Treasure Time!
Name: Olivia Warrick
Dancing: Pulled into A Twirl.
Dancing: Following a Strong Lead.
Dancing: Concentrating on your Partner and your Feet.
Etiquette: Being Aware of your Risqué behaviour and the Crowds Looks
Investigation: Are the Parent’s Motivating their Interest?
Psychology: Everyone must have their Flaws.
Rhetoric: Charm through Humility.
Rhetoric: Showing Sympathy to Bond.
Seduction: Comfortable Neck Wrapping.
Seduction: Touch of his Lips.
Seduction: Flirting is an Artform.
Socialization: Using names of future children to help break the ice.
Socialization: Pets give you something to talk about.
Draketh: Good Impression. Practicing for the same.
Andráska Venora: It’s Better When you Break the Rules Together.
Loot: None
Injuries: None
Fame: -1 For Breaking all the Rules!
Devotion: None
Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5
Magic: None of these points may be used for magic.
Comment: Fantastically played flirting, with enough build up to make the thread romantic to read. Both of your build up made the thread, and doing that is a fine balance between keeping it interesting but not running out of where to take it.
Name: Andráska Venora
Animal Training: Coaxing your Bird to move toward Another’s Finger.
Dancing: Leading her Directly.
Dancing: Keeping Pace with the Music.
Dancing: Spinning! With Threats of Much Worse!
Disguise: Face Coverings have to be Removed to Drink.
Etiquette: Other Noble Women can lack Depth.
Persuasion: Seizing an Opportunity by Assurance.
Rhetoric: Keeping the Voice Playful.
Rhetoric: Talking About Your Childhood to Bond.
Seduction: Well-timed Support and Embracing of your Partner.
Seduction: Holding the Moment when it’s There.
Seduction: Breaking All the Rules.
Socialization: Using a Pet to Garner Interest.
Socialization: You are Not Alone in how you Feel!
Draketh: Good Impression. The words were explained to you.
Olivia Warrick: It’s Better When you Break the Rules Together.
Loot: None
Injuries: None
Fame: -1 For Breaking all the Rules!
Devotion: None
Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5
Magic: No points here may be used for magic.
Comment: Just what you need in a lead in a dance, direct but holding her when she stumbles. All of this read easy and you pulled off the leading man well here. They shall be the talk of the nobility for a time!
Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.