[Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan

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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan


"You'd only need ask your spirit companion." Said Kisaik, scratching his leafy hair. "And it depends on their nature. Ataja didn't seem to mind being rooted to one place so long as her concept was fulfilled as a place where countless generations could grow and thrive. She was a spirit of growth."

“You wouldn’t happen to have time for two students, would you? I already know how splicing works” Tristan asked Kisaik, but the tunawa shook his head.

"Yes but this isn't ordinary splicing. Normally splicing allows you to attach something to an existing plant. Genesis Splicing is a technique I perfected that allows the plant to impart its changes to its offspring! So you can build a whole crop! Such as sweenvine vine tomatoes, that taste like your favorite food if prepared by a master. I should bring one if we visit again! Perhaps on our field trip to Saoire's Dream, if we're all in agreement to meet there at a later time? We three can mentor all at once, as a team!"

Although Kisaik wasn't the greatest teacher, he had enthusiasm, and was sure Winston was good enough of a teacher for all of them combined, as one of Saoire's chosen.

Kisaik nodded to Tristan, when he asked if he could pet the plant-cat, Slate. "He seems to like you!" Sure enough, the cat licked his palm, with a bristly and leafy tongue that felt quite similar to a regular cat's albeit more... leafy.

Kisaik smiled as Tristan thanked them for recovering the Rynmerish plants. "If ever you need more, you only need ask me, if you write me in Sweetsong. Maybe I can send you some from time to time.... Here have a bunch more!" So saying, he grew a bundle more of the set of seeds from his leafy hair, which fell like kernels from his head as he moved around.

"Shiny!" Said Dimble, as Tristan correctly identified what Glimbeauteous meant. Then he winked, and blinked as Tristan came back with a new fairy word. A halo of light shone around Tristan's head, as he came up with the Shinecurious term.Tristan gains a halo for the rest of the event, as the first to invent a fairy word for Dimble

"Ahem, well! These came straight from Sweetwine, so I must needs inspect them for worthiness to propagate, given His Heckinhandinessguess the word, or your voice will sound grave and heavy, like you have a metal helmet on., I must needs make sure he didn't trooficatemeaning mess up in some vague way the goshgollytabsPetals.

Dimble smiled and winked again, as he continued to admire the bird flowers on the wraithgrass ivy.

"We should!" Kisaik exclaimed when Winston begged them to have a mentor session at Saoire's Dream. "I'd be honored to join you both at your convenience, in a shared lesson. Although I'm not the best at teaching."
word count: 497
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Tristan Venora
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan

“And plants don’t talk back or complain!” Tristan added enthusiastically when Winston mused that plants might be the perfect conversational partners. “You can tell them everything and they’ll simply listen!” he added just as something occurred to him. Something truly terrible. Winston had mentioned that he had been told that they could talk the hind legs off a donkey, but that plants didn’t have legs. What if their equivalent of legs were roots though? Maybe, Winston would cause the roots to rot if he talked long enough!

“I’d love that!” he admitted with a huge smile when Winston offered him a healing chew for his recipe book, and he was about to grin even more when his cadouri friend suggested a weed-killing service, mostly in jest. When he noticed the sudden flurry of fairy activity though, he immediately schooled his face into a serious expression. Apparently, the fairies didn’t like weed-killing services – or jokes about one – and he wanted them to like him – and Winston!

“Maybe you could apologize and tell them that you weren’t serious?” he suggested.

“Huh”, he made when Slate licked his palm – his tongue felt quite similar to a regular cat’s tongue – and then he grinned and moved to stroke him under his chin, if he let him.

“I’d love to visit Saoire’s Dream again!” he remarked excitedly. “We could all teach each other! The last time I was there, I learned Ensorcelling. My classmate and I wanted to turn non-offensive wells back into offensive ones that can explode!” he admitted, a rather nostalgic expression on his face. His Ensorcelling lessons had really been a lot of fun!

“Why is it called Genesis Splicing?” Tristan wanted to know when Kisaik explained how his technique explained from normal splicing further. He still thought that he would have a relatively easy time learning it as he already knew as good as all normal gardening techniques.

He had been worried about hurting his much smaller friends when he hugged them, but apparently, Winston didn’t share his worries, so, without further ado, Tristan accepted the hug.

When Winston admitted that Faith had given him the seeds, his eyes widened.

“Thank you”, he whispered just as quietly, a look of genuine gratitude on his face.

Tristan didn’t notice that he had gained a halo when he had invented a new fairy word, but he definitely looked very happy when Dimble confirmed that he had guessed the word correctly. And what more, he’d learned a few more fairy words just by listening to him.

As a gardener, he would certainly use “goshgollytabs”, and “trooficate” seemed like it had potential as well!

He was getting pretty good at figuring out how the fairy language worked.

Why didn’t everybody in Idalos just start talking like that? It was so much more fun than Common!

“Heck” was pretty much a swearword. He knew that because he’d used it on occasion, to annoy his old and conservative relative when he’d been a teenager and thought it was practically his duty to act like that. So, he didn’t think “heckinhandiness” was something positive.

“Is Winston ‘His Heckinhandiness’?” he asked and cast an apologetic glance at the cadouri. He had admitted himself that he pretty much sucked when it came to gardening though. “He’s definitely not particularly skillful with his hands. If you’d like, I can help you make sure that he didn’t trooficate the goshgollytabs – and the geewhewpads!” he offered. With “geewhewpads” he meant the leaves, of course. A pad was a thick piece of soft material, and leaves could be thick and soft sometimes, so it seemed fitting.

He was proud of the second fairy word he’d invented, too!
word count: 636
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan


Winston nodded when Tristan suggested he might 'take it back' with regard to the weed killing service. Shrugging playfully, he smiled.
"If dem don't HAVE a reason tuh prank yuh, den dem will jost make one."
He explained with a smile.

When Tristan spoke of ensorcelling , the little Cadouri's eyes lit up again. Were there no limits to the man's talents?! He could not say that he approved of the creating of explosive things, however, there might be value in learning how to do that, if only to then know how to revers the process.
"Wow! Me would love to know dat. Did yuh eva do et? Per'aps et cud be two way? Me would love tuh work out 'ow tuh disable offensive wells. Ar per'aps re-coalesce a well tuh reduce et's smog? Et's moch mar my speed."
He concluded as he went into a little further detail about the smog process and his theories. That he was a Master of ensorcelling these trials was not actually something he advertised openly. Of all his skills, he was acutely aware of just how dangerous that one was and he didn't really want the attention it might bring. In present company however, he was quite comfortable to share everything.

Winston listened intently to what Kisaik had to say on splicing. Mostly it gave him no insight whatsoever into how it could be done, as that was far beyond his understanding. But the theory behind it, was intriguing and he absorbed everything he could about the principle in general.

He gasped at the suggestion of the shared mentorship at Saiore's dream. He considered this to be a sealed deal!
"OOOOOOOOooooh! Yes! A dream team! Let's do THAT!"
He proclaimed, already seeing people flocking to them in his mind's eye.
"Me will arganise et far os and let yuh know."

Winston chuckled when Kisaik outlined his limitation in mentorship and smiled.
"Well, tuh be 'anest, me nat all dat gud meself. Hehe, dispite Saiore's 'elp. Bot she values de effart an' et will be gud fon!"
If it only took belief in the statement for it to be true, the ferret's certainty could only guarantee that it would be true.

The ferret nodded enthusiastically as Tristan suggested that he could ensure Winston didn't cause any issues. He was unsure whether the word was correctly used, but happy to avoid causing botanical problems nonetheless.
 ! Message from: Winston
Yay! Fantastic posts both! Great interaction with Dimble again! I'm leaving Dimble to you to control, so please feel free to continue/conclude this thread as your whimsy sees fit!

As before, please feel free to interact, play NPCs, etc. as you see fit.
Also, please continue to assume there's food you'd want to eat, given the time, occasion of tastes of your PC totrial

Please consider marking up at least 3 knowledges in your next post(s).

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: There is no hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 664


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan


“Some do…” Said Kisaik to Tristan’s assertion that plants don’t talk back or complain. But to that point, he smiled and decided that Winston was only joking about the weed-killing service. As bad as Winston might think he was at gardening, Kisiak had faith he could build his skills at the art, and come out growing at least the simplest of plants. It’d be useful to his cooking gig.

Slate let Tristan rub under his chin and the plant-cat rubbed its ‘gums’ on his fingers, marking him as territory perhaps. Or showing that he approved. “He seems to like you, you must be great at taking care of cats!” Kisaik exclaimemd at Tristan.

“Yes we can teach each other and several students, it’d be a waste to only focus our expertise on each other when there are so many others who can benefit!” Kisaik liked the idea of a joint educational session under the tree Kisaik had given Saoire in her garden.

“Genesis splicing? Because normally plants don’t pass on spliced traits. These plants will, and you can spread them far and wide!” Kisaik pointed to the dark bluish leaves of the ivy. “You see, the blossoms will produce seeds that will be able to make more of the same kinds of plants. I only hope Lady Ilaren doesn’t mind an ivy that dampens sound in her backyard! Because these can become quite invasive if you let them pollinate. So best to nip the flowers as they’re blooming, to prevent them from growing seedss…”

Thus, Kisaik went on to demonstrate to Tristan the best ways to care for and maintain the plant’s health. “See, when the flowers start to grow, that’s when you should cut them to avoid seedlings forming. If you desire to, that is.”

“I can deliver some nice alchemical plant food, if you want to provide the plants with reagent-grade qualities. These can then be harvested from the plant to maintain artifacts, or other alchemical doodads.” Kisaik smiled up at Tristan. “Is there any sort of reagent you’d like to replicate in this here plant?”

He gave a thorough explanation of how that worked, giving Tristan demonstrations on the finer points of living alchemy, which allowed reagent properties to be transplanted into given plants, if not the properties themselves. Once he’d done all that, he was quite tired, and ready to call it a night.

“Well I hope you enjoyed your gift, and marvelous job hosting us Winston!” Kisaik popped another few food items. He wasn’t hungry, he just figured he’d need some for the road. “Well done indeed! But Slate and I must be returning soon.”

This said, he prepared to leave, stuffing his domain bag full of as much of Winston’s food as he could.

word count: 477
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Tristan Venora
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan

Tristan was very happy to talk about Ensorcelling and making things explode some more, especially with someone who was as excited about it as Winston was. So, without further ado, he admitted, “I haven’t managed to turn a non-offensive well back into an offensive one yet, but I’ve only just started my research. Some Ensorcellors say it’s impossible, but you know what people thought was impossible as well? Talking to cats. I invented a potion that enables you to talk to cats though!”

“And I already know how to make things explode with alchemy, in a number of different ways”, he pointed out. An explosion may occur when you mix an oxidizer with a combustible liquid, for example. So, if you used the science behind explosions, mixed it with alchemy and applied that to Ensorcelling”, he continued, momentarily launching into a scientific discourse before he abruptly blushed, stopped and assured his companions, “Of course, I want to use my future invention for non-violent purposes such as construction or disaster relief.”

Tristan was (mostly) a pacifist!

“Oh?” Tristan made when Kisaik insisted that some plants did talk back or complain. He didn’t doubt the Tunawa. On the contrary, he believed him, and he wanted to know more about talking plants. He listened to him attentively while he stroked Slate some more and showed him with compliments. “Cats are my favourite animals in Idalos”, he admitted and scratched Slate behind the ears. A moment later, his eyes lit up. He had just had an idea!

“Can you make it replicate whatever enables people to speak with spirits when they ingest one of the Corpseflowers that grow on Scalvoris?” he asked when Kisaik explained how his Living Alchemy worked, looking utterly fascinated and hanging onto the Tunawa's every word. “My original spirit and cat speech potions relied on reagents from the Misty Miasma, but that place is hard to reach. I’ve determined that Corpseflowers would be a suitable replacement”, he admitted before he proceeded to listen to Kisaik’s explanation attentively.

Truth to be told, he was getting a bit tired as well after that long discussion. It was a pleasant kind of tiredness, but he still had to suppress a yawn before he said, “Let’s call it a night. I really look forward to meeting you two again. Do you mind if I take some of the food with me as a gift for Ayla? She couldn’t come”, he admitted. If Winston said no, he would leave without food for his daughter, but with Kisaik’s wonderful gifts.
word count: 436
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Kisaik to Tristan


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  • In small ways, you will be recognised by Fairies of Sweetwine in future as having attended the 'Gifting'.



Loooooove Kisaik! Thanks for taking part in this event and providing not just a contribution to this year's event, but a great in-character progressive experience for us all!

I'm really pleased you got involved in the fairy antics and you did a great job of running with it and tying it into your character's own IC events. Nice work.

You arranged a teaching event AND underwent some mentoring! Well done! Saoire is very pleased!

I look forward to seeing you again next year. :-)


  • Points Bank: +20 - Participate in, and Complete, a Global Event (Advertised as such on sign up)
  • Renown:
    • +10 - For giving at Saiore's Gifting
    • +5 - For getting involved in Fairy antics
    • +5 - For being a mentor at the event
  • XP: 20


  • Gardening: Genesis Splicing: More than just splicing, but also imparting new traits to entire species of plants
  • Teaching: Enthusiasm can make up for lack of teaching skill
  • Teaching: Assisting the teaching of others with two more experienced mentors can help make it easier
  • Gardening: x7
  • Alchemy: x2
  • Etiquette: Fairies take parties very seriously
  • Teaching: Teaching under the watchful eye of Saoire's helpers


  • Kisaik leaves with an ample supply of foods:
    • A selection of Tier 9 GM Cooking treats.
    • A supply of small boiled sweats (of a flavour that he would find very pleasing) that contain the spirit of joy for him to enjoy.
    • Some rainbow crackers (that turn the eater all the colours of the rainbow for a break).
    • Some candy-floss that makes you weightless for a break when consumed.
  • As they went to leave, they are intercepted by Shinwa with a small doggy-bag with goodies. Inside his he would find:
    • A small supply of Pheonix wood imbued with the ability to cloak into it's surroundings (+1 Stealth Competence) and the Alchemical Recipe for creating such a thing.



I really enjoy your writing! Thanks for taking part in this event and providing not just a contribution to this year's event, but a great in-character progressive experience for us all!

I'm really pleased you got involved in the fairy antics! Tristan is building quite the rapport with them I think. :-)

Also! You gifted the giver and arranged a teaching event AND underwent some mentoring! Well done! Saoire is very pleased!

I look forward to seeing you again next year. :-)


  • Points Bank: +20 - Participate in, and Complete, a Global Event (Advertised as such on sign up)
  • Renown:
    • +10 - For giving at Saiore's Gifting
    • +5 - For getting involved in Fairy antics
    • +5 - For gifting the giver - He gains a reputation for generosity with the fairies
    • +5 - For being mentored at the event
  • XP: 20


  • Leadership: Accepting someone's service
  • Cosmetology: Putting your hair into a ponytail
  • Gardening: Talking to plants can help them grow
  • Storytelling: Slate's Story
  • Linguistics: Combining two words into one
  • Discipline: Schooling your face into a serious expression
  • Linguistics: How the fairy language works
  • Science: An explosion occurs when you mix an oxidizer with a combustible liquid
  • Alchemy: Living Alchemy
  • Endurance: Talking a lot can make you tired
  • Etiquette: Fairies take parties very seriously
  • Alchemy: Learning under the watchful eye of Saoire's helpers


  • On his return home, Tristan would find Ayla excited and holding a small gift-bag full of treats, having been delivered them 'by magic'. It conatins:
    • A selection of Tier 9 GM Cooking treats.
    • A supply of small boiled sweats (of a flavour that he would find very pleasing) that contain the spirit of joy for him to enjoy.
    • Some rainbow crackers (that turn the eater all the colours of the rainbow for a break).
    • Some candy-floss that makes you weightless for a break when consumed.
  • Kisaik's Alchemy capstone Living Alchemy (please refer to this when making your PSF Capstone claim :-))
  • As they went to leave, they are intercepted by Shinwa with a small doggy-bag with goodies. Inside his he would find:
    • A supply of small boiled sweets (of a flavour that he would find very pleasing) that contain the spirit of joy for him to enjoy.
    • Some rainbow crackers (that turn the eater all the colours of the rainbow for a break).
  • Tristan gains Kisaij's gifts!
    • An ivy that is ready for transplanting and has several properties spliced onto it that are fully hereditary. The leaves and stems of the ivy are imbued with the sound-absorption quality of wraithgrass and the ivy flowers with a blossom spliced from the birdflower.
    • A average quality Phoenix Wood planter with a simple carving of a dragon wrapped around the round base. Inside, Kisaik has developed the start of an ivy plant grown from it. The Ivy will need transplanting, but has several properties spliced onto it (Which are heriditary from his gardening capstone, Genesis Splicing). The leaves and stems of it are imbued with the sound-absorption quality of wraithgrass and the ivy flowers with a blossom spliced from the birdflower.

      The wooden planter pot is imbued with blood magic from Kisaik's Ephemeral Alchemy, where he's using the Sweetstone Tree's resident growth spirit to borrow one of its powers for a sort of blood magic power. The pot when it houses a plant in its preferred medium, will grow that plant within ten days halfway to maturity. It can do this no more than twice a cycle, before needing a rest. The effect, as per the alchemy write-up regarding frequency and permanence, therefore shouldn't need refreshing.

      As such, when fully grown and cultivated, whether entwined with a trellis or kept under control on a singular area, it can absorb sound maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in a given area where it's arranged to grow around. The bird-flower blossoms glow with particular colors depending on the sorts of sounds they absorb.


  • Option Consequence: Kisaik's debt to (Fairy) society is paid, but the stain on his reputation may never fade! Ripley might just make it his personal mission to guide Kisaik through his future fairy events. Happy that Kisaik's punishment was dealt, with a friendly tone, he would hover over the twig-man shoulder like the an advisory devil, offering him advice in his future antics around Sweetwine.

    Note: This flavour NPC has no skills unless you wish to Dev them as a complete NPC. He may also not go anywhere other Sweetwine Fairies cannot usually go.

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 1107


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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