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Pad and Faith get wed in Desnind

62nd of Vhalar 717

Here is the City in the Trees. Desnind, home of the Immortal Moseke and much more! All IC writings in Desnind go here.
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As she clung to his arm on their way into the temple, the emotions that washed over Faith, washed over Padraig too. Chances were, he would have felt it anyway. But their unique connection one with the other meant that what she felt, he did, and his own heightened senses and emotions combined with hers. It was a powerful, nearly overwhelming combination that while Padraig would have anticipated it had he not been focusing on his own set of nerves, it was nonetheless enough leave him a little weak in the knees. Hopefully he wouldn't end up like one of those poor rumored grooms Cyrus had warned him about...probably in an effort to mess with his head the way the older man had always done since he was young. Immortals please, don't let him be one of those men who went lock-kneed and fainted dead away at the altar.

The temple was filled with friends, family, all loved ones. But as they reached the altar and she took the bindings, he only had eyes for her. The ring that Faith put on his finger was a wonder. A marvel that would have required a particular sort of artisan to create it to her specifications, using materials he didn't think he'd seen before. Later, much later, he'd consider the whys of the details, but she'd chosen perfectly. He'd catch a glimpse of those numbers etched on the inside as well, and know exactly what they meant. It was perfect. But why not? She was perfect.

She liked to say that eloquence too often eluded her. But she was wrong. When she spoke, he smiled. She was an inspiration, whether she realized it or not. "It's perfect. You're perfect," he whispered as she began wrapping her part of the bindings around his arm. He'd made sure that Cyrus had given his ring for Faith, to Niv before the ceremony began, so turning to his little friend and best maid, he extended his free hand to take it back. Then turning back to Faith, he looked into his bride's eyes. "I used to believe that I knew that I loved you, for the very first time, when I watched you single-handedly taking on the Immortal's in defense of others, and me. Or when we were stranded together in the most unusual of places." A reference to them tumbling together through Treid's armpit, though she might be the only one here who recognized it.

"But then I thought, no, it was when you began an adventure through the woods in high heeled shoes and a gown, and ended up soaked to the skin with leaves in your ruined hair. Or even before that, when I opened my door to see you standing there for the very first time," he told her, referring to the morning she'd turned up, as a slave, for tutoring lessons. "But what I didn't realize was that, I believe now that I've always loved you. I just hadn't known it yet. I didn't know it until the trial I first saw you. And now I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life, and the next one, finding you again, each trial, and falling in love all over again."

And with that, Padraig slipped the ring on her finger. One she'd seen before, but briefly. Gold crafted into tangled vines, scattered with brilliant gemstone leaves that would wrap round and frame the stones embedded in her engagement ring. One of the same complimentary design. And once it was securely placed on her finger, he began wrapping his part of the bindings round her arm.
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Kura watched with a smile as Faith and Padraig gave each other their rings and said their vows. She didn't speak or act, not until they wrapped the bonds, joining their hands together. Once they had their hands bound, she reached out and put her hand on top of theirs. "Vri to represent the love you both share and keep it pure. Famula to ensure that your souls are bound together as one. Moseke to give the gift of a long life. Qylios to ensure the bond between you both is made unbreakable." she said, her eyes changing completely to gold as she spoke. As she spoke there was a whisper of something more to be heard in the Mortalborns words.
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And as the mortalborn's eyes began to shimmer a brilliant gold they were met with a light of the same colour erupting from behind her. In truth it would have been terrifying if it were not for the comforting and safe feelings that seemed to travel within its rays, the pure energy emitting a warm beautiful environment. As it faded back towards its source a line of four was revealed, their appearances slowly becoming clear as the light returned to normal and the immortals were revealed to all in the temple.

The first to step forward was Qylios, the source of the light and still seeming to glow from her powerful armour. "Padraig." Her eyes were soft and calm a look of happiness leaking through them as the immortal admired the love shared by the two, pure and true it was unequalled. "I know of only one gift today, nothing I could give you would ever be able to match the gift of your true love but I can offer you this." Qylios stepped forward and placed her hands on either side of the scientists face placing a soft kiss upon his forehead to initiate the change. A tingle would pass through the man as two new rings would materialise around his arm. "You acted with great honour and courage on that mountainside Padraig, your bravery did not go unnoticed and the light you brought to that wicked soul and saving Faith was in itself a marvel. Keep her safe." Her words were a whisper hidden from the onlookers and even from Faith, she intended for only Padraig to hear her appreciation.

The immortal looked to Faith and bowed her head. "May your bond never be broken." She stepped back to the side of Padraig now, keeping a watchful gaze over everyone present and standing proudly behind her blessed. Following the silence that next came Moseke and Famula stepped forward together, the sisters side by side before their shared servant. Each standing before her Famula stopped but Moseke circled round to the front, the two immortals stood either side of Faith. "Your belief is unwavering, and your trust in our power is a blessing upon us as you are a woman who even we can look upon and admire." Moseke's words were warm and full of truth, her eyes kind as she reached forward and placed two fingers upon the seed on her chest. "Let it grow and reveal your nature, may the branches of life spread across you and show all your pure beauty." A tingle would cover Faiths chest as the mark would begin to grow sprouting into branches of a tree that represented her being.

Famula's hand joined Moseke's upon her chest and her face remained somewhat straight. "Your service will not be forgotten and what you did to the monster Alexander was what was needed, you and Padraig served with great honour and you remain a valuable and...loved servant." The two women stepped back leaving only Vri to offer words or action and he did, stepping forward with his hand under a cloak he revealed the item he wished to gift them. It was a small box, it had no hinges and it was jet black, the wood they would not recognise but it had come from the forest around them. "When the time comes retrieve this box and let it guide you to the light, let it reveal to you the truth and all will be clear." He placed the box upon a small podium and then remained beside it to watch the rest of the proceedings. Moseke circled round to stand beside Famula at Faith's back and all fell quiet, ready for the Ceremony to continue to its conclusion.
word count: 635
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The connection they shared, the two of them, meant that she felt what he did and him, what she did. It was a circular thing and in that moment Faith felt overwhelmed by it. Nerves, happiness, love and a hundred other things swirled through her and she held on to him like a drowning woman might. Standing there, Faith prayed that if this was the dream she had feared it was for so long, that she might never wake. Let her waste away and start her life anew, resurrected into a world where this was real, she prayed and her hand in his tightened. When he whispered to her about the ring, then her Faith shook her head, but smiled at him with tears threatening in her eyes. Perfect? Nothing was good enough, noone was, but somehow Vri had blessed them that, despite what Faith saw with absolute certainty, he loved her anyway. She blinked, holding on to the tears and not losing control here, her hand and his wrapped together and the ring on his finger.

And then, he spoke.

She couldn't hear anything, see anything, comprehend anything other than his words and she knew that tears fell, though she was powerless to stop them. Despite that, her face lit in a smile when he referenced them being in the armpit of an Immortal and she kept her gaze on him, and him alone. He spoke of the times that he'd thought maybe he'd realised that he'd loved her, but when he spoke what was his truth, that he was born loving her and would do so in every lifetime after, Faith couldn't speak although she wanted to very much. Instead, she just nodded her head. It was the same for her, it always would be.

Her hand was shaking and she knew that was making it harder for him to put the ring on but he put it onto her finger and she looked up at him. She didn't know what she was going to say until she said it, a whispered word, just for him. "Husband," she smiled in delight, and then realised what it was about that word which delighted her. "My husband. Mine." It was how she had introduced him to Lady Elyna and Lord Krome an arc ago. Mine. Faith beamed as Kura put her hand on their arms, joined together and she spoke the words, invoking the Immortals. Faith was so pleased that she hadn't scripted it, her friends words were just perfect.

Pulling her gaze away from Padraig, Faith turned to tell Kura that and she saw that their friend was..well, her eyes were gold and that wasn't usual. Faith hadn't really had time to think about more than that before she realised that they were bathed in a golden light, emanating from behind Kura. Her hand in Padraig's, tied together as they now were, tightened and then Faith let out a slight gasp as she realised that there were people there, in that light.

Except they weren't people - they were Immortals.

The first one, Qylios, Faith recognised from Triedhart and Ne'haer. She did not speak as the Immortal stepped forward and cupped Padraig's face in her hands, then kissed him on the forehead. At the glowing band appearing on his arm, wrapped around hers as it was, Faith beamed in delight at him, pride and pleasure on her face. The blonde Immortal had words that were just for him, Faith had no need to interfere there. When Qylios spoke to her, though, Faith dropped a low curtsy. "You have my gratitude a hundred times over."

Then, Moseke and Famula, sisters and two of the three Immortals she worshiped stepped forward together and first, Moseke spoke and touched her chest. Faith felt a strange sensation as the tattoo of a willow tree grew on her chest. Moseke's words, Famula's words, Faith looked at them both and her eyes were wide. She knew that she should say something meaningful, something profound - she knew that she should swear her loyalty, but in a voice so quiet it was barely a whisper, she said all that she could. "I'll do my best for you. Always." Later, she would berate herself for her lack of eloquence but then she'd also have to admit that it was amazing she squeaked out anything.

And then, Vri. The lord of love and death, sorrow and remembrance stood and put a gift down for them. Faith was not trembling any more, she was shaking from head to toe and her whispered "Thank you," would require the hearing of an Immortal to make out. Her silver eyes were wide and as the four beings stepped back, watching what was happening, Faith didn't need her hand to be tied to Padraig's, her grip on him was vice like.
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So the ceremonial confirmation of what they already knew, continued alongside friends and families, and as Kura performed her bit as master of ceremonies, so to speak, Padraig found himself grateful for any number of things. Not the least of which was that, so far, he'd managed to remain upright in spite of nerves that could have fell many a man in his position.

Husband, mine, Faith whispered to him, just for him and he smiled. Keeping her hands in his, Padraig whispered back, "Always." But then as if there wasn't enough reason to be nervous, he looked Kura's way when Faith did, and noticed something strange about her eyes and demeanor. But it wasn't the least of it. How often was it that an Immortal, much less four, took the time to attend a wedding between mere mortals? Or even bothered to take notice at all? If he was betting, he'd guess rarely if ever. An extraordinary event, he realized as he looked on in wonder. But then there'd been nothing ordinary about Padraig's life from the moment Faith had turned up at his door.

Qylios, Moseke, Famula, Vri. All knew that Padraig wasn't a particularly religious man. Not like Faith was, to be certain. But there were those whose domains aligned with his own sense of of things, and in turn, he'd seemed to be judged worthy in one sense or another. On his own, or alongside his beloved. And he was grateful to each of them for that, to be sure. "Your presence here is a gift in itself," he said quietly when Qylios approached him, and he dipped his head in appreciation and deep respect. But then she touched and kissed him, and seemed to have more in mind. When a tingling sensation passed through him, he realized why, even before the additional rings appeared round his arm.

Mere words weren't nearly enough, a simple thank you seemed lacking. But presumably the Immortal knew the depth of his feelings and his gratitude. "I will, always," he said when she directed him to keep Faith safe, and as she moved to stand behind him, he added, "I can only hope and do my best, that you should continue to consider me worthy of such a gift." Famula and Moseke for Faith, and Padraig looked on and smiled as each laid hands on her and worked their magic.

And then finally there was Vri, and the box. Again, words weren't nearly enough to convey the depth of his appreciation, for the gifts of each Immortal. And for their presence here this trial. "Thank you," he said to Vri as the box was set down in front of him. With their hands bound together, Padraig smiled at Faith and turned back towards Kura again.
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It was so easy, caught in the moment, to drown out the little spirit-squirrel as he suddenly perked up and turned to watch Kura. "... Something's happening," he muttered - with hostility of all things! As if anything of the sort could happen at a wedding. Oh, how silly he started to felt when, as the pair slipped on rings and shared sweet memories of their early days, that brilliant gold light rose behind them, bathing the temple in its radiance. Even more odd, the closer he tried to squint into the light, the more he thought he could see... faces?

Who'd have thought a soft-spoken woman in radiant armour would decide to step out of a gate of light right before the altar to whisper a few words with the groom, in the middle of a wedding ceremony? Unable to hear whatever hushed words they shared, he looked to Faith, looking for some sort of guidance... though she seemed to be just as enraptured as he, until that same person turned to her and offered her blessing. Bizarre. Archailist and Greyhide shared a shrug in unison through their mental connection - neither understood what was happening, although Archailist, as usual, seemed to know a little more than he was letting on... and seemed much more shocked than he would be for any old stranger, covered in armour and bathed in golden light or not.

The next two, arriving in unison, made it clear what was happening. Immortals? He recognised Moseke - at least, he recognised what he'd been told of her. Archailist was a knot in his brain that made his head ache. Greyhide was really struggling to avoid slipping into spirit form and disappearing for a while. He might have had a very good experience with Karem, all things considered, but as a fourth Immortal stepped from the light, it was beginning to grow a little crowded in the temple. He swore the air should have been crackling with power; it was enough to make Traveller look nervous in the moments before he pulled his head back from the opening and settled by the front door instead, pointedly facing the other direction.

It was all a little much to take in, but both Padraig and Faith seemed immensely happy... and, well, that was good enough for him. He put on his brightest smile and tried to keep his eyes on the happy couple as the final Immortal finished with an offering. Gods above, to think that their wedding would be gatecrashed like this! Why couldn't they have just given a little warning or something? A notice on the door, perhaps a little warning on the bottom of the invitation? Gods, if Kura had something to do with this, he was going to give her a firm tongue-lashing after this ceremony. He'd spent too long stuck in a hospital bed, he wasn't about to let her put him back in one with heart problems now!
word count: 501
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Kura smiled at the sight before her, the Immortals that her friends followed giving their blessing to this union and granting greater powers to their followers. While Kura didn't entirely trust Moseke, she did believe that Moseke cared for her Blessed, and it lent a special significance to the wedding for Moseke to give them her blessing in her own temple. Vri and Famula lent the whole thing a mystical air that helped the sense that their union would last well beyond their deaths. And then there was Qylios, one of the Warrior Immortals and, as far as Kura knew, the leader of the Pro-Mortal alliance. For the Immortal of Bonds to give this her blessing was something special indeed.

When Immortals finished their benediction and moved to watch the end of the proceedings, Kura smiled again. "My lord, my ladies, we thank you for gracing us with your presence." she said, before turning her attention back fully to her friends, her eyes icy blue again. "Padraig and Faith Augustine, you are declared husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." she said, in a finale to the ceremony that was wholly unnecessary after their union had been so divinely finalized. Shortly after the ceremony concluded, their four divine guests returned to their own affairs, for Immortals rarely had free time in Kura's experience.

With the ceremony finished, the guests would start mingling as they always did, and Kura approached the now married couple. "See what the proper invocations can get you?" she asked, grinning slightly at them. In truth, she hadn't been sure her invocations would work, and she had basically just filled the air with her own power as she had made the invocation. Even then, it had been a guess as to if they would actually appear. Then she turned to Faith and smiled. "Still havin' trouble understandin' what family is, lass?"
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That was what he said and Faith knew what it meant. It meant this lifetime and all the lifetimes still to come. It meant every trill of every trial and her needs and wants and wishes always being paramount to his eyes. It sounded so dreadfully uneven until she accepted that she understood what it was for him because that was how it was for her. Four Immortals stepped forward and Faith was overwhelmed with emotion, with delight and a feeling of being humbled, yet, her focus was on her hand in his and her gaze turned to him.

Kura spoke her thanks and Faith had to admit to being rather grateful that their friend was more eloquent in the face of the Immortals than either she or Padraig had been and then, she spoke the words which declared them married and said that he may kiss his bride? Faith looked up at him with tears in her eyes, but delight on her face and she grinned. "Not if she gets there first," she whispered and wrapped her not-tied hand around his waist, leaning in to kiss him and entirely unconcerned about the public display. It was their wedding, after all. For a few moments, there was no one there but them for her as they kissed there and tears fell from her eyes as she smiled at him. "I got a name," she whispered, just for him. "That'll confuse the students, you know." Her hand in his, the one that was tied, held on tightly; she honestly wasn't sure that she was capable of letting go. Not in this moment.

But then, the ceremony was over and Faith felt a wave of relief wash over her. She hadn't fallen over or embarrassed him, or herself. So, people came and spoke to them and the young woman's head was a swirling cacophony of thoughts, but when Kura spoke about the invocation, Faith nodded. "It was perfect, Kura. Thank you." It truly had been and would have been such to her whether the Immortals showed up or not. It was the heart behind what their friend did which had been special to her. But then, Kura asked her something and Faith looked at her friend with serious eyes, thinking about her answer, considering it carefully. "In one way, yes. Because every change is something which brings new, unknown challenges. But then, there's nothing we can't do together," she glanced at Padraig and she grinned. "My husband and I. I don't know, Kura. Maybe. But these trials I think maybe I only have as much trouble as everyone else. My family is here. My family is these people and you, you are a fundamental part of that family. Thank you so much, for everything. I can't... I'll cry if I tell you what I feel, but I hope you know."

She had never, not for a moment, thought that she might end up here in this place, getting married in the presence of those most dear to them. Faith thought that maybe being a slave had taught her to truly appreciate each person around her. She did, there was no doubting it, but her focus was on her newly named husband and she felt his hand tighten around hers and smiled. "We have to dance later, did you know that?"

Then, when she had finished tormenting him for now, she made sure to go and hug Nir'wei. She beamed at him and hugged him one handed, then looked at him and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. "I love you, brother of my heart." Faith figured she might as well say what she was feeling to everyone. So she did. "The first time I laughed, it was with Nir'wei," she said to Padraig. "I had a very good idea which he ignored because of a minor technical detail" which might have killed them. Granted. "I just want you to know how much I appreciate you," she said to Nir'wei and kissed him again. Then, she made sure to make her way around every guest, thank each of them for coming and ensure that their needs were met before leaning against Padraig and resting there a few moments. "What are we supposed to do now, do you think?" Faith had no clue so asked those who might, conceivably have some idea.
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Niv had almost forgot that she had even been given the metal circlet until Padraig had extended his hand out towards her. The Tunawa looked at the groom for a moment with a dazed expression before her eyes irrupted in shock can she scrambled to get the ring she’d sat behind her. She presented the ring with two outstretched hands and a shaky bow.
“Moseke bou'eri inan ke’u” Niv whispered without making eye contact.

The rest of the ceremony was beautiful with all the sweet words of devotion her two friends shared with each other but Niv couldn’t help but selfishly wanted it over with. She tired to banish her desires and focus on the positive or even the abnormal about of spirits in the area. No matter what she did she felt guilty, if she felt happy she was betraying her father, if she was sad she was betraying her friends. Niv couldn’t win. Still she listened to the story of how they met and how they showed devotion to each other because she had always wanted to know but never got around to asking. It was a lovely story and they had clearly overcome a lot of obstacles.

A warm and almost blinding light appeared and after Niv adjusted her eyes she saw a group of surreal beings, some familiar some not. An armour clad women was the first to step forward to deliver a speech to the two love birds. The women was so beautiful Niv knew she had to be an immortal and just her presence made the tunawa feel more at ease. She felt a sudden strength that kept her from jumping of the platform and running into the forest.

The ceremony was done but Niv couldn’t really breath a sigh of relief just yet, Now she was expected to talk. Faith was making her way to every guest to thank them. It was a simple task talking to Faith, in fact it was normally a delight but it was a source of fear today.

“Oh um..yes it was beautiful thing…this was.” Niv pushed her cheeks into a smile so hard it hurt. She almost forgot how to speak common and suddenly didn’t know what to do with her limbs.

Art credit to Yoshitaka Amano
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A mortalborn and friend to oversee the official proceedings and a group of Immortals to bless them and the proceedings with their presence? Some would say you just couldn't get any better than that. Padraig was grateful to all of them of course, and honored by their presence. But in the end, all he needed was Faith by his side, and both of them surrounded by family and friends. And in truth, before this trial had found them here, they were already bound in heart, body and spirit. He'd grown up and gone off on his own, never anticipating this trial. And yet, he believed now that it was always destined to be. He just hadn't known it then.

But kiss his bride, he would and did, unmindful of all the others looking on. There was only her at that moment. "Our name," he said when she said it. And as for future confusion in the halls of academia? He'd like nothing better. Faith's response to Kura, he couldn't have said it better or as well, so Padraig only smiled in response, squeezing Faith's hand in his. "Thank you Kura, truly. There's no one else we could have chosen for this role." And then turning to the others in attendance, he added, "and no better people to stand with us."

There was however a trill of panic in his face, if smiling panic, when Faith mentioned the dancing. "We have to dance?" Somehow he'd overlooked that little detail and hadn't learned how. He would have certainly, had he known. As for what next? "You're asking me? I thought you had a list," he teased, whispering in her ear, their hands bound together.
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