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Re: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition


Lorogh recovered his senses when Victor showed obvious upset by the notion that he was somehow responsible for his student's crimes. "No of course, master! I'm sorry that was entirely inappropriate to suggest that you are somehow to blame for the actions of your initiate."

Lorogh bowed his head, clasping his furry hands together in a show of contrition. Thankfully Victor had grace enough to mmove the subject along to less contentious topics than the Nightmare King's killer, and his relationship to Victor.

They began talking about the tendency of famous people to have been initiated by Victor. His master was of course modest, and didn't take credit where it was due. Balthazar wwas already well known, and of course Alistair was a nobleman when initiated.

"I hope I prove worthy of your esteem, Master! Or that I continue to be, supposing I am." He smiled at Victor, all ideas that the mage master was anything other than an upstanding citizen of the world, and powerful mage.

"Hmmm" Lorogh thought to himself when Victor suggested a concrete-shooting cannon. "Perhaps that might work, but can pathway work through fluids? Or do you mean that the concrete ought to harden before firing? Either way might have merit, if the concrete can be weakened enough not to blow up the cannon with backfire!" The cadouri considered it further as they went along, experimenting and postulating theories on how to limit harm in a confined space.

Finally, Agilia having listened to the entire exchange, responded to Victor's query about what was expected of them. "We will test out your theories with the appropriately talented magi. We would ask that you stay here while we do this, so that we can ensure top magic minds and engineers alike are on hand to provide feedback to the process."

She smiled from Victor to Lorogh, "But no, we don't expect you to enchant things yourself. We have very talented ensorcellers who are well equipped to do just that.

But for now, please abide here, and we will see that your talents are harnessed to the maximum.

Lorogh looked from Agilia to Victor, and clapped Victor on the side of his arm, being too short to clasp his shoulder. "I believe we've made good progress for the project here today. Let's stay and see what we can learn from them." That said, they spent the rest of the day just basking in the collective minds of so many talented mages, and paying witness to their talent.

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Re: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition

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Notes/Warnings: Nope

Thread: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition
City/Area: The Imperial Regions

Renown: Maybe
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? Yes Atvian
 ! Message from: Winston
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Re: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition


Review & Rewards

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.



OOoooohhhhh, I get to see Lorogh 'on leave' :-) YAY! All work and no play makes an otter a Transmutation legend :-p

Hehe, that's quite the title to: softening the blows of weapons in limited space. On face value it sounds like something Winston would approve of.

As always, your incorporation of NPCs is great and I liked Lorogh's outline of Engineering vs. Magic and the rules they followed.

Also! You got invited to Scaloris! Yay! Come! One of us! One of US! :-)

I look forward to seeing the results of your 'weapons of mass non-violence' :-)

Please enjoy your rewards.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15


  • Smithing: Sorellian Steel: A fabled metal that is quite good at suffusing the impact of attacks.
  • Transmutation: Identify: Learning the quality of an advanced material.
  • Transmutation: Identify: Can only be used to identify raw materials at low skill levels
  • Transmutation: Absorption, a method of touching another mage in order to drain their ether.
  • Transmutation: Pathway: Can only be conducted through a single material
  • Transmutation: Pathway's capabilities when it comes to compound materials, and their ability to conduct ether
  • Alchemy: Formulating a cement that can conduct as a pathway through Transmutation
  • Transmutation: Identify: Discerning the quality and how they impact the geometries of an existing object.
  • Transmutation: Identify: Isolating a property from one material
  • Transmutation: Quality: The suffusion of blows on a solid object, causing kinetic energy to break upon impact and soften its force.
  • Transmutation: Experiencing the wondders of etherism, through various other disciplines and the way ether flows in different ways

Victor Amielle


WOW! Victor is a Transmutation POWERHOUSE. :-) I love seeing PC teaching other PCs, it's the best way to learn anything.

He's also a prolific mentor to the stars! :-D Hehe. Teaching someone something of great power comes with some level of responsibility... Even if that responsibility is to be frowned at for the rest of their life as a result of their students choices. :-)

I liked the depth you give the character with his thought process and it was very interesting to see thing being worked out via this fluid back and forth exchange of ideas. I look forward to seeing the results someday.

Just one small issue, you claimed 11 Knowledges, but only made 5 posts, which makes 8 (for the first three) + 2 (for the extra two). As such, to move the review forward, I have dropped one research.

If you would rather I dropped something different, please DM me to correct the issue. Thanks.

Please enjoy your rewards.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15


  • Etiquette: Acknowledging someone's higher rank
  • Research: Knowing what exactly your research objective is is important
  • Research: It's important to consider alternatives during research
  • Transmutation: Quality: The resistance of Sorellian Steel
  • Teaching: Asking a student to give it a try after a practical demonstration
  • Detection: Noticing that there's something strange about someone's eyes
  • Transmutation: A Pathway can only pass through a single substance
  • Science: Gelatin and certain fats and oils harden based on external factors
  • Detection: Noticing that someone has adjusted their footing
  • Socialization: Convincing someone that your initiate’s actions weren’t your fault

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 547


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Victor Amielle
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Re: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition

Thread: [Imperial Arcane Academy] The Art of War: Anodyne Edition
City/Area: The Imperial Regions
Wealth Skill: Research (GM)
Total Capstone Bonus: 0

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 ! Message from: Pig Boy
word count: 145


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.



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