Review Request 2.1.3

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Tio Silver
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Few Tangles
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Sadly, this thread was abandoned.
Requested Rewards:
Appraisal: Picking a good companion
Business Management: Identifying an opportunity to make money
Deception: "Sure... I'm a team player..."
Deception: Trying to trick someone into becoming your meat-shield
Disguise: Changing forms to avoid being caught
Etiquette: Politely asking someone to be your meat-shield
Navigation: Teading the way through the streets of Scalvoris Town
Navigation: The location of the Scholar's Nook

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Tio Silver on Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 97
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Ripper /viewtopic.php?f=169&t=4841
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Not really, no
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Negotiation: Sex for Goods
Detection: Murder Victims
Investigation: Modus Operandi
Intelligence: Listening to the crowd
Persuasion: Being vouched for
Interrogation: Faking sympathy
Interrogation: Using violence and intimidation
Interrogation: Using blame to get the truth

Fame: Negative because Kovic was a cock
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No

An abandoned thread that got grades for my partner already. It's not that good, so sorry for whoever reviews this
word count: 95
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: It's just a prank /viewtopic.php?f=169&t=6391
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Not really, no
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Negotiation: A snack and conversation
Detection: Watching strangers
Psychology: The fear of mortals
Deception: Using Mortalborn abilties to craft a lie
Mortalborn Ability (Ether Lure): Drawing mages
Interrogation: Using restricted information to find out more
Deception: Leading someone into a trap
Negotiation: Working a deal

Magic Discipline: Becoming
Becoming: Works with Totems
Race: Lotharro

Loot: -30 GN
Injuries/Overstepping: no
Fame: Negative for lying and planning for a random stranger to be penetrated by Noth.
Collaboration: Yes, with Fridgar, who is a goner apparently
Magic EXP: Not for Kovic
Reviewed ByImage
word count: 117
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Dude, where's my goose? /viewtopic.php?f=169&t=6594
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Attempted bestiality. Yes. You read that correctly.
Requested Rewards: Mortalborn Ability (Misty Mania): Removing hunger for a clearer mind
Psychology: Finding joy in simple things
Ettiquette: Dressing formal
Ettiquette: Being graceful
Deception: Bending the truth
Negotiation: Adding new stipulation onto a closed deal
Deception: Using a gift for dark deeds

I have the right to ask for more, but I couldn't find anything. If you, dear reviewer, wish to add a few, then go ahead. Otherwise, don't bother. I just want to get me points

Loot: One gladius Noth gifted to Kovic

Fame: Negative. Just read the thread, bro
Collaboration: Yes, with Fridgar and Noth
Magic EXP: No
word count: 130
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Who let the dogs out!? /viewtopic.php ... 617#p39530
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: A bit of gore. I thought it was quite creepy. Not AF stuff, though.
Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Psychology: Animalistic Psychology
Medicine: Recognizing malformations
Unnarmed Combat: Breaking a neck
Unnarmed Combat: Restraining an animal’s maws
Mortalborn Ability (Perfect Organism): Kovic’s flesh mutates creatures
Mortalborn Ability (Perfect Organism): Cannot control mutations on other creatures
Acting: Playing it cool
Research: Using live subjects

and anything else you wanna put in there, if you wanna.
Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Fame: Negative. Stole dogs, fed them fingers, mutated them, and either killed or released them as monsters. Would've gotten way more if the thread continued, but...
Collaboration: Yes. I've got more than 1500 words but I only have 2 posts before the reviewer came in. Not sure if I qualify for 8 knowledges, so if I don't, please delete the last two ones I listed.
Magic EXP: No.
word count: 167
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Exchange
City/Area: Etzos, The Outlying Cities
Notes/Warnings: Minor language but nothing major
Requested Rewards:
Skill Lores:
  • Negotiation: Necessary Formalities
  • Negotiation: Making clients comfortable.
  • Negotiation: Using leverage
  • Persuasion: Questioning motives
  • Persuasion: Offering them something money can’t buy
  • Persuasion: An appeal to greed
  • Leadership: Commanding Glare
  • Leadership: Motivating Speech
Non-skill Lores:
  • Toan: Reliable
  • Toan: Not susceptible to the truth.
  • Intelligence: Children Can Carry Messages
  • Intelligence: Keeping Tabs On Politics
  • Persuasion: Coin Carries More Weight Than Words
  • Discipline: Keeping Composure In Heated Discussions
  • Discipline: Denying Yourself A Tempting Deal
  • Discipline: Showing Restraint From Stabbing Someone
  • Negotiation: Blackmailing To Get Your Way
  • Negotiation: Measuring Value in Bargains
  • Gangui: The New “Sheriff” In Town
  • Gangui: Has Appearances To Maintain
  • Gangui: Talks Crazy But Makes Sense
  • Gangui: A Completely, Utterly, Insane Buffoon
  • Personal: Worthless Scum… Or Am I?
Loot: A lockbox of gems for Toan, worth 1,800 GN max
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Nah bruh, we be discreet about it.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 173
"Now see me, now you don't..."

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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Only the Strong
City/Area: Foster's Landing
Notes/Warnings: Harsh rhetoric.
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge
Endurance: Getting Struct by lightening
Discipline: Gathering the pieces of a disordered life
Persuasion: Speaking to a crowd
Rhetoric: Common Sense
Leadership: Starting a faction.
Bastard Sword: Rhetorical Duels
Non-Skill Knowledge
The Sons of Justice
SOJ: Rhetoric
SOJ: Beliefs
SOJ: Foundation in Vhalar 717
SOJ: The Human Spirit

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Scar from getting hit by lightening.
Fame: Positive for recruiting two NPCs. Positive for giving a speech to the mercenaries. Positive for starting patriotic faction.
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 105
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Tristan Venora
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Birds of a Feather
City/Area: Rynmere/Venora
Notes/Warnings: No
Requested Rewards:


Deception: Pretending to be someone's servant
Detection: Keeping track of someone by their style of dress
Detection: Recognizing someone by their way of speaking
Discipline: Don't panic when you lose your charge
Discipline: Stave of boredom with a change of location
Etiquette: Apologizing when bumping into people
Etiquette: When interrupting, keep it brief
Etiquette: Keep your employer's secrets like your own

Venora Family: Organised a big charity gala
Sinra Khan: Donated to the Venora charity gala
Tristan Venora: Knows how to charm the ladies
Valeria Burhan: Angered some other noble lady
Elyna Burhan: Whatever happened to her?

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Acting: Playing hard to get
Detection: Spotting social discomfort
Elithem - Eye of the Beholder: Does not work on other Elithem of the same level
Endurance: Keeping things together emotionally
Etiquette: Showing appropriate respect for titles
Persuasion: Offering a beneficial arrangement to another to get them where you want them
Politics: Sometimes it's best to face others rather than hide away after something embarrassing
Rhetoric: Hiding double meanings behind proper conversation
Seduction: Suggestive comments
Seduction: The use of body language

Tristan Venora: Duke of Oakleigh
Tristan Venora: Marked by Zanik
Tristan Venora: Being called 'Your Grace' makes him feel old
Celeste Andaris: Thinks Elithem abilities are magic
Tristan Venora: The king was present at his marking
Xander Andaris: Less outspoken than his wife
Celeste Andaris: A mage attempted to assassinate her
Celeste Andaris: Saw you as a threat to the lives of her and her unborn child
Celeste Andaris: An enemy?

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: probably negative
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Elithem - Eye of the Beholder: Does not work on other Elithem of the same level
Etiquette: As a duke you can’t just leave an event you were invited to
Etiquette: Is like playing a game sometimes
Politics: In the current political climate it’s better to be careful
Politics: Don’t anger your allies
Seduction: Tell her you have a lot in common
Seduction: Treat her like a lady
Seduction: Going somewhere private is a good idea
Seduction: Kiss her and lie her down
Stealth: Sneaking away

Valeria Burhan: Beautiful
Valeria Burhan: Open-minded
Valeria Burhan: Marked by Zanik
Celeste Andaris: Thinks Elithem abilities are magic
Celeste Andaris: A mage attempted to assassinate her
Celeste Andaris: Saw Valeria as a threat to the lives of her and her unborn child
Xander Andaris: Less outspoken than his wife
Sintih: Helpful

Loot: no
Injuries/Overstepping: no
Fame: probably positive because Tristan tries to defend Valeria and make Celeste see reason
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
word count: 468
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Caius Gawyne
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Humoring Family
City/Area: Bellesoir, Venora, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Nah.
Requested Rewards:
Darcyanna Venora
Skill Knowledge:
Politics: Finding your feet before others after a moment of giddiness
Politics: Even though someone is family, doesn’t mean you forget their titles
Politics: Making commitments of visitation to allies
Sociology: Dealing with jealous thoughts
Sociology: Admitting official things to others
Sociology: The delight of family affairs

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Tristan Venora: Duke of Oakleigh
Tristan Venora: Your cousin
Tristan Venora: Has a daughter
Tristan Venora: Invited you to his estate
Tristan Venora: Wrote a musical and performed it for the King
Tristan Venora: Thinks you could be an honorary aunt

Caius Gawyne: Said official things about ‘us’ to another person
Caius Gawyne: Has a female friend who likes female...friends.
Caius Gawyne: Has preciously met Tristan

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: +3 Hanging with the Duke of Oakleigh, +2 Soirée Socializing
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A
Tristan Venora
Skill Knowledge:
Acting: Looking sad
Deception: Lying about my daughter's mother
Etiquette: Don't eat all the food!
Etiquette: Exchanging pleasantries
Etiquette: Congratulating a couple on their relationship
Politics: If I don't get married, the king might take away my duchy!

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Caius Gawyne: In a relationship with Darcyanna Venora
Darcyanna Venora: In a relationship with Caius Gawyne
NPC (Fern): Not Caius Gawyne's girlfriend
NPC (Fern): lesbian

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: +3 It's good to be a Duke, +2 Soirée Socializing
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Nope
Caius Gawyne
Skill Knowledge:
Detection: Recognizing the hints of jealousy
Etiquette: How to breach a taboo subject
Etiquette: Polite questions
Politics: Unofficially official
Politics: The intricacies of courting
Politics: Casual conversation with a Duke
Politics: House Venora: Complicated
Politics: Eastern Settlements: Oakleigh

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Nah
Fame: +3 Hanging with the Duke of Oakleigh, +2 Soirée Socializing
Collaboration: Yes!
Magic EXP: No way.
word count: 328
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Nathaniel Endor
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Business Before Pleasure
City/Area: Andaris City, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: There may be a bit of suggestion since they are in the whore house. Nothing to significant there. It's not 50 Shades of Grey I promise.

Requested Rewards:
  • Skill Knowledge (8+1):
    • Seduction: Commanding is Sexy
      Politics: Keeping the Relationships Alive
      Politics: House Gawyne and Their Records
      Business Management: Business Meetings can be Fun
      Business Management: Preparing for a Business Alliance
      Resistance: Knowing Not to Pummel the Sard out of a Friend
      Resistance: Solid Alcohol Tolerance
      Linguistics: Basic Rukahi
      Linguistics: Rukahi Curses
    Non-Skill Knowledge:
    • House Gawyne: Caius Gawyne
      Noble House: House Gawyne
      Location: Andaris: House of Roses
      Location: Low-Town
      Caius: Old Friend
      Caius: Educated in Books, Not in Women
      Caius: Sleeping with the Common Folk
      House Gawyne: Records Keepers
Loot: -2 GN for Mid'na
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Reviewer's Discretion
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No

  • Skill Knowledge: (8+1 = 9 lores)
    • Discipline: Resisting professional seduction
      Discipline: Continuing a conversation while distracted
      Resistance: The quick burn of vodka
      Resistance: Some liquor for your nerves
      Resistance: Knowing your limits
      Politics: Unusual meeting places
      Politics: House Endor
      Politics: Concluding business before partaking in pleasure
      Seduction: Giving into the charms of strangers
    Non-Skill Knowledge:
    • Location: Andaris: House of Roses
      Location: Low-Town
      Noble House: House Endor
      House Endor: Mining is a major part of their economy
      PC: Nathaniel Endor
      Nathaniel Endor: His middle name is Humphrey
      Nathaniel Endor: Ladies’ man
      Nathaniel Endor: Has unusual taste in business meeting locations
      Nathaniel Endor: Friend and troublemaker
      Nathaniel Endor: Respects your work ethic
Loot: -4gn for Janeece and Ivi. Yeah, that happened.
Fame: Reviewer’s discretion! (Positive preferred, though.)
Injuries/Overstepping: Uh, nope.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic XP: Nope.
word count: 293
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