was still far ahead in his profits; but it would be fair to say that he stood to come out on the losing end if everyone was to take Night's demonstrated approach. And he was not about to allow that.

After awarding Night her prize, along with a half dozen more, he hit on a new tactic to rob those that came after of exploiting the foolproof tactic. Just as the next one up started forming enough of a roll, on one end of the carpet, that peripheral vision lost the details of both ends, Parren tossed a dart into the upturning underside, so that he could call "additional weight" on the carpet when the dart came to the topside of the roll.

Despite the nearly unanimous booing, resulting from this move, Parren heaved a sigh of relief. The disappointment on the faces of those coming up soon confirmed that he'd found a way to defeat this approach. He at least had the good grace not to flaunt his victory with one of his trademark "Did I forget to mention..." remarks. But many spectators left in a huff, and the taverns and cafes that had gained good nel from the gathered spenders turned frowns in his direction.

TRIAL 6............
word count: 409
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Even with the reduced amount of both spectators and participants at the competition after Parren's latest stunt, there was still enough people about for the vendors, including F'mos, to continue business through the stalls they have set up nearby. Any profit he could get for the Kettle was the only reason he was there as he was no longer allowed another attempt. Apparently he and Lizzie were considered a team and the charlatan had decided the win of his ward was also a win for the Aukari. The ruling was frustrating, especially since Parren made no protest while he took the entry free from both F'mos and Lizzie.

It was one of the reasons why the Aukari's assistance in Noth's latest scheme was easily given despite his disdain of the Avriel. The other being his shared similarity with Parren himself, both opportunists who wanted to profit from any situation even if at the risk of terrible consequences if found out. It only meant F'mos had to make sure he will not get discovered if he could help it. That was the reason why the Aukari had that disagreement with one of Noth's agents. He would have flipped the Slip already if had not already gone through the effort of making Noth's bomb and bringing it with him.

Instead, "go to other stall, have a nice meal before job for energy, bring bowl to me. Bring more, if you can!" It was one of his precautions because he did not want any bowl from the Kettle to appear where Noth would use his order, also a result of another precaution to make sure the bomb used would not lead back to him. Instead of the usual container he used which was easily recognizable, he decided to simply dump the contents into a few bowl which the Avriel could use. It was only because he knew when the Avriel was going to use it that he could do it this way and, not have to waste any of his own time redesigning his creation.

Slip probably had her own complaints but was quickly cut off when F'mos reminded her that "I make smoke, you give cut. No bowl, no smoke, unless you want to burn your own hand." To avoid any damage to herself, burning the goop on the floor could probably accomplish the same although Parren would see through that and, it would not cow the woman into getting one of the bowls. Without any further arguments she was back with a half eaten bowl from one of the other vendors which, the Aukari emptied of its contents to add the ingredients to the demanded dish- with some additions to spice up Noth's own plan.

To anyone else, it was just another regular sight at any food stall- a cook serving his customer. Would anyone ever suspect the deed done?

The Aukari was content to stay as far away as possible from the Noth and his plans now that his job was done. He might even stick around to watch the chaos once the Avriel releases the red, yellow and orange smoke from the bombs. Not even Noth would have expected it. Things had a way of happening however when mischief was involved, especially when mischievous spirits of Idalos were around. As the smoky apparation reminded him of another he wished was only as impish as the Anak, he had his reservations about it. Lizzie however was adamant he have it after his own catastrophic attempts with Parren's contest. Curse the man for selling her the idea it some sort of lucky charm.

There was nothing else which could have jerked his arm like that but that "Anak of Force" while he was in the middle of serving someone. While the hot stew did not hit his customer, it flew to the other side and hit one very large man. A loud yell got the attention of those around them and not keen on a confrontation especially a violent one the man looked more suited to, F'mos quickly offered some food and drinks for the man in consideration of the trouble he caused. In fact, he offered it to just about anyone who may be inconvenienced by the incident.

That was going to cost him a little but hopefully, that little bit of goodwill might help with promoting the Kettle.
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word count: 787
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Every living thing sought to be safe, to be protected from the hazardous entrapments of nature, and other actors which desired their doom. Insects formed cocoons and nests in a desperate attempt at keeping out their predators. Livestock often flocked together in herds in order to guarantee a lessened chance of personal loss, and to enhance their perceptive abilities. Birds flew countless breaks, moving away from harsh weather. Predators, prey, young, old, mewling, silent, all things desired to continue living, and they each took steps to guarantee long and graceful lives.

Parren probably thought himself safe, surrounded on all sides by watchful eyes, though unbeknownst to him, creatures with wolfish appetites lingered just within sight, just within touch. They played the part of sheep, ogling the spectacle whenever some impressive new challenger deemed it necessary to prove their pride, and sighing with a subtle resignation whenever they were defeated by the prideful man’s trickery. It had become rather evident through the observation that many of the crowd had lost interest in his petty deceptions, which meant that there were fewer in the crowds then there had been when the contest had first originated.

One such absence was the presence of the Blackguard who had shown their faces for the first few trials, but who had likely determined that there was nothing to be gained by keeping a vigilant eye on what was very clearly a charlatan and his trappings. Parren was a trickster and a cheat, but he was allowed to continue his trade in broad daylight, allowed to broadcast facetious comments of victory and defeat whenever he desired.

That was fine. The hunters could play tricks too.

Three of Noth’s four compatriots waited within the crowd, observing, watching the events with feigned interest, and occasionally, genuine surprise. The twilight hybrid remained completely separate from them, having ensured that all of them arrived at differing times of trial and direction so as to prevent anyone from associating any of them together. The fourth member of their cadre; Ears, had been sent out at the end of each trial to stalk the host of the contest to his resting place, and to determine what he was doing with his income. Wherever it was stored, Ears was there now, using his paranoia, his innate perceptive abilities, and his experience with petty thievery to attempt to collect a majority of the stored treasures.

One of the three stepped lazily through the crowd, following instructions she had been given earlier to interact with a particular stand, where a particular Aukari had deigned it reasonable to provide assistance for their escapades. Slip followed through with the instructions she had been given, and returned to the stand with several bowls which she had acquired through a quick payment of five golden nels.

The bowls contained strange chemical powders, and she gave the impression of eating at some manner of grain as she distributed the bowls carefully to Oxy and Thane. The twilight hybrid himself, all the while kept his crimson eyes locked upon the figure of Parren, observing as another bystander handed him the required ten golden nel entry fee. He watched carefully as to the final resting place of Parren’s coin, observing what pouch had been used.

Thane stepped past him, appearing as someone who was simply attempting to find a better location in the crowd for viewing, careful not to spill the dust from his bowl onto the ground. The hybrid covered his mouth with his sleeve, and performed a mock cough, before promptly whispering to his agent,

“Left pocket. Watch for it. Go on signal.”

Time ticked onwards towards its inevitable entropic conclusion, and all the while, the twilight hybrid and his agents meandered through the crowd. According to the vendor, the bowls required some manner of ignition to activate, but thankfully, being in a city setting as they were, and with dusk beginning to creep upon it, torches were being ignited hither and thither so that everyone would be safely able to return to their abodes at the conclusion. They had picked the later portion of the trial for their act for a number of reasons, though the most important were that Parren would finishing soon, and that he would likely have the most nel upon him later in the trial.

Another contestant paid the price, and began some strange sort of balancing act wherein he attempted to keep the lower end of the carpet upon a log which he seemed intent on rolling down the length. Parren had just opened his mouth to condemn the fellow for his foolish endeavors, when the twilight hybrid opened his own and whistled a pleasant, two-note bit of birdsong, the noise emanating in apparent disbelief that the man was going to lose.

In actuality, it was the signal. Quietly, the dust was thrown atop ignited torches throughout the plaza, and it began to steam and hiss with a sizzling akin to flesh being cooked. Brilliantly colored smoke; a byproduct that had not at all been expected by the alchemist, began to stream into the area, at first only causing a faint distraction to those who became aware of it, though the number of smoke bowls, and their general positioning meant that the plaza was being flooded with colorful wisps within only a bit or two.

Vision failed near the center, where Parren stood, and soon, his safety had vanished. The hybrid lifted up his feathered hand in the chaos, and quickly shouted in an interrogative, inserting the faintest hint of fear into his voice for effect,

“Is that a fire!?”

It was a distraction, and the uncomfortable glances of those nearby him as they shifted position in the crowd and mumbled in agitation seemed to indicate rather readily that it was working to keep their attention focused away from the host. That was good for the hybrid, because already, strong Oxy had lurched forward into the smoke, and restrained the fellow, clamping a hand over his mouth while fellow Thane roughly rummaged through his pockets, stripping him of pouches of golden nel where they had been previously identified.

For good measure, Oxy elbowed the fellow in the stomach to knock the breath from his lungs, and then they quickly departed from the smoke cloud, subtly passing over the pouches to Slip, who quickly hid them within her clothes, and exited the scene as quickly as possible, slipping and sliding down a pair of alleyways as she made her way towards the underground exit where they had entered the city.

As the smoke continued to thicken, and the operation seemed to draw to a close, Noth and his remaining companions began to hasten away from the scene as well, intending to follow a different path back to the same underground tunnel.

word count: 1140

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

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By the time Parren stumbled back to his feet, swaying dizzily as he regained his breath, his assailants were long gone. He did not truly possess any certainty as to who they were, other than the giant of an aukari that had driven the air from his lungs in the first place.

He tried to shout his fury at the theft above the din of fear, resulting from the belief, planted in the minds of the spectators, that a fire was spreading. His efforts were absorbed unnoticed in their collective howl of self-preservation. An odd quiet brought his notice to the area where he had his reward items, and he turned to see several faces mirroring discovery and guilt as a group of citizens were rifling through his trinkets for free loot.

He roared, red-faced in rage, and pulled a rod from his belt. The looters quailed in fear that they were about to come under some sort of withering magical assault. But Parren slammed the rod into the ground, where it sank halfway into the stone of the courtyard. The gamemaster immediately bent the rod over horizontally into what became a handle as he lifted it straight up.

Instead of simply pulling back out of the stone, it now brought with it a wider column of stone, which seemed to transform into a metallic cage as it came into contact with the air. A glowing presence thrummed inside the cage until he barked "Silence!"

And there was...

The glowing entity seemed to pour through the cage, which now dissolved back into the hump of dirt displaced by the initial magic. Every mind, every eye, every ear, every thought was suddenly and silently focused on the charlatan as he alone could be heard. And his voice was command, it was order, it was reality, it was life's purpose made manifest. No harm came to anyone, but the Induk of Command now floating beside Parren dominated and subsumed all intent previously held by anyone in range of Parren's voice.

"Put those back!" He shouted at the looters standing around his reward chest, "And all of you, pay a penalty of all the nel you have for allowing this to happen!" The would-be looters immediately dropped their trinkets back into the chest. Then, like everyone else present, they could hardly empty their pockets fast enough as they all now stood in readiness to follow whatever Parren might next instruct them to do. It was fortunate that Parren's wording had not specifically mentioned all the nel they owned, or they'd already be running home to bring back their savings as well.

It was unknown to the crowd that Parren had only one more order he could have enforced through the Induk's influence, and that having once given one of the three available commands, he had to expend the other two within one break. But this contest had been so lucrative for him, that he could not imagine any theft being more important for him to thwart. He did not believe there would ever be any other incident he'd need undone more than this mugging.

Parren knew this was his last command. He directed it at the dozens present, enrapt by his magically charged charisma. "Go find that giant aukari thief and bring me back my money!" Forty or fifty voices shouted determined approval for this command and immediately charged from the scene in the direction Parren pointed, every sliver of focus on tracking down the big man, anyone he associated with, and every last nel of any denomination that even might have been stolen from Master Lewis Parren.

The crowd now departed in near manic purpose, Parren turned back to his trinket chest, locking it up and sneering in satisfaction. He did not consider that other spirits did not have the compulsion to obey the Induk that mortals did.
word count: 655
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Someone throughout history had once said that a plan with more than four steps was not a plan, it was wishful thinking. The reason for that statement had been evident to most of its readers; any slight deviation to the plan would interrupt any steps further along the line, and the chain reaction would render it almost entirely useless. The hybrid hadn’t truly counted the steps in his plan, but he had tried to keep it simple so that if anything did go wrong, his crew would not be caught entirely without an idea of what they should be doing to rectify the situation. He had thought of escape routes throughout the city that would avoid a majority of the populace. He had ensured that there were no Black Guard nearby for when the crime had been committed. Precautions of all shapes and sizes had been run through his tactical mind, and though he had prepared for what he considered to be every potential eventuality, he had not at all expected for Parren to miraculously set loose a mob after them, nor for them to be so persistent as to hound the group throughout the city.

The twilight hybrid found himself quickly scaling a building using an outdoor ladder to give himself a better view of the situation. The arising calls and yells of the vigilant protectors of Parren’s wealth revealed them far before he could see them with his eye, and he vaguely caught notice of their fluttering tunics and assorted faces from behind a structure opposite of him. Crimson eyes scanned the partially obscured street, attempting to locate their target, and they quickly settled upon a flash of brilliant red hair: Oxy.

Noth quickly slid down the building’s roof, sprinting down the street parallel to that of the mob, and rapidly sending himself down a set of alleyways that would hopefully intercept with the Aukari’s path. His question of whether he would catch the giant of a man in time was answered when the person in question nearly barreled into him, his head glinting with sweat, and his breath hitched in his chest as he tried to regain his composure. There was a slight jingle to him, though the reason for it was rather clearly the pair of bags hidden away behind his clothes.

“They… know.” He huffed out between breaths, casting a worried glance backwards as though he expected the crowd to suddenly materialize at their mere mention.

“That they do. Give me one of those.” He ordered, retrieving one of the bags from the Aukari and hiding it within his own cloth. It was a liability to have a condemned asset be responsible for holding the loot, especially since if he were caught, it would mean that they would not be paid properly for their troublesome efforts.

There were calls emitting outwards from the street which connected to the small alleyway of ‘Where’d he go?’ and ‘He went that way!’, and though the crowd seemed to have lost sight of the Aukari, they were bound to catch him at some point. Noth’s vile mind went to work, attempting to process the stimuli into some figment of reason. Why had the crowd suddenly decided to work with Parren? It was true that he possessed many fanciful prizes, but it seemed rather uncharacteristic of him to somehow make the crowd actually support him.

The other option was that the hustler had used one of his own artifacts to somehow sway the opinions of the crowd, but how would they even test that? The time that the hybrid had for thinking was cut brutally short when a cry of ‘There he is!’ erupted from the street, and the Aukari before him gave a curt nod before taking off into a dead-sprint once more. The hybrid leaned back into the dark of the alley, observing as the crowd mindlessly chased after him.

It was there that he observed the evidence he needed. Oxy had somehow managed to tear a small hole in his remaining pouch when he had robbed Parren, and it now leaked the occasional gold coin upon the ground. Rather spectacularly, every time one of the golden nels fell, the entire crowd seemed to come to a hold in order to properly retrieve it before returning to their chase. For all of the savagery inherent in their organizational type, the mob was one of the most careful groups he had ever seen.

Mind-control then.

If the crowd was more focused upon gathering up the coins than on catching the Aukari, that meant their priorities had likely been set towards simply retrieving the stolen coin. That was good, because it meant that Oxy had a fair chance of simply getting away from the entire ordeal. The hybrid simply had to inform him of the new plan.

There was some difficulty in that given that the Aukari had already bolted from the scene, and there was a mob of nearly fifty haranguing him around every corner, but it was not completely out of the realm of possibility. The hybrid had designed the escape routes himself, and a quick mental recall of the plans laid out where Oxy would be going for the duration of the getaway. The hybrid would need to skip a few of the roads if he wanted a chance of getting there on time, however, and that led to an entirely new dilemma.

At least, it might have if he didn’t have a lone black wing jutting out of his back.

The hybrid allowed the wing to unclasp itself from his back, and with a running jump, he pushed it downwards, propelling himself upwards to the nearest building, and hauling himself up the remainder of the way once his hands had taken hold. The next building was across a rather busy street, and the hybrid knew that needing to run through it would drastically slow him. He took a running jump, flapping his twilight wing once more and sending himself hurtling across the street with surprising force.

Admittedly, it was not enough force to clear the entire street, and he rather unceremoniously smashed into the wall on the opposite side, but at the very least he had managed to cross the street without terribly wounding himself or breaking anything. Rather frustratingly, he had been noticed by several of the passerby, and though they observed him with distrusting eyes, they seemed rather content with letting him continue whatever stunts he was performing.

“Oxy!” The twilight hybrid shouted as the red-haired fellow ran into view, his eyes diverting from the street ahead of him towards his new boss.

He was utterly breathless, and he held the appearance of someone who was on the verge of collapse. Oxy had been built for strength, not endurance, and though his mighty muscles allowed him to haul stone, he was not well-equipped for hauling himself.

“They’re being controlled. Give me the pouch.”

The Aukari nodded wearily, handing it over without complaint as the first of the crowd came into view. Admittedly, they looked rather dreadfully ill-equipped for the chase as well, and Noth felt certain that he could hear several of those near the front breaking into awful wheezing and coughing fits as they attempted to regain their composure.

“Look! I have all of the money the Aukari took from Parren!” He shouted, holding up the pouch to show them the object of their chase.

They eyed it with a strange intensity, like wolves drawn to lambs, or moths to a flame. The crowd, rather surprisingly came to a halt as they stared at him, waiting for him to either run away or else return the money to their possession.

Noth; unsurprisingly, chose a third option. He opened the top of the pouch, revealing the coins within, and promptly hurled the entirety of the bag over the nearest building, directly into the street where he had just been. The same street crowded with greedy vendors, and swamped with people milling about doing business.

That same street very quickly became the site of a rather nasty riot, or at least it would have appeared to be one to anyone not caught up in the trance of Parren. The brainwashed people fought with those who had scooped up loose nel from the street, yanking it from their possession with forceful roughness, and the presence of so many clearly violent individuals gathered into such a small space was almost certainly going to alert the Black Guard to their presence, which meant that they would be far too busy dealing with the sudden riot then dealing with the Aukari and Avriel who were busy slipping away down dark alleys, heading towards the Underground so that they could make their way back home.

And the best part about the whole thing?
Noth still had a bag of coins, and Slip still had a bag of coins, and Thane still had a bag of coins.

They were definitely going drinking when they were done.

word count: 1518

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

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The Black Guard was most assuredly alerted to the growing trouble. Even after those citizens who'd picked up a coin or two had them wrestled free by the spirit-mastered minions of Lewis Parren, it was not enough. The citizens came to complain of being virtually mugged of their own gold, and Parren immediately railed that it was nowhere near the full amount that had been stolen from him.

The news of the avriel hybrid shouting his possession of Parren's gold infuriated the charlatan. Even as the Black Guard was arriving, trying to get a grip on what exactly was going on, as well as determining that the smoke was just some sort of diversionary hoax, the situation was getting increasingly out-of-hand. There was no fire, but there was a growing line of complaints from citizens being accosted in the streets, several such confrontations turning to violence as most citizens denied any knowledge of a one-winged avriel, or his whereabouts.

Descriptions of who had said what, or who had said where this or that person could now be found, had an escalating effect on street violence. If some citizen fit a description given to one of these mind-controlled people, their denial would not be accepted, and always came to blows. All too often, the citizen would finally throw out some vague information to get the minion off his back, only to cause trouble to develop further down the road, where some other poor bastard fit that description.

It took a while for the Black Guard presence to wade through the complaints so they could understand just what had occurred. And by that time they realized it was not going to get any better. Parren was unable now to undo what he'd set in motion. He had used his three commands and the spirit was free of any additional obligation.

The Guard would have dragged the man off to a cell, but his presence was fairly useful in dissuading some repercussions and untangling some of the vague interpretations by sections of the crowd of minions. The Guards were trying to subdue individual minions, to slowly lessen the force of chaos, but others would launch into "rescue" missions to free them again.

A full-scale mobilization of the guard was in effect, but they had nowhere near enough cells to hold everyone that had now gotten caught up in the growing disturbance. Guard Capt, Barret Segrille himself was now in attendance, confronting Parren with demands for ideas on how to turn the stem of violence. He hated that the only clear end in sight would require the deaths or incarceration of everyone under the effect of the spell.

Even that would not negate the thousands who were now lodging complaints of assaults and property damage as minions were now forcing purchased items from people who fit descriptions, on the basis that they may have used Parren's money to make the purchase. Homes were being raided and vendors were coming under attack if they refused a refund.

But salvation came from what Parren had considered the least of his trinkets. Tempers that were restrained were only barely so. A mark was noted on some of Parren's items that hinted that they may have been from among those items looted from Vuda's arcanum back when the alchemy lab had exploded during the ill-fated Underground Race last arc.

Parren made a furious denial, coupled with what began as an assault against the accusing guard, and ended with an attempt to flee in the confusion. He got only a few steps before he was tackled and held with Segrille's sword at his throat. It was then that the little spirit bottle, containing Lizzie's mischievous Anak of Force puffed a bit of vapor and a small impact nudged Segrille's elbow.

Several eyes widened in shock at the sudden incident. Many loud voices quieted instantly as everyone realized that the Guard captain's sword tip was now protruding from the back of Parren's neck. Parren's eyes were as wide as anyone's at the development, but they quickly dimmed as he sagged to the ground, sliding off the blade.

All around them, restrained minions sagged as well. But they only sagged for a moment before recovering their true awareness, confused though it was. If Parren could have gotten a gold nel for every minion reported to have suddenly stumbled and asked "What happened? Where am I? What's going on?", he'd have made more money than he did in six trials of cheating contestants.

As it was, Segrille wiped off his blade, took a perceptive look at the sudden change in the mood of the previously mind-controlled victims and shrugged, "Problem solved." he declared. The Guards all exchanged agreeable nods as sanity was restored. It still took some time to sort things out, but there was now cooperation to smooth and hurry things along.

As for Parren's stock, it was determined to have originated from Vuda's lab. Segrille immediately had it divided into three stacks; one "half" to be returned to Vuda in good faith, one "half" to be retained as evidence, and the third "half" to remain ummentioned on any reports.
word count: 884
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Some often stated that curiosity killed the cat. They never really said anything about birds though. For Night a healthy sense of curiosity either got her wounded or won her valuable prizes. Her refusal to take the easy way out on Parren's game and instead let her curiosity run and see if there were any other ways to win was an example of her misfortune, or more specifically her coin purse getting hurt. Apparently the same could be said of showing back up the next trial as a spectator. She decided to show up far later in the day once she'd gotten off of work. Her wings were practically on fire from all the back and forth flight her boss had her doing. The day had been entirely dedicated to rechecking true and magnetic north, mostly because someone kept messing up. And for once, that prestigious looser title didn't belong to her. Everything but her wings was stiff, and her wings practically felt like jelly. She didn’t even have the will to fly. Her feet dragged against the ground as she approached where she remembered the game being set up, only to come across the completely unexpected.

For the first time in her life the half-breed was forced to be thankful of her work. She'd somehow managed to show up late enough to be unaffected by the Command, but still get there in time to see the chaos that was going down afterwards. And of course, she was half Avriel, meaning she was instantly assailed by the minions who were tasked with hunting down Noth and his crew. A man with little regard for his own safety, or hers, hurled himself at the woman going full speed and force. "Good Eth, what in the world is going on here," she mumbled under her breath after she managed to side step the man.

He smashed against the ground almost like he was some kind of rag doll, getting right back up despite the fact his face was bleeding after skidding across the cobblestone. The man once again lunged at her. The minion had picked the wrong target all things considered. He was a scrawny little creature, built for being speedy and scrappy in a fight, nothing near a professional. Night on the other hand was trained to be a profession, most of her hand to hand combat experience having stemmed from the same spot as her experience with a bow. Icarus. Despite the man being a teacher and by his own definition a monk, the man had known how to fight! And Night had picked up on quite a few of his skills when she herself was young and still learning what it meant to fight with someone. As the man lunged he started to build momentum, his body promising not to stop until it hit a force that wouldn't move. Nightshade wasn't going to be that force, instead she was going to abuse this momentum and use it to send him into the ground once more. Side stepping the attack she slammed a hand against his back and the other down on his shoulder. The man crumbled like he was a piece of wet paper, smacking against the ground.

Another man turned to the scene, another minion supposedly as he looked at Night with a certain sense of blood lust. Before he could lunge at Night though, a guard managed to tackle him to the ground.

"What is going on here?" The half-breed asked her new companion as he took a moment to glance at her.

"Apparently a bunch of thieves stole from Parren. They ran off and he used some kind of magic or something to manipulate all these people. Now they're attacking anyone they think might have spent or taken the money. Since one of them was a one winged half avriel, they’ve obviously taken a distinct liking to blaming you," the guard said. There was a slight note of sympathy in his voice.

"Damn. Even when I've cut off all contact with him Noth is still causing me trouble," the half-breed growled. Her tone became angry but it also took on a distinct note of distress. At least this was the perfect way to blow off steam after spending all day staring at a map. Fighting was of course her favorite pass time. Sarcasm intended.

"Noth? Are you saying you know the thief?" The man asked. He eyed her warily, taking account of her features and now likely associating her with the thief.

She thought to herself quietly for a moment. She could either lie and say that she knew a half breed but maybe not the one the minions were looking for, or she could completely throw Noth under the horse and hope it ran him over too. Given the current situation she was in a mild state of detesting her fellow half-breed, her most recent memories were him getting her into a fight and telling her to get the hell out of his cave directly after kissing her. Neither one was great motivation to help him. She'd feed him to the wolves right about now. "Yeah I know him. Real piece of work, definitely the tail end of mule! He has no consideration for others and is always about protecting his own pride. It doesn't shock me that he'd be the source of something like this. He lives in a cave in the middle of the woods and rarely comes to town; he's the definition of a classless hermit!"

The guard looked at her for a moment. "You sound like you're bitterly talking about an ex..." He said simply. Those words were enough to trigger her however.

Another man, or more so a woman, came charging at the two. Her focus was seemingly on the guard, despite being closer to Night. Night looked at the situation for a moment, quickly using a pressure point to knock out the man she was holding down before she stood up. The woman charged at the guard, but was stopped by Nightshade. Again, momentum was her best friend in this situation. Holding out an arm, she used it to fling the woman onto her back, her own momentum causing her to topple over Night's arm and slam down on the ground. There was dull thump and a slight cracking. The woman was instantly down for the count. Night turned to the guard; her eyes a little harsher then they'd been moments before. "Imply that again and you can one v one me at the ten trials games," she said in a voice that was disturbingly sing song.

"Understood," the guard mumbled under his breath. The guard used a baton to knock out the man he was sitting on top of. Knocked out minions was likely more safe than if they were left to run around. "Hey, since you're already kind of dragged into this why don't you follow me and help out," the guard asked.

"It's not like I have anything better to do anyway," she said with a slight shrug. She allowed the guard to lead the way as the two progressed through the chaos, occasionally getting assaulted by the minions. "Syora would be proud," she muttered with a tone of disgust and distaste. The guard snorted in apparent agreement. After the one woman who'd been dead set on attacking the guard most of the minions the two came across seemed dead set on attacking Night. Unfortunately it was rather had to attack a target with wings and high class sword skills if she could already see you coming.

No one really seemed to intimidating until someone came at Night with a sword, a nice looking sword, a sword that Night kind of wanted. Would it be wrong to knock him out and take the sword? Yeaaaah, it might be. Did she care? A little. Was she still going to do it? That depended on how much trouble the man gave them. And of course if he'd stolen the sword himself. Given everything going on he could have easily stolen the sword himself. Night drew her own blade as the man approached, it was wrong to bring fists going into a sword fight. The man charged thinking nothing of the woman, only for the woman to parry him. It was easy enough to block the attack and issue oue of her own. She aimed for the hands with Red Brand, but quickly pulled out Love Struck to trap the man's sword. He had two options, drop his weapon or get his hands cut off. Obviously, both led to weapon loss, so the man chose to keep his hands. Jumping back, a look a fear crossed his features.

"Wait! Wait! I'm not one of them, I promise! I attacked because I thought you guys were." The man suddenly cried. He looked at Night like he expected her to start tearing into him at the slightest provocation.

"Well, that was obvious enough," she muttered quietly. The guard snicked as he watched the man start to grovel. "What are you doing? Stop it," she said as the man continually ducked his head and muttered apologies. "Listen, buddy, is this sword yours," she asked waving the blade. It looked so beautiful and nice and sparkly.

The man looked up and nodded. "It's the family heirloom blade," he said.

The guard glanced at Nightshade. "Assault is a good reason to relieve someone of a weapon, you know. It could also be good evidence and such a nice looking sword would be rather bad in the hands of such an inexperienced fight," the guard mused. His smile was sharp, serpentine in nature almost. Was he trying to tempt her? There was something in his eyes that said even he wanted the blade, the way they traced the edges.

Night threw the sword on the ground in front of the groveling man. Damn her, being a good person and all. "Go home," she ordered. The man picked up the blade and ran off. She glanced at the guard whose jaw seemed to hit the floor in a matter of trills. "Maybe for you it's relieving someone of a dangerous weapon, but in my case that's just called stealing. And you never, ever steal someone's weapon," she said. Her tone took on a sharp resolve as if it was supposed to be some unspoken rule that everyone knew.

Guard nodded quietly. "Fine, I'll respect that. Doesn't mean I'm gonna follow a stupid rule like that, but you do have my respect if nothing more," he said with a small nod. "Come on, let's keep... going?" He trailed off as suddenly the crowd seemed to sag. Everyone that was under Parren's spell looking around with dazed and confused expressions. Night and the guard glanced at each other before they both started pushing through at a much quicker speed. Eventually they came to where Parren had set up his game. "The captain," the guard breathed as he looked down.

"Segrille," the half-breed muttered. Her tone with a little distasteful, but then again her eyes instantly went to the man that was lying slumped against the ground. Yes, the Parren wasn't the best man alive, but did he really need to die for his transgressions? The idea of killing someone as some kind of punishment had never made any sense to Night. And yet, apparently, tons of cities used it as a kind of ultimate punishment. Wasn't killing someone just giving them the quick way out? Wasn't it more satisfying, not to mention rewarding for both parties, if they worked until they'd paid for whatever crimes they'd done. Even when it came to taking lives, Night far preferred to give murders and bandits the chance to work for redemption. Even if it was impossible to redeem one’s self after taking another life, it was better than just getting them out of the situation! She wasn't exactly sure what Famula did with souls, but Night was fairly certain she didn't punish those who had died for committing sins. For all she knew, they got a second chance at life. It just made no sense.

Night just watched everything play out quietly after that, what information she'd told the guard about Noth quickly being taken to the guard captain. She was asked questions about him by another guard who rushed over, but she purposefully kept her answers vague. Mostly out of spite for the guard captain now, as she would have happily told them where Noth lived beforehand. She would have even drew them a map. She kept her expression passive, but she was seething. What gave Segrille the right to decided life or death? She had always hated the guard, how they operated. Never specific people, but the group and the idea as whole. At least, she hated the Blackguard in particular. The way they split up the "halves" was enough to prove her point to herself. She wondered what would be done with the last half. Maybe she'd been helpful enough to get to know.
word count: 2234
Common ~ Ith'Ession ~ Lorien
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Plot Notes
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




RP Medals




Step Right Up!

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +7 (only two posts)
  • Structure: +5

These points can Not be used for magic.


  • Acrobatics: Staying on Your Feet in a Jostling Crowd
  • Blades (Dagger): Cutting Carpet From Underneath
  • Doran: One of Parren's Game Contestants
  • Investigation: Watching Other Contestants' Efforts
  • Linguistics: Cheers and Jeers in Many Languages
  • NPC: Lewis Parren: Game Master and Scam Artist (Deceased)
  • Negotiation: Cheating is Okay in a Rigged Game
  • Negotiation: The Many Fluid Rules of Lewis Parren
  • PC: Doran: Hero of Oscillus
  • PC: Noth: The Strangely Misshapen Contestant
  • Parren: Changes the Rules Arbitrarily
  • Rhetoric: The Many Phrases of Lewis Parren
  • Tactics: Can't Walk ON it? Cut a Path Through it.

Loot: +2gn

Glove of Spell Capture - This will absorb any spell up to Expert level that has either targeted you specifically, or targets an area in which you stand remotely near the middle. The captured spell can then be "cast" as you please. It does not have to be cast at the one who cast it at you. Nor does it "teach" you the spell. Your understanding only extends to the use of the glove. The captured spell will disperse in one hour if not used. This can be done three times a trial.

Fame: +10

For being that cute kid that won a prize,
without actually spending any entry fee. (Cute counts a lot :D )

Loss, Injuries, Devotion:

None of the above.



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +10
  • Structure: +5

These points can Not be used for magic.


  • Acrobatics (In-Flight): Grabbing a Small Item On The Fly
  • Acrobatics (In-Flight): Hovering, to Dangle a Rope to an Exact Spot
  • Appraisal: Prizes are Well Worth the Contest Entry Fee
  • Capt. Segrille: Appears to have Murdered Parren
  • Capt. Segrille: Not Reporting a Third of Vuda's Property
  • Cartography: Verifying True and Magnetic North for Maps
  • Etiquette: Calling Stealing What it is
  • Investigation: Watching Other Contestants' Efforts
  • Linguistics: Cheers and Jeers in Many Languages
  • Location: The Library of Etzos
  • NPC: Black Guard Capt. Berrit Segrille
  • NPC: Lewis Parren: Game Master and Scam Artist (Deceased)
  • Negotiation: The Many Fluid Rules of Lewis Parren
  • Parren: Changes the Rules Arbitrarily
  • Research: Books on Tying Knots in the Library of Etzos
  • Research: Process of Elimination is an Element of a Contest
  • Rhetoric: The Many Phrases of Lewis Parren
  • Sociology: Warn What Comments You Will and Won't Put Up With
  • Tactics: Try the Obvious First
  • Unarmed Combat: The Classic Sidestep-and-Trip Maneuver
  • Unarmed Combat: Using an Enemy's Momentum Against Them


Headwreath of Awareness - a simple-looking headband that has an empathic sensory ward. Activated mentally, it then vibrates ever so slightly whenever someone within 100' is looking upon the wearer with deliberate intent of some kind. It could be good or bad intent, but it is focused upon you! The vibration will occur on a spot relative to the direction of the surveillance. It will only function for three hours of the day, though Endurance will grant an additional hour per 20 points. After that, 1 more hour can be pushed, at the expense of a migraine, nausea and exhaustion. However, it is worth noting that anyone watching you will not know whether it is active or not, or if it has been spent for the day.

Fame: +5

For winning fair and square.

Loss: -30gn

Injuries, Devotion:

None of the above.



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +10
  • Structure: +5

These points can Not be used for magic.


  • Alchemy: Cautious of Random Blends Wiped on Carpet
  • Detection: Alchemy Used as a Cover for Rule Manipulation
  • Investigation: Watching Other Contestants' Efforts
  • Linguistics: Cheers and Jeers in Many Languages
  • NPC: Lewis Parren: Game Master and Scam Artist (Deceased)
  • Negotiation: The Many Fluid Rules of Lewis Parren
  • PC: Finn O'Connor: The Kid at Parren's Contest
  • PC: Mal: The Beast that was NOT in Disguise
  • Parren: Changes the Rules Arbitrarily
  • Research: Process of Elimination is an Element of a Contest
  • Rhetoric: The Many Phrases of Lewis Parren
  • Sociology: Crowds are Inevitably Boorish
  • Strength: Delicate Manipulation With a Heavy Pole
  • Strength: Delicate Manipulation With Large, Heavy Tongs


Headwreath of Awareness - a simple-looking headband that has an empathic sensory ward. Activated mentally, it then vibrates ever so slightly whenever someone within 100' is looking upon the wearer with deliberate intent of some kind. It could be good or bad intent, but it is focused upon you! The vibration will occur on a spot relative to the direction of the surveillance. It will only function for three hours of the day, though Endurance will grant an additional hour per 20 points. After that, 1 more hour can be pushed, at the expense of a migraine, nausea and exhaustion. However, it is worth noting that anyone watching you will not know whether it is active or not, or if it has been spent for the day.

Loss: -30gn

Fame: +5

Just for being seen, and winning, hero...

Injuries, Devotion:

None of the above.



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +10
  • Structure: +5

These points can Not be used for magic.


  • Acrobatics: Using Your Single Wing for Situational Boosts
  • Deception: Drawing Attention to Yourself so Partners Can Get Away
  • Deception: Shouting "Fire" When You Know it's Not
  • Detection: Following Cheers to Find an Event
  • Detection: The Signs of Mind-Control, not Willful Cooperation
  • Detection: Watching Where Parren Keeps his Coin
  • Disguise: Just a Cloak and Helm Will "Humanize" You
  • Intelligence: Drunken Word-of-Mouth Network of News
  • Intimidation: Overly Firm Handshake
  • Investigation: Watching Other Contestants' Efforts
  • Linguistics: Cheers and Jeers in Many Languages
  • Logistics: Planning Too Far Ahead Invites Disruptions
  • Logistics: "Safety in Numbers" is a Myth
  • NPC: Lewis Parren: Game Master and Scam Artist (Deceased)
  • Negotiation: The Many Fluid Rules of Lewis Parren
  • Parren: Changes the Rules Arbitrarily
  • Rhetoric: The Many Phrases of Lewis Parren
  • Stealth: Underground Shortcut Bypasses Gate Guards
  • Strength: Holding a Long, Heavy Pole Steady


Technically, 10gn, but we're just going to figure it into the total you got away with.

Loot: 960gn

(after paying Nauta his 320gn share)

Fame: -10

Eventually you are known to be the one that took Parren's money.

Injuries, Devotion:

None of the above.



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +10
  • Structure: +5

These points can Not be used for magic.


  • Acrobatics: Horizontal Ladder Crawl
  • Acrobatics: Running Leap
  • Anak of Force: Mischievous Spirit That Likes to Bump Things
  • Animal Training (Falconry): "Retrieve" and "Return" Commands
  • Bus. Management: Embarrassing Publicity is Still Publicity
  • Care Giving: Hard Lessons, and Comfort, Teach A Lot
  • Care Giving: Let a Child Enjoy Some Attention
  • Chemistry: A Single Element Often Changes the Color of Smoke
  • Common: Talking With Customers and Conspirators
  • Deception: Items From Other Vendors to Misdirect Guilt
  • Deception: Mixing Compounds So it Looks Like You're Serving Food
  • Discipline: Be Wary of Casual Remarks Around Kids
  • Flying: The Power of the Downdraft Made by Flapping Wings
  • Investigation: Watching Other Contestants' Efforts
  • Linguistics: Cheers and Jeers in Many Languages
  • NPC: Lewis Parren: Game Master and Scam Artist (Deceased)
  • Negotiation: The Many Fluid Rules of Lewis Parren
  • Parren: Changes the Rules Arbitrarily
  • Persuasion: "We're Only Making Money so We Can Share It"
  • Research: Process of Elimination is an Element of a Contest
  • Rhetoric: The Many Phrases of Lewis Parren
  • Spirit Bottle (Lizzie's Prize): Contains an Anak of Force
  • Tactics: Deliberately Failing an Attempt, to Get a Closer Look


Technically, -120gn, but we're just going to impact the total you got away with.

Loot: +200gn (Don't subtract the Loss)

(after getting your share from Noth)
Also Anak of Force (approved by Plague) - contained in a small, decorative bottle, lives a mischievous spirit that enjoys pranks involving nudging, pushing and tripping things and people.

Fame: +10

No one knows you did the smoke.
They just know you're the guardian of that adorable "Lizzie" :D

Injuries, Devotion:

None of the above.


This was a blast! I hope you are all satisfied with what you got.
Everyone contributed some very creative stuff that I often had to scramble to work around. I would have it no other way.
Noth, I actually didn't see until now that you changed your last attempt to the pole thing, rather than just tugging the carpet. I'm not going to bother going back and editing my response. Laziness ftw!
Sorry you retired, Mal. If you come back, I'll throw you something.
PM me with any comments or concerns :D
word count: 1427
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