The carnival atmosphere was back. Many that had borne a grudge against Parren for his treatment of the hybrid the trial before were mollified by his one-sided account of being target by the hybrid's own grudge against him for having bested him in a similar contest in tavern to the south. Of course, his reminder of the free ale and snacks he was providing probably did more to win back the crowd's favor than his excuses.
He went on in ringmaster fashion about how
"...this contest HAS to have surprise obstacles to be fair to ME. Naturally, I can not afford give away these items for a mere ten gold nel. It takes a man of surpassing cleverness, a woman of creative insight to win here. Not some brute thinking he can just bull his way to a prize the way he robs someone of their seat in the bar when they go to use the privy! And did I not warn you all at the outset that I would be interpreting these rules liberally?"
The spectator section was already agreeing as he went on,
"Still, I can understand it may have looked unfair. But here's the deal." now he half-crouched to stance denoting intrigue and stealth, his voice quieting to a conspiratorial tone,
"What it takes is to envision your attempt, envision each step; then envision how you would RUIN it." his voice and stance once again soared to circus heights.
"Once you've figured how to undo your own plan, how I'LL undo your plan, you stand a much better chance of staying one up on me!"
He paced now in an authoritative mode, his presence in complete control,
"There is a trick to this. A simple trick. It requires no magic. But even one that is affected by magic can do it without disqualification, provided that their magic is not the means that provides success. So bear that it mind when you consider the nature of some of the approaches certain contestants have tried, and will try." His eyes strayed to Mal's location.
"But...truly I have seen fair play in many such instances."
" mark a new trial, I introduce a second prize. A glove!" He allowed a look of puzzlement to cross his face,
"What's that, you say? A glove? a mere glove?...NO, my friends, this is no mere glove. This glove has the ability to absorb a spell cast at you, allowing you to store it and cast it yourself later at a time...and target...of your own choosing! Now clearly this is no benefit to any of you mages in the crowd. But the rest of you may feel all the safer for having this little trinket on when some Seeker comes to call!"
Clearly the man had done his homework. The seekers had been disgraced and villified in Etzos the last couple of seasons, and been very nearly been completely hounded from the city. It was far less common knowledge that the Coven of Ellasin had, for the most part, taken their place. But, as if by prearranged timing, the Black Guard showed up to take their places, enjoying an uncharacteristic applause by the crowd, in acknowledgment of having rid the city of the previous faction of magic-users.
Parren made one last comment,
"Of course, the first prize is still available to be chosen." before drawing the crowd's attention to a the newly gathering line of contestants.
"So...Who shall be first? Step right up!"
Parren actually smiled when the youngster came up for his second try. But as soon as he crouched down with the dagger, and commented on how long his attempt would take, Parren put two-and-two together quickly and rushed to stop him.
"WHOA, WHOA, STOP THAT!" he cried, grabbing Finn's arms firmly.
"Son, I can't have you destroying the carpet like that!" There was a definite drop in the enthusiasm of the crowd, as they once again saw an enforcement of a rule that had not been suggested in the least up until now. Parren was not intimidated by this, as he rose to defend his action.
"No, no, now hold on a bit there folks. This should not even HAVE to be stated in the rules. It would not be fair to the rest of the contestants to have any element in this contest completely altered in such a fashion. A flap of one side of this cut may cause an otherwise fair attempt to be disqualified for breaching a rule that shouldn't otherwise have to be worried about. No, no. I am not going to be dissuaded in this"
The audience could not really deny the legitimacy of his point, but still it rankled them to see the same endearing child caught on an unspoken rule two trials in a row. Parren genuinely liked the kid too, as he scowled at the situation.
"I'll tell you what, kid...wait, first...what's your name?" being given this bit of info, Parren continued,
"Here, Finn, come over here and tell me quietly what you were going to try."
There was almost complete silence as the boy whispered his intent regarding the carpet and the glass ball. Parren listened, nodding occasionally, then slowly stood with a sympathetic frown on his face. He began with a disappointed shake of his head,
"Well...I'm afraid..." suddenly turning loudly towards the crowd, raising the boy's arm in triumph and shouting,
It took a couple of bits for Parren to quiet the crowd now, and he knew he had regained their complete favor with the awarding of a great prize to this clever and entertaining child. Still, he needed to reiterate that anything that caused harm to the carpet was cause for disqualification. It was upon Finn to choose his prize, and he was almost disbelieving as the contest master placed one of the magic gloves in his hand,
"Okay, it's a bit large for you, but don't worry, it will work." Now he turned back to the cheering audience,
"So who is next?"
"Let's see if we have a second winner this trial!" Parren encouraged. He did not say two-in-a-row, though, since several failed attempts had occurred after Finn's successful bid. Parren kept up a quiet but consistent narrative of Doran's attempt, lauding him for his creativity, yet ultimately groaning with the failure along with the rest.
"Perhaps if the pedestal had been secured to the ground, you'd have enjoyed success, Sir Doran." he consoled.
"Not to worry though, I'm confident a man of your values will find a way. There are several trials left to find the secret. However..." he now turned to address the crowd,
"...this give me the opportunity to state a rule without it being in a manner that smacks of deviousness on my part." The smile he offered in conjunction with this statement did little to suggest this so-called lack of deviousness.
"I realize my rule that you retrieve the glass ball does not clarify that you ONLY retrieve the glass ball. I expect the pedestal to remain undisturbed where it sits right now." There was a groan from the crowd, who undoubtedly decided that no approach could ever succeed. But Parren reminded them that a ten-arc old child had guessed correctly.
It was possible that the avriel woman had originally intended to lift both ball and pedestal from the carpet, and now had to amend her strategy. But it did not matter. Neither approach would have succeeded. The crowd was already demonstrating a tone of disappointment in their accompaniment, as Parren's grin displayed his surety of a rule to disqualify her.
He quickly folded a piece of paper into what he called a "paper jacadon" and tossed it out over the carpet, where the downdraft from Night's hovering wings slammed it to the carpet's surface. He turned a smug expression to the audience,
"I think we can honestly say that the impact of the descending air current this lovely lady is flattening that paper with constitutes "weight" on the carpet."
He decided to depart from the usual phraseology,
"Perhaps...I...neglected to mention..." he said with a roll of his hands to invite participation. He suppressed a chuckle as he continued, the crowd joining in unsympathetically,
"...that air itself is considered to be weight if it is generated by the contestant's actions, and has noticeable impact on this spot."
Mockery was subtle but undeniable as he offered,
"...but you are certainly free to try to reach from a height where your downdraft will have no effect." he turned his grin back to the line of contestants,
Parren made no comment as the little girl with the aukari threw rocks at the glass ball. He did not add any taunts to her futile strikes, which neither broke the glass nor toppled that array. He was about to console her, and perhaps make a remark to her apparent guardian that he should have known that knocking the thing over would only disqualify her on the basis of adding weight to the carpet, when the adult suddenly reared back and charged the carpet in a leap that was as legitimately impressive as it was pointless.
Both Parren and the crowd winced with an audible "oooh" as the aukari came crashing to the ground right at the pedestal. Parren turned and gave a confused look to his audience, with a roll of the eyes and shake of the head to indicate the level of mental instability he felt had just been displayed. "Sir?" he addressed the aukari, who was still lying by the pedestal.
"I guess you must be new to our contest." he said with practice. This was, of course, one of the reasons he got so much gold. Newcomers that had not seen the failed attempts by those before them were doomed to repeat them. He explained to the aukari that both his own body, and the pedestal/Glass ball array would be additional weight and cause disqualification.
He sighed theatrically, "If you are about to complain that the pedestal is now anchored to the ground, I can only say that I have already been criticized for NOT having it anchored to the ground on some previous attempts. So, since I will apparently be criticized in either event, I'm taking this fluctuating attitude as justification to switch this condition randomly. But I AM sorry if you have injured yourself. Feel free to return tomorrow for another chance, assuming the doctor gives you leave."
His expression became mocking in tiny increments as he spoke, reaching a full snicker as he finished. "So...who is next?"
Parren's expression darkened noticeably at Noth's approach,
"Well I guess I should consider this grand sportsmanship that you would return to contend with such a well-known cheater as myself. That, or a grand fool." He sneered both words with emphasis to suggest the first to be unfair, and the second to be obvious. He grimaced at the force of his adversary's grip as he took the nel from him.
He watched in some annoyed confusion as the single-winged contestant tugged the carpet, toppling the stacked items. As the avriel turned on him, the contest master scoffed in the face of his observation.
"What of it? Did I say that there should be some mystic alteration of its weight because of your expert tugging of a carpet?" again his tone was a blade of sarcasm.
He gestured to the carpet,
"Why don't you take a closer look at the center of the carpet? Do you see it? The hole? Within which the pedestal sits? The stack does not sit ON the carpet! Therefore it adds no weight UNTIL knocked over." he scowled at the necessity of recalling his cheap shot from the trial before.
"What would you have me say? That I kicked the carpet hard enough to knock the thing over anyway?"
He turned now to the crowd, throwing his hands up as if surrendering,
"GUILTY AS CHARGED!" he roared sarcastically. He spun back to look Noth in the face,
"Get over it, pal. You won last time. But I win this time." There are times that an act of generosity is really an insult in disguise. So it was now,
"I'll tell you what, you can keep your gold. I don't need it." he said blandly as he tossed the ten gold nels on the ground at Noth's feet.
TRIAL 3............