Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!

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The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Re: Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!

"Yeah, we’ll definitely need to find a doctor at our next stop," Goku said. "Maybe there’s something they can give you to help with the nausea. It’s not fun being seasick, especially with everything else we’ve got going on."

He paused for a moment, considering her words about his plans. "I’ve been thinking about a trip home," he admitted. "I haven’t decided yet, though. Part of me wants to go back and see everyone, but another part of me wants to stick with you on this journey. It's a tough call."

Goku noticed the way Luvi seemed reluctant to move, clearly preferring to stay where she was. He picked up on her unspoken desire for company and made a decision.

"I’ll stay here with you for a bit," he said, settling in more comfortably. "I don’t mind at all. We can just sit and talk, or even just enjoy the quiet. You’re good company, Luvi, and I’m happy to be here."

He leaned back in his chair, glancing around the dining area. "You know, I’ve really enjoyed traveling with you so far. Even with all the challenges, it’s been a great experience. And I think we make a good team."

Goku’s thoughts wandered to his home, the familiar faces, and the comfort of his own bed. But he also thought about the journey ahead, the adventures still waiting for them, and the bond he was forming with Luvi. It wasn’t a romantic one which is what made it strange for him. The last person he bonded so closely with was his mentor and he was dead.
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Re: Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!

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“A doctor? I guess they might have something for nausea. I never considered it. Then again, I never would have thought I would hate being on boats this much,” she sighed.

Luvi was glad that Goku didn’t suggest any activities. Staying put made her feel a lot more comfortable. Her headache was getting a little bit better. She was glad to hear that Goku had, in fact, been considering a trip home. Even if he didn’t have anyone he wanted to visit, there was no place like home.

“Either way, I’m sure to make it to the other big cities eventually. Rharne is definitely on my list. I just… need a job first. I spent so much money on that scythe and I’ve hardly used it. It’s just so impractical and I have a lot of buyer’s remorse. It was very much an impulse buy. I’ve got to find some work that I can earn some money with it so that I don’t regret it for the rest of my life.” She chuckled but there was some pain behind her smile.

“You’re good company too. A decent enough student, even if your teacher is terrible. Now, I must retire. Make sure you get some rest too, because I’m going to drive you twice as hard next time!” She winked at him and stretched. She’d chat with him for a while longer then finally get up. Her bed was waiting for her and she thought that she might even get a decent meditation session in before drifting off to sleep.
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Re: Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!

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Notes/Warnings: nope! This thread is about some light combat/magic training

Thread: Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!
City/Area: Orm'del Sea

Skills Used:
Detection: Novice
Leadership: Novice
Teaching: Novice
Abrogation: Novice
Discipline: Novice
Strength: Competent

Knowledge Requested:
Detection: looking for familiar features
Detection: picking up on the frustrations of others
Leadership: Leading a training session
Teaching: beginners of a skill need to start off simple
Teaching: expecting too much of a beginner makes everyone unhappy
Teaching: Giving a student time to rest
Abrogation: creating a barrier with a pulse of ether
Abrogation: Barriers can’t be moved after being created
Abrogation: Barriers are short lived
Discipline: stopping magic usage when it’s being overused
Strength: building bicep muscles from having unnaturally heavy forearms


Skills Used:
Combat: Blades: Novice
Endurance: Expert
Strength: Expert
Socialization: Novice

Knowledge Requested:
Combat: Blades - x4
Endurance x1
Strength: x1
Socialization: x2

Renown: no
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If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: no
Faction Points: no
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Local Language Thread? no
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Re: Ahoy Ye! Let's Fight!



  • XP: 15


  • Combat: Blades: x4
  • Strength: x1
  • Socialization: x2
  • Endurance: x1



  • XP: 15


  • Detection: x2
  • Leadership: x1
  • Teaching: x3
  • Abrogation: x4
  • Discipline: x1
  • Strength: x1
Training on the open sea, eh. Can't be too easy with the way boats tend to sway. Although I wager a tallship or bigger ship in general is going to have less heave ho than a tiny one.

The idea of using barrier as an abrogative training device for a new swordsman is an interesting approach. Perhaps a bit dangerous if they're practicing with live steel, but Illuvia seems pretty confident in her ability to channel magic, as she should iwth meditation at a very good level.

Goku was very thoughtful in taking care of Illuvia as she fell sick to overstepping, and headaches, which was portrayed in a believable way. It was a good idea to skip sleep and eat instead, to regain some energy.

Anyway, nice training session between these two. Good job.
word count: 168

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