Chrien is Watching

Maxine's Rusalkis Tracker

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Re: Chrien is Watching


Task Completion Form:
Truth Serum

Which task does this story/thread deal with:
Unseat Tristane

How successful, if at all, is Maxine in this task: Successful.

Which NPCs are involved: Sabrina, Tristane Dorrick, and the original stranger.

What impact on the involved NPCs: Significant. Tristane Dorrick is finally dead, along with his family and estate. The rift is cemented between Maxine and Sabrina. The stranger, whoever he is, has won the upper hand through this subtle genius of soft manipulation.

How does this satisfy the domains of Chrien (Spite, Luck, Storms): (Spite) Maxine's quest to end the Dorrick threat has ended, but in doing so she's discovered that once again she's merely allowed herself to become someone else's weapon. Fueled by perceived injustice, a prevailing hatred for corruption in politics and authority, and personal slights against her or those she claims, Maxine created a needless vendetta to give her an excuse to lash out at the world around her. It is only in the end when all is more or less revealed that she sees that for the first time. All her work was perhaps for nothing and to no one's true benefit. And, maybe, in that truth the world should pay for that too.

word count: 210
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Re: Chrien is Watching

Chrien is very impressed with Maxine's ability to sow chaos. As such, she's decided rather than cast her aside as a wild force of nature creating havoc wherever she goes, Chrien decides she wants Maxine to do her a favor, and for which she believes Maxine the only one capable.

Sometime in the next cycle (Hot Cycle 723) Chrien will contact Maxine by one means or another, to enlist her aid in a task, a personal favor she requires.

Chrien will make it clear though, that she doesn't care about the little lives that Maxine has laid to waste. She does grant Maxine a boon that will perhaps help her in the tasks to come, but stops shy of granting her Championhood. Maxine gains the sixth and seventh power in the Exalted line of Rusalkkis.

In order to elevate Maxine to her champion, she will have to hollow out herself of ego, her own ambitions grudges, and prove that she is nothing more than a witless and devatating force to be directed at Chrien's will. She may be rewarded for the sacrifice, or not. By the time Chrien is done with her, Maxine may not find it in herself to care anymore about anything.

Great job!
Approved the final two powers in the Exalted line. Next step is to see about Championhood if any of the above sounds worth experiencing.
word count: 234
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