Review Request Thread 2.1.9

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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The ineffable
City/Area: Uthaldria
Notes/Warnings: Re-Review! I didn't get any rewards for this thread because i was away while it was reviewed. I really can't remember. This is an old thread from 2017. I wont request any rewards besides points. Why not slap me with 15 experience and get yourself 25 point bank points in return? Don't even have to read it.
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: nah
Loot: nah
Injuries/Overstepping: idk
Renown: idk
Collaboration: yes
Magic Experience?: IDK
word count: 89
| Skills used (0)
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      | Loot (0)
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          Injuries (0)
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            Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
            -- Bertrand Russell
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            Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

            Rewards Requested
            Thread Name: Alpha
            City/Area: Eastern gauthrel, Uthaldria, Western heights.
            Notes/Warnings: Mild gore, nothing too graphic
            Requested Rewards:
            Fridgar: Alpha
            Fridgar: Lothar form is just another totem
            Fridgar: Revealed Becomer
            Loot: None
            Injuries/Overstepping: None
            Renown: Nah
            Collaboration: Nah
            Magic Experience?: Nah?
            word count: 46
            | Skills used (0)
              | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                | Loot (0)
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                    Injuries (0)
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                      Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
                      -- Bertrand Russell
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                      Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                      Rewards Requested
                      Thread Name: Her First Hunt
                      City/Area: Yaralon
                      Notes/Warnings: none
                      Requested Rewards:

                      Mount: Placing a mount on a horse
                      Ranged (Shortbow): Shooting weakened gazelle at short range
                      Ranged (Shortbow): Nocking an arrow
                      Hone: Using a sound-based trigger
                      Hone: Placing the rune of weakness into a runic trap
                      Hunting: Using a runic trap to weaken a group of gazelles

                      Loot: N/A
                      Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
                      Renown: N/A

                      Collaboration: No
                      Magic Experience?: Yes
                      word count: 78
                      | Skills used (0)
                        | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                          | Loot (0)
                            | Losses (0)
                              Injuries (0)
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                                Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                Rewards Requested
                                Thread Name: Rhino Poo
                                City/Area: Yaralon
                                Notes/Warnings: None, part 1/2 of a story
                                Requested Rewards:

                                Mount: Enticing a mount with a treat
                                Hunting: Identifying rhino poo
                                Hone: Using the rune of numbing to reduce pain
                                Strength: Cutting through rhino hide
                                Dual Wield: Katana x Katana
                                Running: Running from a rhino

                                Yaralon: Good Rhino hunting spot

                                Loot: N/A
                                Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
                                Renown: N/A

                                Collaboration: No
                                Magic Experience?: Yes
                                word count: 76
                                | Skills used (0)
                                  | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                    | Loot (0)
                                      | Losses (0)
                                        Injuries (0)
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                                          Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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                                          Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                          Rewards Requested
                                          Thread Name: [Treth] A New Arc
                                          City/Area: Treth, Ne'haer
                                          Notes/Warnings: job thread, and this thread is eligible for rewards for being a holiday thread
                                          Requested Rewards:

                                          Skill Knowledges

                                          Cooking; Ingredient: Infused Olive Oils for fancy flavors
                                          Medicine: how to make and store essential oils; they must be stored in dark glass bottles because the sun can damage them
                                          Medicine: how to make and store infused oils
                                          Medicine: essential oils are highly concentrated and are so powerful that they should never be applied directly to the skin, while infused oils are much milder, and are gentle enough to be used on bare skin.
                                          Medicine: Carrier oils are mainly oils extracted from the nuts, seeds or kernels of plants; they are fairly neutral, so they can be used to compliment essential oils and are an excellent choice for diluting essential oils for skin and hair products such as massage oils, scrubs, salves, lotions and balms as well as herbal remedies
                                          Medicine: uses for catnip as an herb

                                          Non Skill Knowledges

                                          Infused oils: herbs with natural dyes may be infused in oil for use in adding color to soaps and other body care products
                                          Infused oils: you can infuse a mixture of herbs into an oil of your choice rather than just one type of herb; one example of this is to infuse hops flowers, lavender flowers, and chamomile flowers in jojoba oil for use as a massage oil

                                          Nehaer Holiday: New Arc's Day
                                          New Arc's Day: is on the 1st of Cylus

                                          Catnip: is also called catmint, catswort, and field balm

                                          Loot: +2 Bonus Skill Points, and Free Item: A smooth black stone which glows each New Arc's Day. It emits heat for the entirety of the trial, warming up those who celebrate in the cool Cylus weather
                                          Injuries/Overstepping: none
                                          Renown: none
                                          Collaboration: no
                                          Magic Experience?: no
                                          word count: 316
                                          | Skills used (0)
                                            | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                              | Loot (0)
                                                | Losses (0)
                                                  Injuries (0)
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                                                    Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                                    Rewards Requested
                                                    Thread Name: The Dead Love Their Talk
                                                    City/Area: Scalvoris
                                                    Notes/Warnings: This is part of a questline, awarded here, and as per the guidelines: "When you have achieved and completed one Domain, signed off by me: Amaris will be able to whisper into the mind of one person up to five sentences per trial. "

                                                    Requested Rewards:
                                                    Etiquette: Apologizing when you think you've been hurtful
                                                    Etiquette: Offering help to clarify something
                                                    Interrogation: Asking questions to gain information
                                                    Linguistics: Sometimes wording matters
                                                    Psychology: Fragmenting of memories

                                                    Self: You're not like other ghosts
                                                    Immortal: Vri: Has given you a difficult task
                                                    Immortal: Vri: Made you a ghost

                                                    Loot: "When you have achieved and completed one Domain, signed off by me: Amaris will be able to whisper into the mind of one person up to five sentences per trial. "
                                                    Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
                                                    Renown: N/A
                                                    Collaboration: No
                                                    Magic Experience?: No

                                                    Last edited by Amaris on Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 153
                                                    | Skills used (0)
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                                                              Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                                              Rewards Requested
                                                              Thread Name: Written in Snow
                                                              City/Area: (Where is this taken place in?)
                                                              Notes/Warnings: (Any Notes or warnings? Violence?)
                                                              Requested Rewards:
                                                              Endurance: conversation can distract you from the cold or pain of sore muscles
                                                              Hunting: changes in an animal's gait can change how tracks appear
                                                              Hunting: Knowing an animal's habits make tracking easier
                                                              Fieldcraft: Keeping gear together and covered to avoid damage or loss
                                                              Detection: Changes in companion's demeanor
                                                              Leadership: Helping others ease their load to make travel less tiring.
                                                              Leadership(?): Knowing when to lead, and when to follow
                                                              Navigation: Established roads are easier to follow than wandering through the woods
                                                              Navigation: Clear pathways make spotting danger ahead easier
                                                              Endurance: Walking through the cold even when you ache
                                                              Ithecal: My leucism and facial structure make me look like a girl...
                                                              Atashi: Cannot tell gender
                                                              Atashi: Sarcastic?

                                                              Loot: Recovery of horse and belongings(not tent/bedroll though)
                                                              Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
                                                              Renown: N/A
                                                              Collaboration: yes
                                                              Magic Experience?: No

                                                              Detection: Examining your companion for scars.
                                                              Discipline: Remaining alert and keeping watch for a potential Ambush.
                                                              Endurance: Conversation can distract you from the cold.
                                                              Endurance: Swapping arms helps to rest one side of your body and exert the other.
                                                              Investigation: Searching a cart for arrows to determine if it has been raided.
                                                              Investigation: Trying to determine someone's gender based on various aspects of their person.
                                                              Navigation: The road is the easiest method of navigating to cities.
                                                              Strength: Carrying a severed haggen-fohl head.
                                                              Strength: Lifting the haggen-fohl head into the cart.
                                                              Strength: The pain of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) after exerting yourself.
                                                              Location: Etzos: the road between Etzos and Westguard.
                                                              Thaddeus: A girl?
                                                              Thaddeus: A guy?
                                                              Thaddeus: Probably a guy.
                                                              Thaddeus: Has feminine features, but a deep voice and a guy's name so is probably a guy??
                                                              Thaddeus: Doesn't speak much.
                                                              Thaddeus: Has a scar across his neck.
                                                              Thaddeus: Travelling to Etzos but doesn't know why.
                                                              Thaddeus: Your travelling companion.
                                                              Thaddeus: Named Thaddeus.

                                                              Loot: None
                                                              Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
                                                              Renown: N/A
                                                              Collaboration: Yes
                                                              Magic Experience?: No
                                                              word count: 351
                                                              | Skills used (0)
                                                                | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                  | Loot (0)
                                                                    | Losses (0)
                                                                      Injuries (0)
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                                                                        Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                                                        Rewards Requested
                                                                        Thread Name: I spy with my fly eye
                                                                        City/Area: Viden Infirmiry
                                                                        Notes/Warnings: Stupid title and kinda plodding pace for the story. Maybe boring?
                                                                        Requested Rewards:

                                                                        Meditation: Meditation by the numbers.
                                                                        Meditation: Eliminating thoughts as they occur.
                                                                        Meditation: Being patient enough to start the meditation over again.
                                                                        Meditation: Repetitive tasks help the meditative process.
                                                                        Yithnai: Carrier: Spreading disease to others.
                                                                        Yithnai: Egg: Growing accustomed and resistant to cold, though the chill weakens and slows his movements.

                                                                        Loot: He did his slave duties this cycle with this thread and the previous.
                                                                        Injuries/Overstepping: Maybe getting sick again. Who knows.
                                                                        Renown: He's about to get disappeared. Nobody will care or notice.
                                                                        Collaboration: No
                                                                        Magic Experience?: No, blessing exp is it
                                                                        Last edited by Zemos on Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 123
                                                                        | Skills used (0)
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                                                                            | Loot (0)
                                                                              | Losses (0)
                                                                                Injuries (0)
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                                                                                  Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice
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                                                                                  Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                                                                  Rewards Requested
                                                                                  Thread Name: The power of sight
                                                                                  City/Area: Yaralon
                                                                                  I intentionally overstepped heavily by activating the rune of sight while one competency lower than required. This was planned to result in my expert mutation, as described here.

                                                                                  Requested Rewards:

                                                                                  Butchering: Chopping off limbs
                                                                                  Hone: Using the rune of sight to see in the dark
                                                                                  Strength: Hoisting bits of rhino into a wagon
                                                                                  Endurance: Having your skin torn off from overstepping
                                                                                  Dual Wield: Katana x Katana: alternating strikes between weapons

                                                                                  Mark Knowledge: Stare Down: I’m not afraid of death either… am I afraid of anything anymore?

                                                                                  Loot: ~1/2 a rhino carcass
                                                                                  Injuries/Overstepping: Overstepping results in my expert mutation. Blindness for 1 week while she adjusts to the mutation.
                                                                                  Renown: 5-10 saving a man from a rhino and lion attack

                                                                                  Collaboration: No
                                                                                  Magic Experience?: Yes
                                                                                  word count: 142
                                                                                  | Skills used (0)
                                                                                    | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                                      | Loot (0)
                                                                                        | Losses (0)
                                                                                          Injuries (0)
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                                                                                            Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.9

                                                                                            Rewards Requested
                                                                                            Thread Name: Tender Whispers
                                                                                            City/Area: Yaralon
                                                                                            Notes/Warnings: Its kinda weird
                                                                                            Requested Rewards:
                                                                                            - Rabu: Mighty Tunawa
                                                                                            - Rabu: might be crazy enough to be Gangui’s friend

                                                                                            - Linguistics: Using symbolism to define a word.
                                                                                            - Linguistics: The sound of the word can be a hit to its meaning
                                                                                            - Animal husbandry: Don't leave your donkey alone
                                                                                            - Animal husbandry: Calming down a spooked donkey.
                                                                                            - Persuasion: Convincing someone into a healthy change scenery
                                                                                            - Gangui: Friend of the Tunawa
                                                                                            - Niv: Gangui's dead Tunawa friend.

                                                                                            Loot: nope
                                                                                            Injuries/Overstepping: nope
                                                                                            Renown: I don't think so.
                                                                                            Collaboration: Yes
                                                                                            Magic Experience?: Nope
                                                                                            Last edited by Rabu on Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 102
                                                                                            | Skills used (0)
                                                                                              | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                                                | Loot (0)
                                                                                                  | Losses (0)
                                                                                                    Injuries (0)
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                                                                                                      One of Rabu's Mortal Born abilities involves emean creatures called Dooglewogs doing pranks and causing misfortune for the Rabu. I roll a dice every time Rabu uses his other powers and whatever it lands on will happen in the thread he's in.
                                                                                                      If a Grader or Mod wishes to add a misfortune as a reward that would be wonderful but please be sure that it's only temporary and isn't too disruptive or disturbing (I'm mostly going with light and silly) look on my character sheet for examples.
                                                                                                      Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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