Mathias Blackwood
Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
1 Ashan 720
Oh Immortals it was actually going to happen... Mathias was going to dance. It wasn't the first time he'd danced but he certainly couldn't remember any of the other times now. Worse yet, he was dancing with someone he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of. Gennadiya seemed confident and for that reason alone Mathias tried his best to fake confidence as well. No one cared if you dance well. Inspiring words from a woman who left him immediately after. Mathias looked around suddenly with a small panic. He was trying to follow her advice. Look around and see what the others were doing. The women had moved to an inner circle and Mathias quickly realized the men were supposed to form an outer one so he moved into place opposite Gennadiya. He assumed that was supposed to be where he stood if he wanted to dance with her but he really didn't know.
Then that familiar voice cried out and Mathias turned just in time for half a sausage to stumble across the floor a little bit away from him. He tracked it back to the one who'd tossed it. The nefarious owner of that familiar voice. Kasoria. The sucker. The man who's work went unpaid for. The man waving at them. Gennadiya laughed and when Mathias heard that behind him, he couldn't help but laugh as well. Then he turned back to the healer as she motioned for him to move to his right. He misunderstood and moved to his left, bumping into the man beside him before quickly moving two steps to the right in an attempt to make up for going the wrong direction. Mathias looked back at Kasoria just once more before the dance really began to make sure another piece of food wasn't about to fly at him. The Raggedy Man was eating again and so Mathias put his focus back on the only thing that scared him more than fighting Kasoria... dancing.
Mathias laughed far more throughout the song than he'd laughed in the last three seasons. Genuine laughs. He was not good at this dance. He kept fumbling, missing steps and occasionally grabbing Gennadiya's wrists instead of her hands. He didn't step on her feet but that was only through a very conscious effort to avoid them. It didn't matter though. Just like she had said it wouldn't. With every misstep, Mathias laughed just a little. He was nervous but he was having a good time. He was glad he'd taken the chance and he was relieved when the song came to an end. He wasn't relieved because it meant that he could stop dancing (alright maybe a little.) He was relieved because as he held the healer's hands and looked into her eyes, he realized Ashan wouldn't be so bad after all.
Human Male
Transmutation Mage
Glowing Silver Hand Veins
Transmutation Mage
Glowing Silver Hand Veins
“The archer is the true weapon; the bow is just a long piece of wood.”
~ Sebastien de Castell
~ Sebastien de Castell