Stone on a Boat

61st of Ashan 724

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The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Re: Stone on a Boat

“I think I will keep a couple chunks,” she said with a smile, “it’s just regular old stone so it’s not like we’re robbing you blind.” She pocketed them and said, “I should give back your tools too,” as she pulled them out of her pocket.

“Oh, thank you! I’d forgotten about those. Every town has a stone worker so you should be able to find a suitable kit at the next port. They’re not expensive either. You might take an interest in creating jewelry as well. I like to recommend a stone ring as a first project to work towards.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Luvi said. She turned to Goku and said, “I’m going to go get some rest. See you tomorrow!”

She made her way back to her room and laid down, holding the stone up in front of her eyes and examining it as she let her mind wander. She imagined herself sculpting something impressive, like a statue made of marble. That got her thinking about golems and how it was likely that necromancers needed to use sculpting to make them.

She focused in on the thought, as it brought up the question of how necromancers animated golems. It seemed so odd to her that it was even possible. The rock was never alive, so it ought not to be able to be reanimated. If she ever met a necromancer, she told herself that she would be sure to ask them.

“Yeah right, like I’m going to meet one of those,” She said as she finally allowed herself to sleep.

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Re: Stone on a Boat

Goku nodded, smiling at Luvi's enthusiasm. "I would love to join you for a shopping trip when we get to town," he said warmly. "Maybe we can find some interesting tools and materials."

After saying goodbye to Luvi and Mason, Goku made his way back to his room, feeling satisfaction. Once inside, he carefully pulled out the smooth, polished sphere he had created. He placed it on the table, its surface gleaming under the dim light of his room. Goku took a deep breath, centering himself before focusing his defiance magic. He extended his hand towards the sphere, attempting to lift it with his willpower alone. However, the sphere remained stubbornly in place, far too heavy and resistant for his current level of skill.

Frustrated but undeterred, Goku decided to shift his focus to something more manageable. He turned to a small bowl of water on his table, its surface still and reflective. He extended his hand over the bowl, channeling his energy with renewed determination. A single droplet began to rise from the water's surface, hovering in the air. This droplet was noticeably larger than the ones he had been able to lift before, a clear sign of his progress and growing control over his abilities.

Goku smiled to himself, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. "At least I'm improving," he muttered, watching the droplet hover for a moment before gently lowering it back into the bowl. He repeated the process, lifting and lowering the droplet, each time feeling his control and precision improve. The exercise, though simple, was a tangible reminder of his progress and potential.
word count: 273
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Re: Stone on a Boat

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Notes/Warnings: Nope!

Thread: Stone on a Boat
City/Area: Orm'del Sea

Skills Used:

Hone: Master
Strength: Competent
Mining: Novice
Sculpting: Novice
Detection: Novice
Meditation: Master

Knowledge Requested:

Mining: Swinging a pickaxe
Mining: the pointy part should hit the rock dead on
Mining: Breaking a big rock into smaller ones
Strength: doing compound exercises builds multiple muscles at once
Sculpting: chipping away at stone
Sculpting: putting too much pressure with a tool can cause the stone to break
Sculpting: forming a floral pattern
Sculpting: using a rough tool to smoothen stone
Detection: watch where you’re going or you might fall
Detection: spotting irregularities in a rock
Meditation: Contemplation: Necromancy – wondering how necromancy can animate a golem


Skills Used:
Sculpting: Novice
Defiance: Novice
Strength: Expert
Endurance: Expert

Knowledge Requested:
Sculpting: x8
Defiance: trying to move a rock
Defiance: feeling a connection to the elements
Defiance: forcing an element to obey

Renown: 0
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Faction Points: N/A
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 ! Message from: Doran
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Re: Stone on a Boat


Mining: Swinging a pickaxe
Mining: the pointy part should hit the rock dead on
Mining: Breaking a big rock into smaller ones
Strength: doing compound exercises builds multiple muscles at once
Sculpting: chipping away at stone
Sculpting: putting too much pressure with a tool can cause the stone to break
Sculpting: forming a floral pattern
Sculpting: using a rough tool to smoothen stone
Detection: watch where you’re going or you might fall
Detection: spotting irregularities in a rock
Meditation: Contemplation: Necromancy – wondering how necromancy can animate a golem

Loot: -
Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Sculpting: x8
Defiance: trying to move a rock
Defiance: feeling a connection to the elements
Defiance: forcing an element to obey

Loot: -
Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: The first post where Luvi thought about her dislike of boats and almost fell over a stone was quite entertaining. I didn’t expect her to give sculpting a try, but I suppose it’s a good way to kill time!

And then Goku came along and did the same. Goku’s and Luvi’s friendship is described well in my opinion, and their interaction is enjoyable to read, and what more, all skills were played to level from what I could see.

I’m sure that Luvi and Goku will be able to create masterpieces and make a fortune with them if they keep on practicing!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 251





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Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity

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