• Out of Character • Wage Requests

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Re: Wage Requests

PC Name: Iashiri Moellin
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Alchemist, Chemist
Related Skills: Alchemy, Chemistry
Why this job?: Would be the only thing she would be interested in. Plus, trying to get contacts in the area.

Approved by Maltruism

You are now an employee of Gardener's Grace, the alchemy shop in the Outer Perimeter (or O'pee, as it is often called).
You have sufficient skill at Poisons to merit a 2gn wage bonus.
Everyone starts at a base 2gn, and gets an initial 2gn promotion for each season they do a job thread.
So you will have 2gn base + 2gn promo + 2gn skill bonus, for a wage of 6gn per trial. :D
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Re: Wage Requests

PC Name: Yndira
Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Teacher at The Roost
Related Skills: Unarmed Combat
Why this job: It's a job lol

Approved by Maltruism

The Valkyries' Roost is found at or near the bottom listing of my Location, Location, location topic.
I'll be trying to resolve the wage issue more clearly.
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Re: Wage Requests

PC Name: Atashi
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Weaponsmith
Related Skills: Blacksmithing (Expert)
Why this job?: It's Atashi's dream to build an immortal-slaying weapon. What better place to do so than one filled with fellow immortal haters?

Approved by Maltruism

Once again, I will see what sort of comparative the new system brings.
The only real question is whether you want to start at Sauncraft, or figure on a yet-unwritten smith.
Sauncraft is the very first entry here. Let's assume that the NPCs there are on a par with you, skill-wise...lol
I'm afraid Losten Foundry would not suffer an Ithecal as an employee. ...The very thought....
I'm assuming you are not starting out owning your own business.
At least I haven't seen one in the ranks of Character Businesses.
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Re: Wage Requests

If I understand correctly, this topic is really only for RP purposes now.
It WILL establish approval, by yours truly, to occupy a job position at some location in Etzos.
But that job is no longer required for you to do a wealth thread.
You may certainly base threads upon incidents that occur in your workplace, just for fun.
And, of course, you may certainly choose to DO your wealth thread in this workplace.
But it is not your only option.
Nonetheless, all you may consider yourselves to have the jobs you have requested above.
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Re: Wage Requests

On second thought...
Upon reflection, it occurs to me that there still needs to be an official place to drop those wealth threads for confirmation.
(It also states this right in the "Wealth Thread" wiki page) :oops:

This then, shall BE that place!

Be it honest work at a place of permanent employment, highway robbery, burglary, mercenary work, some temporary odd job, or what-have-you, this is where your Etzori endeavors should be placed to seek monetary restitution.

I am going to copy/paste this message into my initial post on this topic as well.
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Re: Wage Requests

PC Name: Kyre Fauduun
Requested Job: Alchemist
Wealth Skill: Alchemy
Why this job?: A long story outlined in Kyre's history, but he was sold some property by the Occult to maintain and had the idea to run an Alchemy business to maintain it. These items are exported to Sirothelle, Hiladrith, and Etzos. He also may be eligible for +1 WP for Fluency in the Aukari language Vauni due to conducting business on an Aukari Trade route connected to Sirothelle.

Kyre Fauduun, Alchemist
Approved by Maltruism
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Re: Wage Requests

Wage Request
PC: Iashiri Moellin
Amount: I don't know???
Thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=16747&p=111328#p111328

Am I doing this right?
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Re: Wage Requests


Yes, this is fine. You get 12wp :!: :!: :!:
Looking back, I recall telling you that you'd had this thread graded for xp and knowledge and such, but had it labelled as a "Job" thread without having submitted it for that.
This is exactly the right place to do that. There is no time limit either. This thread, Bright Ideas, is approved for Cylus 719 wages.
This gives you another season towards the annual bonus.

Your wage was determined when you submitted your "Grandfathered" WP status, right here.
It shows you having saved 66 wp and getting 12 wp per season for your wage thread.

Ooops, I hit submit instead of preview... :roll:

One detail that I find likely to be overlooked at this early stage, so I will let it go if you make some notation on your submission above, is what skill you are using in the process of collecting your wage. You will be wanting to make it the same thing as before to keep going toward your annual bonus.
Now because you just opted into the default tier 5, which I totally understand, :? you never previously had to have a skill chosen.
But both past links, and this thread, all show definite chemistry work, so I would figure that to be the skill of choice.
You have more xp in both Poison and Alchemy, but that is no longer a basis for a bonus, when working for an NPC.
I honestly would stick with plain chemistry, as it will always be present, where the others are more specialized and might not qualify at times.

So, what you do now is put a link to this approval, and add the 12 wp gained, in your CS ledger.

NOW, I am hitting "Submit" deliberately :roll:
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Re: Wage Requests

PC Wage Request
PC: Vluharqih
Amount: 12WP
Skill: Poison
Thread: The New Deal
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Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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