• Graded • Neutralitatis


Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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As Noth mentioned the mutant issue, the Mortalborn raised an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly before he inclined his head. “I have”, he replied. “I was present during an event where some of those creatures were being auctioned and I witnessed an attack from the one known as Padfoot. I thought that he wanted to kill me, but then he picked another target.” He said that in a nearly emotionless tone and then shrugged his shoulders. He had never been afraid at any point during Padfoot’s attack, but only regretted that he had not been able to take some of his blood and experiment with it.

“I already acquired a mutant some time ago”, he informed Noth, recalling the bear-like creature that he had bought. She had been pregnant at the time. “But more such blood would be appreciated. As for what I could do, I could try and isolate the mutagen and, perhaps, create a potion that will replicate some of its effects. As for Padfoot’s head …” He paused for a moment and looked directly at Noth. The expression on his face was not indifferent anymore. Instead he appeared to be very curious.

“If you bring me Padfoot’s head”, he continued. “I will owe you. I will make another item for you – and share the results of my research for you. Unless there is something in particular that you want?” he asked, thinking that Noth might already have something in mind. Padfoot’s head would be an impressive trophy and a valuable source of alchemical reagents.
word count: 262





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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As Noth has assumed, Doran had at least some experience with the mutant population of Etzos. Albeit, he had expected his experience to be based more in scientific study or alchemical concoctions as opposed to first-hand observation of Padfoot. The event that the alchemist mentioned seemed to be one that was somewhat familiar to the hybrid, and he vaguely recalled some of his minions mentioning the attack. Since it had not involved him or any of his assets, however, he had mostly avoided any thought of it beyond a vague interest in the bounty which had been placed upon the monstrous mutant.

It was not altogether surprising to learn that Doran already possessed a mutant of some form, because he was likely one of the chief agents in his field, and it stood to reason that the government of Etzos; in their attempts at culling or neutralizing the issues created by Padfoot, would turn to those few individuals who could operate with an efficiency unseen by the majority. Regardless, the offer of additional blood seemed to be something acceptable to the alchemist, and Noth made a mental note of his offer to isolate portions of the mutagen so that some of the effects could be replicated. With such powerful potential found in only the blood of a victim, the hybrid was exhilarated by the idea of what fantastic potions could be created by using the source.

There was the offer to create another item, and whilst that was tantalizing in itself, the hybrid’s mind rewound itself to the thought of a potion capable of replicating some portions of the mutagen. Many of the mutants he had encountered had been granted fantastic powers because of their changes, and whilst they were ostracized, he sincerely doubted they were anymore outcast than a half-blooded Avriel.

“The head will be yours. I regret to inform you that it will not be of pristine condition, because it has sat within my home for something like a season.” He shrugged nonchalantly, because nothing could be done about that. “As for your offer. I am aware of an ability of Becomers that allows them to heal their wounds with extreme speed. I will admit ignorance as to the mechanics of that, but… if it could be isolated and put into something simplistic such as a ring, then that would be quite useful to my purposes.”
word count: 402

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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Your Thread Review is Here!
Doran, should you return to claim your reward, shoot me a PM and I'll do your portion of the review.
Pre Review Checklist
Requirement ✓ or X Comment
Approved Character --
Updated Thread List for Previous Season --
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted, Thread Earned) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread deductions) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Fame Ledger & Table for threads ✓✓ --
Thread Being Reviewed Linked In CS X Please add this thread to your CS

Requirement Fulfillment Comment+
Solo or Collab Collab +8 Skill Knowledges
How many posts? 6 +3 Skill Knowledge
How many requested? 5 --
Are all posts greater than 250 words? 735, 918, 682, 881, 496, 398
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? 4110
Knowledges appropriate? --
Loot appropriate? Pending Approval by Maltruism
Fame appropriate? N/A --
Injuries appropriate? N/A --

Well done Noth, it was an interesting read. I learned a decent bit, sorry it ended a bit earlier. I'll shoot Maltruism a PM about your gauntlet. Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

Code: Select all

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points +15 --
Magic Points available? N/A --
Fame N/A --
Injuries N/A --
Null Gauntlet Please include a brief description in your CS after approval from Maltruism Pending Approval from Maltruism
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Alchemy: Must Be Done in Steps
  2. Alchemy: Many Reagents Come from Animals and Plants
  3. Alchemy: Triggers Must be Added Last
  4. Detection: Making Assumptions Based on How Late Someone Is
  5. Politics: Some People Don't Care If They're Giving You A Weapon

Non-Skill Knowledge:
word count: 299
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Null Gauntlets approved

Null Gauntlets
Made from a powerful and unique alchemical reagent powder obtained in this thread,
and built with the alchemical expertise of Doran in this thread,
The Null Gauntlets can generate a field of time and energy negation that "uncasts" spells and neutralizes energy.
This is done because the alchemical powder used is the decayed dust of bodies, items and materials pulled through a Rupturing portal existing in two times at once. The time distortion makes magic energy empower its own reversal and neutralization. Natural Energy has more initial resistance to being negated, but this can be overcome by an attuned wearer with some concentration.
A high level Raskithecal Rupturer tried to make a portal permanent by powering it with an actual fracture. He tried to fine-tune the portal to the "frequency" of a well taken from that same fracture. Somehow, the well was accidentally pulled into the portal, landing inside the fracture from which it was taken; a conduit for power being drawn from the fracture that now empowers and surrounds itself.
This resulted in a feedback of magic energy tuned and powered by itself through a conduit, formed from its own matter, that had now been reinserted back into its own fracture with nothing controlling it. The end result of this compounded backlash of power distorted time itself, creating a wormhole to the same location in two times. The powder is made from items sucked back from the future and now decayed.
Magic energy contacting the triggered energy field becomes unstable in relation to the time that it is generated, making any spell immediately disrupted as if the casting mage forgot what he was doing in the midst of casting.
Because the item was made with samples of Noth's own skin and blood, he is the only one that can safely use it without risk of neutralizing nerve signals in his body. Anyone stealing it bare-handed risks paralysis. Anyone ingesting the powder will die of immediate multiple organ failure and brain shutdown.
The power of the hostile cast empowers the gauntlet's negation ability, but the nature of this reversal of the cast returns the hostile caster's ether at the same time that it ends the gauntlet's source of power, so that basically, the spell was never cast.
At this time, the negation is the only thing this gauntlet does. With Meditation, focus and experimentation, Noth could learn to do more.
These have been noted in Noth's PN file. :D
word count: 420
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Your review is ready!
Just adding to what's already been done here for Doran!



15 | These points cannot be used for magic.



+3 Crafting something amazing and dangerous

Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Alchemy: Noth's Powder: Needs to be combined with reagents of the highest quality
Alchemy: Definition of an Accelerator
Alchemy: Using a sealer
Alchemy: Using a triggering reagent
Alchemy: Triggers: used to activate an enhancement
Alchemy: Triggers: Must be added last
Alchemy: Requires a lot different steps
Alchemy: Many reagents come from animals and plants
Alchemy: How to handle sensitive reagents
Chemistry: Using chemicals to reduce the melting point
Persuasion: A little money helps ensure your privacy

Other Knowledge:
Snäytu Kanna: the largest sentient land creature in all of Idalos
Snäytu Kanna: source of "Barkskin"
Reagent: Barkskin: a binder
Reagent: Nafinju spinal fluid: a powerful accelerator
Reagent: Swiftweb: a metabolizer
Reagent: Ivorian Rock Turtle shell: a sealer
If you've got a question or concern or if I've missed anything, don't hesitate to PM me!

Now that your review is complete,
don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!


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word count: 219
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