• Out of Character • Wage Requests

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

Moderator: Basilisk Snek

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Wage Requests

PC Name: Vorval
PC Location: Fosters Landing
Requested Job: Mercenary
Related Skills: Novice Gladius, Novice Shield, Novice Endurance, Novice Acrobatics, Novice Strength, Novice Intimidation, Novice Tactics, Novice Business Management, Novice Unarmed, Novice Discipline, Novice Spear
Why this job?: Job skills and character development, starter story, and geared for it

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz Vorval! Your first Zi'da job thread will net you a 6gn per trial wage.
This is the base 2gn + 2gn promotion for the thread itself + 2gn for 25+ in pertinent skill
In this case, it is the Gladius weapon skill.
This does mean that Gladius will be the basis for your skill bonus as mercenary from here on.
Hopefully that remains at or near the top of your skills
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Doran
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Diplomat
Job Wage: 2 gn
Related Skills: 10 points in Politics, Etiquette and Rhetoric (but I'm working on improving those skills!)
Why this job?: Doran will be travelling abroad to find allies for Etzos.

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz Doran! :D
Now, you can only have 2 different jobs, so I presume you are good with this replacing your previous "Professor" job.
Sadly, there is no roll-over of your professorial wage basis.
So your first noble effort of enlightening the darkness of cultures that do not mirror Etzos' policies will come at 4gn per trial.
While you are NOT abroad in the name of increasing the fame and influence of Etzos' interests, you can still do alchemy job threads.
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Patrick
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Courtesan (was titled "Entertainer")
Related Skills: Seduction at Grandmaster 100!!!
Why this job?: I think the 100 seduction speaks for itself. Patrick is going to try to stay un-pimped-or-madamed, as a freelancer. As long as he does not take customers away from the established houses, this should be okay.

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz Patrick, you whore!
you currently stand at 15gn per trial based on 4 past seasons, and 100 in Seduction.
2gn base + 8gn (seasons) + 5 (100 skill) = 15.
So your next thread will be a new season and an additional 2gn, for a 17gn-per-trial wage.
You have not done for this Zi'da yet, so that will count.
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Wage Requests

Job 1: Black Guard Sorcerer - 9gn per trial.

PC Name: Robin Stark
PC Location: Etzos (Foster's Landing)
Requested Job: Defiant Sorcerer for the Black Guard of Etzos
Job Wage: 9gn - (2gn +2 when he does first JT +5 for 99 in Defiance)
Related Skills: Defiance 99/100 - 250/251
Why this job?: It is what he does best.

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz Robin! I'm a little surprised to see you wait so long for this.
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Zipper
PC Location: Etzos (and outlying cities)
Requested Job: Fixer (labeled under spy to represent the duties as a knowledge broker cos this profession list a little weird af.)
Related Skills: Intelligence (80), Disguise (10), Deception (26)
Why this job?: um, 2nd job. I need money to buy Vuda's major fracture so I can go search for the Obstimyte well that will become mine and Nero's wedding ring now that he's back <3<3<3<3<3<3 The fracture looks really big and Vuda's a tough customer so I think he won't settle for anything less than 50 GN. Gotta work dem finances.
Also I need something to represent Zip's illicit dealings on the side and I like money.

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz Zip! You crack me up. :lol:
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PC Name: Gangui
PC Location: Foster's Landing
Requested Job: Guild Master
Related Skills: Leadership (55), Bastard Sword (75) Bus. Mgmt. (26)
Why this job?: As I am creating the faction: Sons of Justice. I figured I make my first job Guild Master instead of Mercenary and just do merc work on the side, which is what I did this season.

Approved by Maltruism
Gratz you crazy zealot, you! :D
I am happy to put you at the helm of such a devoted bunch of lunatics!
I have no doubt you will represent them well.
You will start at 12gn wage. (2gn base + 6gn [3rd season] +4gn master wep skill)
Your job thread is still in Zi'da, a season you already got the 2gn promotion for.
But I did not set you back, as I see the jobs to be similar enough to maintain your current promotion.
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Ryder
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Bandit
Related Skills: Longsword, leadership, strength and endurance (mostly longsword, because stabbing stuff)
Why this job?: I mean, Ryder is in A'A, and Noth is a bandit leader. So that makes Ryder a....

Approved by Maltruism
BUT!! get another 5 points in Intimidation, post-haste.
All listed skills for a profession must have at least 10 points. I'll overlook it until you get some points. :?
With your 50 in blades, you will start at 7gn-per-trial.
That's 2(base) + 2(1st season promotion) +3(skill bonus) = 7gn
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Kasoria
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Assassin
Related Skills: Unarmed Combat (Competent), Gladius (Novice), Karambit (Novice), Deception (Novice), Stealth (Novice)
Why this job?: "I'm a soldier of fortune, a dog of war, and I don't give a damn what the killin's for..." Steve Earle lyrics aside, that's pretty much what Kasoria is: a killer-for-hire, only he works solely for one powerful employer. It's the thing he's always been good at, he has both the temperament and motivation for the “work”, and he sleep very well at night.

Approved by Maltruism
"Assassin?...Pffft...he's just a smelly, little old drunk..."
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Wage Requests

PC Name: Ivanthe
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: Hunter
Related Skills: Hunting, Fieldcraft, Ranged: Shortbow (this is at 25, so we will make it your Key skill)
Why this job?: Because he knows how to do it and no one bothers him.

Approved by Maltruism
Understand, however, that any wage progress you make at this profession will NOT roll over if you change to Spy. :(
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Wage Requests

PC Name:Adruria
PC Location: Etzos
Requested Job: teacher at the roost
Related Skills: unarmed combat
Why this job? This could be her dream job.

Approved by Maltruism
AUGH!! I'm so sorry, I never got around to formally approving this!! :oops:
Night even volunteered a 3gn wage bonus on your first paytrial, instead of the usual 2.
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