• Closed • Saving Private Rey'na

90th of Vhalar 718

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Re: Saving Private Rey'na

This would mark another trial that Maxine lived up to the insults recently hurled her way. Only this time it wouldn't come from the lips of her friends. "Traitor" would be uttered from the mouths and rest in the thoughts of the Mantis members she slew in turn. As soon as the murdered runner slipped from her sword, her opaque gaze found the back of her next target. That calculated mind slipped away as something darker took its place within the woman. She blazed through the back of the Mantis ranks in that small hallway like wildfire.

Max grabbed a woman by the back of the head, fingers laced in her auburn hair. She raced the edge of the gladius across the woman's throat before tossing her aside, the tip of her blade punching next through the middle of the man who had been standing beside her last victim. A front-kick to the wounded man's back shoved him off the length of her weapon, and into the man holding the line in front of him. The break in their front line tipped the Ashcloaks off that something was amiss. Hooded heads began to turn, spotting their sister absent a wounded enemy but sporting a bloodied sword. Anger filled their wide eyes, and for the tacticians among their shrinking party, a real problem had emerged. They were fighting a battle on two fronts, and a Becomer was tearing their cohesion to bits. They desperately needed the back-up that wasn't on the way.

Don't lose focus. Don't let any by.

Keeping their numbers from growing was Maxine's current goal. She had to keep the ranks from properly forming against Sephira and Qit, but more importantly, she had to keep the odds from swinging too wildly out of their favor. They were outnumbered as it was. Ashcloaks were beginning to divide themselves to handle each intruder. A circle of enemies began to converge upon Max. Their attacks upon her became quicker, turning one-after-another as the trills ticked by. Yards away she could hear her friends fighting. She parried a sword swing past her and cracked a fist into the man's throat, immediately transitioning her body in time to pivot away from a shield bash. Her gladius slipped over the barrier, slipping deep into the shieldbearer's clavicle.

Thorough finishes were becoming harder to dish out, and pretty soon, Max was desperately avoiding hits more than she was giving them out. The circle was closing. She was running out of space, and the number of weapons bared against her were only growing as more identified her as a threat. Between her desperate blocks and sweeps, she spotted Sephira being gradually pushed back in her own fight. The gladius cut the air quicker with more power. A massive bear stormed through a group of Mantis members, and a short while later, Qit'ria came running by to hurl a door shut in the nick of time. It slammed closed with snaps and shrieks to accompany broken bones. Magic might've been hindered within these walls, but Chrien's spite wasn't. Maxine had plenty of spite to expend.

Right as it seemed she had no room left to move, dark, rolling clouds expanded from Maxine to fill the hallway. They reached the walls and climbed upwards with a booming thunder. Half of the Mantis ranks, especially those surrounding her, were caught in the fog. The sound of fighting intensified. By the time the fog moved on thanks to the opening of a door, Maxine was standing in the center of a circle of dropped bodies. Her chest heaved and her muscles ached with exhaustion. Blood caked her ashcloak, dripping down her face and splattered across her raven hair. She swallowed hard, eyes wide as she stumbled out of the tangle. Tears marred her cloak, but the armor beneath protected her from serious injuries.

Her eyes found Qit'ria first. She watched as the naked woman drew a javelin and let rip an ear-splitting roar. Down the hall she could see the numbers swelled against the Becomer. Max tightened her grip on the blood-slick hilt of her weapon and darted toward her friend's flank. Her feet pounded against the floor as adrenaline continued to flood her veins, feeding her muscles for the task she desperately willed them capable of seeing through. Qit was surrounded in every sense of the word, and though she was far from defenseless, Max was determined to cut her free before a single enemy marked her friend's skin. Orbs flew up and she heard the Becomer call to her over the chaos.

At first the marked woman disregarded Qit'ria's calls. She would not stand down. She would not leave her friend to fight that swell alone. Then she saw the Mantis closest to the dispatched orbs stumble and Max understood. She stopped dead in her tracks and watched for a trill as bodies began to drop, the Becomer remaining unscathed. She searched for the other mage. When she found her, it wasn't on Sephira that her gaze lingered. It as just beyond. What she saw made Max freeze and the world slow. The mask she wore in this battle cracked. Then she was running. Sprinting to cross the relatively short distance. She just had barely passed Sephira when her hand caught a shoulder and she drove her sword into an ashcloak's chest.

"You?" the hooded Mantis gasped with confusion and agony. "Max?" The dagger he'd been prepared to wield on his target slipped from his fingers. His knees immediately weakened and Maxine followed him gently down to the ground. She eased his descent, not because this was just any ashcloak.
"You weren't supposed to be here, Brett," Max murmured softly, apologetically as she held him. Her mind raced. She'd locked him up, locked him away so he'd be spared their assault. How had this happened? Her eyes watched blood pool up from where her sword pierced past his ribs. He seemed to choke for a couple trills while his eyes shifted, realization striking him now. She had never been with the Mantis. Not really. She'd always been with them. Max swallowed hard, hardened her core, and gave her sword a violent twist. The man who teased her with innuendos and shared her bed some nights was gone. Just like that. She lowered him, plucked her gladius free of her sin, and came to a stand.

"Here," with distant eyes she held the keys she'd swiped from Brett earlier out toward Sephira. Her voice was monotone and yet tense. "We get her and go now. Quickly." She nodded toward a door adjacent to Qit'ria where she began to square toward a man wearing a bandanna at the dead end. The door was slightly ajar as though someone had already opened it. It was at that point Max became aware Finn was no where to be found. She looked between the remaining Mantis member in the hall and the Becomer, shaking her head. "This is her fight. Trust me."

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Re: Saving Private Rey'na

Within mere trills everything abruptly changed. They had been fighting to hold every inch they could and Sephira had seen the tide beginning to sway in the direction of the Mantis. The soldier had been in battles before and she knew what it felt like to be outnumbered and losing ground. However, luckily for them and for Rey’na, the Becomer had some tricks still left up her sleeve.

In mere moments, as Sephira dipped below the swing of a mace to cut the legs out from under one of the Mantis defenders, all hell broke loose and the tide turned. A bumblebear came bellowing past the Rupturer and plowed into the fray with wild abandon. In the same trill Max came sprinting in the other direction before burying her sword in the heart of a man who had been approaching Sephira from behind.

There was regret in the ex-convict’s eyes but it was buried away in a flash as she wrenched her weapon from the dying man. Crimson liquid pooled behind him and Sephira came to stand beside the other woman.

“We need to move.” She said sternly when Max recovered from what she had just done. The woman knew that look of pain, but she also knew that she could trust the ex-convict to finish the mission with her.

They left the huntress to hold the line for them. All the while Sephira could hear more Mantis shouts filling the corridors as it seemed that the forces she had distracted were beginning to return from their wild goose chase she had sent them onn. They had maybe five or ten bits before they were would be cornered or fully overrun and she could barely use her magic without pushing herself into overstepping.

There was no time. No time to search this entire vast compound to try and find Rey. Max had been right yet again, this had just been another suicide mission and Sephira had forced her to help her with it. They had to get out quickly, but they would not just leave Rey’na behind. They had come there to save her after all. But Sephira would ensure that she would have the best chance possible to escape, while also crippling the Mantis.

“Watch my back. I’m going to do something incredibly stupid.” Sephira hissed frantically as they both dodged into a darkened hall that led down toward a flight of stairs. The corridor glimmered dimly with the light of guttering oil lanterns.

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps as she sharply shunted ether into her Attunement Spark. There was a gasp as the mage’s midnight black eyes glistened faintly with crimson light and she cast her Attunement Spark’s perception outwards across the compound. It was like tossing a net in a storm. Whatever had been draining her magic before...either a ward or...something else...it was powerful. Maybe they could use it to give Rey’na a chance to escape and blow a hole the size of Redwood Redoubt in this horrible place. As soon as Sephira began actively Attuning to the area in search of the source of the leeching she felt her own ether being drained out of her like blood from a massive wound. She was leaking ether; the energy gushed from her in an uncontrolled torrent. This was by no means a painless experience, as she fought through the waves of fatigue and pain. The Attuner's head felt like it was about to split open.

Sephira gasped, blood beginning to dribble from her nose as she slammed down on one knee with her hands clamped to her ears to seemingly block out some sort of sound that Max could not hear herself. Her Attunement Spark was writhing in pain as it’s ether was torn from it almost as quickly as Sephira gave it. However in those scant few trills that she Attuned; the mage felt a deep “emptiness” in a room somewhere just below them. It was like an etheric black hole, ether was drawn in and quickly snuffed out before it could escape back out into the world. Whatever was shutting down her magic was somewhere below; emitting the Note of Absence. As soon as she had a read on it’s location Sephira sharply severed the flow of ether to her Spark and the exhaled heavily.

A hot dampness stung her eyes as she came to her feet, using a shaky arm to steady herself on the nearest wall. The dark eyed woman’s chest ached and her head was ringing from the strain of what she had just done. Sephira knew what it felt like to overstep, she had done it many times before. It was perhaps only because of that experience that she had known roughly how much abuse she could take before she had to stop. Her mouth tasted strange, almost spicy….she was pretty sure she was tasting colors given that she was staring at the orange light of one of the flickering lanterns on the wall. That was certainly a new symptom of Attunement Overstepping that she had never experienced before. At least it was better than losing her sight temporarily.

“The thing eating my magic...it’s below us.” Sephira spoke hoarsely. “Max, we don’t have time to find her, but we can give her a chance to escape.” The soldier looked back at the ex-convict with a grim frown.

“Whatever that thing is down there...it’s powerful. I think we can use it to blow a hole in this place, big enough that anyone could escape…”

There was desperation in her eyes, and panic glinting not far below that. They were in too deep and without any backup. It was time to play a wild card and hope they along with Rey’na lived to see the next sunrise.
word count: 992
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Re: Saving Private Rey'na


Qit'ria attempted to begin changing her form. She wanted the form she'd used prior, a heavy mix of the gasping skitterer, her self form, and the bear. But as she felt her hand beginning to unmake itself, she gasped in pain. Not physical pain, for she was beyond used to that, but pain in her soul, in her spark. Her ether was dried up. Her eyes grew wild at this. She had not even come close to the limits of her magic as she'd discovered before. Something was wrong. Her hand remained as it was, blood trickling down her over it from her shoulder wound.

The specialist smiled, "Finding it hard to use your magic, Becomer? You're on our turf now. You fight by our rules." He smiled at her playfully, "Time to put you down." Qit snarled loudly at him. She drew a spear, hurling it toward him as she skipped away to gain distance. He deflected it easily as he charged forward, shield raised, sword at the ready. Qit skipped backwards to a wall, letting her leading heel press against it, her hands raised defensively, her body bouncing on her balance.

The man continued to lead with his shield, knowing better than to swing a sword at a wall. She wanted to put herself between a rock and a hard place? So be it. He'd crush her between them. As he got closer, his shield came up, obscuring his vision as he protected his face, and Qit's fists turned, becoming open palms. She pressed off the wall, pressing down on the shield, vaulting up and over it, guiding his momentum into the wall.

Lightning roared through her, and she was tossed behind him, flailing, limbs jerking wildly, pissing herself involuntarily. There was a metallic gonging sound as the man collided with the wall, shield first. It didn't damage him, just slowed him a bit. He turned, as Qit struggled to get her body working. She hadn't expected this. The man's shield held that power it seemed. She couldn't touch it again. She managed to get up to a knee as the man turned, his longsword chopping down at her. She raised her arm with the vines and summoned forth a buckler of the strong leaves.

The sword bit through the leaves, embedding deep in her forearm, and the blow sending her downward again. She bit through the pain though, kicking at the man's ankle as he was leaning forward. This offset his balance, and sent him forward over top her. She ripped her arm free of the blade, hissing in pain as she managed to scramble away. The man managed to keep his feet, recovering and turning toward her, resetting the fight. Qit called the leaves against her flesh, staunching the bleeding for now. But it was a stop gap. She had to get this done and fast, for he would out last her at this rate.

The man charged forward again, leading with the shock shield just as he'd done before. Qit spun to his sword side, and he was ready, stabbing forward with the blade. He caught her in the ribs and she brought her arm down, striking the flat of the blade with her elbow. This increased the size of the gash in her midsection, but also knocked the blade from his hands. He side swung his shield at her and she ducked, her good hand reaching out, just as a metallic boot caught her in the face. She felt her nose and some facial bones crunch, blinding white pain flashing through her.

She was tossed backwards, but she'd got her prize. His sword was in her hand, weakly. She tossed it into the corner of the room, as he charged at her with the shield. He slammed the pointy bottom of it down and she rolled out of the way. Her chest was heaving as she got to a low crouch and charged forward herself, no longer letting him dictate the pace of this fight. His free hand scrambled for a knife on his belt, while his shield came up protectively. Qit jumped and thrust both heels at the top of the shield. The struck it, sending the lightning through her once more. The top of the shield kicked back, smacking the man in the face, sending him backwards off balance.

Once the brief writhing was done, Qit crawled to her feet once more. Blood was pouring from her face and her ribs and the man managed to draw his dagger. She saw him holding his shield a bit further out from his body now. She snarled and ran at him. Again, he charged with the shield leading. She side stepped, right into the path of the dagger. She stepped into it, slamming her hand through the tip of the blade, letting it pierce through the palm of her hand. Because he was leading too far forward with his shield, she stepped into that slight gap, and crushed her forehead against his nose. She then leaned backward into the shield, not being shocked on this side. The man fell backwards, shield dropping to the ground behind Qit and dagger left stuck in the palm of her hand.

She didn't give the man any reprieve, rushing forward, stomping her heel onto his face. This was followed by her kneeling down, yanking the knife from her hand and slamming it right down onto his nose, splitting his face. She yanked the knife free, feeling the loss of blood taking over. If she could get away from this place, so she could transform, she'd save her life. She just needed to make distance.

She didn't go the way she came. She slumped through the opposite door, assuming that most of the soldiers would've already come this way, or gone another way by now. So the deeper parts of the quarters were less guarded. Her feet carried her frantically through the stone halls, bloodied hand against bloodied side, battered face looking for a window or another exit. She'd done her job for Mack. Now it was time to get out.

word count: 1041
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Re: Saving Private Rey'na


Need to move. Right.

She slowly nodded her agreement, burying the emotional wound she'd inflicted upon herself in slaying Brett. Max followed the Special Assistant in her dart for the darkened hall. She hesitated before fading into the shadows with the Element for but a trill, just long enough to find Qit'ria in the fray before she wrenched her attention away to move forward. She clutched the gladius tight in her grip. The thundering above reminded her of every reason she'd refused this play from the start. The pounding foot steps of reinforcements was like a mockery, a living threat promising to do exactly what she'd feared they might. The Mantis was coming. When the swell of soldiers fell upon the blacksite, there would be nothing left to do but die. Time was running out. Not even the Element could refuse that reality now.

"Always," the ex-convict affirmed solemnly with a dark expression. Her mind reeled with possibilities, mentally preparing herself for what was to come. What was it the soldier had in mind? An aggressive forward rush? Some strategic stroke of genius that would double them back behind the newcomers to cut them down from the back? The excited, bloodlusting curiosity blew out harshly like a weak candle put to gale wind when she heard the gasping.

"What are you doing?" she asked dumbly, hardened expression disintegrating in that dark hallway. The episode didn't stop like it had earlier. "Don't." Max shoved the gladius roughly back into its sheath with little regard, brow knitting as she watched the struggling mage. She caught the faint burst of crimson in the woman's opaque stare. The mage dropped to a knee with hands to her head and Max sunk down with her. Blood drained from her face when she spied it trickling from the woman's nose. "Blackwood, damn you! Stop!" Her raised right fist began to glow, desperation to enforce her will taking the wheel. Then, just as quickly as it started, it seemed to finally end.

Max shot to a stand with a fiery expression, lip curled and arms crossed. She watched with a dagger-like gaze as the spent mage slowed her ragged breaths and steadied herself. Her jaw tightened. She'd been using her magic to find whatever had kept her from employing it. Something that, thanks to the Element's foolhardiness, they now knew was close. She took a step forward, leaning her furious visage toward that of the overstepped mage's.

"Next time you think you want to play The Stupid Game, don't. Or I'll show you something really fucking stupid." She stepped back with a bitter scoff. Oh, how quickly anger replaced concern. The marked woman's gaze measured the frantic, despairing look in Sephira's eyes. Maxine sighed and made toward the stairs, pausing to monitor the Special Assistant's balance. Then her eyes darted down to her fist as its glowing slowly ceased. She nodded her head down toward the descent they faced with a sigh. "Come on. I have an idea."

Max hurried down the stairs until they reached the bottom. More oil lamps lined the short hall that welcomed them, dimly lighting their path. A short venture further revealed a single door at the end. A gentle thrumming sounded just beyond the threshold. Max's initial turn of the handle and bump with her shoulder led to a stop. She would have none of it. She stepped back, lifted her knee toward her chest, and booted the damned thing in. Inside a glowing stone was ornately framed with metal atop a brick pedestal. It hummed its content, ether pulsing through its greedy core. She tilted her head.

All that agony and stopping power...for this?

Maxine rounded the pedestal cautiously, staring at the strange well like a scholar might words on a page. She didn't study with nearly the due diligence required. Qit'ria was fighting alone upstairs and Rey'na was still very trapped. Her only idea was doing what she did best. Maxine cocked her fist back with eyes locked to the well. The raised glove began to glow ominously. It was her turn to play the Stupid Game.

"Start running," Max urged her ally, raising her eyes from her target to find the Element's face. "You get Qit'ria and you get out of here. Don't stop for anything." Realistically, she had no idea what would happen when she executed her poor plan. Odds were it could go bad. Really bad. But that wasn't quite the point, was it? She took in a long breath and let it out slow and smooth, preparing herself for what she was about to do. "Go."

As soon as the Special Assistant left the doorway, Maxine's face contorted with aggression. She focused all her hateful energy on the well inhibiting the two mages. Then the strikes came. The first punch fragmented the stone. The second a little bit more. Upon the third consecutive attack, the well shattered and revealed its wounded core. Ether began to bust out the seams of the device in every which direction. A building, piercing screech erupted from the core.

The marked woman turned and bolted out the door. She sprinted the length of the hall, arms pumping close to her sides. The ex-convict hustled up the stairs, relief closing in as she crossed the threshold to the main level. Max was halfway toward an exit when the blast hit her. First she heard the explosion below. Then, not a trill later, she was airborne. Her body slammed down on the floor. Her ears rang and pain radiated through her. She pressed her palms to the floor and worked to draw a leg in with a quiet groan. Once she had her feet back under her, Maxine was hellbent on racing out that door.

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Re: Saving Private Rey'na

She rolled her eyes when Max threw the haphazard threat at her for the stunt she had just pulled in the hall. Her head was still ringing but she was otherwise unscathed and they had a hasty exit to make. All the while giving Rey’na a chance to get out of this place.

A knowing smirk played across the soldier’s lips as Max tried her best to hide her concern but Sephira made no mention of it. She only instantly followed behind the ex-convict when she stated that she had an idea. Together the pair shuffled down the stairs, the lights guttering as they passed and the sound of Mantis soldiers thundered through the compound. Their footsteps growing ever nearer.

Beyond the stairwell the temperature seemed to drop, either because they had made their way underground or because of whatever was waiting beyond the door at the end of the hall. Sephira couldn’t be quite certain. Whatever that thing was it was nothing like she had ever encountered before. She found her hands tightly wrapped around her torso in discomfort. She could feel hungry tendrils lashing out toward her and her Sparks but she kept the tiny amount of ether she retained tightly contained. Maxine wasted no time with the door, barely even pausing to check the lock before kicking it in with a sharp clang of boot against iron.

The door swung inwards and what was revealed within was a small chamber with a brick pedestal at its heart. A single perfectly spherical stone rested within, the air around it brimming almost with electricity. It was like the air just after a thunderstorm, bright and scented with the acrid aroma of ozone.

Max circled the thing and Sephira found herself stopping just beyond the door. That thing ate magic, or rather it ate ether and both her Sparks were practically shivering within her chest at the thought of taking a step closer.

“What is that thing?” she asked more to herself than to anyone else.

That was when she saw the idea alight in Maxine’s eyes. Sephira’s pitch black eyes flicked to the gloves on the other woman’s hands and remembered the effect they had placed on her the evening she and the ex-con had cornered each other in that foul smelling tavern. Those gloves, they shut off magic. Would that be enough? To interrupt the constant drain of energy? Enough to destabilize the balance within the sphere and cause it to release all the ether it had claimed from now dead mages?

‘Start running’

The words sent Sephira’s gaze down to Max’s own. She had done the math, such was the way with being a mage for so many arcs. She barely had any ether left, certainly not enough to force a portal down here with this thing so close and still active. Max would have to trigger it herself with her gloves, and there would be almost no chance of Rupturing out afterwards.

This was how it would have to be.

The argument they would have played through the Special Assistant’s mind in an instant. She knew what the ex-con would say, at least she could guess.

This was the only way, and there was simply no time to debate the topic.

There were many things equally Sephira might have said. Perhaps she would have told the woman that she regretted making her come into this death trap with her. That Max had been right, this mission was likely going to get them all killed. However the mage said none of those things. Because that was not their way.

“Don’t die.” she hissed through gritted teeth.

With those two short clipped words Sephira spun on her heel and shot off at a sprint toward the stairwell, keeping a straight light as she dashed upwards and into the main complex. Her booted feet pounded against the flagstones. Briefly the woman stumbled, slamming against the opposite wall as she flew around the corner toward the nearest exit. She passed the bodies of the Mantis in the hall that they had slain. For a moment the woman’s mind raced back to Finn; had the boy gotten out? Was he safe?

Would Rey’na make it out alive?

Turning to the left a lance of sunlight blazed just past a door that had been left ajar when the Mantis from earlier had returned. Just as she hit the threshold and pushed out into the afternoon light of Andaris, the blast hit.

Sephira was catapulted forward, landing hard as she was flung to the ground and a rain of debris flew overhead. Her ears were ringing, her body was bruised and her nails bled from catching herself on the paving stones just outside. But she was alive. Behind her the Mantis blacksite had taken far more damage. The structure was decimated by the explosion caused by the Well. Those who hadn’t been caught in the blast rushed toward the ruined building where their comrades lay.

She had to get up, she had to run. The others would have to get themselves out.

You have nothing left. The soldier reminded herself. Her ether was nearly gone, she couldn’t afford to using her magic to find any of them. She could only hope they had survived and managed to escape. Roughly Sephira shoved herself to her feet and glanced back only once at the rubble they had left behind. In the next instant she slowly began making her way back the way she and Finn and entered. Using the chaos of the scene to slip between the walls and buildings of the area. Before long she was enveloped by the bustling city and in the distance horns rang out and smoke drifted into the air over their handiwork.
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Re: Saving Private Rey'na

Thread Review


Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 1856 words.


Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic).
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Acting: Behaving as You Would Any Other Trial
  • Acting: Playing the Victim
  • Disguise: Mantis Ashcloak
  • Intelligence: Maintaining a Cover
  • Intelligence: Relaying Information
  • Intelligence: Knowing Where Your Target Is
  • Investigation: Searching for an Ether Well
  • Running: Let Adrenaline Fuel Your Sprint
  • Running: Moving to Create Distance Quickly
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 4018 words.


Finnegan O'Connor
Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic).
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 2509 words.


Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic).
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +10 (for going hard).

Injuries/Overstepping: Really bad headache that will last her a few days as well as a nosebleed.
Tasting Colors: Since she really pushed herself to use Attunement while in the presence of that nasty well she is going to be tasting colors for at least a few days. Fun times!
Injuries: Some full body bruising, cuts and scrapes on the hands and face. Will take a couple weeks to heal, although her hands will retain some permanent scarring from the battle and the blast.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Acrobatics: Sliding over rooftops
  • Acrobatics: Spinning beneath an incoming blade
  • Blades (Saber): Sprinting into a thrust to carry momentum
  • Blades (Saber): Throwing your shoulder into a block
  • Blades (Saber): Attack weak points like the throat
  • Rupturing: Using a Roar to draw off additional patrols
  • Thrown Weapons (Dagger): Pick the broadest target you can
  • Tactics: Holding your ground when in close-quarters combat.
  • Strength: Handling the impact of an incoming block
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • Qit: That crazy Becomer
  • Max: Stupid, just like Sephira
  • Finn: Never give him coffee again
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 3889 words.


Skill Points: +15 (can be used for becoming)
Magic XP: Yes (Becoming)

Renown: +5

Injuries/Overstepping: Several
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Acrobatics: Twisting vault off a wall
  • Detection: The sound of a Rupturer's Roar
  • Endurance: Being stabbed in the shoulder by a knife
  • Resistance: Smoke bombs that render a person unconscious
  • Stealth: Covering yourself in dark fur to match shadows
  • Stealth: Running softly as a cat
  • Unarmed Combat (Inner Beast): Vaulting from a shield's edge
  • Unarmed Combat (Inner Beast): Blocking a sword chop with your forearm
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 2554 words.

This was an excellent thread filled with story built from the premise of the Mantis in Rynmere and the oppression of mages. Changes like that bring people together, and that's exactly what came across in this group thread. People brought together due to circumstances, with varying reasons, but all working for similar ends. There were the cliffhangers, but that's understandable.

Rey'na made great use of those insect legs of her's. The violence of it was written well. Coincidence that both Rey and Max had found a couple of guards to seduce and both killed them? Perhaps, perhaps not...

Maxine and her deceptions are a delight. She struck me as a leader in this thread, even if it was an unintentional role. Brett's death was especially tough, and impressive she was willing to follow through with it.

Finn's caffeine-induced rambling was the best dialogue ever. I must admit the idea of Finn running in, suckerpunching the guards, and doing it all himself is fairly amusing. You did a great job of including everything that happened around Finn within his fleeing.

Sephira proved herself exceptionally capable. From caring about Finn to slaughtering Mantis to the emergency use of her magic. She acted as a friend to everyone involved, even with having to leave Rey'na behind.

Qit and her cat spies were adorable and her get-up was very much suitable to her. As usual, she fought well with loyalty for those she was there for. Qit really is one of those characters you want as a friend, not an enemy.

Wonderful job all of you and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 14,826 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=122914#p122914

word count: 783
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