I've got pigglies on my mind

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Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Re: I've got pigglies on my mind

Goku listened intently as Luvi relayed the overheard conversation. "That explains why they wanted the pigs to themselves," he said thoughtfully. "These wells must be incredibly valuable if they're so rare. No wonder they're so secretive about it."

He glanced towards the avriel camp, feeling determined. "Normally, I'd say let them be. But if these wells are as valuable as they seem, they could make a big difference for us. We can't just walk away from this."

Goku rubbed his chin, considering their options. "Our only chance to hunt some of these pigs ourselves is if something unfortunate happens to these avriel. But I don’t want to hurt them. They might have threatened us but I don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. Can you do anything about them? Something to keep them occupied or distracted, without causing any real harm? If not then maybe we can set up some kind of distraction," he suggested. "Something that will draw their attention away from the pigs for a while. If we can keep them busy, we might be able to hunt a few pigs ourselves."

Goku glanced at the darkening sky, realizing they needed to set up their own camp soon. "We can't stay out here all night," he said. "We need a safe place to rest and plan our next move, so if you can do something do it fast" The urgency of their situation weighed on him, but he knew they had to be smart about it or they would suffer.

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Re: I've got pigglies on my mind

Luvi rolled her eyes at Goku’s suggestion. What did he expect her to do? Make all of them blind? She could do it, she was certain, but she doubted she could make that many avriel blind for a long time. At the very least she would have to blind them throughout the next morning and she wasn’t sure if she had enough ether for that kind of stunt.

“The only way I can think of to hamper them is to kill or injure them, and I’m with you on that front. I don’t think it’s a good idea. I think they’re about to sleep soon, so maybe I could get closer and steal some of their weapons. They can’t shoot the pigs if they don’t have bows and arrows!”

Luvi waited for the campfire to dim and chatter to fade. An hour later she decided it was time to act. She could see that there was one avriel on watch but neither she or Goku were built for stealth. They both had fairly obvious, glowing mutations, so Luvi knew they had to be careful. Luvi crept out of sight of the watchman and then walked ever so carefully towards the camp.

She finally made it to the camp itself and quickly realized she didn’t know what she was doing. Her plan had been to gather their weapons, but they weren’t exactly stacked in a neat pile. They were scattered about. How was she supposed to move around the camp without making enough noise to alert the watchman? The watchman who turned his head and now stared right at her.
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Re: I've got pigglies on my mind

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Notes/Warnings: a pig is killed. A pig from this event. Part 2 is coming soon!

Edit: I decided to submit the avriels here

Thread: I've got pigglies on my mind
City/Area: The Stormlands

Other skills used:
Hone: Master


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Socialization: Novice
Hone: master
Detection: novice

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detection: x2

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 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: I've got pigglies on my mind


Detection: 1
Detection: 1
Hunting: 1
Investigation: 1
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Mount: 1
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Ranged: 1
Stealth: 1
Stealth: 1

Loot: -
Language -
Losses: -
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Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


detection: x2

Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: I really enjoy reading all the different threads about the Pigasus event!

I couldn’t help but pity the poor man Luvi and Goku found. You described his predicament quite well in my opinion. It makes sense that Luvi and Goku doubted his story at first though!

In any case, I’m glad that Luvi and Goku helped him!

This is the first time I’ve read about Avriel hunting the Pigasuses which surprises me. Winged beings are perfect for hunting winged pigs. I’m glad you came up with that idea!

Following the dropping to find the Pigasus was pretty clever of Luvi. I like how fun and challenging you made the hunt. I have no doubt that Luvi and Goku will eventually be successful if they keep on trying!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 189





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