• Closed • Magic found in Nature. (Bounty)

Niv asks for the Help of Inali to find a special plant.

39th of Saun 716

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Magic found in Nature.

Inali seemed to hate Poisons but considering the symptoms the Edisi described, it was no wonder. Niv wasn’t oblivious to the effects poisons had on the giant ones, she knew without a doubt they were bad, but didn’t fully understand how bad. The Tunawa simply collected them and for others to make cures, and nothing more. All Niv’s knowledge was from word of mouth or from the occasional book but It was hard to truly understand something that didn’t affect you.

Niv did her best to answer Inali’s muttered questions as best she could, though most required more thinking than Inali allowed.
“Um no hurt to grow, deh wilt like most flowers…um.” Niv stopped as she tried to understand what a hair cut was. It eventually clued in that Hair was another name for the vines and grass that grew out of the scalp, but why would they cut it?
“Why yews cut hair?” Niv’s head tilted in thought as she considered what purpose it could serve. The strange way grass would sometimes grow on the tall folks head, was that on purpose?


Niv pinched her brow when Inali confessed her fear of going back home. Considering how much the Tunawa wanted to go home, it seemed unthinkable that someone would be afraid of where they came from.
“Why yews afraid of place dat yews come from?”


“No I stay wit yews” Niv barked back with a harsh sounding whisper. Niv would never ever ever ever be able to leave a person behind to face a grim fate. Even if Niv wasn’t the best at combat she was quite adept at distraction, though this would only work if Inali was a capable fighter. Seeing Inali wield her sword with confidence made Niv feel a lot better about their chances but to say she wasn’t afraid would be a bold faced lie.

The bush stopped rustling as Inali moved closer, whatever lurked in that bush was aware it wasn’t alone. It was likely waiting for the blue skinned women to get closer so it could pounce and catch her of guard. The already quiet forest became unbearably silent, and time moved slowed to a crawl.

Then without warning, a beast leaped out of the bush only to reveal that it was nothing more than a harmless feathered feline the locals called a featherpaw. It was rather small, even a little cute despite it’s slightly morbid undertones and showed no interest attacking Inali. It instead eyed Patcha hungrily and tried to jump high enough to hit the bird with its claws. It was thankfully a few feet short of reaching its goal.

“No! bad kitty, leave Patcha be!” Niv cried at the strange cat.
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Magic found in Nature. (Bounty)

Inali answered Niv's questions as best she could. Cutting hair was, as she explained it, necessary for anyone past the age of five. While her own hair was rather long, it was still manageable. She had met few Eidisi let their hair get as long as some of the slaves from Athart. It simply wasn't feasible to maintain and care for. The eidisi was more preoccupied by the thought of Niv's flowers wilting. Inali continued to puzzle out the scenario, but knew better to keep her invasive questions to herself. The duo continued deeper into the forest as Niv prodded at the sensitive memories she wished to hide. Instead of defaulting to her typical 'academic intensity and frigid cold' excuse, she told Niv the truth.

"My interests... not like Viden interests. I research secrets, forge documents. It was no home. Those things are illegal in Viden."

Inali grimaced at the tunawa's reply, but there was little time to argue over the technicalities of what might be their final bits among the living. She paused in front of the bush, blade still extended outwards, unsure of what to do. In all of the stories she had read, the creatures were out in the open and ready to be pelted with arrows and hacked to bits by blades. There was no guidance on how she should approach the bush, so Inali leaned forward slightly and kicked a small branch towards the center of the foliage. The stick stopped short of its destination but the rustling in the bushes stopped. With one shaky hand, she reached backwards, willing Niv to wait just out of reach. If they had managed to scare the creature, perhaps they could simply leave. As she began to turn on her heel and signal the all-clear, the bush moved once more and Inali turned to find a featherpaw cat stalking towards Patcha and Niv. Relief flooded through her, and Inali grinned until she saw just how close the agile feline had come to injuring the small bird. She reached down and grabbed another stick, and held it in her non dominant hand while stomping with her right foot. She spoke loudly in the ancient tongue, but not so loud as to attract all the nearby creatures, or so she hoped.

"Get out of here, you menace! I'll swipe right back at you and you won't like that very much."

The eidisi shifted her dagger in one hand and prodded at the air around the cat with the large stick. The small creature hissed and flicked its tail from side to side as it leaped once more for the bird, getting even closer than before. As Inali stepped forward, the cat glanced from Patcha to the stick before bolting into a larger patch of bushes a few hundred feet away.

"You flying higher up, now, Nivi. Cat might be waiting."

She dropped the stick and backtracked to gather her belongings. Nearby, a faint glow pulsed from the inside of a splintered oak tree. Lightning had stuck the tree and caused it to splinter, providing the bounty of branches Inali had used to chase off the featherpaw. She moved closer to inspect the odd light source and gestured for Niv to fly closer. In the center of the remaining stump, a small green stalk jutted skyward. While the plant was considerably younger than the one shown in Niv's drawing, there was no mistaking the elongated stalk and blue tipped leaves.

"That's it, Niv! Mac...naho...kan?"

She shook her head, and didn't bother correcting her pronunciation. It was difficult not to reach out to the faintly glowing leaves. If they could be preserved, she had no doubt that they would sell for hundreds of nels as broaches and pendants.

"This dangerous, yes? How do you want to get plant? Maybe I stand guard against cats, you work on the plant?"

While she awaited Niv's reply, Inali turned around and searched the clearing for any additional featherpaws, dagger held loosely in her hand.
word count: 682
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Magic found in Nature.

“I wish my hair growed dat fast.” Niv pouted as she pulled her springy vines and they bounced back.

“Oh.” Niv responded meekly to Inali’s reasoning for leaving her home city. “I heard dat secrets sometimes for own good. Ting’s dat might hurt people or make them feel bad.” Niv’s mother told her this when she naively told an old couple that they looked like a pair of shivered prunes. Before Niv could go on to talk about the spots on their skin and the curst around the mans eyes her mother intervened.

“Yews my saviour Inali” Niv whispered with a smile. The tunawa stayed up in the sky as instructed and she remained aware of every noise that might be another cat ambush. She did her best to calm Patcha with strokes to his feathered back who was still shaking after the attack.


“Okay I can do dis” Niv sounded determined but like her bird, her body was quivering in fear. It wasn’t often Niv was worried about being poisoned, never in fact but she very much was. Her body was tensed, her eyes were closed tightly as her a finger stretched out towards the plant. She made contact and waited for something to happen but nothing did. Niv opened her eyes and sighted a deep sigh of relief. With the help of a small pebble with a jagged edge, Niv cut into the stubborn stem.

“Okay I got it!” Niv cheered as flower fell to the ground and she picked it up. They wrapped it in a cloth to avoid exposure but Niv still carried it on Patcha the way home.
word count: 277
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Magic found in Nature. (Bounty)

Thread Rewards


This thread is so well written. You are so skilled at writing a character of smaller race in a serious way. Niv can be fun, but even when you write with humor she has dignity. It’s beautiful and has "sense of fairy tale". It seems like a thread written with love, but maybe cut shorter than intended. That’s a bit sad if it’s true, but the thread is still a gem.


15 points. These points may not be used for magic.

Loot, Fame, Injuries

70 GN - Mission Completed :)
Fame +3 for Timely delivery of needed goods.
I agreed with you that immunity to poison means one can't be poisoned, so I didn't give Niv any lasting after effects.


Skill Knowledge
Climbing: Up a chair
Linguistics: Reread as many times as it takes to understand
Navigation: Ask for directions
Poisons: Maknahocan is a plant that poisons Ether.
Field craft: Spotting bad mushrooms
Field craft: Make a shelter to protect from rain
Medicine: Spotting signs of poison in non tunawa.
Mount: Flying high to avoid danger.
Animal husbandry: Calming an animal with gentle petting. General Knowledge
Featherpaw: A bad kitty
Inali: Left her home because she kept secrets.


Your part of this thread was lovely too. Send me a PM when you want it graded!


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Magic found in Nature. (Bounty)


"Now I get dah root of talk-"

"Get out."

Don't enable puns; nish them.

/end thread

Enjoy your rewards.


XP: 15


60 GN
Fame: 5


Endurance: Carrying Heavy Things in Sweltering Heat
Blood Tie: Pulls Audrae’s favored southeast
Cartography: Creating a reference map
Deception: Using words to draw attention away from gestures
Survival: Differences in poisonous mushrooms within Ne’haer
Botany: Types and descriptions of tunawa head flora
Leadership: Demanding obedience in a crisis
Stealth: Using decoys to deceive and mislead an enemy
Intimidation: Using two weapons to terrify a small creature
Negotiation: Splitting up difficult tasks

Misc knowledge:
Maknahocan: A rare plant used by the Order of Adunih
Maknahocan: Thin, white fuzz covered leaves
Tunawa: Use birds as mounts
Tree Talk: Difficult to mimic chirps act as greetings
Lisirra: Dislikes Tunawa
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