Things were moving quickly around her, and for Sabine’s part, the Melrathi had gone from slightly confused to utterly perplexed. New players and differing agendas and intentions tended to muddy the waters, and nothing about the situation that played out in front of her was simple – that she knew.
Vitria’s question was met with a soft shrug. Who knew where she had picked up the tidbit of information? The road was a long and winding one, and people talked. How was Sabine to know who she stumbled upon during her travels? “I heard it someplace. That’s all I know.” Her response wasn’t great, but then again, how many words were needed to convey that brief sentiment?
Sabine had seen the vision, but what remained to be known was who they were dealing with. Her companion, apparently, judged the assembled en masse, changing quickly from one guise to another. That part was particularly confusing to Sabine, but unfortunately, she didn’t have time to puzzle things out before the tendrils came for her.
She tried to move out of the way and position herself away from the advancing threat, but without leaving the area entirely, there was no possible way to avoid what was coming. Sabine didn’t and wouldn’t run, leaving others to an unknown fate.
Fear crept into her being, and the young woman knew exactly what shadows were trying to envelop her, having felt it time and time again on the road to wherever she happened to be heading – the fear of being left alone. It was partly why she’d never subject anyone else to the same. The melrathi enjoyed her freedom, being able to do what she pleased. Still, after long stretches with just her and the wilds of Idalos, she always came out of the cold to enjoy the company of others - companionship on her own terms.
She had no ability to fight off the terror, body shaking, trying desperately to right herself, to help the others. Tears began streaming down her face, but amid the horrors being bestowed upon her, Sabine’s particular fear had a silver lining – maybe. She couldn’t fight off the effects Vitria caused, but her eyes could see that she wasn’t alone - if she trusted them. Could that sliver of logic help her?
Sabine didn’t know.
She knew that she’d do anything to stop the perceived attack. So instead of staying cowered, focusing on what she felt, the redhead fought against it with everything she was. Stumbling, wrapped in the rapture of terror, she tried to make it where Faith and the man stood, attempting to move in front of them and drop to the ground, on the brink of being overwhelmed with fear.
“No!” she yelled. It might have seemed as though she was speaking to the dread inside her, but her eyes somehow found their way to Vitria. That form had saved her, but why? Instinct said there was a reason, although her current predicament didn’t allow her any time or ability to figure it out.
“This… not….right! To question....explore...understand - isn't that.....the essence of Melrath and the people? Let them go!”
Her words came out in stutters but she would face her fear instead of letting it consume her, even if it meant her death.