New Roads; New Ruts (Graded)

85th of Vhalar 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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New Roads; New Ruts

“We can’t win, Navyri. Why don’t you see that?” Warren jetted a hand through his hair, anxiety starting to creep up on him as she made it more and more obvious that she refused to leave. What was even more infuriating was how quickly she was becoming incoherent. She was shifting on her feet much more than usual, correcting her balance as she swayed slightly. Words that were normally sharp, precises, and sensible were slurred and spelled confusion. Even her accent was coming out, one that Warren hadn’t noticed until this very moment.
“You’re drunk.” He reaffirmed, reaching out again to hold her steady only to have her pulled away from him, explaining her plans. “What are you saying, woman?” This was a mess of a conversation…
“My better judgement keeps you alive.” Was his retort, but the frustration he felt slowly began to melt as his eyes followed hers, watching her reactions, the way her voice lowered, even her touch on his skin as she extended her hands to encase his wrists. What was she doing?
To say he wasn’t captivated by the woman in the very moment would be a lie. The bounty hunter wanted to shrug her off, but he was charmed by her voice into remaining fixed where he was. Did she really not understand the odds here? Or the simple fact that he was protecting her very life?
“You’ve never had someone care about your wellbeing, have you..?” He asked shortly after she’d called for Lianna, not even phased by the absurdity of it. “The fact that you run head first into problems is answer enough, but why do you fight so hard to push away those who might give a shit about where you end up? My better judgment will always tell you no because your reckless decisions lead you into situations where you could get killed and I’m trying to prevent that from happening.”
It was at this point Lianna decided to poke her head out just before exiting the doors to the Tavern, “I’ve been listening,” She admitted outright. “I already promised the people we would stay and help—” At this point, Warren let out an audible groan of frustration, turning his back on the two as he began to pace.
“Why would you do something like that? There is nothing for them here..!” He gestured around the area. “Look at what those thieves did! They’ve destroyed this village, ransacked it! What is there to rebuild but a graveyard?! We need to tell them to leave.”
“Warren, they won’t go. Some of them have lived here all their lives. This is all they know..!”
“I don’t care, if they are able to walk, they need to go.”
Lianna balled her fists, “It’s not as easy for others to dig their lives up as it is for you, Kade. People have roots, homes where generations of their lines have existed and to ask someone to leave it behind when there is something that could be done about the situation is heartless!”
He paused, turning to her with an expression as though she’d physically struck him. “So that’s what you think? I’m heartless for taking you from your home?”
“I didn’t mean—”
Raising a hand to silence her, he said not another word as he walked past the two and back into the tavern. If Warren was to do battle tonight, he needed time alone to think and pray because, by the Gods, did he need both desperately right about now…

By the time they had finished preparing, Warren had scouted a structure with only one access point in it, that being the door that was both the entrance and exit. With the help of Navyri, he devised a plan to secure Lianna and the other women and children in the adjacent building to keep them out of harm’s way during the battle.
It was simple really, Navyri would act as the bait for the returning bandits by “leading” them to where the rest of the villagers were. Once inside the house, she would use her gift to subdue them while Warren lit the fire that would ultimately result in their demise. Of course, that would be after he dragged her outside and locked the door.
Nightfall had come while they waited for the return of the bandits. Warren had hidden the horses down a ways and was seated on a porch with his head bent over and hands clasped together in prayer.

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New Roads; New Ruts

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Somewhere Outside Etzos
85th of Vhalar 717

  • Navyri rounded the building, having spent the breaks trying to process the toxins in her body. This was done with difficulty, having to think hard while offering tactical strategies to Warren. They had decided on a decoy - a trap. It was a dishonorable way to kill, but the numbers were hardly fair and no one objected. The Naer felt it was the best course of action.

    Now, it was time to check on her companions. They all needed to be on the same page, ready for battle and things had hardly been cooperative since Lianna’s words. But they had been effective, and the shadow woman made less taunts towards the girl because of it. Even she seemed resolved in her own way - determined to help kindred souls.

    Navyri stepped forward, the soft mutterings of prayer too soft for her ears to hear playing on the wind. Warren’s head was bent, his blonde locks barely contained by the desperate tie that held it. He was frustrated, concerned, scared. Scared of death, or scared of failure - he still continually took the world upon his shoulders. She didn’t understand it. Not now, maybe not ever.

    Her own hair was damp from a bucket bath - no where near the luxurious soak she had imagined, but the dirt and blood and sweat were washed away, leaving only bruises and cuts in their wake. It had helped clear her mind, staying still would do nothing in times of war. Always busy, always moving, always ready.

    Who was he praying to?, she wondered.

    The Naer looked down at her own arms - the blessing that lined them, but felt no real need to plead. Delroth would aid her or he wouldn’t and she didn’t have enough coin to satiate him today. She was convinced he liked to watch her fight for her life - a bit of entertainment to see what his pet was capable of. She doubted this would be any different, but still found herself reaching into her pocket, turning over the golden sparrow the weighed heavy at her side.

    Navyri crept upon the porch, debating on how to approach her next move. She moved to his side and reached out, touching him lightly on the shoulder to let him know of her presence, “I want to tell you a story,” she said softly when his worship faded. There was no malice in her voice. He was going against his instincts for this mission and she appreciated that. He had aided her more than once, and she had proved dangerous and fickle at best. It was time she returned some of his efforts, the Naer crouching to look into his face, “In case this is the last time I tell it.”

    A beat of silence as she gathered her thoughts.

    “You said no one had cared for me, but that is a lie. I have been cared for,” she said this without change of expression, never liking the discussion, “It was my beginning and my end.”

    Navyri looked at her nails, recalling the memory, “Once upon a time, in a land far far away,” she smirked bitterly, knowing they did not have much time and quickly continued, “In a place where shadows danced and the sun never rose, I was born. And I was happy, for a time.”

    “And I was loved and I loved. I did not know loss,” she closed her eyes, still feeling the emotion that tried to rise its way into her throat, “There are very few places in this world where my kind can be themselves. Without the skins of men,” she said this as if she regretted the beautiful face she wore, for it was a blessing and a curse. It confined her from what she really was, darkness incarnate.

    “My father did not see this, and he stole me away. It was an accident. What I did.” Navyri did not want to continue, suddenly retreating into herself, wishing to get up and walk away, “The power I have, the one I will use tonight… It is done when one feels trapped. It is not used lightly.”

    How could she convey to him how scared she was then? How the man who used to sing her to sleep thought she was a monster who needed reformation? That black could turn to silver? “I was maybe fifteen. Sixteen.” So many arcs had passed…

    “To save myself I sold my soul,” she swallowed, glancing into his eyes, “What is the value of my life? I can never go home. I can never be a Naer again, not truly. And the differences grow by the day… But I am not ready to die. Not then, not now.”

    Navyri paused, disappointment pulling at her lips. She rose to her full height and turned sharply, moving behind where he sat and pulled out his hair tie. Looking at him felt too personal, she didn’t like it. Idle hands lead to idle minds, “These women have a chance at something I didn’t. I don’t want to take that away from them.”

    She stoked the back of his head, dragging the tips of her nails over his scalp to pull free any knots. Warren had good hair, the color of burnished gold. All it needed was a good wash and deft fingers, “You are not heartless in wanting to go. Some battles aren’t worth the bloodshed.”

    The Naer, after all, had abandoned him in the aftermath of their escape. She knew when to walk away. Navyri began to gather his hair, combing the locks upwards into her fingers, where she tied it off in a more stable knot and in a somber tone, a whisper, "If you still want to go, we can go. I won't argue anymore. Not tonight."
word count: 989
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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New Roads; New Ruts

“O Lord
as I walk your road of death and dying,
strip from me those things that hinder my steps.
Strip from me my vanity,
my concern for the regard, lust, and admiration of others.
Strip from me my arrogance,
my assurance that I know best for myself and others.
Strip from me my pride,
in my body, my face, my youth, and my beauty.
Strip from me my reliance on my intellect,
my wit, and my words.
Strip from me my judgment of others;
I do not know their story or their path.
Strip from me my wastefulness
when I take abundance, health, family, and friends for granted.
Strip from me my impatience and irritation.
Strip from me my fear of being stripped.
Strip from me all the things I cannot cast off myself.
Strip from me everything I cling to in disillusion and fear.
Strip these things from me as flesh is stripped from bone.
Look upon me here in this place where I am
Only one of many, and protect my steps.
Make me resilient and mighty as your own arm,
Make me unbreakable, you who are Friend of Man.”
Words of prayer were muttered from lips that did little to enunciate such a passage, keeping his voice low not because he was embarrassed of such faith, but because he didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention from anyone or anything lurking within the shadows of the night. He sensed her presence before she’d touched him, hearing the soft drag of her wounded wings against the wood of the porch even while he spoke his words to Vri. Was this the right thing to do? The woman had already been through so much for one day…
Warren didn’t much care for the plan they’d constructed. It left too much on the shoulders of one person, a person who’d already beared the brunt of trauma from earlier encounters and was now being asked to do it again. Navyri was an unstoppable force when she made up her mind about something and Warren, an immovable object when it came down to the nit and grit of it all. He wanted to leave. If he was honest and truly had his way, he would have knocked the women out cold, thrown them onto the back of his horse, and rode off from the danger that was this failing village.
That was a coward’s way of handling a problem, however, and Warren knew, deep down, that what was the right thing to do was to stay and fight. Right, surely… but logical? Tactical? Possible?
The mortal gave a heavy sigh after he concluded his prayer, not bothering to look over at the Naer as she took up a place next to him on the porch. Seemingly more coherent than earlier, Warren shifted to lean forward, only pulling his eyes up to hers when she began to tell the tale of her past.
It was difficult for her, he saw, and strange that a moment like this could transpire during such a time, but as Navyri said, it could be the last time either of them were able to speak honestly with the other. So he listened and listened well, ironing the details into his memory while he examined her expression, knowing each one as it clawed up onto her features, only to be overtaken by the next wave of emotion. For a brief trill, the man was perplexed and wanted for the life of him to reach out and comfort the beautiful creature, to protect her not only from the dangers to come that night, but also the ones that plagued her past.
Before he could react in an kind of manner, the woman stood, as if to put some kind of wall between them even as she moved to touch his hair, pulling the tie out so she could fix it. Maybe this was her way of being comforted by him? Warren couldn’t hope to understand it, or her for that matter, but what he did understand was what his heart guided him to do in that moment. Calmly, after she’d set his ponytail right, he shifted his weight and pushed off the porch to stand to his full height and turned so that she was just under his nose.
“It’s a little too late now.” He told gently, tucking a damp, brunette curl behind the fold of her ear. “We’ve chosen a path and now we must walk it.”
He dropped his hand, meaning to turn from her but something about the way she carried herself, different now than the other times, made him halt his retreat as to catch a glimpse of those crystal eyes. When finally he took them in, his own orbs dropped to soft, pinky lips and, smoothly, he return his hand to her cheek as to run his thumb lightly acrossed her bottom lip.
With nothing more to say, he stepped around her and clopped off the porch. “I’ll lead them this way.” He called, never looking back. “Be ready.”

Word Count: 845
word count: 859
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Re: New Roads; New Ruts

“Be ready.”

The heat of his hand was already fading from her cheek, the scent of him lost on the wind. Her first impulse was to feel irritation at potential pity, or at the very least, an emotional distance with her story, but his intentions eluded her. Some moments, Warren felt a million miles away, across a sea of moral disagreement. Others, he was right there, the face of reason in her hurricane. Staring at her - into her. And then he was gone.

Back and forth.

Stop. Go.

Navyri blinked, leaning on the railing of the porch, and watching his silhouette march away, she looked to the skies. The starry lights twinkled behind foreboding clouds, and she yanked the curl of hair just tucked behind her ear free, as untamed as the the head it belonged on, and she turned on her heels, marching into the darkness of a destroyed house. She began to yank off her clothes. After all, they were coming.

The Naer rushed to tie off the back of the stolen dress, fingers fumbling as she raced towards the door frame, hopping on one foot while tugging on her boots. The back of the outfit was cut out, bandaged wings sore from being manipulated into the dress and she rushed to take her place.

Where are you?

Snatching up her other outfit that kept trying to escape from under her arm, Navyri tossed the articles by the side of the building, breathless. She could hear the hooves of their horses playing in her mind on the thread of Curio’s senses. His head turned. 5 men. 8 men. Nav stumbled, gaze distance as her lips moved in count, her pit of worry deepening in her stomach. She looked around, caught a glimpse of where Warren and the others would be hiding and hesitated, the sound of thundering hooves reeling behind her as Curio sent his vision - a horseman closing in. Before she could take another step, the beast was circling in front of her to restrict her movements.

Navyri attention was jerked back into her own body and she stumbled, reeling back in fear at the beast he rode on, heart pounding. She was playing scared damsel better than she intended.

“Well, well, well,” the bandit’s voice was thick and sickening, like oil and smoke, “What do we have here?” Navyri heard his words but watched her own reflection in the eyes of the stallion, “A little bird with a broken wing?” He inhaled sharply through his nose and hocked a fat ball of mucous at her feet.

From behind her another approached, his horse dappled with grey, and she glanced over her shoulder, more unsure in their plan. Her voice, however, feigned strength, “Eat shit.”

This made both of bandits roar in laughter, nodding smugly as they took in the state of the village around them, “You’ll regret that,” the first one promised, swinging a leg over the horse and dropping to the ground. He was an easy six foot, arms thick and hairy. He ran his tongue over his teeth - one of his canine’s missing, she noticed - “Where’s the others?”

“Dunno,” The other men were dismounting also; a pack of wild dogs on the scent of blood. They were much the same in terms of appearance. Wild eyed, dirty, arrogant. Armed. Some with beards, almost all with scars. “Cut’ya throat and you can see for yourself.”

Navyri was trying to imitate some of the speech patterns of the village girls, but they had been so shaken with grief, they hardly spoke. It didn’t seem to matter. Patience was thinning, and if their entourage lost men, the time for games was coming to an end. The Naer struck first, socking the man square in the jaw, but it was like hitting a wall. When he retaliated he hit her so hard she fell in a flash of white, unaware till she blinked and was on the ground, pain pulsating through her skull.

She noticed the flashing of a boot coming towards her and rolled out of the way, her injured wing shocking her arms and back with electric agony. The other men were closing in and she jumped back to her feet, continuously moving so to not let them completely surround her. Warren was right… The odds were slim. She was running out of time.

They thought her amusing. One against so many. Not even bothering to draw their weapons, they gave lazy swipes at her which she avoided, scratching back with her own. She made contact more times than not, but their retaliation was quick and brutal. If she turned her back for a second, one of the other men would grin and attack, sometimes with kicks, other times simply to catch her long enough for their partner to dish out sweet discipline.

Nav’s head was rocked side to side with two punches back to back, ears ringing as her strength drained. They were all engaged in the fight now, all she had to do was lead them away. So many….

“Time’s up, little bird. Let’s see how quickly you break.”

Nav jumped back, but the bandit was quicker than he looked. Wrapping both arms around her like a boa constrictor, he squeezed the air from her, the strain of her own ribs bending inside her and she couldn’t help the scream that tore through her lips. Every old injury ignited, and she kicked her feet as she was lifted into the air. She tried to twist, to fight back, but her arms were trapped. She had left her weapons with her change of clothes. Village girls had to look helpless, but Navyri was realizing her mistake. Underestimating her opponents, she was in the same boat. The Naer spat her blood upon the dirt road, but in the dying light of the sun, none of the men seemed to notice its coloring.

The fight continued. Her opponent threw her to the ground and she crumbled, wheezing as one of the men stomped on her good wing, pinning it down, the other limp as she clawed at the leg . The leader… the one who had promised regret, grinned as he began to undo the buckle of his belt, “Fuck me willing, or fuck me fighting. Good cunt is good cunt. Ain’t that right, boys?”

word count: 1069
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Re: New Roads; New Ruts

Endurance: How to Push Through Travel Pains
Endurance: Limb Dislocation
Medicine: Use Alcohol to Numb Your Wounds
Resistance: The Faster You Drink, The Faster You Feel
Cosmetology: Nothing Beats a Good Bath
Cosmetology: How to Make a Ponytail
Seduction: Fire Lit Evenings Are Often Romantic
Seduction: Show Vulnerability
Tactics: Consider Your Terrain
Tactics: Consider Points of Entry & Attack
Tactics: Don't Let Yourself Be Surrounded
Tactics: How to Face Impossible Odds
10 for making a bunch of raiders go bye bye
It's always a treat to read Navyri, especially in such a post-heavy thread where there's so much to unpack. Her vanity, her pride, the little snippets of personality snuck into the narrative -her hatred of horses, the way she mentally stood up a little straighter when the lady called her a hero- makes her seem like a much realer person. Enjoy your points.
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