Escape Your Own Skull (Cervantez)

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Re: Escape Your Own Skull (Cervantez)


The sword exulted with the necromancer's willingness to dispose of the souls of his enemies. While it wasn't a question posed to the necromancer in order to decide the fate of one party or the other, it had been a test, to see how introspective he might be, in divining the purpose of the blade in his hand. For the blade, while it could cut many ways, could only cut one way in the hands of it's user once his morality on the subject of souls was decided.

So the blade became a weapon of destruction and ruin, turmoil and terror. It would bring woe to his enemies.

Thus as he made his choice, he felt the sword reveal its nature to him. It began to draw off the necromantic energies from the necromancer, particularly those curses that he was so fond of using during spell-based combat, such as wither and sap. Should he choose to use the blade in this way, he could channel these curses now through its blade with a short ten bits of meditation before engaging in combat. While utilizing this ability, a field would extend a few feet from its edges when it was being swung. And while these spells would have twice the effect as usual when used in this way, they would also cost twice as much ether when channeling spells in this way. Also, while channelling through the blade, he would only be able to utilize these spells through the blade itself, and not in the conventional way.

The sword was made of some grisly material that resembled flesh and bone, with claws protruding as quillions on the crossguard. It shined with gore, and the promise of spilling much more as he would strike it against his enemies. It was as hard and sharp as embersteel, and light as bronze. Well balanced to Cervantez' hand.

He only had to choose for now, whether to utilize its ability to channel these spells, or rely on his adequate combat skills, thralls, and necromantic tactics to tear apart the rest of the cultists.

The blade waited for his instruction and intent.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Feel free to mop up the rest of these cultists as you see fit, just be careful to play to your skill levels, esp with the swordplay and acrobatics. I'll post once more when you're finished, and grade the thread when I can.
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Re: Escape Your Own Skull (Cervantez)

☠ Vhalar 81st, 718 ☠
☠ Mood: Cautious, Enthralled
☠ Company: Himself & thralls
☠ Current Thought: Must Have that Sword!
☠ Current Theme: Bloodstained Philosophy
☠ Attire: Masterwork Armor

"Common Speech"

"Xantheon Speech"
Something about holding that greatsword caused the flaming orbs of his to ignite a little brighter. It felt right in his hands, it felt like it was crafted just for him. More so it felt alive, and ready to head his call.

With a smirk on his face, he let out a chuckle as he commanded his thralls to devour the cultists. As the undead feasted on them, Cervantez closed his eyes, drowning out the death wails of the dying vermin, and focused on funneling his power through the weapon itself. He could feel the immediate drain on his ether, the pull of the blade as if it was hungry.

After several bits of concentration and focus his flaming orbs ignited, and the blade became engulfed in the withering miasma. Without any further hesitation, he leaped into the fray himself, carving down one cultist after another. He refused to allow any to live. In his mind, it would be doing a greater service to the world by wiping them out completely.

As two cultist charged him, one swinging a ceremonial blade, which Cervantez moved in and caught, flipping the man to the ground and stabbing him between the eyes with the Wither coated blade. In a rising slash to the neck, he ended the second one’s life as well. The other cultists within the room would find the same fate as the first two, as she made quick work of them as well.

The room was filled with men and woman wailing in agony from the rotting effect of the withering blade the injury of a sword slash and the rotting energy working in tandem. It was loud and chaotic, but to Cervantez, it was a normal sound to hear. It was like nothing was wrong to him at what he was hearing.

Soon the crescendo of death subsided to a dulling murmur as the thralls feasted on the dead or dying. Cervantez sat on the throne the greatsword happen to have been caught in, moving the aged and ancient corpse aside. There he sat and contemplated what would come of this place.

He could torch it, burn this den of heresy and insanity to the ground, but then he thought to himself how much knowledge would be lost if he did. As much as he wanted to rid the land of this scourge the curiosity in him wanted to know more about the cult. He was torn about it, but then a more pressing matter came to mind.

he exclaimed jumping to his feet, sword in hand. He went to exit the mirror but decided to disconnect himself from the thralls, as he was tired from using the sword. The pull on his ether was far greater than he expected, but he would survive either way. As the six thralls fell to the ground he carried each on to the entrance.

Once they were prepped and primed for travel, he went back inside to fetch his hound. ☠
word count: 526
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Pig Boy
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Re: Escape Your Own Skull (Cervantez)



I'm really glad you let me mod this for you. Aegis set the bar very high with his storytelling so I appreciate the chance to step into his shadow.

Cervantez has come a long way since you started him, and I think it's about time he took the last push to become a true master of necromancy. Onwards and upwards, and work on those other skills to get better at handling a variety of situations!

Necromancy can only get one so far against certain kinds of foes, it may be time for Cervantez to diversify his abilities, maybe pick up another magic or alchemy. That's just my advice. Keep raising hell, Cerv.

I'd be happy to continue threads about the sword later onj, should you meet any milestones to improve on what is given you here. Thanks again for letting me mod.


20/20 points may be used for Necromancy domain magics.


Blades (Greatsword): Pull a sword right out of bone.
Blades (Greatsword): These great weapons make a wide circle.
Blades (Greatsword): Some swords have special abilities, when they're enchanted artifacts.
Blades (Greatsword): Making your own techniques.
Tactics: Armor is a good idea.
Tactics: Determining the strength of the enemy before attacking.
Leadership: Pushing your thralls to raid a base.
Leadership: Thralls don't care if you're inspiring. They just follow orders.
Animal Training: Tell your dog to dig a hole.
Animal Training: Letting your dog run ahead to do what it will.
Animal Husbandry: Make sure your pupper is okay after the dust clears.


Dinok Qola'as {Death Herald}
Amplify: The core ability of this artifact is to take the energy/spells of the wielder and amplify it through the greatsword itself. The energy/spells of the wielder become twice as strong and effective this way, but cost twice the amount of ether to wield. By doing this the weapon is empowered by said spells and utilize them with ease. This is noted by the necrotic miasma that coats the blade. The sword's wake, or an area about a couple feet of radius, bears the magic of whatever spell is infusing the blade at a given moment while it's being swung. This makes it easier to land glancing hits that bear a slight vestige of the spell's power.




15 renown for sacking a cultist base.
word count: 399
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