• Graded • Rock the Boat


The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Rock the Boat

Patrick had a point. Even if they were brutes of the worst kind, deep under that exterior they were still people no different than the two of them, which meant they had to have weaknesses. The trouble would just be trying to find out these weaknesses and praying to the Immortals that it was information they could actually use. She thought in her mind about the fact that she could cozy up to the men who shared pointers with her on her fighting form. She could use her womanly wiles to find out their habits, even if the thought completely disgusted her. “I’ll see what I can find out and you do the same. There’s a couple that have warmed up to me, offered pointers.”

She shrugged and glanced down at the pedant their conversation had suddenly shifted towards. It was a sentimental piece for him, having first belonged to his mother and then to his brother Dom. He offered up some sage advice, words from his mother, and Rei tried to take them with grace. She tried to see the good, too, and always had, but sometimes it could end you up in a right nasty predicament if you weren’t careful. After all, seeing the best in people was how she got stabbed in the back at the Infirmary when she was just trying her best.

“It makes sense that you might not want to wear it.” Rei took the pendant offered her and examined the long elegance of the chain and then the pendent itself taking a guise as a compass with a convincing sparrow on top. She ran her fingers over the bird. “You will never be lost if you always know where you are going. That’s how I interpret it anyway.” She smiled at him and carefully deposited the pendant back into the palm of his hand. She couldn’t forgive herself if she dropped and broke it, considering how very important it was to him.

“I’m going to go meditate. It clears my head and helps me think more clearly. I’ll be in the cabin.” She stood suddenly, a bandaged hand cradling his cheek in a farewell. Rei set off below deck and made aims to avoid Gorroc at all cost. Thankfully she got to their room without any trouble. She laid the blanket out on the cold wood and sat cross-legged, her hands resting on her knees. Blue eyes slid closed and her breathing deepened and slowed as she searched for that enlightened state.
word count: 427
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Rock the Boat

When Rei gave the word that she'd see what she could do, Patrick became curious as to why the sudden change in mind had occurred. Had his capacity to humanize these men made it seem less scary to face them? Did she feel a better sense of awareness now that she knew they were just like the two, walking breathing living flesh that could easily be cut open and bled dry. Just like the rest of the world. The predator and the prey. He didn't want to entertain the notion behind the thought, but at this rate there was little point in backing away from it now. If he wanted to see that he and Rei made it through this untouched then he had to choose, and frankly Patrick rather chose to be a predator rather than prey.

She made a statement he felt inclined to entertain with a nod, soft eyes watched her as she then gave him her own interpretation. In truth he'd always thought it just some stupid trinket, something that only had sentimental value on his behalf... But Rei somehow saw a deeper meaning living within. Something so profound that it literally got to him at his core, and with it shared aloud she returned the trinket safely back into his hand. "Yeah," He murmured while in thought, "I'll be there in a bit." Where else was he bound to go on this forsaken hunk of wood. Still as he watched her walk onward he stared deeply in thought, her words sunken deep within his mind as he thought more about the pendant. 'You will never be lost if you always know where you are going.' Could that also have been something his mother, his brother even, wanted him to learn when he was younger?

He clutched the silver compass in his left hand as he moved it down to his pocket, a pause came midway as he reconsidered his stance. Where he was going now, was he lost before all of this or was it long before that? He eased the tension in his hand as he stared down at the compass once more, his thumb brushed over the sparrow to the north as he felt sad all of a sudden. He was lost. Even now he had no sense of direction on where to go, he was only just following the direction of the wind at this rate. After all of this though? After everything that they were about to endeavor? He didn't know for sure but he wasn't going to allow it, the lack of direction did nothing good for him other than kept him with Rei. "Okay..." Patrick sighed as he took the chain of the pendant, its clasp unfastened so he could close it behind his neck to wear the adornment. After everything to come in the following days, he would see that he always knew what to do, where it was he truly would want to go.
word count: 503
"Freedom is everything."

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Rock the Boat

Very nice ending to the story here, I quite enjoyed myself. The dynamic within this single conversation was very interesting and it was lovely to see the anxiety of being on a ship with enemies all around. Patrick, I'm just giving you a heads up about the use of commas in your writing. I noticed that some were miss placed in the text but it wasn't so bad that it took away from the story. Just a bit nit picking on my part really. Overall, wonderful job you two. :)


Endurance: Enduring The Scrapes and Bruises of Training
Patrick: Knowing His Daily Routine
Patrick: Stalking Gorroc
Patrick: Knows More About Freya Than What Was Told By Gorroc
Patrick: Optimistic
Freya: Slept With Patrick
Freya: Spent Time With Patrick
Gorroc and Crew: Monster For Hire
Tactics: Obviously Outnumbered
Medicine: Setting A Proper Wrist Splint
Unarmed Combat: Proper Hook
Unarmed Combat: Haymaker
Strength: Building Muscle
Journey To Ne'haer Is a Deadly One

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Scratches on knuckles from training on grain sacks - 7 Trials to Heal
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: None


Rei: Knowing Her Daily Routine
Rei: Is Training To Protect You Both From Gorroc
Investigation: Know The Enemy Before They Know You
Investigation: Follow Your Instincts
Intelligence: How To Properly Eavesdrop
Tactics: Disarm The Crew By Throwing Weapons Into the Sea
Tactics: Obviously Outnumbered
Pschology: Survival of the Fittest
Gorroc: Planning To Kill Freya
Gorroc: Planning To "Handle" You and Rei
Gorroc: Something Is Off About Him
Freya: Not A Kidnapper
Journey To Ne'haer Is a Deadly One

Loot: Heirloom - Pendant - Not Charged.
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: None
word count: 303
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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