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After a clipped Volareon arrives in the Skye Verath Lodge, the hunt begins for the culprit.

21st of Ashan 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs
Renown: 992
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




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Chasing a Headline!

He knocked. Knocked again. Knocked harder. Soon he was pounding on the door with his fist but there wasn't even a hint of movement from inside nor anywhere else in the barren surroundings. He'd fallen at the first hurdle - the one chance there was of finding the culprits, the one and only lead he had was already gone and there wasn't even a clue to where they'd gone or why. Peeking through the grimy windows, what little furniture was barren and empty. Beds without mattresses, a lone table without any chairs and the beginnings of a thin layer of dust over the top, a desk without a chair and all of the drawers pulled out. Whoever had once lived in the passable excuse for a shack had swiftly packed all of their belongings and moved on, leaving whatever they couldn't carry and a sturdy lock over the door to make sure that investigators like him wouldn't come snooping in afterwards to try and find clues. They could have been harmless, innocent farmers horrified by the atrocity they'd witnessed and forced into hiding somewhere else for fear of their lives; they could have been co-conspirators who offered a quiet place for the dirty business to happen. There was no way to tell anymore.

Elyna had nothing else to offer but a feather, which he took and examined closely. Nothing. "ṣïṣẹ akra mïsälï iwọnotu ingyentsim ọyä, sev akra aladani epọv!" Except they already had. "Are sure nothing else?" Nir'wei spent far too long scouting up and down the same stretches on the outskirts of the holding, even after Elyna seemed to give up and leave with a few choice words that sounded hollow to him. "People sick, yes. Deserve justice, yes. But justice not find," he replied sadly after what felt like many breaks of constant searching yielding no useful clues. "It was..." he started and paused, mostly because he was trying to think of the right word to say, "... good attempt. Thank you for trying and good luck, I guess."

Unlike Elyna, when he parted ways, he didn't have others waiting for his return to update him with news of their findings. The Lodge would mourn the loss of yet another wild Volareon but they were simply not equipped for taking the matter into their own hands. Nir'wei wasn't, for that matter, even though he tried to put on a stern face and give it everything he had. Even though he tried his hardest, with the help of a surprisingly kind Skyrider and a nosy journalist, he still did nothing more than waste everyone's time.
word count: 450
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
Posts: 1099
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:11 am
Race: Naerikk
Renown: 179
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Chasing a Headline!


Animal Husbandry: Leading a horse
Nir'wei: Works for the Verath Skye Lodge
Nir'wei: Speak poor common
Investigation: Start at the scene of the crime

Loot: n/a
Injuries: n/a
Fame: +2 investigating a crime

Story: 4
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5


Location: Skye Verath Lodge
Gaspard: Works at the Skye Lodge
Poppy: Works at the Sky Lodge
NPC: Gaspard and Poppy are siblings
Arch: Has a strong sense of right and wrong
The role of a Skyrider
The role of the Iron Hand
Language: Common, greetings
Elyna: A Skyrider
Elyna: Sergeant
Investigation: First you must gather the clues
Investigation: Speak to key witnesses

Loot: 1 x Volareon Feather
Injuries: n/a
Fame: +2 investigating a crime

Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5


Stealth: Following at a distance
Nir'wei: Works for the Verath Skye Lodge
Elyna: A Skyrider
Elyna: Sergeant
Nir'wei: Speak poor common

Loot: n/a
Injuries: n/a
Fame: n/a

Story: 3
Collaboration: 3
Structure: 5

Comment: Nir'wei I was really impressed by your opening post, it was factual, flowed well, and gave the other writers a lot to work with. You set the scene well and did it in such a way that you made your character's perception of events and emotion real. This thread had the makings of a great story but I couldn't help but feel that one or two of you grew tired and gave up without putting as much effort in. Andraska I believe they had to write you out, not sure if due to absence or an unwillingness to continue, but it distrusted the flow. Elyna your writing was very good but the ending felt abrupt and a little strange for a character we all know so well to just give up. Enjoy the rewards and feel free to give me a poke if you feel I've overlooked something or been unfair.
word count: 330
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